The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 16

by Lali A. Love

  These Galactic Beings represented one hundred and forty-four Soul groups from the Red Planet, Sirius, and the Pleiades. They all chose to incarnate on Lemuria within the Water Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and the Plant Kingdom. It was the home of some of the most beautiful, magical species.

  Roma’s family lineage originated from the Ka-ha-lee bloodline, who were the protectors and keepers of Gaia’s natural resources. Her mother and her sister, Avalina, descended from the long line of indigenous dark-skinned enlightened beings who had resided on Lemuria for centuries.

  Roma’s mother was a mystic healer, a Galactic Shaman, known for her kind, loving, generosity. Since they vibrated at higher frequencies of light, they were able to control the four elements of the planet. She recalled her mother’s abilities to transform atomic constructs of the environment while walking on water or transporting herself through the air.

  As Roma reminisced about her beloved heaven on Earth, she remembered her Lemurian regal aquatic nine-foot vessel. Her skin was once luminous, changing from blue to green, depending on the two seasonal cycles of the planet. Her oval face captured the large vertical sapphire eyes magnificently, centered along her elongated head.

  Her textured skin was scaly, allowing her intake of breath within the atmosphere of the Light-activated planet.

  The Lemurians were boundless, magical souls that embodied all the characteristics of the unified Source, co-creating their universes with peaceful harmony. They were a gentle, androgynous society as they didn’t identify with the labels of male or female. They operated solely from their heart center.

  Roma’s existence was free from stress, diseases, or pestilence. They were completely liberated and developed their clairvoyant abilities over thousands of years of societal practice. She loved her family and community with her entire being.

  They didn’t require land vehicles for transportation. They used astral travel, teleportation, and excelled in telepathy. Roma’s entire family feasted off the lavish land, abundant with plants that harbored medicinal properties. The society relied on an organic culture of food consumption through vegetation, in concord with nature and balanced existence.

  Lemurians didn’t require artificial technology since they preferred to use psychic energies to move objects. Roma recalled that her sister Ava used to love using sonic, crystal energy to emit ultra-high-frequency as a power source to contact other worldly-beings.

  As children, Roma and Ava loved to ride with the Unicorns across the magical land, exploring the intelligent creatures that existed within the vastness of Goddess Gaia. The heart-based connections that they formed with their four-legged friends bound their relationships for lifetimes.

  Roma cherished the spirits of the Animal Kingdom. On one of their outings during a storm, she found herself in a quarry, submerged within tempestuous lush forests. She had fallen off her unicorn into the gorge surrounded by thunderous waterfalls.

  As she tried to unshackle herself from the turbulence, her spirit animal, Pegasus, appeared in front of her, revealing its white, lustrous wings. Roma instantly fell in love with the beautiful, wild, and free mystical creature that embodied the divine essence of protection and sovereignty.

  This powerful Light Being had chosen to bond with Roma’s eternal spirit, communicating with her telepathically as they liberated her from the valley. Roma recognized the formidable forces that worked in harmony and agreement with all living beings, united by the radiant life force energy.

  Pegasus activated Roma for her Galactic mission with sacred blessings. They forged their relationship of purity, friendship, and unbounded love with every interaction, soaring above the oceans and exploring new lands to be harvested.

  Roma’s bloodline built their sacred kingdom in service of all beings and the Goddess Gaia. They maintained peace and congruence for every citizen, ensuring that no one suffered from hunger or homelessness. There was plenty of nourishment for their communities to co-exist in tranquility and joy. However, Gaia’s generosity was both her greatest strength and weakness. It made her vulnerable to the powerful, predatory forces that sought to control the beautiful planet with grandeur and affluence.

  The Lizzie consciousness from Draco took advantage of Gaia’s benevolence. They exploited Roma’s pure and angelic home with deception, war, ignorance, corruption, and deprivation.

  In defense, Roma entered the High Priesthood, who were the sovereign keepers of Gaia, and pledged her eternal Soul to uphold Lemuria’s independence, restoring the traditions of the great Ka-ha-lee.

