Discovered (A Galactic Battle Series Book 2)

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Discovered (A Galactic Battle Series Book 2) Page 19

by L H Whitlock

  “Alyssa!” he shouted. “Alyssa.” He didn’t hear her but he knew that she should have surfaced by now.

  “Her cage would have fallen this way,” Bixom indicated with a wave of his hand.

  Brock nodded and swam. He collided with a body and lashed out, but May blocked his attack.

  “Easy there…”

  Brock grunted. “Have you seen Alyssa?”

  “Oh, no, I haven’t. She isn’t up by now? Well, that’s odd…”

  “Shit, how long’s it been?”

  “I don’t remember. I’m still a little stunned from the fall.”

  Brock squinted to make out May, but the darkness hid his expression. Brock dove and Bixom followed, the light on his watch casting a gray glow beneath the water. He couldn’t make anything out in the murky water and was surprised to find it was much shallower than he had thought. He swam along the bottom, assuming Alyssa’s cage must have reached it by now. With each stroke soot billowed, engulfing him in a dense cloud. His dread suffocated him more than the lack of oxygen. There wasn’t much time. How long had Alyssa been under?

  Bixom’s light outlined the edge of a rusty steel cage. Alyssa gripped the bars from inside, yanking and thrashing, her limbs growing weaker and weaker. Brock surged forward and grabbed onto the door and tugged, but it wouldn’t budge. He motioned for Alyssa to grab the bars and Bixom joined him. He counted on his fingers to three and then all of them tugged.

  The door sprung open and Brock reached in and pulled Alyssa out. Her eyelids fluttered and her hair floated around her in a thick black mane. Bixom linked his arm around Alyssa’s. Brock did the same and they pulled her to the surface.

  Bixom breached with a gasp and Alyssa choked for several moments, gagging as she tried to clear the water from her lungs.

  While patting Alyssa’s back, Brock scanned the area. All he could see was darkness and the wandering searchlight. From the way the water lapped at his skin, he could tell there were boats in the water. The fact that he couldn’t see them only made his heart race faster.

  “Why the hell wasn’t her door undone all the way?” Brock snapped.

  May held up his hands, mouthing ‘wow.’

  “Don’t give me that bullshit.”

  “I honestly don’t know. It should have been.”

  “You son of a bitch.” Brock surged forward, grabbed May by his hair, and shoved him into the water.

  May’s arms flailed, colliding with Brock’s face and chest but he hardly noticed.

  Bixom grabbed his shoulder. “Brock, calm down…”

  “Calm down? You can’t be serious. This bastard could have killed Alyssa.”

  May surfaced and gasped for air. “Br—”

  Brock shoved him back into the filmy water.

  “Brock, please! Don’t.” Alyssa grabbed onto his forearm. He paused and took in a stiff breath. Her eyes gleamed in the dull light and he knew if he could see them clearly, he would see tears. He released his hold on May and the man surfaced, gasping and choking.

  “Listen, I swear I didn’t do anything on purpose. I thought… I thought it was opened; why would I do that? You guys are my only way out. I wouldn’t kill Alyssa; I’m not like that, man. I’m not.” He placed a hand over his heart. “I swear, you gotta believe me.”

  “I believe you,” Alyssa said with a weak smile.

  Brock nearly spat, “I don’t believe a single fucking word you say. If you try anything even remotely close to this again I won’t hesitate to end you. And next time I won’t care what the others think.”

  “Brock, it’s okay. I’m okay. It was just an accident. Things happen, you know?” Alyssa’s brow knitted. “Yes, it was really scary, but everything is okay.”

  “I am with Brock on this. Try anything and you are done, May,” Bixom said.

  “I swear I wasn’t trying anything. I feel horrible that Alyssa got hurt. Thank the gods she’s okay.”

  “Thank the gods is right,” Brock bit out.

  The water sloshed around them, splashing in Brock’s face. He wiped a hand over his eyes. “I think a boat is close, we need to get out of here.”

  Bixom nodded. “Where?” He shined his light around but it showed nothing.

