One Night With a Billionaire

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One Night With a Billionaire Page 6

by Jessica Clare

  “It’s true,” Cade said. His arm—strong and firm—went to her waist and he pulled her against him, close enough that her breasts pushed up against his chest. “I’m hurting. I’m fucking wrecked over how Daphne’s acting. I’m so disappointed in her I can hardly stand it, and I think, for the first time in ten years, I’m really truly done with her. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not attracted to you. It’s the opposite, really. I couldn’t stop looking at you at the coffee shop, and I told myself it was okay to look, because I’d never see you again. Except I did. And I stared at you all night in the greenroom. Every time you laughed, every time you smiled, it turned me on. I hate that it all seems to be happening tonight, but I’m not going to think too hard about it. I want you.” He leaned in and gently kissed her mouth.

  She gasped, surprised at the feel of his mouth against hers. She . . . hadn’t expected that. And yet, she was filled with the desire for more. The kiss had been way too brief.

  His thumb grazed her lower lip, his gaze on her face. “I want you so much I can hardly stand it. It’s not just because you happen to be here and I’m horny. It’s because it’s Kylie here, Kylie pressed up against my chest, and Kylie that makes my dick hard every time she smiles. Will you stay the night with me?”

  She gazed up at him, considering. Part of her was screaming that this was stupid. That he was hurting and rebounding from Daphne’s antics. That if he was playing her just to get back at Daphne, he was the most sincere-seeming man ever. Because everything he did made it seem like he truly wanted her. From the way he watched her mouth as she licked her lips, to the way he pulled her body against his, it truly did seem as if Cade was attracted to her.

  To her. Kylie Daniels. AKA, Fat Marilyn.

  And really . . . what would it hurt to stay the night with Cade? He’d made it clear that this would be a fling. A one and done. A gorgeous guy wanted her for just one night of hot sex? No strings attached, no worries, no relationships, no nothing?

  How was there possibly a downside to this?

  There probably was, Kylie’s conscience told her. Daphne was her boss, and she was playing with fire to even think about hooking up with Cade.

  Even so . . . hadn’t Daphne tossed him away earlier tonight? Hadn’t she made it quite clear that she was more interested in partying and getting stoned than spending time with Cade?

  And Cade was gorgeous and Kylie was basking in his attention and that oh-so-brief kiss and the Patron was muddying her head and it was late and she possibly wasn’t thinking too clearly herself.

  Because she wanted this man, and he wanted her.

  What could possibly go wrong with that?

  So she bit her lip, leaned forward, and pressed her mouth to his in a silent answer to his question.


  Kissing Cade Archer was better than ice cream. Sweet, creamy chocolate ice cream with hot fudge dripping down the sides? Tasty, but not nearly as appealing to her senses as the warm breath of the man kissing her. Of his tongue slicking against her own in response to her kiss. Of his mouth opening wider to accept her tongue. Of the groan he made when their mouths locked, and the way his hand stole down to her ass and clenched her against him as if she were beautiful and sexy and he wanted her like he wanted no other woman.

  And when her mouth parted from his, a small, dreamy sigh escaped her.

  “Want to go inside?” Cade murmured, and cupped her face with his long fingers.

  “I shouldn’t.”

  “The question wasn’t whether or not you should, but if you wanted to,” he said, and one of his fingers traced her full lips again.

  She took that fingertip between her teeth and licked the tip. “More than anything.”

  “Then let’s not overthink it. Let’s just feel for a night.”

  That sounded kind of wonderful. She nodded and he gave her another quick kiss, then took her by the hand and led her back into the hotel room. He flicked off lights as he went, leading her through the maze of rooms.

  And then they were in the opulent bedroom. The walls were a soft warm wood, the drapes a pale cream color. The bed was a sumptuous king with a quilted white headboard and dozens of pillows tossed onto it. It looked like something out of a dream. “This is like no hotel room I’ve ever stayed in before.”

  “It’s nice, isn’t it? You should see the bathroom.”

  “Can I?”

  He gestured at a door off of the bedroom. “Be my guest.”