  The Dark Forces firmly planted their dense, contracting presence, rooted in separation, limitation, and fear-based reality. The evolution of the tyrannical doctrine was forcefully adopted as humanity’s existence evolved with the fragmentation of Lemurian Souls.

  Through her mission, Roma discovered the secret underworld used by the Draco invasion during the great war. These tunnels were dug between her beloved Lemuria and Atlantis. She was part of the Light Warriors Regime, tasked with the destruction of the underground pathways; however, their attempt to seal off the entrances resulted in cataclysmic outcomes.

  The Draco Dark Forces commissioned an army of the Ciakar Lizzies to erupt Earth’s core with a powerful explosive arsenal. The destruction rendered the tunnels unstable, causing devastating earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and sinkholes. Millions of humans and innocent magical creatures were obliterated, including Roma’s mother and extended family, forcing the ice age era.

  Roma escaped the Lizzies through a portal, jumping into another timeline, unable to save Pegasus and her sister. The Ciakar species were driven underground, enslaving the remaining human race for their self-gratification. Unfortunately, Ava had been captured by the vicious beasts, never to be seen again. The anguish of this memory still haunted Roma to this very day.

  The emotional trauma of the collective civilization had resulted in intergenerational wounding over lifetimes. The cycle of violence caused the darkness to feast on the energy generated by these lower realms of today’s third-dimensional society.

  The Wizard had leaped into this parallel timeline to repeat the sequence of psychic warfare, using the false, illusive matrix of complex shadow systems. The sinister Lizzie energy crept into the collective unconsciousness like a virus, gripping mindsets and hijacking the murky thought patterns of humanity’s past.

  These dark corners of the mind were traumatized aspects of each being that hid in the shadows. The more humans ignored their suffering, the more they birthed false illusive masks to cover their pain. This compromised their existence and made them susceptible to the Lizzie psychic warfare, which was used as a weapon for oppression and domination.

  The ancient tunnel system still existed in the current timeline. It connected the entire globe, through continents under oceans. The Lizzies possessed electromagnetic lasers to melt and pulverize rocks and matter to build underground structures.

  Roma was aware of this place, where all the horrific acts of the unnatural, underworld such as human trafficking, rituals, cannibalism, medical experiments, and human cloning existed.

  Today’s technology had also been available during ancient Egypt, introduced by the Lizzies. They had harnessed the power of the black rocks from the Draco galaxy. Since everything in the universe was operated by electrical energy, this current flowed using the vibrational potency of thought forms. The energy sparked human bodies, while each organ operated at a different rate of recurrence.

  Roma was successful at decoding some of the universal electrical codes of existence, but not all. She had several thousand lifetimes to understand frequency ranges. For example, Roma had discovered that planet earth vibrated at 7.83 hertz, which symbolized life. The general frequency of the entire human body was also 7.83 hertz (7+8+3 = 18).

  Neurons within the brain operated on this electricity and chemistry. A brain cell was remarkably similar to a living storage container with channels that separated its internal environment from the external. When a neu
ron received a strong input within its structure, it generated an electrical current that acted as wires that conducted energy, which vibrated using water.

  The human body was comprised of seventy percent of fluid. Roma had realized that this was more than a coincidence since water pulsated at the frequency of 100 hertz (1+0+0=1), which symbolized the Source of Oneness.

  Roma had also discovered that the great Sun operated at the frequency range of 5.9642 gigahertz (5+9+6+4+2=26), the numerical value associated with Divine God Source, which was infinite (2+6=8). This numerology was used to crack the codes of the entire universe and existence, to reveal the secrets and power of life force energy that resided within the sacred Akashic Records. This had been the primary cause of the galactic battle between the Light and Dark.

  The Draco Dark Forces were determined to control the archives of existence to gain intergalactic power and dominate the Source of Creation and Light. These cosmic logs contained an archive of multi-dimensional consciousness of every soul since creation. It was the key that provided access to the Prime Creator.

