Discovered (A Galactic Battle Series Book 2)

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Discovered (A Galactic Battle Series Book 2) Page 9

by L H Whitlock

  The ground collapsed beneath Lily. She cried out as she slid into the hole, her hands clawing for something to grab hold of. Alberta dove and grabbed Lily’s hand. Before she was able to pull Lily to safety, the ground crumbled and the two of them were engulfed in darkness.

  All Lily could hear were screams, though she couldn’t decipher if they were hers or Alberta’s. Her heart lodged into her throat and her stomach dropped to her feet. Alberta’s hand clutched her own, the grip increasing by the second.

  They were thrown out of the hole on the other side of the asteroid. Alberta hung upside down in the air with a scream plastered to her face. Her shirt rode over her stomach, revealing the tattoo of her ringed native world. Lily clung to Alberta and gazed across the asteroid. Pirates of all species rushed around, moving fallen rocks off their friends and gathering merchandise from forgotten stands. Then gravity took hold and she plunged back into the hole.

  Nausea rose, burning her throat. Her eyes teared and her lungs struggled for breath. Alberta glanced at Lily and she knew the pilot was thinking the same thing she was: They had to do something or they would be stuck in harmonic motion and continue to fall over and over again. As they approached the creeping light of the other side, Lily and Alberta gripped each other’s arms, pressed the soles of their feet together and pushed off each other as they exited the tunnel.

  They flew apart. Lily slammed into the jagged, rocky ground. Pain seared through her shoulder, but she pulled herself to her feet and dove for cover just as a ship above them showered the asteroid with bullets. Alberta fell on the opposite side of the hole. She rolled behind a wall of rubble just in time to evade the onslaught of rapid fire.

  The Developers seemed to have multiplied. Three ships hung in the air, blasting the asteroid with relentless firepower. Buildings crumbled. Merchant stands collapsed beneath the weight of falling bricks. Pirates scrambled, looking for cover. One of the Developers’ ships erupted with flames and spiraled to the ground.

  Lily caught sight of Ulrick, seemingly in some sort of berserk mode, ripping a Developer apart with his bare hands. Gustavo shot a large machine; parts flew off his body as he struggled forward. Gloria protected her team and various pirates. The illumination of her shield bounced over the battlefield. Alberta shot an approaching Developer with energized bullets. The machine jerked with each strike but continued pushing forward.

  Cold fingers wrapped around Lily’s arm and spun her around. A metal hand connected with her face. She collapsed, her hands instantly going up to protect her face as the Developer fell on top of her. His fists collided with her forearms and shoulders in quick blows. Blood spilled from a gash in her cheek, and her lip swelled and eye stung. Her fingers laced around a tendon in the machine’s neck. When she yanked it loose the Developer went still and slumped over. The thick coil in Lily’s hand sparked and spat oil.

  Lily struggled to push the Developer off her and then pulled herself up. She rushed forward, her legs wobbly with exhaustion, and grabbed the tendon in the back of a second Developer’s neck. She tugged it loose and the machine crumbled to the ground. Alberta, having seen Lily’s action, did the same to her combatant. Ulrick watched her but continued tearing apart Developers limb by limb.

  “Let’s go!” Alberta yelled. “The asteroid falling apart.”

  The ground had begun to tremor. Lighter debris were lifted into the sky and chunks of the rocky planetoid broke asunder, leaving only thick sections of the pirate trading post intact.

  “Wes finds ship,” Alberta yelled, already taking off in a sprint.

  Lily joined the others as they followed. Gloria protected them from attacks along the way. A nearly empty landing bay came into view. Lily jumped over a fallen column and then climbed over the remnants of a building. Gustavo stammered over the debris, his golden hair tossed and outfit torn.

  “This one,” Ulrick yelled, taking off across the crumbling platform to a large slate-gray ship. The front was bowed out slightly compared to the rest of its body. Guns and cannons lined the front and back, leaving the center full of dusty windows.

  The door opened as Ulrick approached. The lights went on and the engine activated with a slight rumble.

  “Wows,” Alberta mumbled.

  “Ship, take off,” Ulrick yelled. The ship, in response, closed the doors and lifted into the air. “This is my home ship, although it appears to have been ransacked.” Ulrick glared around the room, a scowl marking his handsome face.