  She wandered in and gasped at the sight. It was beyond luxury—a rain shower; a sunken, jetted tub; thick, plush carpets—it had everything. She peeked at a door off to one side and laughed to see exercise equipment. “My goodness. This place is bigger than my last apartment.”

  “Mmm. Then I’m glad you’re here to enjoy it.”

  He pulled her against him, pressing her back against his front. His arms went around her waist and he nuzzled at her neck, brushing her hair aside and kissing her nape.

  Kylie shivered. Her instinct was to draw Cade’s hands away from her waist so he wouldn’t figure out how fat she was—but that was stupid, of course. He knew just how big she was. She wasn’t a slim girl. Her breasts were big, her hips were big, and there was no hiding that. So she forced herself to relax in his arms. If he hated the way she looked, well, she’d never see him again, would she?

  So she turned around, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him in for a long, scorching kiss. Her tongue played against his, then flicked against his lips. “I’ve seen enough in here. I think we should go back to the bedroom.”

  Cade groaned and gripped her ass in his hands. “I couldn’t agree more.” But he didn’t stop kissing her. Instead, he walked backward in small, slow steps, heading back toward the bedroom. And she giggled against his mouth, still kissing him in return.

  Mouths locked the entire time, they staggered back to the bedroom. She accidentally stepped on his foot and he winced. “Sorry,” she breathed.

  “I can carry you the rest of the way,” he told her between kisses. His blue eyes were heavily lidded with passion and fringed by dark blond lashes, and she couldn’t stop staring at that sultry gaze. He was gorgeous, right down to his sinfully pouty mouth. No man should have a mouth that pretty, Kylie decided. It was just darn wrong.

  And then she realized what that pretty mouth was saying. “Carry? Me?”

  He nodded and moved to put a hand behind her legs, and she quickly stumbled out of his grip. “Wait, no!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You must be really drunk if you think you can carry me,” she told him. She was a nice, solid size eighteen, and there was no fudging that number. “I don’t look like Daphne.”

  “Thank fucking Christ for that,” he said, and put his hands at the sides of her neck and drew her in for another searing kiss. “I love the way you look,” he murmured against her mouth. “I love your lush body. It’s one of the reasons I’m attracted to you.” His hands slid to her shoulders, and then down her arms, and he studied her with pleasure. “Your breasts. Your hips. Your curves. Your softness. Fuck, you’re pretty.”

  All right, this one-night stand was going to be more fun than she thought. Her hands went to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them. “I want to see your body.”

  “Only if I get to see yours,” he told her, a cocky smile curving his mouth. “One piece of clothing for one piece of clothing.”

  “That seems fair,” she teased. A game took the tension out of undressing in front of a stranger. “But I get to pick your item of clothing.”

  “As long as I get to pick yours.”

  “All right. Can I go first?”

  “Always.” His eyes gleamed. “Ladies first.”

  She tapped her lip, pretending to consider things. “Well, let’s start with the basics before we get to the good stuff. Off with your jacket.”

  Cade made a big show of removing his jacket, humming a bawdy song under his breath and pretending to strip it off for an imaginary cro
wd. He swung it over his head and then tossed it to the ground, while Kylie laughed and clapped her hands.

  How much of this was the real Cade and how much was alcoholic silliness, she wondered? Either way, she loved it. She was having a blast. She usually wasn’t ultra-playful in bed, being too self-conscious to really let her hair down. But how could she possibly be worried about how she looked when this drunk, heavenly man was pretending to strip for her, complete with burbled music?

  It was freaking adorable.

  “Your turn,” Cade said, wiggling his eyebrows at her. He tapped his mouth with one long finger, pretending to consider her clothing, and Kylie raised her arms above her head and gave a little wiggle of her own, modeling her clothing. “How about . . . your bra?”

  “You can’t ask for my bra yet,” she told him. “It’s under my other clothes.”

  “I don’t remember us establishing rules, my pretty.” He pretended to twirl a mustache like an evil villain, and she couldn’t help but laugh again. “Now. Bra.”

