My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3

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My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3 Page 2

by Winter, Alexis

  She doesn’t say anything but she gathers her things and leaves the office.

  “Finally, a few moments to myself,” I mumble, kicking my feet up on my desk and pulling out my phone to scroll through my messages.

  I find one from Melinda: I’m free tonight. Call me.

  I exit the message and go to the next from Ashley: I’m single. Want to celebrate with me?

  I laugh and shake my head. The next is from Madison: Hey, I’m back in town. This weekend only. Let’s hook up!

  I clear all the messages and drop my phone onto my desk, wondering which one of them I should call tonight. Ashely is by far the hottest and dirtiest, but Madison is limited to this weekend. I think if I play this right, I can nail all three of them this weekend.

  I pick up my phone and send Madison a quick text: I get out of the office at 5. I’ll pick you up at 7? I hit send.

  I reply to Ashely next: I’m busy tonight. Raincheck for tomorrow?

  Finally, I text Melinda: I’m swamped this weekend, babe. Will Sunday work?

  Happy with my quick thinking, I hit the button to turn the screen off and place it on my desk. The door to the office opens, and Val comes walking in with two bags. She holds one out, but before I can take it from her, she lets go, dropping it onto my desk. I frown at her, and that causes her to smile.

  My phone starts going off.

  Melinda: Sunday will be perfect.

  Ashely: Saturday night’s fine with me.

  Madison: See ya tonight.

  Val looks down at my phone and sees the three messages from three different women. She scrunches up her nose and makes this ugh noise before turning around and sitting at her desk to eat.

  She doesn’t say anything, and I don’t either. I open my bag and pull out my food. I open my burger and take a big bite. I got way too wasted last night and skipped breakfast today. I need to put some food in my stomach to absorb some of that acid that’s been making me sick all day. At first, everything is fine, but then the taste of mayo hits me. I gag and spit it out into the trash.

  Val looks up at me with alarm.

  “I wrote no mayo,” I state flatly.

  She shrugs. “Well, maybe if you didn’t have the penmanship of a stressed-out doctor, I would’ve been able to read that.”

  “What else could it possibly say?” I ask, tossing the burger into the trash.

  “I thought it said no Mayo—like Cinco de Mayo. I looked at the board and saw they didn’t even have a Cinco de Mayo burger.” She rolls her eyes.

  I shake my head and bring my hands to my head, rubbing my temples. “I swear, you were put on this planet to give me a brain aneurism.” I grab my jacket and leave the office. From now on, I’ll be getting my own lunch.

  The rest of the day passes in about the same fashion. I ask her to do something, she does it completely wrong on purpose, and then I get angry. I wish to God I could fire her. But I have a feeling she’d just run back to big brother’s office on the top floor and complain about how I’m giving her demeaning jobs.

  As five o’clock rolls around, I couldn’t be happier. I run by the house, shower, shave, and dress for my date. I’m pulling up to her hotel at seven on the dot. I pull out my phone and send her a quick text, telling her I’m outside, and drop my phone into my lap. While I’m waiting, it rings, and I answer.


  “Hey, man,” Bennet says. “How’d it go today?”

  I scoff. “How do you think it went today?”

  He lets out a nervous laugh. “Well, I just wanted to call and say thanks. I know she can be hard to handle, but she needs this job. I figured if you could make it past the first day, she would be safe.”

  My eyes roll on their own. I want to tell him that I’m done. I want to say fuck it and she’s fired, but something inside of me stops the words before they can leave my lips. “No problem,” I say instead.

  “I’ll let ya get back to whatever you were doing. But, Callan, I’m serious. Thanks. I don’t know what else to do with her.”

  I laugh. “Now that I believe. See ya later.” I hang up the phone just as Madison opens the door and slides inside. Looking over at her gets me excited. Her long, blonde hair is straight, hanging to her ass. She’s wearing a short skirt and her top ends above her belly button, and it doesn’t even start until half her tits are hanging out.

