My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3

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My Boss’s Sister: Make Her Mine Series-Book 3 Page 9

by Winter, Alexis

  “I can’t keep seeing other women.” I let out a long breath. “When I’m with them, I feel nothing. All I want is you.” I kiss her quickly, but then add on, “I don’t care if you want to see other guys. But I’m only going to be with you.”

  Her lips turn up into a smile. “I don’t want to see anyone else, Callan. I don’t know if we’ll work, but I do know that nobody else can compare to you.”

  I smash my mouth against hers and kiss her deeply as relief and happiness wash over me. The fear of Bennet finding out doesn’t even cross my mind. It can’t, because when I’m with her, I only see her.




  * * *

  The workday is almost over, and I couldn’t be more ready. All day long, I’ve had to sit across from Callan while he sends me sexy text messages of all the dirty things he promises to do to me tonight. Every muscle is tense from trying to hold off the flood of passion that he causes me to feel.

  I shut off my computer and grab my purse just as he’s walking toward the door. His hand is on the knob, but he doesn’t move to open it. He places his other hand on my cheek. “I’ll see you at my place?”

  I nod as a smile takes over. “I’ll be there soon,” I promise.

  “Not soon enough,” he whispers, lowering his mouth to mine.

  He kisses me softly, but deeply. Before, when Callan kissed me, it was hard, rough, strong, but here lately, his kisses have been soft, deep, and long, like he can’t get enough of me, like he wants to savor every second of it, burn every last detail into his memory.

  A knock on the door makes us shoot apart just before he opens it. Bennet is on the other side. He walks in and turns to face the two of us. “I need a favor, and I didn’t know who else to ask,” he breathes out.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “You’ve heard of Geo Halsing, right?” he asks, looking at Callan.

  He nods. “Yeah, he’s the kid that just inherited his father’s billion-dollar estate, right?”

  Bennet nods. “Exactly. Well, I had a meeting set up with him because he’s wanting to pull every cent.” He shakes his head. “We can’t lose an account that large, Cal.”

  “Alright. What do you want us to do?” I ask.

  Bennet’s eyes jump from me to Callan, and back. “This guy is only twenty-one and doesn’t have one business bone in his body. If he takes this money, he’s going to live large for a few years, but he will blow every last penny. I need help talking him into leaving it with us. Letting us invest it and use it with the promise of a return. I thought everything was going according to plan, but it turns out he’s just too busy to come in and talk about business because he’s only here for a vacation. I got word that he’s going to be hitting up Hanger 10 tonight.”

  “Alright, I’ll help you rope him in,” Callan agrees.

  Bennet looks at us both. “Well, actually…and I hate to do this, but Val, do you think you could, you know, use your womanly wiles on him? Make sure he dances, drinks, has a good time. Then me and Callan push him to sign?”

  I look up at Callan and even though he’s trying to maintain his composure, I can see the annoyance breaking through. His jaw flexes and his nostrils flare.

  “I don’t know, Bennet. I mean, I don’t do the whole club scene anymore. Not after…you know.”

  Bennet’s eyes stretch wide. “I know, Val. But I’ll be there, and Maddie, and Callan. Nothing could possibly happen. We need this client. His dad started this business deal up twenty years ago with nothing but a grand. In that time, his investments have done so well, his account now stands at more than twenty millions dollars.” He shakes his head. “We can’t lose that kind of money in one quarter. The board will be all over my ass.”

  I take a deep breath, wanting to help, but not wanting to be back in that scene. “Why can’t Maddie do it?” I ask.

  “Maddie is my wife, Val. There’s no way I’m going to let her dance with another guy, having to sit back and watch as he puts his hands on her, even innocently.”

  I laugh. “But it’s okay for your little sister?”

  “You’re single, and this is your usual thing anyway. Cal and I will be there. All you have to do is tell us when, and we’ll stop everything,” he promises.

