The De-Coding of Jo

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The De-Coding of Jo Page 24

by Lali A. Love

  “So, how does it work, exactly?” Zax inquired. “Do you have exams or midterms in this Angel Academy? Like, how does the Council grade your progression? Is there a prescribed criterion to graduate, Jo?” He seemed perplexed by the celestial academic standards.

  “There’s no grading system, Zax. They just review my energetic exchange of every action on Earth and measure my Soul’s level of remembrance prescribed by my human experiences and lessons.” I answered with as much clarity as possible. In all honesty, I didn’t possess much insight into the Council’s assessment methods.

  “Should we test you before you time-travel back into the cosmos?” Flynn asked, grinning. His smile was so infectious. It was obvious to me that he had gone through a major DNA upgrade through the timeline shift. His aura emanated the warm hues of serenity, inner peace, and joy.

  “Flynn, you are a genius! I think we should all ask Jo a series of questions so she can reflect on her lessons,” Daphne said, but her smile evaporated quickly. “Unless you don’t want to talk about Conrad?” she asked, concerned, reaching me for a hug.

  “I have made peace with Conrad’s departure from our world, Daph. I’m sure I will see him very soon.” I smiled, grateful for the experience to have connected with an Arcturus Light Being in human form.

  “Let’s make this fun, shall we?” Flynn interrupted. “We’ll play spin the bottle, and this time, instead of truth or dare, the person it points to gets to quiz Jo.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’m in! Come on, Theo, get your butt in the circle with the rest of us,” Alicia teased her brother.

  Whatever excitement I felt about my graduation from the Angel Academy was tempered by the fact that there was one last stage remaining until my final ascent into mastery. It wasn’t clear if I would continue my life attending high school with my friends, as we planned our grade eleven courses.

  I missed writing my music and playing the electric piano. Our school band was quite excited about the annual International Music Competition that took place during fall of every year.

  Although this crazy path was my mission on Earth, my friends were incredibly sweet and supportive of my ascension journey. I tried to share as much as I could with them without compromising their enlightenment process.

  Sometimes, the messages didn’t always resonate with them since we vibrated on different frequencies. It was like tuning into multiple radio stations that were forecasting the weather in different languages.

  I was curious to know if they were aware enough to articulate the timeline shift from their perception. The human body had never evolved at such an expedited rate before. It allowed us to stand firmly and clearly within the fifth-dimensional love consciousness.

  This upgrade to our human vessels would require time for the collective to mourn our older versions that operated within the outdated paradigms. Many people would experience different physical symptoms, causing major disorientation and identity crisis.

  Zax took the opportunity to spin the bottle while the rest of us sipped on iced tea, courtesy of my mom. She loved to host my friends, lavishing us with incredible appetizers and desserts.

  “All right, looks like you’re up Nish,” he said, grinning widely.

  “Fine, I’ll go first. Josephine, what was the primary lesson of your ascension journey?” Nisha asked, mimicking Ms. Rolland’s voice.

  I laughed at the impersonation, even though the tingle of the experience was still quite fresh, leaving me with a nasty taste in my mouth.

  “Well, the main theme of my ascension was to realize that the experiences I encountered on my journey were opportunities to transition from my ego-based perception into my Higher Self,” I replied with a nervous giggle. I never liked exams of any kind.

  “Every time I chose to see life from a survival viewpoint, I was operating from the space of remorse, which ultimately led to playing the blame game.” I chose my words carefully. It was so much easier to articulate these thoughts when I was communicating clairvoyantly in the ethereal realms.

  “That’s easier said than done, Jo. How do you move out from the blaming life?” Theo asked, with the next spin of the bottle.

  “Great question, Theo. I’m still working on it, to be honest. But the one thing I have learned from losing Rey and Conrad is to take time for my grieving process, with self-compassion. No matter how ruthless, or harsh the world is, we must be gentle with ourselves, without judgment,” I answered truthfully.

  “These types of obstacles are actually opportunities for growth and expansion of our Soul that requires no criticism, punishment, or disapproval. The journey ultimately is about self-love,” I replied, acknowledging my Higher Self for aiding me in overcoming my impediments.

  The bottle landed on Zax as he prepared his question carefully.

  “Does self-love require us to forget all the crappy things people do to us? For me, personally, if any of the bullies in our school hurt Flynn or any of you guys, I would want to punch their face.” He had done a great job with his inner healing, still dealing with his anger issues.

  “No, but we can choose to be empathetic, Zax. When people treat us with cruelty or disrespect, they are projecting their wounds and inner turmoil. The moment anyone lashes out or blames you for their unhappiness, they are operating from a state of separation, limitation, and insecurity.” It had been a difficult concept to re-learn, especially when we were taught to react with similar behaviors in society. Eye for an eye. Vengeance is mine. Hatred begets hatred. It was the total opposite of love-consciousness.

  I recalled my teachings. “I have learned that I can choose to take the high road and alchemize other people’s density emissions with the truth of forgiveness. This powerful act alone can break cycles of generational violence.”

  “Each density trapped in the seven spinning spheres of our vortex offers a set of catalysts that must be integrated to cross the threshold toward our higher evolution.” I continued to relay my thought process.