  “Hey, babe,” she says, leaning over and giving me a kiss while her hand cups my groin.

  I smile as she pulls away. “Are you ready for an adventure?” I ask, shifting into drive.


  We make it to the club, and it’s already in full swing. We’re shown to the VIP area, and we sit at the bar, looking over the menu. She sips a fruity cocktail, and I opt for some Jameson, straight up.

  While I’m reading over the menu, my hand is traveling up and down her thigh. Every time I get to the top, she opens her legs wider, hoping I move in. But I feel playful tonight. I feel like a chase. If all I wanted was a quick fuck, I could’ve gone up to her hotel room and been out in ten minutes. There would be no point to even taking her out. No, tonight I feel like flirting, driving her wild just to drive myself crazy. Maybe I’ll even look to add someone to our little arrangement. I know she won’t object. I’ve done many freaky things with this girl. I know a threesome with a random stranger isn’t off the table.

  She sucks down her drink at lightning speed, and she doesn’t hesitate to order another. We both grab another round, then move to the center of the floor to dance while we wait for our food. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer, so close I can tell the drink she had was watermelon flavored and I haven’t even kissed her yet. Her brown eyes look up, locking on mine, and she wets her bottom lip.

  “What are we doing here, Callan?”

  I shrug as I place one hand on her hip and begin grinding against her. “What do you mean?”

  She smiles and looks at me from beneath her lashes like she’s playing shy—something she’s not. “We don’t do this. We meet up, fuck, and go our separate ways. You know I’m not looking to settle down,” she says around a smile.

  I laugh loudly. “You’re not the only one not looking to settle down. Why don’t you look around the club and find someone you want to invite home with us?”

  Her smile widens. “Okay,” she whispers, pulling away and leaving the VIP section.

  With her gone, I go back to the bar and sit down. Jimmy, the bartender, pours me another drink and shakes his head with a laugh. “I don’t know how you do it, man.”

  I smirk. “Do what?”

  “End up with all these different hotties every night.”

  I throw my drink back and set it down. Again, he refills it. “If you have enough money, or make it look like you do, you can get away with anything,” I tell him, tipping my glass in his direction.



  After work, I feel dead. It’s like all the energy has been sucked from my body, and all because I had to hold myself back from telling Callan off all day. My muscles are tensed, making my back and neck sore and stiff. My head is pounding, and my eyes hurt from staring at a computer screen all day. This is definitely different than working in the art gallery.

  I ride home with Bennet and Maddie, but as soon as we get to the house, I change into my own clothes and get behind the wheel to drive back to Mom’s. When I walk in, she looks up with a smile. I think she likes having me live with her. She’s been lonely since Dad passed.

  “How was the first day?” she asks.

  I collapse on the couch at her side and lay my head in her lap. “I hate it, Mom.”

  She laughs but starts combing through my hair with her fingers, something she’s done since I was a child. It always soothes me. “Just hang in there. It will get better.”

  I sit up and look at her. “Remember how Callan and I bickered when we were kids?”

  She laughs. “Boy, do I. There were days when I was ready to pull my hair ou
t. I think you two are the reason I have so much gray,” she teases.

  My eyes stretch wide. “Well, it’s only gotten worse. Except now we're adults, and there are no other adults around to tell us to shut up, so we just keep going and going.” I roll my eyes.

  She shakes her head. “Now, Valerie. You just have to remember that Callan is your boss. You can’t talk to your boss that way. You, missy, are going to have to learn to bite your tongue.”

  I groan. “I know I’ve always been adamant about taking care of myself, but can you just support me for the rest of my life, so I never have to work again?” I ask, only half teasing.

  She shakes her head. “Absolutely not. You know your father’s feelings on this subject. I’m not going to disregard his wishes just because he isn’t around to speak up anymore.”

  I stand. “Fine,” I mumble, walking downstairs to my section of the house.