  “The town is this way but I don’t suggest we go there,” May said with a grin. It melted off his face when Brock met his gaze. “If we go in this direction, we’ll eventually get to a junkyard. It’s old and mostly picked through but I’m sure we can make a boat from what is left.”

  Bixom exchanged a look with Brock. They both had the same thought. Was May telling the truth?

  Brock nodded reluctantly. “Remember, May, you try anything at all. If I even smell that you’re up to something you’re done.”

  May held up both hands in surrender. “I swear, I’m not trying anything.”

  Without another word, Brock swam forward. His mechanical arm threatened to drag him under with each stroke. Rot and decay filled his nostrils and the coppery taste of oil filled his mouth, even though he kept his lips smacked shut. Boards, wires, and debris bobbed just beneath the surface, scratching against him as he pushed them aside.

  He banged into a large board and was forced to crawl across it. Must be from a fallen hut, he assumed. His hand brushed against the slimy surface and he sliced his finger on a small shell from some sort of crustacean, or at least, he hoped.

  He glanced back at the others to make sure they were okay. Bixom gave him a thumbs up. Then, suddenly, Bixom was yanked to the side.

  “Bixom!” Brock stood on the board and ran as fast as he could with water up to his knees. Bixom’s light flailed in the air as he struggled. Brock rushed toward the beacon. Alyssa hung off the side of a raft, trying to climb up as a misshapen Developer swung a piece of wood at her. Bixom gripped at the wire snared around his neck. His face turned red and his struggles grew sluggish.

  May was nowhere to be seen. Of course. Brock gritted his teeth and lunged at the float, landing on his stomach with his legs dangling off.

  A piece of wood collided with his back, sending jolts of pain down his spine. Brock grunted and swung at the man’s leg, knocking him onto his back. The machine lurched forward and collapsed on top of Brock. In a rage, his fist collided with the Developer’s face over and over again until Brock was gasping for breath.

  Brock pulled away, briefly looking at his bloody hand. He whipped around and ran at Bixom’s attacker but was struck with something sharp and heavy on the back of his head.


  “Brock!” Alyssa called as she finally managed to pull herself onto the board.

  Brock collapsed heavily and Alyssa nearly fell, as the raft swayed with the impact. The Developer standing over him had both his flesh arms and four additional mechanical ones. In the dim light Alyssa couldn’t make out much more. She glanced at Bixom and saw that he had managed to get his feet under him and was thrashing left and right, trying to dislodge the pole from his assailant’s hands. She glanced back at Brock and saw his attacker raising a board above his head.

  She sprinted and collided with the Developer, sending both of them into the water. She whipped around looking for him but couldn’t see anything. Two arms wrapped around her, holding her arms to her sides, and another punched the back of her head.

  Spots filled her vision and her head throbbed. She kicked back, striking the machine’s knee. It jerked but didn’t release its hold.

  Her lungs burned, and she kicked, barely getting a breath in, as she breached the surface before being dragged back under. She twisted and jolted, but the man was much too strong.

  If only she could break free. She was a decent fighter but she couldn’t overpower the Developer.

  Suddenly, the arms around her released. She dragged herself to the surface and spun around, ready for the next attack.

  May’s head popped up. “You know, you ought to get one of these eyes, it’s much easier to see in the dark. I think that’s your problem, no useful development.”

��Now you’re starting to sound like one of them,” Alyssa said.

  She swam to the boat and grabbed onto the side, trying to pull herself up. Why didn’t she have more upper body strength? She had thought Brock’s dedication to his flesh form was silly but now she wished she had spent a bit more time perfecting hers.

  “Don’t I get a ‘thank you’?” May asked as he pulled himself onto the half-sunken board and offered her a hand.

  Alyssa grabbed it and he lifted her up onto the raft. “Thank you.”

  May beamed at her. “My pleasure.” He leaned forward and planted a kiss on Alyssa’s lips.

  Alyssa shoved him away. “What is wrong with you? We have to get Brock and Bixom.”

  May’s lips twisted to the side. “Oh, yes, I guess we do.”