  “Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t justify cruel behavior or harm inflicted on another being. However, we can refuse to accept someone’s memory of mistreatment into our cellular body for our well-being. This action stems from our heart center, and it liberates us from the perception of victimhood.” I genuinely believed this was a vital lesson for humanity, from my humble perspective.

  As I acknowledged my friends within the circle of trust, I vowed to empower them with as much information as I possibly could, to help speed up their ascension into the future timelines. It was up to them to accept the codes of the sacred Light.

  My friends seemed very engaged in this game, absorbing every word like a sponge. Secretly, I was overjoyed that they didn’t find my answers boring. It was incredible how much they had served the collective evolution of Gaia and the human race.

  “So, are you saying that you forgive the shapeshifters, Ms. Rolland, and Ciakar for Conrad and Roma?” Alicia asked bluntly, testing my emotional resolve. She didn’t beat around the bush.

  “That’s a tough one, Alicia. It takes time to process all the emotions of losing someone you love. I have learned that I can’t control future outcomes, no matter how much I try.” I swallowed the bitterness of regret, exhaling it out of my consciousness.

  “However, I am working on relinquishing that negative emotional charge from my system,” I explained honestly.

  “In order to do that, I must trust the loving and intelligent Universe with an open heart, understanding there’s a greater plan that we’re not always aware of. I just know that when I’m ready to forgive them, I will continue to cultivate the energy of thankfulness,” I replied, observing Theo’s eye-roll at my response.

  Whether they processed this information or not, it was my truth. My truth. I found my voice, and with this act, I awakened my Soul’s self-acceptance of this reality. With every moment that I allowed myself to be grateful for all my experiences, I helped unravel the patterns of violence that permeated our planet with perpetual toxicity.

  “This is how we evolve, nourish, and validate ourselves, and realize our true freedom as sentient beings,” I continued to explain, taking deep cleansing breaths.

  “Wow, Jo, that’s pretty deep. I’m surprised by your answer. Maybe one day, I’ll get to that place. For now, I’m still dealing with the aftermath of Rey’s death,” Nisha replied still processing her grief and loss.

  “We weren’t there, but from everything Alicia told me, that battle must have been epic. Are you okay with the way things ended on the island?” Nisha asked, no longer waiting for her turn in the game.

  “It’s been a tough lesson, but the Council and Roma have finally taught me that operating from anger or frustration over previous events doesn’t help me or anyone around me. I feel the pain, don’t get me wrong, Nish. I just choose to Release, Integrate, Surrender, and Embody the experience. We RISE and keep trekking forward, not choosing to suffer over the past. It’s done. There’s nothing we can do to change it, you know?” I responded with the confidence of profound celestial knowing.

  The truth of the matter was that, if I chose to wallow in victimhood, no matter the obstacles or incidents that were presented to me, I would dim my inner light. It simply continued to perpetuate more shadow aspects into the planetary grids.

  Conrad and Roma had risked their lives to clear these dark parts of the density veil that shrouded our world and held us all in captivity.

  When we find our authentic voice and speak our truth, others could bask in its luminosity. This was how we transformed the planet and humanity, igniting our inner flame one Soul at a time, guiding our collective evolution.

  “Wait, how do we know if you’re answering correctly, Jo?” Flynn interjected. “You could be making this stuff up, and we wouldn’t even realize it!” He laughed.

  “Just use your discernment, Flynn. How do my answers make you feel? Does it insult your Soul, or does it resonate?” I asked, feeling cheeky.

  “You could never insult us, Jo. Don’t be ridiculous.” Daphne laughed with her sweet, bubbly demeanor.

  “Thanks, Daph, I appreciate you.” I gave her hand a warm squeeze. The radiance and purity of her heart matched the brightness of the stars above.

  “Let me put it simply. When we operate from our hearts instead of our inflamed ego, we become one with the sacred Light. We then allow ourselves to shine at full capacity, no matter the obstacles life places in front of us. It’s all about the intention behind our actions and the space within that we emotionally react from.” My heart desired to share all the knowledge and information stored within my upgraded software, instigated by the cosmic reboot. Much like a computer system.

  My gut was telling me that my friends weren’t ready to hear this metaphor. Tuning into my vibrational field, I continued to articulate my lessons with healing resonance carefully etched behind every energetic word.

  “Our human existence will always operate depending on the state of our collective awareness. The ego wants to manage and maintain control of what it understands. If we let go of the fear of the unknown, there are no limits or liabilities in our reality. Trusting this inner light and aligning with our Higher Selves is the highest service we can provide our loved ones, humanity, Mother Earth, and the Universe.” Taking a pulse of our inner circle with every breath, I realized the preachiness of my words. Perhaps it was too early for this depth of knowledge.

  “Look, all of us are connected energetically. My happiness and your happiness are the greatest services to all. So, why wouldn’t we choose happiness, right?” I chuckled, taking another drink of the sweet nectar.

  I observed my friends as they processed the information downloaded from the ethereal realms. They didn’t realize that I was transmitting healing light codes into their auric fields, further upgrading their physical structure by playing this game.

