Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 10

by Brittany Crowley

I shouldn’t have said that shit. Danny could have heard every word. It was risky, and he’d skin me alive for what I said. We’re best friends, but he’d never go for me having a piece of his sister.

  Man, I need to piss. Thank fuck for a chance to clear my head even for just a few minutes.

  I pull off at the next rest stop and pull into a vacant parking spot. With a sigh, I rub my hands down my face and can’t stop my eyes from zeroing in on Emmy’s legs. Her bare legs that have been exposed all night, teasing me from the darkness of the car.

  “Bathroom break?” Dan asks sounding gruff.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “I’ll take the next shift. I’ve been sleeping for a while.”

  “Thanks. Anyone else need to use the bathroom?” I ask a little louder to get everyone’s attention. There’s a chorus of yeahs before I exit the driver’s seat.

  I hold the door open for everyone in the backseat to get out. Dan waits for me, and we follow Penny, Leo, and Em into the rest stop. Once again, my eyes are pulled by a magnetic force down at her legs. She’s only wearing a tiny pair of cotton shorts, and with each step, a tiny sliver of her ass cheeks peek out on either side.

  Pain radiates in my head, and it takes me a moment to notice that Dan is the culprit. He smacked me upside my head, and as my hand rubs the tender spot, I whirl around and shoot daggers at him.

  “What the hell man?”

  “Stop checking her out.”

  “How do you know I’m checking her out?”

  He gives me a do you think I’m a fuckhead look and walks around me, leading the way into the men’s room. We piss at the urinal in silence as I mull things over. Did he hear what I said to her in the car? There’s no way. He would have said something right then and there.

  I begin rinsing my hands under warm water when he decides to break the silence.

  “It can’t happen.” I raise my head and meet his stare in the mirror.

  “What can’t?”

  “Don’t give me that shit. I heard you, and you need to forget about how you’re feeling. It’s not real.”

  “What do you mean this isn’t real. How would you feel if I said how you were feeling for Penny isn’t real?”

  “That’s a different story. Plus, Em’s my baby sister, and she’s too fucking young to get involved with you.”

  Okay, I see what he’s doing. He’s digging at my insecurities.

  “Listen, I’ll be honest.”

  “No, you won’t. I told you she’s had a crush on you since you first met and that’s playing with your head. I know now that saying anything was a monumental mistake because you think you’re feeling things. That’s all this is. Doesn’t forbidden fruit look sweeter when you know there’s a chance they can be yours?” He takes a breath and turns to lean on the counter. “If our friendship doesn’t mean anything to you and you wanted to throw it out the window—which I hope that’s not the case—you’re her bodyguard man. That’s your job on the line.”

  “I don’t get how that would play a role, and I’m not saying I’m throwing our friendship out the window. God, you’re reading too much into this. I would never put Emmy in danger.”

  “Am I? You forget I know you. How are you going to make sure she’s safe when you’re emotionally involved?”

  “That would never happen. Are you saying that if I pursued Emmy, and I’m not saying that’s the case, that you’d end our friendship? That’s fucked up. Do you think that little of me to be with your sister?”

  “Joss,” he huffs out a breath. “I don’t know where the fuck this is all coming from. I never thought I’d have to give you a talk on staying away from my baby sister. You’re feeling new things, and I’m feeling new things. Let’s just agree that Em’s off limits.”

  Can I do that? Could I shake Dan’s hand knowing full well that I can chalk my feelings up to his forbidden fruit theory?

  “No.” I go to tell him my argument when a stall door slams open.

  Leo walks out like he’s in the Wild West with his hands on his belt buckle as he moseys on up to the sink to wash his hands. He doesn’t say a word but also doesn’t stop vaulting his eyes from me then back to Dan. It doesn’t escape me that he just heard our conversation and due to his nature will run off to Emmy and tell her every word. I’m beginning to hate this fucking bathroom.