  The Lizzies had emerged from the black hole to gain control over these records once again. They required the coveted Lemurian blue crystals that held the Divine Feminine superpower to abolish Gaia’s influence.

  Merged with the Draco Black Crystals, they would cause a combustion which would illuminate a cosmic path to the sacred spheres of creation that housed the Akashic Records. It would galvanize the Lizzies to control the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy with the billions of stars, and eventually the entire quantum field Universe.

  If the Wizard succeeded in obtaining these records, the Lizzies would have the power required to eliminate the Council of Divine Creation with intergalactic plasma waves and demolish the presence of the sacred Light.

  Since the Akashic Records contained the sum of the past, present, and future experiences, the Dark Forces would possess the ability to alter the natural progression of existence, becoming the Prime Creator of the Universe, shifting the balance, and propelling all life into darkness.

  The Lizzies had excelled in harvesting the power of ideas. They figured out that thought-forms were faster than the speed of light and the speed of sound. They used their advanced technology through mind control and supernatural psychic powers.

  They continued to control human behavior with acts of violence, murder, incest, oppression, deceit, manipulations, violations, and greed.

  It wasn’t too difficult to achieve; after all, most of the population was hypnotized. The human identity was based on a personality, a character, and a belief system that people had adopted.

  Upon reincarnation, Roma had agreed to allow the clearing of ancestral lineages, to resolve the wounds and unprocessed pain of all lifetimes before. This was an incredible opportunity for her to further the course of humanity’s mastery.

  As a human, Roma identified more with states of contraction. This built up the pressure of a spontaneous expansion of her consciousness to clear the cellular memory of the past, to heal and illuminate her shadows. Through the Soul contraction, there was a foreshadowing of greater expansion of morality, equality, inclusion, and respect for all beings.

  This remembrance was Roma’s greatest contribution to today’s civilization. She had finally integrated her disruptive struggles, reaching the deepest level of healing possible within oneself.

  In some of her past lives, raising her awareness felt like a spiritual invasion rather than a cosmic rescue mission. If she was triggered by any type of conflict, division, judgment, or anger, it was a trauma response that needed to be healed and cleared.

  Roma was able to recall every experience from every past life stored within the Akashic archives. As a Custodian of the Galaxy, she had the freedom to choose to time-travel in any dimension. She chose to quantum leap into this polarized matrix of duality to help Gaia and to shift the entire human collective into the fifth-dimensional realm. Roma was determined to save humanity.

  This was a massive undertaking, but Roma was not alone. The entire StarSeed Quest of 144,000 Light Warriors had been activated for this mission. Humans had the power through freedom of choice to catalyze their ascension by exposing the darkness out of the shadows.

  Roma was tasked with this operation, knowing that there was a massive galactic change occurring. A cosmic reboot had been permeating and transforming sporadic colonies of planets into the most intentional galactic communities.

  She had been given the invitation, intention, and mission as a transformer of reality, without the threat of persecution that she vividly remembered from past lives. This time, Gaia was ready for the shift into higher levels of consciousness, preparing and initiating all her inhabitants.

  The Light Warriors worked on accelerating the journey expansion of all beings. The rescue mission was an interruption of the normalcy of the collective conditioning. Oneness was being birthed as chaos cleared the space for new frontiers to be perceived.

  Although Roma’s captivity seemed dire and hopeless, as she hung from the ceiling of Ciakar’s compound, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that there was a bigger plan unfolding with immaculate conception. These lowest moments in existence presented an opportunity to experience the greatest aspects of her heart’s pureness.

  Roma was determined to transform the planet from a duality battlefield into the heaven on Earth she had always cherished. Her beloved Lemuria would rise again with resonance, harmony, imagination, clarity, and balance. It was Gaia’s destiny and intention.

  “Wake up, you feeble, pathetic stardust. We’re not done with you yet!” The callousness of the wicked shapeshifter snapped her back into stark reality.