  “Fine, but I’m getting paid for this. If I have to work after work, I want double my pay for every hour I’m there. I also want the bonus you’re supposed to get with every signature. Got it?”

  He nods. “Deal. Thank you. The club opens at ten.” He rushes out the door.

  Callan shuts it behind him and shakes his head. “I don’t like this,” he admits.

  “Me neither, but like Bennet said, you guys will be there to make sure this guy behaves.”

  He steps up to me and pulls me to his chest. He doesn’t kiss me or touch me provocatively; he just hugs me close. I can hear the way his heart is pounding against his chest.

  I look up at him, cupping his cheek. “I’ll be fine,” I promise, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his mouth.

  We get to the club, and the place is packed and very loud. It’s so crowded that I find it hard to move and even breathe at times. Memories flood over me: dancing with Decon, getting close in the booth, then the memory from the next day of being sick and in pain. Just remembering it all puts me on edge and makes me feel angry.

  Luckily, Bennet sprung for the VIP area, so we at least have our own place to sit to get away from the crowd.

  Bennet and Callan sit on the ends of the booth with Maddie and me between them. Under the table, Callan places his hand on my thigh. Just a simple touch eases away the anxiety I feel. I take a deep breath and try to resist leaning into his side.

  This past month with Callan has been great. We spend all our free time together, and I don’t feel as if I’m missing out on anything by not going on dates with other guys. I never thought I’d be the relationship type, but I guess you just have to find the right one. I try not to overthink it though, because then a sudden panic rises in my chest when I consider what we’re really doing, how much trouble we could get into with my brother.

  I reach under the table and place my hand over his, letting him know that I’m grateful for his touch, his support and understanding through all of this.

  We all order a round of drinks, and while everyone else is throwing them back, I’m only sipping on mine here and there. I still haven’t gotten over my issues with drinking and being back in the club only makes me want to avoid it more.

  Maddie and I sit and talk about everything from our nails to things going on at work. Bennet is watching everyone that comes through the door like a hawk, and Callan is sitting next to me, body tensed. Hours go by, but I finally finish my drink and can no longer feel my legs from sitting still so long.

  “Excuse me,” I say, edging my way out.

  Callan stands up. “Where are you going?” he asks.

  “What do you care?” I ask, noticing that Bennet and Maddie are both watching our exchange.

  He seems taken aback for a moment, then notices the two people staring at us. “I don’t,” he says, sitting back down.

  I head back to the bathroom and wait in the line. I rest my shoulder against the wall and pull out my phone, sending him a quick text.

  I’m waiting in line for the bathroom.

  Want me to wait with you?

  I laugh. No, I think that would be a little weird, wouldn’t it?

  After waiting a few minutes, I slide the phone back into my purse.

  Finally, I use the bathroom, and when I walk out, I see Bennet standing up. He’s talking with a guy that I don’t know. I assume it’s the guy we’ve been waiting for, so I head over.

  I stop next to Callan and Bennet.

  “Here she is,” Bennet says, turning him to face me. “She can tell you every place you need to see while you’re here. She knows where all the parties are happening.”

  The guy looks up at me and smiles. “Ah,
nice to meet you. I’m Geo.” He holds out his hand.

  I force a smile onto my face and shake his hand. “I’m Valerie.”

  “Very beautiful name. Are you free for the night?”

  I nod. “Would you like to get a drink?”

  “Absolutely,” he replies, holding out his arm.

  I slip mine through his and lead him toward the bar.

  As we sit and wait for his drink, he looks over the club, and I can’t help but check him out. He has naturally darker skin—maybe of Italian descent— his sleek dark hair is kept in a gentlemen’s cut, and he has dark brown eyes. He’s only about my height, and he doesn’t have much muscle mass to him. His eyes are wide, taking it all in.

  “So, you come here often?” he asks, turning his attention back to me.

  I shrug. “I used to, but it’s been a while. I’ve been too busy with work.”

  “Oh, where do you work?”

