Expecting You

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Expecting You Page 21

by Claire Cullen

  Beckett almost wasn’t ready to believe it. He looked to Zac, who reached over and took his hand.

  “The treatment worked?”

  “As you know, there were three possible outcomes. No effect, which would mean no change in Luca’s condition. Minimal effect, which would give Luca one or two treatment-free years. Or a moderate effect, which would push back the need for further treatment some four or five years. In rare cases, the treatment triggers the condition to go into remission.” Doctor Khalid beamed at them. “I’m very pleased to tell you that what we’re seeing is the latter. Luca’s condition has gone into full remission.”

  Beckett let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, feeling tears in his eyes.

  “How? You said that was next to impossible to achieve.”

  “We think it was the timing. Luca’s recent treatment put his body into the most receptive condition, giving the stem cells the chance to work to maximum effect. We’re hoping to create a new protocol using Luca’s case, in the hopes of replicating the effect in other patients.”

  “What does this mean for Luca?” Zac asked.

  “I am hopeful this means he’ll have a full recovery with no need for further treatment. There is a possibility of recurrence when he’s older, and we will store the remaining stem cells for that. And there may, of course, be the option of a bone marrow transplant. But right now, all the evidence tells us he won’t need it. It’s a remarkable result. He’s a very lucky little boy.”

  “Yes,” Beckett agreed hoarsely, tears running down his cheeks as he looked down at the baby in his arms. Their little miracle in more ways than one. “He is. Thank you, Dr. Khalid, for everything.”

  “Can we see him?” Zac asked. “Is it safe?”

  “Perfectly safe. We’ll keep him under observation until tomorrow, but that’s purely a precaution.” He stepped toward the door. “And congratulations, by the way. Many blessings to you and your growing family.”

  Beckett sat in his chair, staring down at Henry, his eyes blurred with tears. He felt Zac’s arms wrap around him, the omega hugging him tightly.

  “You did it,” Zac murmured as Beckett got an arm around him and hugged him back.

  “We did it,” he countered. “We fought, and we battled, and we didn’t give up.”

  “And now you don’t have to fight anymore. We’ve won. It’s time to rest. To enjoy what we have, and the future we fought for.”

  Beckett held tight to Zac and Henry, words failing him at the enormity of the relief he felt. He’d carried the fear of losing Luca almost from the moment he’d been born. To have it suddenly lifted… it was like he could breathe again for the first time.

  A while later, he pushed Zac in a wheelchair through the hospital corridors. Zac carried Henry in his arms, and they had a balloon for Luca tied to the arm of the chair, and a new stuffed toy.

  When they pushed open the door to Luca’s room, the little boy almost bounded off the bed.

  “Daddy! Zac!”

  Beckett caught him in his arms, hugging him tightly and kissing his forehead.

  “Hey, kiddo. How do you feel?”


  He laughed and met Sarah’s eyes. “No wonder. Dr. Khalid gave us the good news. You’re all better, kiddo. No more being sick, no more treatments, not for a very long time. Maybe never.”

  Sarah’s eyes widened hopefully, and Beckett nodded. “A better outcome than we’d dreamed.”

  She smiled and clapped a hand to her mouth, her eyes filled with tears. Beckett pressed a hand to her shoulder and turned to Zac.

  “Luca, would you like to meet your little brother?”

  Luca’s eyes, which had been fixed on the balloon, searched out the baby in Zac’s lap.

  Beckett carried him closer so he could get a better look.

  “My brother?” he asked.

  “Uh-huh. Your little brother, just like we talked about. He gave you a present already, the medicine that made you all better. But he also brought you this cool balloon and a new bear to cuddle.”

  Luca squirmed to be put down, leaning against Zac’s knee as he stared at the baby.

  “Dada,” he said softly, tugging at Zac’s dressing gown. “What’s he called?”

  Beckett froze, realizing Luca wasn’t talking to him, but to Zac. Zac’s eyes were bright with unshed tears.

  “His name is Henry. Henry Darcy Rayne.”

  Beside them, Sarah made a little sound that wasn’t quite a cry. Beckett put an arm around her, watching as Luca took in his little brother.

  “He’s small.”

  “So were you once,” Zac said softly. “He’ll be big like you one day.”

  “And we can play together?”

  “Every day.”

  “Then that’s okay,” Luca pronounced. “He can share my toys. Even my duckies.”

  Beckett grinned, his heart ready to burst with happiness. Yes, the fight had been long, but it had been worth it.


  Zac had always wanted a summer wedding, but he’d never quite pictured it like this. The small, walled garden was the perfect venue. Intimate, picturesque, full of pretty flowers and things to look at. But he only had eyes for Beckett standing opposite him. The alpha looked handsome in his suit, the blue tie complementing his dark brown eyes.