  “You will give us the codes, now! Your Council and Light force cannot save you here.” A female’s voice pierced Roma’s eardrums.

  She opened her eyes, barely able to see through the blurring and swelling. The shapeshifter moved toward her, planning to extract her thoughts through forceful clairvoyance. As she prepared her mind for the psychic warfare, Roma instantly recognized the face of the interrogator.

  She was tall and slender, looked prim and proper, with her dark hair slicked back in a tight bun. Her black eyes gleamed with terror, shrouded with shadows, malice, and secrets. Roma was immediately mesmerized by her energy, seeing through her screens of cruelty.

  She had aged since the last human encounter lifetimes ago, but the resemblance was uncanny. The pangs of guilt for the golden dreams that had long perished still hovered within Roma’s heart.

  “Ava…Ava, is that you?” Roma whispered, her heart pounding with elation. The thought of reuniting with her sister in this incarnation ignited her with hope.

  “Shut up! You will only speak to me with permission. You are no longer the adorned, mighty Light Warrior. Look at you, swaying like a marionette doll, frail and disenchanted. Well, dance for me, puppet, dance!” Ms. Rolland snickered while she continued her barbaric torture with electric currents.

  “If Ciakar is so smart, why doesn’t he figure it out himself instead of hiding like a coward on this big orb of mass?” Roma asked, barely able to speak due to the electrocution. “Where is he, Ava? Or are you still doing his dirty work?”

  “I will cut your tongue out and feed it to my dogs if you don’t shut your mouth. Where did you hide the crystals?” she hissed with disdain.

  Roma laughed in her face, further taunting and agitating her oppressor.

  “By the power of Ciakar, I order you to give me the keys to your precious existence!” She lashed out again without mercy.

  The sting from the throng of electric shocks sent Roma into a state of deep unconsciousness, where she preferred to disappear while she waited for Jo and the Light Beings.

  Her inner world was peaceful, safe, and full of magic. From this space, she was able to birth new energy with her pineal gland, new universes. A paradise that her heart yearned, a profound longing.

  For Roma, heaven was a dimension of radiant selflessness, Souls h
elping each other awaken and expand. She knew quite well that it was not meant for a world lost in a loop of trauma responses, with narratives of righteousness and delusion. Only consciousness that demonstrated morality, integrity, and compassion of action would evolve and ascend.

  Roma had learned to welcome devastation into her heart, to hold space for harmony, allowing the Light to guide her. She surrendered and embraced her tragedies, her shadows of the past, with unwavering, unconditional integrity. The Light Force energy she harnessed was much more powerful than any dark frequency that resided within her Soul’s blueprint.

  Once again, with honor and grace, Roma reclaimed her sovereignty by the power of heavenly virtue. She activated her last Arcturus source within her reserves, resolute that Light would always illuminate the Dark to restore the Galactic balance.

  Ms. Rolland

  Ms. Rolland’s Lizzie body bowed down in front of Ciakar, his menacing frame perched atop the stone. The power of the Black Crystal crown magnified his evil aura.

  “Where is the Ascending Angel? Show her to me!” Ciakar’s murmur penetrated the air.

  Ms. Rolland shuddered with dread. The Wizard of Bondage had her gripped by the neck, placing her in a vulnerable position. His energy emanated by the dark crystals, enabled the magnified pulsations of torture and pain, without him moving a muscle.

  “My Lord, forgive me. They got away using the Custodian’s Blade. Please, Ciakar, give me another chance to make things right.” Ms. Rolland pleaded, fearing for her life. She was quite familiar with the Wizard’s lack of empathy.

  “You let her get away with the sword? Your lack of diligence may jeopardize our entire agenda! How disappointing!” Ciakar’s power intensified, grounding her into the cement tunnel.

  “I can fix this, my Lord. I can try to track the coordinates of the energy emitted by the blue crystals,” Ms. Rolland implored. The sword’s power on the astral plane had been unanticipated.


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