  I point over at the table. “Windsor Wealth Management.” He’s handed his drink. “We should get back.”

  I stand and walk back to the table, and he follows me. Maddie and I sit and talk while Bennet and Callan talk to him about his investments. I listen to them go through the whole thing before getting bored and turning toward Maddie.

  “Is there something going on with you and Callan?” she asks low, so nobody else hears.

  “What? No! Why would you think that?” I ask, picking up my water and taking a drink.

  “I just picked up on some things. Like him asking where you were going when you went to the bathroom. And the moment this guy walked in and his eyes landed on you, Callan started to look angry. Then when you were at the bar, he didn’t take his eyes off you. He was watching you like a hawk.”

  I wave my hand through the air. “I think he’s just a little worried based on the last time he saw me in a club. He’s not going to let me out of his sight. If it had been Bennet that night, he’d be the same way right now.”

  She shrugs one shoulder but dismisses her thoughts.

  “Valerie!” someone shouts from across the table, and I look up to find Geo looking at me. “Care to dance?”

  I look at Bennet, and his eyes widen and his head motions for me to go. I glance at Callan, and he’s standing up straight, jaw cocked and eyes fixated on something above my head, like he’s just dazing off into space, trying not to pay attention.

  I force that smile back onto my face. “Sure,” I agree.

  I stand up, and he takes my hand, leading me onto the dance floor.

  I spin around, and he pulls me close as we move together to the beat of the music. His hands are on my hips, and his eyes are locked on mine. I place my hands around his neck and smile a little bit, reminding myself that I have to make this guy enjoy himself for the company’s sake.

  We dance through one song, and when it ends, I go to walk back to the booth, but he isn’t done, and he pulls me back. I let out a quick shriek when he spins me around and catches me against his chest. He smiles wide, and I laugh.

  “You are a very beautiful girl,” he tells me, eyes slowly moving up and down my body.

  “Thank you. You’re very sweet,” I reply.

  “How has someone not scooped you up already?”

  I shrug one shoulder while continuing to dance. “I’m not much for relationships. I prefer to stay single and have fun.”

  His smile turns into a wicked grin. “My kind of girl.” He pulls me closer, and his hands move toward my ass just a little. Not enough to make me think he’s grabbing my ass, but enough that I noticed they’ve moved. “What do you say to coming back to my hotel with me?”

  Fuck. What do I say to that? No, obviously, but how can I let him down easy? Make it to where Bennet doesn't lose him as a client?

  “I guess we’ll just have to see where we end up at the end of the night,” I say around a coy smile.

  When the song ends, I fan my face and pull away. “I’m going to get a drink.”

  “I’ll join you,” he says with a wink, following along behind me.

  I take my seat back between Callan and Maddie and the guys attack him again, wanting to talk shop. But this time, he doesn’t even pay attention to them. Instead, he watches me with a smile.



  It’s fucking pissing me off the way he’s looking at her. And it pisses me off even more that I can’t do anything about it. If I even look like I’m getting mad, I’ll have to explain myself to Bennet, and I have no clue what I’d even say. I can’t believe he asked her to do this. I mean, it’s not like he’s pimping her out or anything, but it’s just the fact that he asked her to come into a club after the thing that happened last time. She’s clearly not comfortable here. She won’t hardly even drink anymore. She doesn’t talk a lot about that night, but I know it still fucks her up. Just sitting here between Maddie and me, she looks worried, stressed, and scared. I hate seeing her like this.

  “Listen, Geo. Your dad, he trusted us for many, many years with his investments. He only put in a grand, and we changed that to over a quarter of a million dollars. If you sign this paper and leave this money with us, you’ll never have to worry about retirement. You’ll be able to live large up until the day you die,” Bennet says, still trying to sell this guy on not pulling out of the company.

  He nods like he’s listening to him, but his eyes never leave Valerie. So I decide to show him what all is around him.

