The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 12

by Lali A. Love

  I fully acknowledged that the system we inherited was built-in darkness, oppressing humanity within the density of the illusive veil. As a civilization, we blindly followed the rules and did the bidding of organizations that continued to perpetuate the low entities of the Dark Forces.

  “Please, trust me on this, okay?” I grabbed Flynn’s hand and placed it near my heart. The surge of energy overwhelmed me as tears streamed down my cheeks involuntarily.

  Zax extended his long muscular arms and gave us both a bear hug, squeezing the tension out of our bodies. We all let out a sigh of relief, laughing at the outpouring of emotions.

  Just as I gathered myself, Ms. Rolland appeared with her underlings, Pierre and Lavender. They followed her like lost puppies, and I found their behavior quite peculiar. I had never seen teenagers with so much obedience.

  She dictated the instructions to the five parent volunteers who were accompanying our groups as chaperones. I felt a pang of regret not accepting my mother’s offer. I could have used her help and powerful energy boost at this moment.

  As Ms. Rolland addressed our group in her orderly demeanor, a thought popped into my mind. Roma mentioned how the Arcturus focused their energy on amplifying their connection and bond with humans. They were working with us, spearheading this ascension journey for our planet through psychic warfare.

  All I had to do was call on their specific energy light codes. As I understood it, the Arcturus were like cosmic personal instructors that helped magnify our desires. They enabled us to attract higher octaves of consciousness bandwidth.

  Just like Roma, they were the custodians of planet Earth, holding space for the experience we were meant to have for the sake of Universal expansion. We were all guided and protected while they respected our free will to choose our respective journeys.

  “Okay, so, group two will be coming with me to visit the Biosphere Reserve in Valverde. If you have done your homework, then you should recognize it as the capital of El Hierro Island. If your name is on the list, please come prepared for a day in the sun and meet me at nine o’clock sharp tomorrow morning at the front of the resort,” Ms. Rolland dictated while she handed out sheets of paper.

  “We will be traveling by a high-speed powerboat, so please do not be late.”

  It appeared that my friends and I were going to spend the day with Ms. Rolland. At least Nisha would be happy exploring the island with Alicia and Theo.

  What a serendipitous occurrence. This was exactly where I needed to be if I was going to find Roma. Was this guidance from the Council? For some reason, it felt peculiar.

  “Oh my God, we’re all together under group two! Isn’t that awesome, Jo?” Daphne squealed in delight.

  “Yes, that’s amazing, Daph. Oh, Conrad is also in our group, that should be fun.” As I glanced up from the itinerary, I caught his loving gaze across from me.

  Conrad continued to smile at me sheepishly, giving me a quick wink. He was such a sweetheart and an amazing boyfriend…for someone else.

  Somehow, my feelings for this incredible boy had changed overnight. I still loved him but as a treasured friend. I no longer felt the pull of the romantic attachments of my teenage crush. Perhaps, I was emotionally maturing as I defused my human Light Body with harmony.

  I was not looking forward to breaking this news to him. It would be incredibly uncomfortable to tell him the truth, especially on this trip. I never intended on hurting his feelings. Everything inside of me wanted to shrink away from that situation, to avoid and resist the unpleasant feeling.

  Keep focused Jo. Everything will work out as it’s meant to be.

  For now, I needed to tap into the etheric energy forces that surrounded me for guidance. I concentrated on the Arcturus invocation within my mind, transmitted from the Council. We desperately needed all the help we could get.

  I call on all the galactic guardians to help me locate the Blade of Truth. Please, assist me with your loving support, with mercy, grace, and protection through my ascension mission. I accept this opportunity to elevate to a higher vibrational reality. May the Light Beings who sustain the anchoring of love through the overpass illuminate the Crystalline Light upon this planet, for the greatest good of all. May we be empowered and invited to do so now. Through my own free will, so it shall be.

  “I know you think that you’ve got it all, by making other people feel small. Makes you think you’re unable to fall. And when you do, who you gonna call?”—Superstar by Lauryn Hill


  Crystals of Atlantis

  “Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or pure consciousness without objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.”



  Alicia woke up at the crack of dawn, feeling nauseous and discombobulated. She hadn’t slept well in anticipation of Ms. Rolland’s water excursion. She loved the idea of spending the day with Nisha, discovering the Biosphere Reserve together. Yet Alicia felt an apprehension she couldn’t describe.

  The nervousness in the pit of her stomach was foreign. Alicia convinced herself that it had to be the two-hour boat ride on the open waters. In all honesty, she would have preferred to remain on the mainland.

  Theo understood her anxiety, but he kept wallowing in self-pity. He was bitter about the prospect of revealing his secret. He couldn’t very well hide his prosthetic leg on a beach. Alicia never understood why he cared so much about other people’s opinions.

  The fact that they had both survived a dreadful water accident when they were barely out of diapers was a phenomenal story. However, Alicia was empathetic and compassionate toward her brother.

  After all, it was Theo who had lost his leg in the shark attack while they were stranded in the open waters of Hawaii with their father, who had drowned trying to save them.

  Their mother enrolled both of them in therapy for years to deal with the trauma of that fatal day. The doctors tried to save Theo’s limb from the knee down, but gangrene had set in after a few days.

