Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 1

by Brittany Crowley





  Copyright © 2019 Brittany Crowley

  All rights reserved

  Cover design and promotional items

  Lisa Reads at BTP Designs

  Editing by Prose Editor

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission of the author, except for brief quotations of the book when writing a review.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Table Of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  This book is dedicated to one of the fiercest women I know, my nana. I have looked up to you all of my life, but none more than in the last few years. You have taken so many hits yet here you are. You are the true meaning of a fighter and teach everyone on a daily basis that you can take a huge heaping pile of horribleness and turn it into something beautiful. To live life to the fullest despite being dealt an unfair hand. You are the matriarch in our family and by passing on your ways to my mom, they have been passed on to me. I can only hope one day that my grandkids idolize and look up to me the way I look up and idolize you. Love you! <3

  Chapter 1


  The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as my feet continue to slam against the machine. It’s something I’m familiar with, especially when I’m training at the gym. I notice the screen on the treadmill as the number six flashes. Thank freaking Christ. Done with this torture and I can move on to what I really need to be doing, training. My eyes traitorously glance toward the free weights.

  There he is, in all of his sweat soaked glory, curling weights in front of the mirror. I try to avoid him at all cost because it pulls me from my workouts. Like I have no choice but to freeze, unable to look away. What I’m doing right now.

  With every curl, the muscles ripple in his back and arms, and I find my feet traitorously inching closer until I stop myself. Lord have mercy when he finishes his reps and places the weight on the floor. Joss lifts his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face, showcasing abs that star in my dreams quite often against my better judgement.

  Once my blatant perusal reaches the back of his head, his reflection in the mirror grabs my attention. He’s staring, a slick grin stretching his mouth. His handsome face is heartbreakingly beautiful even though I want to wipe that little smirk from his lips. His playful amber eyes dance with amusement, and I flash him my best unaffected smile.

  Get yourself together Emerson. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and walk over to where he’s watching me.

  “Long time no see,” I say as I let him engulf me in a hug.

  “Yeah, yesterday was so long ago." He playfully punches my shoulder. "How’s it going?”

  “Really good. Guess what?” He arches a brow in question. As I’m about to open my mouth, a blonde decides to stand directly next to Joss and begin doing reps with five-pound weights. Her cleavage is spilling out of her sports bra, and I want to cringe at how in your face she’s being. I mean, have some decency woman. Make the man chase you sometimes.

  “Are you going to keep me in suspense?” Joss nudges my arm, pulling me from the lady’s cleavage.

  “Oh yeah.” I bounce from foot to foot in excitement. “I have…”

  “Excuse me, am I doing this right?” The woman asks, holding the weights wrong.

  Joss turns, adjusts her arms, then turns back to me without saying a word. He grabs my elbow and pulls me a few feet away.

  “You were saying.”

  “Wow.” I shake my head. “I did it. I finally have my first fight.” A squeal escapes my lips when Joss hoists me into the air and starts spinning me around. The squeal turns into a laugh at the freeness and playfulness Joss is showing. I eat it up because it’s rare.

  “That’s so fucking awesome Emmy.” He finally places me back on my feet, and I step away from him. "I knew you could do it."

  “Thanks, I’m really excited. Listen, can we talk more later? I have to start with Gabe.”

  “Of course, I’ll see you later. We're still on for tomorrow right?”

  "Definitely, I need all the help I can get at this point. I don't want to look like a chump in the ring."

  I grab my water bottle and head to a different room that’s more geared toward training in MMA. It has punching bags galore along with the Octagon to practice sparring. The latter is where I’m currently heading to find my cousin waiting for me in the ring.

  “What’s going on Emmy?” Gabe asks, meeting me outside the cage. “I haven’t seen you smile like that since you found out Channing Tatum was single again.”

  “First off, apparently he’s off the market again.” I audibly sigh. “Second, I just got the news.” Of its own accord, the smile I was trying to hold back creeps across my lips as I try to contain my excitement.

  “Are you kidding me?” he asks.


  Gabe whoops across the gym turning a few heads, making me chuckle. He’s been there for me throughout my journey to get into the MMA life and to hear I’ve finally gotten my first real fight is astounding. Especially at my age. Most women have to wait a few more years to even get a shot.

  “That’s so awesome Em. My fight’s in less than a month, and you need to pay attention to my eating plan and strict workouts to prepare for yours.” Gabe throws his arm around my shoulders and walks me into the ring.

  “I’m only twenty-two. The youngest person on the roster is twenty-five. It’s unheard of for someone my age to get a fight.” I quickly voice the concerns that keep rolling around in my head.

  “Your point is?”