  The one thing about this new, smaller house that I love is the way it’s set up. Upstairs, which is ground level, is the living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. But the downstairs has a full bathroom, three more bedrooms, and a living room section. I basically have my own house down here.

  I strip out of my clothes from yesterday and step into the shower. I take an extra-long, extra-hot shower to help me forget my horrible day, then get out to pull on my pajamas. I think to myself how boring I must be to be in my pajamas at six on a Friday night, but I quickly forget as I toss myself onto the couch and turn on the TV.

  I feel myself drifting in and out of sleep when my phone rings from beside me. I pull it to my ear.

  “Hello?” I answer, sleep evident in my voice.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Krista asks.

  “Sleeping,” I mumble.

  “Sleeping? It’s Friday night!”

  I groan. “I know, but I’ve had a shit day.”

  “Bitch, get yo ass up! It’s time to party!”

  “But I don’t wanna,” I pout.

  “Valerie Anne Windsor, get your ass up. Fix that face and put on something sexy. I’m on my way to get you.” She hangs up without another word.

  I drop the phone on the couch beside me and kick my feet, having a little fit. When the urge to cry wears off, I take a deep breath and push myself up, heading for my closet.

  I find a red skin-tight dress and pull it on, pairing it with a pair of red fuck-me heels. The top is low cut, showing plenty of cleavage, and the skirt ends high on my thigh. I add some flashy earrings and bracelets before heading to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I quickly run the flat iron through my hair and leave it hanging around me. I paint my face, darkening my eyes and brightening my lips.

  I’m putting a few things into my clutch when Krista walks down the stairs. She smiles wide when she sees me. “That’s my girl,” she says, eyes moving up and down my body in approval. “Are you ready for the night of your life?”

  I laugh. “And what about tonight will make me think it’s the night of my life?”

  “I got Dillan, Decon, and Brian meeting us there. You get first pick,” she tells me, shooting me a wink.

  I roll my eyes. “We need to meet new boys,” I tell her, closing my clutch and turning in her direction. “But I think Decon will be mine tonight.”

  She nods. “Nice choice.”

  We’re walking into the club about an hour later. It’s already in full swing. The bar is crowded, the dance floor is full, and the tables are scarce. We both grab a drink before walking around the club, looking for a place to sit. We cross the dance floor, and the three guys are sitting in a corner booth, waving us down.

  “Krista, Val, over here,” Brian says, standing up in the booth until we walk over. Brian stands so I can slide in next to Decon.

  Decon and I have been playing this will they, won’t they game for months now. We flirt, dance, sometimes kiss, but we never end up going all the way for one reason or another. Maybe because it’s more fun teasing one another.

  “Hi, beautiful,” Decon says, leaning in a pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

  I smile from his lips tickling my skin. “Hey, where you been lately?”

  “Oh, you know. Here and there,” he says. “How about you?”

  “I got a new job,” I confess. “I sold out for a 401K and a tiny desk in the corner.”

  “That blows. Why don’t we go dance off some of that steam?” He flashes me his sexy grin and pushes his dark hair out of his face.

  I lift my drink and throw it back. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s see if that rock-hard body of yours can make me forgot about my shitty day.” He takes my hand in his and pulls me from the booth to the center of the dance floor.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer. He places one hand on my hip while the other hangs casually at his side. Together, we move against one another. Our eyes lock, and he wets his bottom lip. Sweat is already beading up on his skin, and I feel him grow hard against me.

  “How long we going to do this?” he asks, and I know exactly what he’s referring to.

  I shrug one shoulder and give him a teasing smile as I release him and spin around, pressing my ass to his crotch. He lets out a low grunt and grinds against me harder. His hands are now on my hips, moving up and down, working my dress up further and further with each lap. The song ends, and I step away.

  “I’m going to get a drink,” I whisper in his ear before walking away, leaving him wanting more.

  That’s usually my thing: always leave them wanting more. I smile to myself as I shake my ass a little more than necessary, just because I know he’s watching.