  It was such a dreadful and difficult time for her brother, with all the rehabilitation and pain management at such a young age. Theo was a warrior, a hero in her mind, overcoming so many obstacles while forging forward with his self-identity.

  As Alicia prepared her backpack for the tiny island, she peeked out the window toward the dark indigo ocean. She thought that a walk on the beach to catch the sunrise would help settle her stomach.

  She checked her cell phone to make sure that it was fully charged and decided to send Theo a quick text to inform him of her plans.

  Alicia needed all her strength for this confidential rescue mission. She’d been summoned by the Custodian of the Galaxy for the StarSeed Quest.

  Theo was not aware of his sister’s celestial identity. Alicia couldn’t confide in him about her mission in his altered state. His ego-mind was too programmed with outdated belief systems to see the truth. He still had lots of work to do internally, to process his past trauma.

  Alicia knew that her brother’s wounds and shadows controlled his every move, operating from a space of anger and blame. His relationship with their stepfather had been strained as they grew older. Theo held him accountable for replacing their father quickly, and he had never forgiven the past.

  She tried to explain to him about his state of mind and perception. It was his negative self-chatter and disparaging thoughts that stimulated his inflamed nervous system. From Alicia’s perspective, the human ego was not an enemy but the servant to each person’s ideology and viewpoint.

  If Theo continued to believe that the world was against him and everyone around him was the enemy, then his ego would anchor him to that reality, creating a narrative from that conviction for each encountered experience.

  Alicia’s brother had been living with these insecurities for years, triggering his ego to take on the protector mode. So, every experience had become a battle for Theo, a threat that would hurt the fr
agile and vulnerable child that hid behind the shield of misery.

  She had to go through her own healing journey as she faced the past traumas and released the patterns that did not support her wellbeing. It was a difficult task, but Alicia had been guided by her intuition toward her higher self. It was her constant companion as she walked the path of life, and Alicia was determined to continue sharing only positive and empowering stories with her inner self.

  As she checked the window again before putting on her cap, Alicia noticed a male figure standing on the cobblestone pathway, just before the entrance to the sandy beach. He waved at her in acknowledgment. Much to her surprise, the person motioning her resembled Theo.

  Alicia thought it was quite unusual for her brother to be awake before sunrise. She delighted in the prospect of having his company while she settled her nerves.

  She grabbed her cell phone and water bottle before heading out. The agitation in her stomach seemed to escalate. Alicia couldn’t shake off the reverberation that a catastrophic event was about to ensue.


  “Good morning, sunshine. How did you sleep?” Conrad greeted me with a warm smile. We only had forty minutes to eat breakfast, and I was famished. I hoped the rest of the group was already seated at the buffet, so we had time to collaborate before meeting Ms. Rolland for our day trip.

  “Hey, Conrad. I slept well, thanks. Daph snores like a trucker, but Nisha and I survived our first night.” I laughed nervously, trying hard to postpone our serious talk.

  “That’s not true. Don’t listen to her, Conrad!” Daphne interrupted my tease.

  “Did you guys pack extra water bottles? Don’t let Alicia catch you with that plastic stuff, Conrad. That’s horrible for the environment,” Nisha warned.

  “What’s up Nish, why so cranky?” I asked. I loved her witty sarcasm, but I sensed her rising anxiety.

  “Alicia was supposed to meet me outside her room thirty minutes ago. I can’t find her anywhere, and she’s not answering her freaking phone,” Nisha explained. Her voice rose with concern.

  “Did you text Theo?” I asked nervously. “Maybe they’re together getting ready for the boat ride.”

  My internal alarm went off, as my heart pounded loudly in my ears. I could feel the eerie chill waterfalling up my spine. Darkness had found us. My ears started to pop with high pitched ringing. The sinister low vibrational frequencies revealed their presence, waiting to stir fear and anxiety.

  Theo emerged into the dining area, limping with a frustrated expression. “Have you guys seen my sister? She sent me a text at five in the morning that she couldn’t sleep. Apparently, she went for a walk on the beach to calm her nerves. What the heck was she thinking?”

  “That was over three hours ago, Theo. Where is she now? She’s not answering her phone,” Nisha screamed.

  “Let’s go find Ms. Rolland. Perhaps she has seen Alicia. There has to be an explanation.” I tried to console them both, but my unsteady voice betrayed me.

  Ms. Rolland didn’t seem too concerned with Theo’s inquiry, but she proceeded to act out of obligation. She contacted every volunteer parent that accompanied each of the groups. None of them had any interaction with Alicia. They checked with her roommate, who had been asleep until seven-thirty in the morning. She hadn’t heard Alicia leave the room.

  Tension mounted as we split up to retrace Alicia’s steps. Nisha and I followed the path to the beach with Theo. We stopped a local fisherman who had spotted a young girl resembling Alicia’s description, getting into a speed boat with a young male. That was over three hours ago.

  “All right, everyone, from what I have gathered, it seems that Alicia has decided to take a ride to the island without us.” Ms. Rolland appeared agitated. Her eyes shifted frantically every time she spoke.