  Leo begins speaking as he glances at Dan. “The best relationships start from friendships, and I think you can agree with that Daniel. Think really hard if you want your sister to resent you for blocking her one chance at something special.” His gaze shifts to me. “I didn’t name you Juglans because you’re a pussy. Only the strongest of men could have handled that name, and I’m hoping you prove me right.”

  Dan and I stare at each other in the mirror then back at Leo.

  “I just got out of a relationship that I thought was perfect. Straight from a fairytale complete with my very own Prince Charming. I had the rug pulled out from beneath me, and it made me realize that when you find the right one, you have to hold on with everything inside of you. That kind of love, the forever kind.” Leo whistles. “That’s rare, and I think if you both look hard, really look, you’d see it might be right in front of you. Now I don’t know your true feelings, but I do see your actions.”

  Leo shocks us when he pulls us in for an awkward group hug and mutters, “Make mama proud.” He disappears from the bathroom, and we’re left in silence.

  I look over at Dan. “Where do we go from here?”

  “We make mama proud.” He shrugs his shoulders and walks away. “I meant everything I said. If you still decide to pursue her, but I’ll try to find some way to be okay with it.” He chuckles. “Who would have thought Leo would be the voice of reason? The one giving us relationship advice.”

  “Leo, Leo knew.”

  Chapter 16


  “Ohhh, a psychic fair. Pull off at the next exit!” Penny yells from the back row of the SUV.

  “Really? You want to go to a psychic fair?” Danny asks but pulls off where she tells him to.

  “I don’t believe in all that hoopla, but how fun. We’ve been driving for ages and need to stretch our legs anyway. I love getting my fortune told. It’s false hope that’s fun to entertain. Like will I really meet the love of my life this year? Will I really hit the mega millions jackpot?”

  I’m surprised to see a whole lot of nothing when we reach the main road of the town. It’s the first time I’ve realized how different this place is from home. What do these people do for fun if there’s a whole lot of nothing to do?

  I wonder if we took the wrong exit until we find a good-sized building that looks like a high school and has a sign at the entrance about the fair. I won’t admit it, but I one thousand percent believe in this shit. I believe the dead can be reached through a medium and that they can predict your future. Sure, some are frauds, there are frauds in everything out there. I’m hoping I can find someone who’s the real deal so I can ask privately about my fight. Although, maybe I’ll pass. If they tell me I’m going to lose, I’m not sure what I’ll do.

  We exit the car, and I’m surprised when Joss gives me his hand to help me out. It’s not like we’re in a monster truck, I could absolutely handle this endeavor on my own. Oh well, who am I to deny him? When our hands connect a jolt races up my arm. Well, that’s new. There must be extra static energy in the air.

  “Let’s get this over with. We need to make it to Kentucky before sunset. They have the world’s biggest baseball bat, and I want to see it before it gets dark,” Leo states firmly while holding the door open for us.

  “Do you even watch baseball?” Danny questions.

  “It’s the world’s largest, Daniel. Who wouldn’t want to see it? Also, baseball bats aren’t just for sport.” He winks, locks arms with Penny and me, then pulls us into the building. I have to cover my mouth to hold in laughter when I see the perplexed look on my brother’s face.

  “You’ll never learn.” I
snort and shake my head.

  “He’s too easy to rag on. Oh, look at all the sequined scarves in here,” he yells as we walk into the gymnasium where all the booths are set up. He sticks his nose in the air and takes in a lungful. “These are my people.” Leo leaves us behind and walks away without a care in the world.

  I walk row after row talking to the psychics and checking out what they’re selling. I bought some rocks that have certain meanings for my mom. She’s into all that crap. Healing rocks, rocks to take the negativity away, rocks to ward off evil spirits. She always has a damn rock in her pocket for something. I can say with certainty that I have around ten in my apartment and about two in my bag back in the car. She’s so convincing that I feel like if I don’t have one with me at all times something bad will happen.

  I’m walking between two booths when I let out a little yelp as I’m pulled backward. I breathe a little easier when I see that Leo is the culprit of my kidnapping.