  Alyssa spun around with a scoff and rushed to Bixom, who was still fighting with his attacker. She grabbed the board that the six-armed Developer had been attacking Brock with and slammed it into the man’s side. He released the pole and took hold of the board, ripping it from Alyssa’s hands. Then he gripped her by the collar and threw her to the floor. The breath rushed out of her lungs and she lay stunned, her mouth opened, searching for air.

  May jumped onto the Developer’s back, covering the eyes and locking his feet around the cyborg’s chest. The Developer spun and reached around, pulling May off and tossing him into the water.

  Alyssa rolled out of the way of the Developer’s kick and jumped back up. The brute lunged. Alyssa ducked, then threw her fists up, catching him in the bottom of the jaw. His head snapped back and he took several staggered steps.

  Bixom rushed forward and wrapped the snare around the Developer’s neck. He held onto the pole as the Developer lashed around before grabbing the pole and trying to dislodge it from Bixom’s hands. Bixom planted his feet as he tugged back.

  Alyssa grabbed the board off the ground and smashed it into the Developer’s abdomen. It split in two.

  The Developer grinned and tugged hard on the pole. Bixom let go and the machine stumbled backward, crashed into May (who was just getting back onto the raft), and sent the two of them into the water.

  Alyssa rushed to the edge and dropped onto her hands and knees, her eyes searching for any sign of May.

  Bixom jumped and landed on the large board floating in the water. It tipped, dumping Bixom into the water. Alyssa bit her lip as she waited for someone to surface. Finally Bixom breached, gasping for air. Alyssa looked at him hopefully, but he shook his head.

  “I didn’t see either of them.”

  “Oh no!”

  Bixom pulled himself onto the raft and gripped Alyssa’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, but we have to keep moving.”

  Alyssa nodded and stood. Just as she was turning, May surfaced, coughing violently.

  Alyssa gasped. “Are you okay?”

  May nodded.

  “Where is the Developer?” Bixom asked.

  “He…” cough, “drowned under…” cough, “the board.”

  Alyssa knelt and offered him a hand. He accepted and pulled himself up but then fell onto his back, his legs dangling off the raft.

  “Oh man, I need to get in shape.”

  Alyssa offered him a smile then walked over to where Brock was still lying unconscious on the deck.

  Bixom rolled him over. A small puddle of blood seeped from the back of Brock’s head. His eyes were closed but he appeared to be breathing. Alyssa dropped down next to him and rested her ear against his chest. She had never heard a more reassuring sound than the thud of his heart, and she found her muscles relaxing.

  “Is he going to be okay?” she asked Bixom.

  “Yeah, he will be okay. Just needs to rest a bit.”

  “But all the blood…”

  “The head bleeds a lot,” Bixom reassured. The Hilian stood and looked over at May. “Which way did you say we should go?”

  May lifted a shaky arm and pointed.

  “The Developers had a raft, help me get Brock onto it,” Bixom said to May.

  May nodded, collected Brock’s legs, and hoisted them up, grunting from exertion. Between the three of them they managed to get Brock onto the Developers’ raft.

  “Let’s get out of here before any more of those bastards arrive,” May said.

  With a nod, Bixom grabbed the long pole that was used for steering and jabbed it into the water, moving them forward.


  Lily collided with the top of a round fighter unit, barely managing to grab hold of something before sliding off. The hatch in the top opened and Ulrick pulled her inside.

  “A’ Kilini,” he muttered. He didn’t need anything else to indicate his worry. It was all in his eyes, those deep, midnight eyes. His fingers trailed over her bleeding arm and she winced in pain. She had forgotten about that. Ulrick immediately tore a strip from the bottom of his shirt and tied it around her arm. Lily smiled up at him, then turned her attention back to Alberta.

  Alberta flew the ship while Ulrick and Lily wedged in behind her. The fighter was really only meant for one person and had only a small empty area in the back for storage.

  “Where is Gloria?”

  “We gots find her. Where Gustavo?”

  Lily couldn’t bring herself to say the words. Alberta turned and gave her one look before her eyes glassed over and she turned back around. Ulrick squeezed Lily’s shoulder, but even the heat of his touch couldn’t take away the pain.