  I put my arms around his neck. “Look at all these fine women here tonight, Geo. See that busty blonde over at the bar? I bet it’d only take a drink with her to get her to leave with you. Or that redhead on the dance floor. Look at the way she moves them hips. You know that’ll be a good time. You could have a lifetime of this if you play your cards right.” He looks at the women I point out, and he smiles and nods. But for some reason, he looks back at Valerie.

  “What about you?” he asks her.

  “What about me?” she asks, eyes wide as they flash from him to me, and back.

  “Would you come back to the hotel with me if I bought you a drink?”

  Val laughs but nervously looks down to her water.

  “Hey, she’s not going home with you tonight,” I say, turning him around back to the crowded bar.

  But he shakes his head. “They all look nice, dude. But the one I want is already sitting at our table.” He smiles and turns back around to look at her some more. He holds out his hand. “Come on, Valerie. Dance with me some more.”

  I take a deep breath and slowly let it out, hoping to keep my anger in check.

  She stands, and they both walk onto the dance floor.

  I sit back down, and Bennet picks up his drink, tossing it back. “I think we may have lost him.”

  I nod. “Who gives a shit? You see the way he’s objectifying your sister?”

  He scoffs. “He’s not doing anything but dancing with her. It’s nothing that neither of us haven’t done a million times.”

  “But she’s your sister!” I motion toward them.

  “Cal, you need to chill. He’s flirted and danced: that’s it. He hasn’t touched her inappropriately; she hasn’t had to tell him to stop. She’s fine. Val knows how to handle herself.”

  I sit back and grit my teeth, nostrils flaring. When I turn my head, I find Maddie staring at me with a grin.

  “What?” I ask.

  She forces her smile away. “Nothing,” she replies as she picks up her drink and finishes it off. “Baby, would you get us another round?” she asks, handing over her cup.

  He nods and stands to head to the bar.

  Maddie scoots closer. “You and Val, you have something going on, don’t you?”

  I look over at her. “What? No! Why would you think that?”

  She laughs. “That is exactly what Val said. But I can tell. You’re being awfully protective of her.”

  I shrug. “It’s nothing more than what I’d do for you, Mads.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Sure it is, and we b
oth know it. I’m not going to tell Bennet. It’s none of his business who his sister is seeing.”

  About that time, I see Valerie come walking back toward the table. She looks pissed and has Geo following along behind her in a rush.

  “I’m sorry, Val. I thought we were having a good time,” he says, grabbing her arm and spinning her around.

  I quickly jump up, pushing him back and pulling Val behind me. “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “This asshole thought he’d try seducing me into going back to his hotel with him,” she says, stepping to my side. “I won’t even repeat the nasty things he said to me.”

  “You what?” I ask, stepping forward.

  “She’s very beautiful. I was just complimenting her,” he says with a grin, not at all afraid of me. It’s clear that he doesn’t know the proper way to treat a woman.

  “He told me I was one fine piece of ass, then he stuck his tongue in my ear,” Val says, eyes wide with surprise.

  I step toward him as I’m drawing my fist back, but Bennet runs up just in time. He holds me back with both arms. “Hey, what the fuck is going on?”

  “This asshole is treating your sister like she’s a whore,” I yell, still trying to get at him.

  “Cal, just chill and let me talk to him,” Bennet says.

  With a deep breath, I stop trying to push my way through Bennet and give him the chance to fix this.

  “What happened, Valerie?” Bennet asks, looking over at her.

  Geo steps up. “This is fucking bullshit. You brought a lady to keep me happy, didn’t you?”

  I jump toward him again, but Bennet catches me.

  “No, I brought someone you could hang out with, get some tips on where people your age flock to. I didn’t bring my sister for you to sleep with,” Bennet spits out.

  Geo’s face contorts as he shakes his head. “Fuck this. I’m done with all of you. My lawyer will be in contact with you soon about getting my money.” Without another word, he walks off.


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