  With a faked sigh, she pulled her arms through her sleeves and began to wriggle around inside the cocoon her shirt made, unhooking the six industrial-strength clasps at the back of her bra. A bra for larger boobs wasn’t an ultra-feminine, delicate thing—not if it wanted to get the job done. Kylie’s bra was big and strong and sufficient. Eventually, she worked it off and held it out of her shirt with one arm, hoping he wouldn’t notice that it was a plain beige and not something wild or sexy.

  She bet Daphne wore wild and sexy. Which made her worry.

  But Cade just wiped his lips, his gaze on her now-loose breasts in her shirt. “I think my mouth just watered.”

  And suddenly everything was okay again. She grinned and tossed her bra down on his jacket and then slid her arms back through the sleeves of her tight black shirt, not minding that her big breasts were bouncing with every move she made. “My turn, is it?”

  “Might I suggest a lovely sock? I have two of them.” His voice was teasing, but she noticed his gaze was glued to her loose breasts in her shirt, and it made her nipples harden with excitement to see his need so blatantly. Heat pulsed between her thighs and she fought the urge to press them tighter together.

  She considered his clothing, instead. He wore his button-up shirt, the collar open and loose, and a pair of slacks, socks, and shoes. Underneath, she assumed, he wore boxers. Or briefs? She wasn’t entirely sure, but she didn’t want to spoil the anticipation by going straight for the payday. Even now, she could see the bulge in the front of his trousers increasing and she licked her lips with anticipation.

  And to her surprise, he groaned, his gaze hazy with lust again. “Can I just say I love that mouth of yours? God almighty.”

  Kylie licked her lips again, teasing him, and then gestured at his shirt. “Off with that. I want to see your chest.”

  He removed it quickly, less playful than before, and now she could see the firm outline of his cock against his pants, thick and erect. And oh, rather stunning if she was a judge of these sorts of things. He was definitely well equipped.

  Yep, tonight was a good call after all.

  Cade stripped off his shirt, then quickly removed his undershirt and Kylie sucked in a breath at the sight of his bared chest. “Oh wow,” she told him, unable to stop herself from moving forward and running her hands over his sculpted body. “You’re gorgeous.” Daphne, she decided, was an utter fool for passing up this delicious man. Cade’s body was long and lean, his chest lightly brushed with tawny hairs across his etched pectorals and down his belly. There was an ugly black tattoo of skulls and such on his left bicep, but she ignored it in favor of running her hands down his chest. She was actually touching a man with a six-pack. She, Kylie Daniels of the wide butt and even wider hips, was getting to put her hands—and soon, her mouth—on male six-pack. “I have to say, this is a fun game,” she breathed, dipping the tip of one finger against his belly button.

  He groaned, closing his eyes at her touch. “Fun . . . and torture all at once.”

  She knew what he meant. Now her mouth was watering. “Your turn, I believe.”

  His heavy-lidded eyes considered her. “Can I touch?”

  “Not yet,” she murmured, even though she was running her hands up and down his gorgeous chest. But seriously, how could she possibly stop caressing a chest as perfect as his? That would just be masochism.

  “All right, then,” he murmured. “I think I know what I want to come off of you next.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, breathless from touching his skin. He was so warm and smelled so good.

  He leaned in and his lips brushed against her ear. “Your panties.”

  And Kylie moaned. This man did not play fair. “But they’re under my pants.”

  “That’s not my problem, is it?” His voice was like silk, caressing her skin.

  She shivered, her mind racing as she tried to see a way to prolong the tease, to remove her panties without giving up all the goods. But she couldn’t think of anything. It didn’t help that her mind was mush thanks to Cade’s nearness and the Patron she’d drank.

  And then, because she couldn’t think of any way to save herself, she sighed and stepped out of her shoes, then undid the button on her pants. “I’m thinking this is a two-for-one that you’re getting here,” she told him, turning her back to draw the tease out a little. Kylie unzipped her pants and then, bracing herself, tugged them down over her hips and let them fall to the floor. Now she stood in nothing but her panties and her shirt, and her panties were a cheeky design with lace at the seams, so they exposed more of her pale ass than covered it. Which . . . hadn’t mattered this morning when she’d dressed. She’d liked the panties due to the fact that they left no visible line under her clothing.