  “Look at all this silk.” He takes a scarf in an electric purple and wraps it around my head, then ties a crocheted skirt around my hips. He does the same to himself and starts to dance around. Before we know it, we’re doing some weird rain dance in our little hidden spot between tented booths, laughing our asses off. We’re completely covered in silk and enjoying every second.


  I freeze with my hands in the air and eyes wide. Busted. I spin toward the voice and find an older man with a rather large belly.

  “Come on. You have a line. Fucking psychics.” The big man mumbles the last line before pulling both our arms through the opening of the tent.

  We are pulled into an alternate universe when we appear in a darkened area only lit by candlelight and incense so strong; I feel a headache coming on. A little table sits in the center of the space covered with scarves, much like the ones we’re wearing.

  “Every reading is ten minutes. Keep to the schedule, so we don’t fall any more behind than we already are. I wasn’t expecting you to have a partner, but that’s okay. We’re just thrilled you could show up on such short notice. I’ll grab another chair.” He exits the tent, and I don’t know what the hell I just got myself into.

  “This is fantastic.” Leo grabs my arm in excitement. “You be Edith McCrotch, and I’ll be Anass Rhammar. I’ll be able to check another box off on my bucket list.”

  “Hell no. We have to get out of here.” I go to run, but he grabs my arm.

  “Don’t ruin my big moment, Rebel.” Someone rings a bell and Leo’s whole demeanor changes as he gently answers. “You may enter, darling.” In the worst Jamaican accent, I’ve ever heard.

  A tiny little woman enters our tent as Leo takes a seat behind the small table. The big guy quickly brings a chair in and places it next to Leo. I take my spot, set on keeping my mouth shut. I’ll let Leo take the lead because I truly don’t want to be here. I’m extremely uncomfortable and whoever comes in isn’t getting the whole experience. We are the freaking frauds I was complaining about earlier.

  Also, who has ‘becoming a psychic’ on their bucket list? Leo sure is one of a kind.

  “Come here, my child,” Leo says in his butchered accent. Shit, he’s channeling Miss Cleo. If he starts yelling call me now, I’ll be out of here so freaking fast.

  “Tell me why you’ve come today my child.”

  “Um…” She comes and sits in the seat across from us. “There’s this guy at work…” She stops.

  “I see. Does this man work with his hands?” Leo picks up where she stopped and waves his hands over the crystal ball that’s on the table.

  “Yes, yes he does,” she says excitedly.

  “I can see he’s very skilled with his hands. You need to make a move my child, otherwise, you’ll be waiting for ages, or lose him to another.”

  “Lose him?” she says in a panic. “You really think I should make a move?”

  “Are you questioning me?” He barks out.

  “No, no. Thank you so much.”

  “Hang on, someone’s coming in.” He places his hands on his temples and starts chanting.

  I have never felt more uncomfortable in my entire life, and that’s saying something. Leo is one of my best friends and makes me feel uncomfortable on an almost daily basis.

  “Oh my god is it my Aunt Sally?” Is this lady for real? She’s just asking for Leo to be a fraud by giving him all the information.

  “Yes, I see her. Oh, she has a message.” I jump when the strangest voice I’ve ever heard comes out of his mouth. “We don’t take pennies out of wishing wells, don’t take my prayers off the ceiling.”

  “Am I supposed to know what that means?” The lady looks hesitant.

  “Dare you question me?” Leo stands abruptly and knocks his chair over in the process. “Next!” He shouts as the poor lady runs from the room.

  A few people in and I can’t believe I’m not cracking up on the floor.

  “The essence of your husband’s baby juice is your late grandfather’s soul. Know he’s always with you child.” He does a cross over the lady with his hand and excuses her from the room. At this point, we have scarves over half our faces because neither of us can keep a straight face and Leo said this was the best way to hide it. We look crazy, and I can’t even comprehend that people are believing every damn word Leo’s selling. I’ve tried running numerous times between clients, but he refuses to let me go.

  “Every great person needs a sidekick. What’s more perfect than a psychic with a sidekick?” he says after a client leaves our tent.