  “This is totally unacceptable and against school protocol. I will have words with her when we get to El Hierro. Please, gather all your belongings and let’s get on the bus. We don’t want to miss our boat.”

  “This is bullshit. Alicia would never leave without me. Especially on a boat alone. She was determined to face her fears, but this does not sound like her,” Theo shouted.

  “I understand you’re worried about your sister, young man, but watch the way you speak to me. We will find Alicia, and you can ask her yourself.” Ms. Rolland dismissed Theo’s outburst, determined to keep her schedule.

  I was caught off guard by Ms. Rolland’s indifferent reaction, so I shut off the exterior world and focused my clairvoyant abilities to contact Roma.

  “Roma, can you hear me? We have a situation. One of our classmates is missing. I need your help.” I reached out telepathically, but there was radio silence.

  I could feel myself losing control; utter devastation rippled through me. Breathe, Jo. All is well. Don’t allow anything to rock your center or your alignment. Stay neutral emotionally, balanced, calm, and open for the light transmission. An upgrade to my human DNA was imminent.

  As I centered my breath, I mentally focused on my affirmations until my center within my vortex was aligned.

  I weave a potent layer of light and protection around me and my friends, that holds me in a space of grace and fortifies my energy fields.

  We traveled to the marina in silence. I withdrew from my environment, grounding myself with meditation, hovering above my physical body, observing from a bird’s eye perspective.

  Ms. Rolland remained cold, distant, without any empathy or compassion for Theo’s sister. There was no doubt that she had been compromised, perhaps even hijacked by the Lizzie duality consciousness.

  Use your discernment, Jo. Trust your instincts. Don’t allow the negative energetic charge to infect your thoughts with panic and worst-case scenarios.

  The light illuminated the shadows all around the Earth plane as I tuned into the higher realms in my mind’s eye. The veil of density exposed the dark cloak protecting the island. We had approached the fourth-dimensional purgatory that Roma had warned me about. I continued to breathe through it, absorbing the intensity as I slowly integrated the shadow aspects of humanity.

  Remain calm and centered. Don’t dim your inner light by reacting to fear-based emotions when you are triggered. It’s just another opportunity to ascend.

  As I meditated and affirmed my power, I realized that I had activated the Stargate ascension through the Universal Law of Oneness. When the Council catalyzed my awakening to perceive the multi-dimensional realities, my DNA was biologically upgraded to receive transmissions and downloads to comprehend the science behind these laws.

  Perhaps I was destined to travel this path before I could initiate the fifth-dimensional unity consciousness realm from within as the planet and humanity evolved.

  After all, the Arcturus and the Custodian Groups oversaw the reintegration of the Earth hologram, restoring its energetic architecture. They protected the sovereign rights of all beings to be knowers of the unified Source.

  I imagined the geometric Stargate with my pineal gland, called the Merkabah. I visualized its powerful vortex of energy wave continuum. It contained twelve pyramidal triangles that connected into multiple dimensions within the universal time-space matrix. My celestial lessons had taught me that this vortex was an organic manifestation of Universal Creation, made up of the twelve-tree grid hologram.

  Within this tree grid, there were twelve planetary gates, open to the Galactic Stargates through portals. The main entries were sealed off by the Custodian Founder Races due to acute destruction and domination by negative Lizzie forces.

  Roma had indicated that many of the StarSeeds had agreed to incarnate on Earth during this specific Ascension cycle, to help refurbish the planetary grid lines and initiate the Stargates.

  It was interesting to understand the intelligence and anatomy of planet Earth. There were many energetic constructs and dimensional layers within the Earth’s auric body, that contained the entire collective consciousness of the planet.

  I found out that this s
ystem transmitted an energetic spectrum of frequencies, oscillating from higher to lower dimensions, to reach matter and circulate them through the planetary grid network.

  I realized that this stage of my ascension journey was to embody more layers of light within my physical body. When this spectrum of energy changed the intelligence awareness through time and space, it shifted my consciousness from one reality to another.

  In excitement, I opened my mouth to share this discovery with Nisha and then clamped it shut. There were too many people around me to disclose the information safely.

  I glanced at my friends, hoping that the experience we were about to go through would be gentle on them. Through the gradual exposure of light code activations, our planet was evolving into future timelines. This energetic shift was going to compel every person to adapt to the incremental impacts of the upgraded energies.

  Each one of us would be presented with the choice to participate in this evolution process, by focusing internally on our heart’s desire. The goal was to understand our authentic, true selves behind the masks and conditioned personalities.

  Suddenly, the codes flooded my mind, expanding my knowledge further. I witnessed multiple timelines within the holographic Harmonic Universal structures concerning our existence.

  I understood that in our third-dimensional physical reality, there were six timelines. We would be exposed to alternate spheres and potential outcomes during this rare movement through the etheric octaves.

  I hadn’t expected to experience this timeline shift. Ever since the demise of Atlantis, the Lizzies harvested human negative emotional frequencies. They manipulated the future direction of mankind by artificially generating deceptive timelines through mind control methods that shaped anti-human value systems.

  When the dark forces controlled the mind and actions of the physical body, they had also cultivated the Soul for their collection.


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