  “Have you talked to anyone or has dad found out?” My dad’s a pretty prominent figure in the MMA world and the reason why I’ve decided to keep this all from him. I’m not in this for handouts, and he’d more than likely pull some strings to help me out.

  “Stop the bullshit.” Gabe sighs. “You earned this all on your own. Don’t worry about how or why you got this opportunity. Use it and kick some ass.”

  I nod
and put on my protective headgear. I’m ready to escape reality for a while and pretend not to notice Joss watching my every move.

  He’s always watching, even when he thinks I don’t see him.


  There’s nothing like being stuck in a crowded elevator to realize how loud people can be. Have you ever noticed how obnoxious people talk on their cell phones? It’s almost like they want you to know who and what they’re talking about. I don’t need to know little Mary needs to be picked up from band practice early or that your scumbag ex gave you chlamydia. It makes me wonder if they realize how thunderous they really are? My grandfather, he talks louder than a bullhorn when he’s on the phone. Try being in a restaurant in the middle of dinner as he screams into his phone thinking his high decibel is barely heard by the person on the other end.

  I run my fingers through my wet hair feeling revived after a quick shower. After sparring with Gabe for a while, I’m in high spirits at my news. My first fight. My first fight! I’ve been training for over two years, just waiting for this moment. I’ve avoided using my father’s help because I didn’t want anyone to accuse me of taking handouts, I want to earn this on my own. Sure, Joss, my cousin Gabe, my best friend Leo and a few other trainers help me, but that’s the extent. I need help training and who better to teach me than someone who is currently an active MMA fighter? With Gabe’s busy schedule, I’m lucky he’s able to help me out. He’s always jetting off somewhere being whisked around the globe to hype his upcoming title match.

  “That son of a bitch was banging Cary’s third-grade teacher…” The woman continues with her conversation in the cramped confines of the elevator. A moment later she hangs up on a huff and slams her phone back into her purse.

  The elevator doors open, and I slide to the side for an older woman who’s trying to part the crowd to get off. Before she exits, she faces the loud talker and hands her a tube of something. “I think you need this more than I do dear.” She steps out, and now my curiosity is piqued. I can’t help myself from looking over the talker’s shoulder and see a tube of triple antibiotic cream in her hand. I burst out laughing. I try to mask it by sputtering coughs, but she turns around and levels me with a glare that has me holding my hands up in a white flag surrender.

  “Hey now.” I hiccup. “I’m not the one talking about STD’s in a public elevator.” I quickly duck through the crowd and exit. It’s not my floor, but I can’t hold off the laughter until we hit the lobby and I’m in too good of a mood to deal with that ladies’ death glare.

  “What’s so funny?” I hear asked over my shoulder, and I try to stop my shaking. I’m sobered when I turn around to meet the gaze of the most gorgeous silver fox I’ve ever seen in my life. My mouth becomes dry like it always does when I’m talking to a man. But this isn’t just any man, I’ve definitely seen him before.

  Without thinking, I blurt out, “Chlamydia.”

  The fox looks thoughtful then a grin stretches across his face. “I guess to some there may be humor to find.”

  “Not really, sorry. I’m just having a moment.” I place my hands on my knees and take a couple of deep breaths. I still have the hiccups and wipe the tears from my eyes once I finally calm down. When I look over, the silver fox is eying me skeptically like there’s something wrong with me.

  “Listen, I don’t have chlamydia, some lady on the elevator did. I guess you had to be there.”

  “I’d rather not be there when that’s involved.”

  The door finally opens, and we both step in along with a few other people. It must be the end of the workday, everyone’s heading to the lobby.

  “Tell me, are you excited for your fight, Rebel?” He leans in and says quietly in my ear just as Joss jumps on before the doors shut. He stands next to me, and I playfully kick him knowing no one would notice. Then I’m pulled back to the man I was talking to.

  Wait, how does he know my nickname? The only people that technically call me Rebel are my friends; no one even knows I have a fight yet. It hasn’t been announced and won’t be for a few days.

  The name Rebel’s been bestowed upon me from the media, and it stuck enough for the league to dub me Rebel in the ring. I honestly think they heard my friends call me Rebel and copied it; they aren’t as clever as they think they are.

  After a minute of studying him, I realize he was in the offices where I had my meeting earlier. The corner of my lip hitches upwards, and I nod. I don’t want him to see how excited I truly am for some reason, and I can’t forget all the people in this elevator car. I’m very aware that if outsiders find out about my fight, there’s a possibility that they’ll run off to the highest paying tabloid.

  “Yes sir,” I answer him.