  Harper stood at Zac’s elbow, brushing imaginary lint off his shoulders.

  “Stop fussing,” Zac murmured.

  “The best man never stops,” Harper retorted.

  Luca wandered up the aisle carrying the rings, distracted by a butterfly that flew overhead. There was soft laughter as Sarah gently redirected him, and he handed over the rings to William with a shy smile. Frankie was next, scattering flowers all around. She seemed particularly good at throwing them onto people’s shoes. Harper tried to smother his laughter as Zac elbowed him.

  “She has perfect aim,” the omega murmured in his ear. “If she isn’t playing little league baseball, she should be.”

  Zac had to look down and try hard to keep from laughing.

  “Think serious thoughts,” Harper muttered, which only made the urge to laugh stronger.

  “Your mother,” the omega followed up with.

  Zac’s heart seized. “What? Where?”

  “Nowhere, but you’re not laughing now, are you? Ouch.”

  Harper rubbed his arm where Zac had punched him, grinning ruefully. “Sorry.” He made a face. “We’d better put on our serious hats. Mr. Best Man Alpha over there has got his Terminator face on again.”

  It was a surprise to no one that William and Harper didn’t get along. Thankfully, they only had to be around one another for a single day since he and Beckett hadn’t bothered with a rehearsal. The day would go how it went. They didn’t need perfect. It would be their day, regardless.

  The officiant finally began the ceremony, and Zac relaxed when he realized all he had to do now was focus on Beckett. That had never been a hardship for him.

  The words all blurred together until the vows, and with neither of them being great public speakers, they made them easy. Just a few simple, heartfelt lines about how they loved each other and wanted to share their lives. His mother would have hated it. But as he and Beckett turned to face each other, he caught sight of Sarah dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.

  He and Beckett exchanged rings, and then it was time for the kiss. The alpha’s hand cupped his cheek, their gazes met, and then they were kissing like there was no one in the world but the two of them.


  The officiant coughed politely, and they broke apart. Zac felt himself flush but was distracted by the small crowd clapping and cheering. They turned to walk back down the short aisle, making eye contact with the guests as they did. Zac caught sight of Brendan in the back row and grinned at the alpha, delighted to see him. He had, after all, played an instrumental part in his and Beckett’s relationship.

  They didn’t have far to go. The reception was all set up
across a bridge on the other side of the garden. The guests had tea and cake while the photographs were taken. The group shots were first, then some with the alpha grooms together. Zac found some shade to stand in, itching to unbutton his shirt a little.

  “Alright there, duck?” Harper asked, rocking Henry as the little boy fussed.

  “Sure. Just a little warm.”

  “You do look flushed. Why don’t I get you something to drink?”

  “I’m fine,” he said, catching Harper’s arm before he could wander off. “I’m pre-heat, that’s all.”

  “Just in time for your honeymoon,” Harper joked, grinning knowingly at him.

  Zac flushed a little deeper, avoiding Harper’s eyes.

  The omega frowned a little, leaning closer to whisper, “So when are you getting your implant?”

  He glanced up, looked around to make sure no one could overhear, and whispered his reply. “I’m not, not yet. You were sort of right about the honeymoon. Beckett and I were talking about it. We were thinking just one more… maybe two.”

  Harper’s eyebrows all but shot up into his hairline. “Seriously, duck?”

  “Why not?”

  Harper considered for a moment then shrugged. “Why not?” he echoed. “You guys make awesome parents.”

  The photographer called Zac back over so he could take a few shots of just him and Beckett. Zac went eagerly into Beckett’s arms, looking up into the alpha’s eyes.

  “Happy?” Beckett asked him.

  “Happier than I ever thought possible,” he admitted.

  “Me too.”

  The photographer took what felt like hundreds of photos before suggesting, “One with you and the children, perhaps?”

  Sarah brought Luca, who came running to join them. Beckett swooped him up into his arms. Harper passed Henry to Zac and bounced away to stand next to William. The alpha looked immediately uncomfortable, and Zac had to work hard not to laugh.

  He turned his attention to the task at hand, standing close to Beckett and Luca, and rocking Henry in his arms.

  “Eyes on me, smiles everyone. Yes, just like that. Perfect.”

  It was perfect. Everything Zac had dreamed of.

  Author’s Note

  Thanks for reading Expecting You, the first book in the Omega’s Luck series. I really hope you enjoyed reading Beckett, Zac, and Luca’s story! If you have a moment to spare, reviews are always appreciated.

  If you’d like to hear about new releases in this or other series, you can sign up to my mailing list here or visit clairecullenbooks.com.

  Cover Designed by Cormar Covers

  Copyright © 2020 by Claire Cullen

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincident.

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