  “Fine but ease up a bit. Keep it generic, so we don’t get in trouble when you tell the next person their job’s as useless as tits on fish.”

  “That line was gold and don’t act like it wasn’t,” he scoffs.

  The big guy sticks his head in the room and informs us the last person for a reading is coming in and that he’s a little shy.

  “Thank God, I can’t handle this anymore. Where the hell are you getting half of what you’re saying anyway? One of those crazy British shows you watch?”

  “It’s just coming to me. I was made for this shit.”

  We shut up as the next person walks through the tent and I want to die when I see who it is.

  Danny hesitantly makes his way over to the table and has a seat. He looks everywhere but at us and I can tell he’s feeling nervous and hesitant. My heart begins to beat faster and faster as I squeeze Leo’s leg under the table. We need to stop this charade.

  Does he stop like a sane person? That’s not his style. Instead…

  “Welcome child, have a seat. Tell us about your troubles,” he says with excitement in his horrible Jamaican accent.

  “Um, I’ve never done this before, but they said you were the best. I was hoping you could do my reading, or whatever it is that you do.”

  “Of course, child. Love, money or health?”

  “Um, love would be fine.”

  Kill me. Shoot me down now. Leo picks up a stack of Tarot cards and asks Danny to shuffle them and split the deck. He does as instructed and Leo starts haphazardly laying the cards out on the table.

  “Oh, yes. The Hermit. This is a tricky card. It means you’ve been staying in too much lately. You need to spread your wings, young man. How can you find your one true love if you keep to yourself?”

  “I guess, that would make sense. Except I do go…”

  Leo cuts him off. “Go out more! How are you going to meet the girl of your dreams if you stay in with a box of tissues and a tub of lotion every night? Wait, something’s coming to me.” He hunches over the table and places a hand on my shoulder. “You’ve already met a girl. I see a bag of change.”

  “A bag of change? Um, do you see what kind of change is inside?” he asks and dare I say there’s hope in his voice.

  “Yes. It looks like there’s a plethora of shiny pennies.”

  Oh god. Is Danny really buying this? How does he not know this is Leo? I would be able to tell it’s him behind the horrib
le accent and brightly colored scarves any day.

  “The next card is the Three of Cups.” He’s silent, more so than he’s been in any other reading. “Don’t get too excited, young man, this doesn’t mean you should have a threesome. The Three of Cups is a very important card. I sense that there are three important women in your life, sisters perhaps? I’m seeing the woman intertwined with the women already in your life.”

  I’m kind of put off that Penny hasn’t mentioned anything about my brother because there’s clearly something going on if my brother is seeking the help of a fortune teller to see if he’s on the right path.

  “That’s all of our time, tips are appreciated, child.” Leo stands, claps his hands together in the air and turns his back on my brother. I quickly, and not with even an ounce of grace that Leo possesses, do the same thing and turn my back.

  A few minutes later I turn around and find us alone.

  “I almost freaking died.” I burst out laughing.

  “Forget every other one up until your brother. Our little Daniel has a crush on our Penny, and we need to make it happen. Will you help me, my little matchmaker?” He extends his hand. I grab it and give it a shake.

  “Hell yeah. I don’t know how I didn’t see how perfect they were for each other up until now.”

  We remove our scarves and exit through the back and begin to walk down one of the aisles. Penny runs up to us asking where we’ve been for the last hour stating Joss was freaking out when he couldn’t find us. It didn’t cross my mind that he’d panic when I’d disappeared, and it’s not like we have an alibi. Not without my brother finding out we were his freaking psychics.

  I do what any sane, logical person would do. “Leo has explosive diarrhea. Poor thing couldn’t get off the toilet, and you know how he is with public bathrooms. He dragged me to the faculty restrooms on the second floor and made me wipe it down before he unleashed the beast on that poor toilet.”

  He gives me the eye saying he’ll kill me, and it only intensifies as Joss approaches. His nostrils flare as he checks over my body. Most likely looking for a non-existent injury. Penny quickly fills him in on the story.


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