  Now? Well, her butt cheeks were exposed in all their pale, fleshy glory.

  Cade groaned again and moved toward her. “You have a gorgeous ass. I’m dying to touch it.”

  “Hey now,” she told him, teasing. Then she wiggled out of his grip, and then out of her panties, too. “No one said anything about touching, did they?” She could play hardball, too.

  “At some point, I’m going to want to touch,” he murmured. “And kiss. And caress. And lick.” His voice dropped to a near whisper, and he dragged out each word as he leaned in, close but not touching. “And suck . . .”

  And now she trembled with want. Her mind was on fire with the potential of skin being licked and kissed and nibbled and sucked. She turned to face Cade. “Your turn. I need your underwear, too.”

  He was standing so close to her that she was a little surprised she couldn’t feel his cock pressing against her skin. She longed to press her body against his, to feel his warmth and his hardness against her. This game was going on far too long, and she was aching and needy and wet between her thighs with sheer anticipation.

  Cade’s gaze was on her face, and she kept her eyes locked on his. It was like a titillating dance between them. They didn’t break eye contact even as she heard his zipper, heard the rustle of fabric as they fell to the floor, and watched his mouth curve into a sexy smile as he tugged his boxers off. Since he was down to nothing, it was only fair that she finish undressing, so, eyes still locked to his, she tugged her shirt off.

  And then she was naked in front of him, and he was naked except for his socks, and the time for playing was past. As if on the same wavelength, Kylie reached for him at the same time as he reached for her, and then they were kissing fiercely, mouths locked together. Her breasts pressed against his bare chest and now she could feel the length of him, hot, hard and erect against her belly.

  She kissed him again and he tasted like alcohol and man and all the delicious things she’d been longing for. “Cade,” she moaned against him.

  “Fuck, I love the feel of your breasts pressed up against me,” he murmured against her mouth. “Screw the whole ‘no touching’ thing. I want to touch all of you.”

  And before she could come up with a
teasing protest, his hands cupped her ass and he pinned her hips against his in a blatant show of just what he intended.

  All the breath escaped her lungs, and Kylie could do little more than moan a response.

  Cade took charge. He continued kissing her, but began to steer them toward the large bed. When the backs of her knees hit the mattress, he gave her a little push of encouragement and she went onto her back, only to have his body press against hers a moment later. The kissing continued as he moved over her, and then his knees were between her thighs and he tugged one of her calves around his hip.

  She moaned, clinging to his shoulders.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured between kisses, his mouth pressing on her neck. “So many perfect things about your body. Look at these breasts.” His thumb rolled her nipple, enticing a gasp of pleasure from her throat. “Look at how big and luscious they are, with beautiful pink nipples.”

  His hand on her was the best thing she’d ever felt. She arched against his touch, pressing her breast into his hand, eager for more. She wanted to cry out in pleasure, to demand that he lick and bite and suck like a wild animal, but shyness took over.

  “That feels really good,” she told him in a soft voice, and then winced at herself and the dumb words. Gee, really good, Kylie! Way to encourage him. Her hand crept to the curls of his golden hair, and she couldn’t help but drag her fingers through them, adding to her sensory pleasure.

  “Are your breasts sensitive, Kylie?”

  She nodded in response, and whimpered when he leaned down and took one aching nipple into his mouth.

  “Then that makes teasing them even more fun,” he murmured against her skin, then licked one tip sensuously.

  Kylie cried out, digging her nails into his shoulder. “Oh, Jesus, do that again.”

  “I plan on it,” he murmured, nuzzling the other breast. His fingers teased the peak of one while his mouth worked the other to a tight peak. And just when Kylie thought she’d come out of her skin with need, his hand left her breast and slipped between her legs and brushed through the curls of her pussy. “Goddamn, you’re wet, aren’t you?”


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