  “Nots by me,” Alberta defended.

  Ulrick raised an eyebrow at Alberta and led the team into the common room. Only a few chairs remained, and even fewer artwork. Lily felt a spat of guilt as she remembered what the room once looked like with its collection of furniture, end tables, art, and area rugs, all from various civilizations, some extinct and some still thriving.

  Ulrick wrapped his arm around Lily’s waist, pulling her against his side as they stared out the window at the destroyed asteroid. He made slight circles with his thumb, the movement enough to make her heart flutter. Another place destroyed because of her. Grief blinded her as she stared at the picture outside. The asteroid hung in silence. The Developers’ ships continued to attack even though there was hardly anything left to shoot at. Rocks and bodies littered the area along with discarded weapons, clothing, and various merchandise.

  Ulrick bent to kiss her head, his hand dropping to rest on her lower back then dipping to fan over her ass. “It is not your fault. Do not blame yourself for this. It is the Developers. The Developers alone destroyed this place.”

  She didn’t know how he did it, how he knew exactly what was wrong. But she loved him for it. She turned to stare into his midnight-blue eyes and raised herself up onto the tips of her toes to kiss him.

  “All right, Lover Boy, put your hands up. This is a hijack.”

  A low warning left Ulrick’s lips in a growl.

  “Aws, fucks, Tally and Evins,” Alberta mumbled, her hands once again going up in mock surrender. “Whats doing heres.”


  The roar of the crowd clouded Brock’s thoughts. He was trying to come up with a damn escape plan for cryin’ out loud, couldn’t a man get some silence? Brock hung in the air next to Alyssa and Bixom. Bixom had a placid look on his face, his gaze studying the Developers that surrounded them. Alyssa’s silky hair cascaded over her face and she whistled a nervous, off-beat tune.

  Brock yet again tried to free himself from whatever was holding him in the air, but he only managed a few grunts before he grew exhausted. If only he weren’t currently paralyzed… those motherfuckers would be sorry.

  Brock suddenly dropped to the ground, landing heavily on his shoulder and the side of his face. He grunted and stumbled as he tried to pull himself up. Alyssa wrapped an arm around him and helped hoist him to his feet. She managed a smile despite her swollen face and puffy eye. His stomach rolled. Bastards. Bixom pressed his back to Brock and the three of them gazed at the surrounding crowd.

  They stood on a grimy concrete bridge over-hanging a large abyss. Brock stared over the sides and tried to make out the bottom of the hole, but all he saw was blackness.

  Platforms floated around the bridge, their bottoms covered in engines and wires, some dragging below the hovering structures. Atop the levitating platforms Brock could see the glowing eyes of hundreds of Developers, packed in like insects. The host star burned in the sky, casting a red tint over the planet’s metal surface. Skyscrapers loomed overhead with tubes of red light running up and down the length of the buildings. The tops were all different. Some were rounded, others were boxed, and even more were in peculiar shapes. No windows were visible, not even greenery or balconies. Only the occasional landing bay disrupted the sleek lines.

  On a floating throne devised from gears sat the executioner along with several other Developers. One looked ancient, boxy, an original design, but most were encrusted in jewels and gold, signifying their status.

  The moment the machine stood the cheering
stopped, leaving only the eerie hum of electrical components. His head was pointed into a cone and his eyes glowed red inside sockets that were much too large for his face. His mouth consisted of a hole with countless needles crisscrossing and garbled inside.

  “Now, now. Let us settle so we can ensure a proper and swift elimination. First, toss Alyssa’s gene pool. It is a faulty batch.” The needles in his mouth rotated with each syllable.

  A smaller Developer, probably the same height as Alyssa, walked forward and threw a bin into the plummeting depths. Brock watched the plastic container until the blackness swallowed it. His stomach knotted. He found that although he wasn’t ready to die, he had no regrets. He lived an honorable life fighting to keep evil out of their galaxy and destroy Golan. He had seen a lot of destruction but he held on to the fact that he helped create peace, even if only for a few.

  “I hereby sentence these faulty bloodlines to extinction. Let the recycling commence.” The executioner sat back on his floating throne, and a whisper of pleasure passed over his metal face.