  “Where was Gloria the last time you saw her?”

  “She managed to keep hold of Evin. I saw her fall about half a mile ahead.”

  Lily nodded and gazed out the window. Single fighter units swarmed the sky and Developers crawled over the city below. A ship pulled up behind them and shot. Alberta swerved out of the way and slammed the ship into a glass window. Lily gripped onto the back of Alberta’s chair to keep her balance and Ulrick rested a hand on her back to steady her. They flew through a room full of conveyer belts and mechanical arms wielding artificial limbs.

  They crashed through another window and broke out into the open sky. Three ships pulled up in the rear. Alberta managed to dodge their attacks, but one struck the back of the ship, ripping a small hole in the rear.

  “Activate the shield.”

  “None.” Alberta gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white from exertion.

  A missile struck the building next to them. It erupted in flame. Glass and metal rained from the skyscraper and it fell to the right. Alberta yanked the steering wheel and the ship plummeted, just barely squeezing beneath the building before it crashed to the ground. A few of the pursuing ships weren’t so lucky.

  An army of ships blocked their path on the other side. Alberta charged forward.

  “What are you doing?” Lily yelled over the wind swirling around from the hole created by the fighter pilot.

  “Trusts me.”

  A shield wrapped around the ship, shimmering like iridescent glitter. The bullets pinged against the defense, causing small ripples.

  “Gloria!” Lily shouted and searched out the window. “There! On the rooftop.”

  Gloria stood in the midst of an army of Developers, a shield surrounding herself and their ship. The machines swarmed around the shield, crawling over it and attacking.

  “Swoop in there and get her.”

  Alberta raised an eyebrow then surged forward with a shrug.

  Ulrick opened the hatch in the top of the ship, focused his bio-energy, and tossed a ball at the swarm of Developers. An explosion tore several of them from the shield. Ulrick threw another and an explosion tossed the Developers several feet away. Gloria released the shield and jumped off the roof. Ulrick grabbed her arm and pulled her inside.

  Alberta flew, weaving between buildings and under bridges as she looked for the bridge Brock had talked about.

  “Thanks, guys,” Gloria said with a huff. Despite having just fought for her life and leaping off a building she looked as stunning as ever. Not a single strand of her golde
n blonde hair was out of place. “Where’s Gustavo?”

  She was answered with silence and Gloria covered her mouth with a shaky hand and dropped her head.

  The ship swerved and Gloria crashed into Ulrick. They swerved again and Gloria toppled in to Alberta.

  “Watch wheres goings,” Alberta said, shoving Gloria out of the way.

  “Well, if you flew straight, then we wouldn’t have this problem.”

  “Trying nots to crash.”

  “There!” Lily shouted. “There is a bridge!”

  “There’s like a hundred of them!” Gloria said. “Which one do we need to go under?”

  “I do not think we have too much time to worry about it,” Lily replied.

  “There Tally, Evin,” Alberta said, her voice heavy with disgust.

  Lily looked down at the twins. They stood on one of the bridges, surrounded by Developers. They had their hands up in surrender and appeared to be trying to plead their case. The Developers inched toward them, their guns raised.

  An explosion tore through the side of the ship, nearly ripping Gloria from the craft. Ulrick grabbed onto her arm.

  “Pull me in! Pull me in!” The golden-haired woman shrieked.

  Ulrick yanked her inside as another explosion rocked the ship. The dash blinked red and Alberta mumbled curses as the ship spiraled downward.


  Sweat trickled down Alyssa’s neck and settled along her collar before sliding beneath her slender suit, giving her the sense of bugs crawling over her skin.

  Brock groaned again and rubbed his head but remained seated on the waterlogged raft. He had just woken up from being knocked out. Bixom jabbed the steering stick into the trash-infested waters. The water-logged wood creaked and sloshed, spilling water over the boards. Alyssa swore her toes were pruney and damp despite the waterproof outfit. May was sleeping on the floor, his fingers laced together beneath his head, which acted as a pillow.

  “Help!” A scream tore through the humidity and echoed in the darkness.

  “Do you see anything?” Alyssa asked Brock.


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