  “Does this mean that we’re celestial Earth Angels now?” Daphne joked, pretending to have wings to fly.

  “Actually, Daphne, when you’re a conscious being, you already realize that you have incarnated in this existence to achieve your full celestial potential. So, you are already on a trajectory within the energetic vortex of ascension, with every breath you take,” Alicia answered on my behalf. It was nice to have another enlightened StarSeed in our group.

  I smiled in acknowledgment. “Exactly. You’re all becoming Angels with me, and I can’t thank you enough for sticking by me and trusting me through this process.”

  “What about the fact that we still have issues that we’re working on, Jo?” Theo asked, diverting his eyes. I could sense the density of shame that he still needed to release from his energetic spheres.

  “Each of us came into this world with a specific amount of density in our physical form, Theo. The journey is to dissolve it by doing our inner work and aligning with our Higher Self.” The words provided calmness and tranquility, soothing his nervous system, as evidenced by the changing hues around him.

  “This is such an exciting time of renewal, guys! The arising of light through our system manifests through inspiration, creativity, moments of selfless actions. It transmutes any remaining shadow aspects that we retain in our Light Body from past trauma. Every time someone or something hits your t-spot, it’s another opportunity to evolve. It’s really about how open and receptive we are to serving the greater good, beyond the threshold of our personal gain,” I replied, focusing my energy on Theo’s heart center.

  “What’s the t-spot? We didn’t learn about this in our comprehensive sex education class.” Nisha laughed breaking the silence. I loved her sarcastic sense of humor, always diffusing the seriousness of the situation.

  “Are you referring to Conrad, Jo? That was the most selfless act anyone can imagine.” Nisha regained her composure, fully realizing the sensitivity of her question.

  “Trigger spot. And yes, Nish, I will forever be grateful for him. Even though Conrad was an Arcturus Light Being sent on a mission, he has definitely transcended his mastery by saving my human life.” I paused, quietly taking an energetic account of my emotional well-being. I missed Conrad every day on the Earth plane, but I knew his energy was guiding me in this lifetime. I couldn’t wait for our next clairvoyant interaction.

  “You don’t have to be strong for us, Jo. After losing Rey, this must have been quite devastating for you. We’re here anytime you need to talk or cry. No questions asked,” Daphne probed, simultaneously wrapping her arm around me.

  “I’ll be all right, Daph, I just need some time to address the energetic charge from the loss and honor my emotions. Roma has taught me to neutralize my feelings by breathing through it, processing, and integrating into my heart space by releasing it.” I acknowledged my truth, knowing that the pain would eventually dissipate as we all evolved in our physical bodies.

  Although they were testing my ascension intelligence, I admired the incredible light projecting from their genuine care and love. We were healing each other, reflecting off our respective states of being in our progression.

  These conversations were imperative for generating more Source energy within the collective, to provide us with the trajectory we needed as we shifted into the New Earth.

  Working with my third eye enabled me to quantum leap into portals, catapulting my awareness into higher timelines. I permitted the Universe to infuse my emotional Light Body with more golden light codes by keeping calm and neutral.

  I grasped this notion well. When we developed an awareness of our triggers by pausing, breathing, observing, feeling, and taking accountability, we removed their density from our body’s storage capacity. It allowed us to generate more space to hold light within our human vessel.

  This was the solution that would liberate each person from the antiquated programs and conditioning of the lower density reality that continued to perpetuate trauma-based response to every event.

  The key to this enlightened state was to understand how to deal with our emotions. Society and our upbringing had designed us
not to feel. We were programmed through learned behaviors to deny our true feelings.

  We learned to develop or change the narratives in avoidance of the pain, to bypass its dynamic significance. These behaviors restricted and stopped the flow of the energies, rooting its grasp within our emotional Light Body.

  The moment we attached to low vibrational frequencies of sadness, anger, or hatred and refused to accept whatever emotion arose within us, we pulled its potency into our being.

  My feelings of betrayal and loss over Rey plus the grief from Conrad’s death were not meant to be stored in my Light Body. The energy was designed to be courageously felt and honored in each moment, as it flowed through the processing and assimilation into my heart space.

  The transmutation kept my human vessel unweighted from the densities that had slowed me down from ascending higher on this conveyor belt of life. The old patterns of energy leakage drained my light, but I had the ability and choice to fuel up my fields with every quantum moment.

  What a revelation! I realized that this process would continue to be a constant challenge in our daily lives. It was a virtual game of balancing our old human ways of blame, shame, and perpetuated victimhood mentality with the new state of emotional wellness—a world filled with imagination and artistic expression.

  The Council had taught me through my experiences that each of us had this inherent responsibility to manage our inner light fluctuations and maintain our boundaries on how we decided to engage with others energetically.

  When there were dark clouds above us, we had the choice to radiate our powerful beams of light to diffuse the blocks and convert the darkness, in any situation.

  Once we cleared the field, we transcended the contrast and duality existence. When we oscillated at a higher frequency vibration, our field developed into an extremely magnetic force of attraction, enabling us to manifest our desired reality from our heart.


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