  The crowd erupted into a roar. Brock staggered backward as the echoing chants seemed to make the ground tremble. All around them Developers threw their arms into the air, their eyes deepened in shade and their mouths opened with snarls. There was no escape. There were too many of them. Brock glanced over his shoulder into the gaping maw of the hole below. Foggy figures danced within the black depths, playing tricks on Brocks eyes.

  Alyssa spun to face Brock, a devilish grin lighting up her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss on his bearded chin. The crowd collectively gasped.

  “Blasphemers!” The executioner jumped to his feet.

  Alyssa darted past Brock, turned to look at the crowd, and stuck out her tongue. Then Alyssa winked, twiddled her fingers in the air, and did a backflip off the edge of the bridge.

  Brock’s heart seized. He sprinted to the edge and caught a glimpse of the darkness swallowing Alyssa whole.

  “What the…” Bixom gasped next to him.

  “Fuck if I know!”

  The Developers once again fell silent, which seemed more unnerving than their vicious, synchronized roars.

  Sweat ran down Brock’s face, snagging in his beard. His heart slammed in his chest and, no matter how deeply he breathed, he felt as though he were suffocating.

  “Go ahead,” the executioner said with a wave of his hand. “Jump, retain some dignity and die with a little honor.”

  Brock charged forward, his temple pulsing with anger. “Why don’t you get your bitch ass over here and I’ll show you how to take it like a man. You motherfucking sack of shit! I can’t wait till I get my hands on you. I’m going to rip you apart, limb for limb, until there’s nothing left but your tiny—”

  “Shoot them.”

  A chorus of clicks sounded and Brock and Bixom were showered with neon green dots.

  Bixon grabbed Brock’s collar and pulled him to the edge of the bridge. Brock dug his heels in.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “What other choice do we have?”

  “This isn’t—”

  Bixom threw his weight into Brock’s back sending the two of them plummeting into blackness.


  Darkness swallowed Brock. Air rushed past him. His eyes watered and his breath came out in strangled gasps as he tried to suck in air. Bixom’s screams reverberated, melding together into a repetitive chorus.

  The thick air held the aroma of mildew, oil, and decay, making his stomach lurch and throat burn. Just when Brock thought he would forever be consumed by the blackness, he crashed into a wall of liquid. The breath rushed out of his lungs and shock paralyzed him. Despite his efforts to swim, to move, he plunged into the frigid depths.

  The thick, oily water wrapped around him in a slimy web. A hand grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him back. Brock twisted and threw out his fist, but it was blocked against Bixom’s forearm. A dim light illuminated from his wrist, casting a glow over his face and showcasing his scowl.

  Brock’s lungs burned and his throat tightened. Reality blotted away, leaving him limp and hazy. Bixom pulled Brock up until they breached the surface. Brock sucked in a deep breath and water filled his throat with the taste of copper and tar. He hacked violently, clutching to the Hilian to stay afloat.

  Bixom patted Brock’s back. “You okay?”

  Brock nodded silently as he coughed and tried to regain his composure. Something scraped against Brock’s leg. He jerked away. “What the fuck was that? Did you see it?”

  “I do not see anyth—Shit!” Bixom jerked away. “What the hell was that?”

  “Dammit… I think they’re fish.”

  “Biggest bloody fish I’ve ever seen…”

  “Shit, we need to get the hell out of here. Where did you find a light?”

  “It is from an old time-telling mechanism my grandmother gave me.”

  Brock whipped around, his hands probing the water and eyes scanning the area. “Shit… Alyssa… Alyssa!” he yelled, his heart stuttering with fear. Is she okay? Did she survive?

  “Brock! I’m over here! I’m over here!” Alyssa sounded several yards away, her voice frantic.

  He released a sigh. How did she know to jump?

  “I am also here,” Bixom said. He held up his wrist, casting a light in Alyssa’s direction.

  “Hey, Bixom!” Alyssa called back.

  “Just stay there. We’re coming.” Brock swam with heavy limbs. Oil wrapped around him like a rope, clutching to him desperately. It was hard enough swimming through the thick slime, but doing it with one arm was just bloody ridiculous. By the time he made it to Alyssa, his limbs were on fire and his heart was pounding.