  “None of that sir stuff. Tell me…” The man starts to say, but my phone begins ringing. I hold my finger up, mouth sorry, and fish the phone from my bag. When I see Penny’s name flashing on the screen, I answer.

  “What’s up P?” I say in greeting.

  “Code purple. Emerson, I’m initiating the phone tree.”

  Oh shit. The phone tree being called into effect only means one thing.

  “No, they were so perfect for each other. What the hell happened between game night and today?"

  “Apparently loads. He said he’ll meet at your place since you’re in the middle.”

  I check the time on my watch and sigh. “Shit, he’s going to go through my closet. Last time he had a breakup he threw out my favorite band tees.”

  “He did you a service really. I’d suggest you hurry because he’s been eyeing your weird sock collection.”

  “Nooooo,” I say in shock. “Fend him off, and I’ll be home in twenty.” After I hang up my phone, I look around and realize everyone’s eyes are on me. Crap, I just became the statistic.

  “Sorry, boy troubles.” I offer up as an explanation then cringe. One of the big wigs of MMA doesn’t need to know about my best guy friend’s boy troubles. “It was so lovely to meet you today. I’ll see you around.”

  I don’t pay any attention to the handsome older man once I exit the elevator. I have more pressing matters to be concerned with. Number one, my socks. If Leo lays a hand on my sock collection, I’ll kill him. I have this thing that wherever I go, I get socks that either call to my soul, or represent the trip I went on. My second concern, what went wrong in his current relationship.

  “Wait up Emmy,” Joss calls for me.

  “I’m kind of in a rush.” I turn his way and start fidgeting nervously.

  “So I heard. Leo again?”

  “Yup and there are innocent sock lives hanging in the balance.”

  Joss chuckles. “I’ll follow you home.”

  “No need, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Remember, you promised to show me some sick MMA moves.” I wave, then run down the sidewalk knowing this matter is time sensitive, and I don’t have time for a trivial conversation. Even if it is Joss.

  We have a procedure amongst my trio of friends. If there’s an emergency, we enable the phone tree. I’m sure a real-life phone tree involves more than three people, but after watching Practical Magic one night, Leo was all about the phone tree and channeling his inner Sandra Bullock.

  I’m momentarily pulled from my thoughts when a photographer starts snapping pictures of me once I’m walking down the sidewalk. I quickly grab my sunglasses, throw them on my face and keep my head down.

  “Emerson! Emerson Cage!” He yells trying to get my attention. “Rumor has it you’re following in your father’s footsteps. Care to comment?”

  I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself when I flip him off without looking his way, then continue walking down the sidewalk.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Joss says close to my ear causing me to jump in shock. He’s blocking my view from the paps and ushering me along.

  “Isn’t Mandy at your place?” I mutter feeling a pang in my chest. I’m unsure as to why I even brought up his on-again, off-again girlfriend.

��No.” I feel the heat of his hand at the small of my back. “I’m just doing my job.”

  “There’s no way my dad has you following me this much. I have no events coming up, and you’ve been at the gym every day this week.”

  “He’s noticed the media’s gotten worse lately, and with him being out of town, he has me following you for his peace of mind.”

  “What about Quinn and Everly?” I question about my sisters.

  “They’re low key.” As if that answers my question. It’s clear I’m not going to get what I’m looking for, so I move on like he’s not hovering over me.

  As I weave through the crowded sidewalks of Boston on a Tuesday afternoon, I stop in at my favorite deli to get my friends and me something to eat and the obligatory tub of chocolate ice cream. As I jog the last block, I find myself at the entrance of my building at the same time Penny is running around the corner with two brown paper bags in hand. I wait for her to open the door as she unabashedly eyes Joss.

  “I’m seriously rethinking making Leo a key.” I huff then enter after I hold the door for her. When I turn around, Joss is still standing on the sidewalk. “See you later J, tell Danny he still owes me fifty bucks when you see him.”

  “You know I won’t get involved with that. You and your brother are too competitive.” He turns and leaves after a quick wave.

  I watch his back as he moves with the flow of foot traffic down the sidewalk until I can no longer see him.

  “I think you’re drooling a little.” Penny wipes below my lip.

  “It would be worth it,” I sigh. “Let’s get upstairs before he decides my socks aren’t worth it and moves on to my sneakers. Remind me to take my key back from him.”

  “He’ll never give it back. You’d have to change your locks, and even then, I don’t think you’ll be safe. He can sweet talk anyone, including the maintenance guy into making him a copy.” She chuckles. “What’s up with Joss following you?”

  “I think my dad has a sixth sense and knows something big is happening, or already knows and is waiting for me to finally tell him.”


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