  When I get to the bar, I order my vodka cranberry to take back to the table but add on a shot of Patron while I wait for my drink to get mixed.

  I feel someone bump against my shoulder. I look over, expecting to see Decon, but to my surprise, it’s Callan.

  “What are you doing here? Aren’t you out past your bedtime?” he teases.

  My smile immediately drops. “I didn’t know they let dogs in here.” I look around like I’m searching for a warning sign.

  He mocks laughter, but I catch a glimpse of him through the corner of my eye. He looks me up and down slowly.

  “Your mama let you out of the house dressed like that?” he asks, lifting his glass to his lips. “If you ask me, leaving the house like that is just asking for trouble.”

  That statement alone makes me want to walk away. “Excuse me, but the way I dress is none of your concern.”

  He seems taken aback.

  I pick up my shot glass and throw it back. I toss some cash onto the bar, then grab my drink and walk away, feeling annoyed and irritated.

  “There she is,” Krista says as I walk back to the table.

  “Here I am,” I mumble, still overwhelmed with anger from running into Callan.

  “What crawled up your ass?” she asks, moving out of my way so I can slide back into the booth.

  “I just ran into Callan.”

  “Ugh, why do you let him bother you so much?”

  I shrug and take a drink.

  Decon wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. “Forget about him and focus on me, Val. We have some catching up to do.”

  I force a smile onto my face. I really need to shake off this bad mood. Maybe tonight is the night I finally go all the way with Decon. God knows I could use it.

  We sit back in the booth, talking, drinking, and laughing for several hours. Eventually, I forget all about Callan and find myself having fun. It’s been a while since I was able to do something like this. Back when I was working at the gallery and was only making money when I sold one of my pieces, I didn’t have the money to go out and do anything extra. But since I’ve been living with my mom, I’ve got a little in the bank, not to mention the good paychecks should hit next week. I think I deserve a night out, and I’m going to have a good time even if I have to force it.

  Krista and Brian end up on the dance floor, and Dillan wanders of
f, trying to find him a piece for the night. Decon goes to get us both a fresh drink, and then we’re left all alone in the dark corner booth. His fingers gently sweep up and down my thigh, and when I turn to face him, he catches my lips with his own. His lips are so plump and soft, they feel as if they cradle my own. His strong hand comes up to cup my cheek, holding me to him while he deepens our kiss. My hand seems to raise on its own, wrapping itself around his neck, wanting the kiss as much as he does. The alcohol seems to take over my body. Everything feels so good, euphoric even. I close my eyes and see the flashing colored lights from the club dancing behind my eyelids.

  The longer we kiss, the more serious it gets. His hands are squeezing my breasts while his lips travel down my jaw and neck. Under the table, I find his hard cock, and I move my hand back and forth across his length.

  “Let’s take this outside,” he whispers.

  I pull back, look into his dark eyes, and nod. “Okay,” I agree, feeling a little dizzy, but I tell myself it’s just from the alcohol. I haven’t been drunk like this in quite a while.

  He stands and holds out his hand. I take it, and he leads me from the booth to the door, where we exit the building. His hands are on my shoulders from behind me, guiding me and keeping me upright.

  Rounding the corner, there’s a dark alley. It’s dirty and dingy, and suddenly I’m confused as to why we’re even out here. He pulls me against his strong chest and walks me backward until my back is against the cold brick building. His mouth finds mine and his tongue demands entrance.

  My head is swirling. I feel confused and weak, like I’m unable to stop what’s happening, but at the same time, enjoying the way his touches and kisses feel. He picks me up by my ass, and I squeal as my legs wrap around his hips. With me pinned between him and the wall, his hands fall between us, his fingers sliding into the side of my panties. My head lulls to the side, and all I can see is black, with a little light from the street peeking into the dark tunnel we’re in. When his bare hand brushes against my sex, something inside of me snaps. It’s only now I realize what’s about to happen, and while I’m not totally against sleeping with him, I also don’t want it in the dingy alley.


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