  Alyssa choked and gasped as she bobbed in the water. Brock held out his arm and she clung to him, her nails digging into his forearm. “W-where are w-we?” Alyssa’s voice trembled.

  “I don’t know, baby,” Brock responded.

  “How did you know to jump?” Bixom asked as he used his light to search the area.

  “I didn’t, th-the Developer w-who q-questioned me gave me the hint. I decided t-to do it. Better than getting sh-shot anyway.” Alyssa’s legs brushed against Brock’s beneath the water, creating heat where there was only ice.

  “We can’t swim forever. We need to get out of here. What if they know about this place?” Bixom asked.

  “I-I don’t think th-they know. Th-they wouldn’t have l-let us jump if they did,” Alyssa said.

  “Let’s just keep moving,” Bixom responded. “We can’t stay here.”

  Brock nodded in agreement. Alyssa let go of him and swam close by, using Bixom’s light as guidance. “Ahh!” she shrieked. “There’s a body! There’s a body!” Alyssa flailed, splashing and kicking to get away.

  Brock grabbed her arm and yanked her to him. Bixom shined his light in their direction, illuminating a rusting metal arm bobbing along the filmy surface.

  “Oh… heh…” Alyssa held a hand over her heart and sighed a deep breath.

  “You guys going to come? I do not know about you but I am not the best swimmer. We cannot stay here forever.”

  “We’re coming. You good, Alyssa?”

  Alyssa giggled nervously. “Yeah, s-sorry. F-false alarm.”

  “It’s all right, baby. I know it’s dark.” Brock swam close so that every few strokes Alyssa brushed against him, her skin offering him reassurance.

  “I h-haven’t swam much,” Alyssa confessed. “W-we were required to learn f-for survival s-skills, but excessive swimming is c-considered an indulgence.” Her teeth clattered together. “S-so we d-don’t get to do it much. I don’t like how c-cold and s-slimy it is.”

  “Well, swimming’s normally fun when you can see where you’re going and it’s not colder than a spacewalk without a goddamn atmosphere suit,” Brock responded.

  Alyssa flipped onto her back and glided next to Brock, her hums filling the silence.

  Bixom gave a halfh
earted laugh. “We did not have any natural water on Aray. I only know how to swim because it is a necessary part of survival skills and they had a large pool in the arena.”

  “What arena?” Brock asked.

  “It is a training facility. There was one on Aray that had been designed to replicate the one they had on Hilia.”

  “Hilia?” Alyssa asked. “Is that the Hilians’ home world?”

  “Yeah, it was destroyed by Golan over a hundred years ago.”

  “Oh… just like the Developers’ home world.”

  “Yeah… then the Developers destroyed my second home world,” Bixom bit out.

  “There’s no reason to be rude, she didn’t do it.”

  “I know, I am sorry… I just… It has just been a tough few days.”

  Alyssa bit her lip. “Why do you speak like that? You don’t use contractions?”

  “None of them freaks do,” Brock said with a snort.

  “Excuse you, you best watch your mouth. Just because Hilians are not hooligans like you does not make us freaks. We simply prefer to be more proper.”

  “Proper? You guys are downright annoying. Lily does that shit all the time.”

  “You have a big mouth for a man with only one arm.” Bixom’s voice was light despite his threat.

  “I can take you,” Brock teased but his joke was mixed with anxiety. Lily… Is she alive?

  “You can, can you? You think you are so tough. Race me.”

  “Race? You sure you know what you’re getting yourself into? You are almost fifty.”

  “Almost fifty! Your rotation must be much longer than the average, either that or your race decomposes much slower,” Alyssa said.

  “I prefer to say we age slower.”

  “Curious, decomposition rate is usually parallel to age.”

  Bixom’s brow twitched and Brock threw back his head with a laugh. At least someone else was getting shit other than him. It was a nice change.

  “Are you bailing on the race?” Bixom asked. “Or are you afraid of an old man?”

  Brock grinned. “Don’t get me wrong, I ain’t afraid, but this really isn’t the best time for a race. Who knows how long we are going to have to swim? We shouldn’t wear ourselves out.”


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