Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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Rebel: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 17

by Brittany Crowley

  “Where are we?” I question staring at the cute little house.

  “My house.”

  Oh wow. I may have known Joss for six years, but I’ve never been to his house. I know he bought this place a little over a year ago, but I’ve never had a reason to be here. I was always Danny’s little sister, why would I need to come here? Also, he bought this place when he first started dating Mandy.

  “Is ah, is Mandy still here?” I ask wringing my hands. I know they just broke up a few days ago while she was in Arizona. He gave me more of the breakup info on the plane ride home.

  “I don’t think she’s come back from Arizona yet. She texted me saying she might stay a few days.”

  “Joss, this is kind of weird. I’m about to walk in your house for the first time, and your exes’ things might still be here. I’m giving you fair warning that this could be awkward.” With pressure on my chin, Joss’s fingers turn my head to face him.

  “Her stuffs gone. It’s been packed up and dropped off at her apartment. I would never take you somewhere that would make you feel uncomfortable.”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  You learn a lot about someone’s house by seeing how they live. If they’re a slob or a neat freak. If they have a comic book collection or have jars of their clipped toenails on the shelf. You don’t know how freaky some people are until you get into their personal lair.

  Joss steps out and comes around to open my door. With my hand firmly in his, we make our way up the walkway.

  “This place is gorgeous,” I compliment. “I can’t believe I’ve never been here before.”

  “Well, I don’t think Dan would have loved that idea.” He chuckles. “Brace yourself,” he says before opening the front door.

  With one step inside, I’m nearly plowed down by a giant beast.

  “Down Felix,” Joss orders and the monster freezes in front of me. Licks to my face come a moment later. Apparently, Joss’s commands only go so far.

  “Aren’t you a big ferocious beast?” I coo at the monster dog. I had no clue Joss even had a dog.

  “Felix, sit.” The dog sits back and stares between the two of us with his tail wagging wildly.

  His hands are wrapped around my torso from when Felix almost succeeded in taking me down. He gives me a reassuring squeeze and let’s go.

  “I had no idea you had a dog. I want to say he’s cute, but that’s not acceptable given his size.” I laugh. “Can I just say, that I would expect nothing but the biggest beast to be your pet.” I drop to my knees and begin petting Felix. He rolls over and shows me his belly for some rubs.

  “Damn dog, stole my girl. I should have kept him at Mom’s,” Joss mutters but can’t fight the grin when I watch him over the dog.

  “Didn’t steal me. He momentarily dazzled me away.”

  “I think that’s worse. Come here, baby.” His hand reaches out to help me. We move through the house with Felix following closely behind us.

  “You never told me you had a dog. Who’s been taking care of him?” I ask.

  “My mom keeps him when I’m not here. I explained your situation after Quinn’s attack and the added attention. It’s not a hardship for her. She spoils the damn dog like he’s the king.” Joss chuckles under his breath.

  Joss gives me the grand tour of his house. It’s eclectic in its décor, and I’m extremely thankful that all I see is him throughout the house, not another woman’s design aesthetic.

  “This is the spare bedroom.” He opens the door, and I find a full-size bed covered in a navy comforter. “And this door leads to my bedroom.” He opens the door and urges me to go inside.

  I’m floored. The room is dimly lit by candles on every surface. It’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen, and even if I was still angry with him it would have disappeared the second, I walked into his room.

  Joss’s lips land on the curve of my neck and I melt back into him.

  “Did I do okay, princess?”

  “Oh yeah. You’ll definitely be rewarded.” I turn and wrap my arms around his neck. “I can’t wait to show you how grateful I am for doing all of this.” Our lips meet, and we get lost in the kiss. His tongue plays with mine as he walks me to his bed.

  “Fuck. I have another surprise for you.”

  “It can wait.” I climb on the bed and lay on my back. With a crooked finger, all thoughts of his other surprise are left in the dust as my man shows me exactly how sorry he is for earlier.


  My body jerks involuntarily as Joss’s finger slides across my hip bone.

  “Ticklish huh?” He tickles the same spot eliciting the same jerky reaction.

  “Stop it.” I laugh. “Joss, can we talk for a minute?”


  “About what happened earlier, I feel the need to confess that I’m not the most experienced, but I have had sex before. Twice.”

  “Okay, I don’t want to talk about you fucking other guys. It’s actually really getting me going thinking about how inexperienced you are.”

  “Really? I was nervous about it. Don’t guys want a woman who can bend at crazy angles and know what they’re doing?”

  “Not all men. I’ll be your teacher anytime you want a lesson, baby.” Joss smacks my ass.

  “Ow.” I rub the tender flesh. “That was really corny, especially for you.” I laugh.

  “Well get the butter because this corn isn’t over yet.” Joss gets out of bed and walks over to his closet. He disappears inside then comes out carrying a box a moment later.

  “What’s that?” I question praying it’s not his male memento box. You know, like a little black book. If he opens it and pulls out all his conquests panties, I may just deck him.

  “This is going to show you I’m exactly on your level. The other night you were talking in your sleep, and it led me to believe one of your fears is that you’re deeper into this relationship than I am. This proves you wrong.”

  Now I’m really intrigued and slightly disturbed that I talk in my sleep. Joss passes me the box, and my fingers trace the golden edge. It doesn’t weigh much, and when I shake it, there’s barely a noise.

  “Open it,” Joss urges.

  I lift the lid and laugh when I find a ton of socks. Brand new pairs of socks with the craziest of patterns on them.

  “You’re showing me your sock collection? If this is you showing me we belong together because we both collect socks then I think that’s all we need for an answer. We’re fated to be together.”

  “That’s not my sock collection, it’s for you. Anywhere I’ve traveled to in the past four years I’ve picked you up a pair of socks.”

  Oh my. Joss went out of his way on his trips to grab me socks because he knew I collected them. Now I see why this is his way of showing me he’s been into me for a while. He always went out of his way to get these for me. Thought about me even when I wasn’t there.

  “Why didn’t you give them to me?”

  “It started out small. After I found out about your weird sock collection when you were eighteen, I’d always make a point to grab you a pair. I always thought about how you’d react, if you’d like them. Then they started piling up, and I chickened out. I had to hide my feelings for you, and somehow the thought of giving them to you seemed too intimate.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” I look over at Joss and smile.

  “I’ve been leaving you speechless a lot lately.”

  I smack his arm. “Shut up.”

  He ends up shutting me up with his tongue.

  Chapter 25


  I’m sweating.

  My heart is racing.

  I’m fidgety.

  This is the first time I’m going to a family party with a boyfriend, and I’m feeling the pressure. What’s worse is I know Joss is cool as a cucumber. Not a care in the world. I get it; it’s not like he doesn’t know my entire extended family. He’s been to Christmas and a few birthday parties with the whole Ca
ge clan through the years. The only difference is he’s going to be paraded in front of the firing squad.

  “Stop it. You’re starting to make me nervous.” Joss laughs and places his hand on my thigh. “Will you quit it?” He pulls my hand from my mouth as I’m about to bite off all of my fingernails. “Everything is going to be fine. The toughest two were going to be Dan and your dad. Dan may be a little standoffish, but your dad loves me, so does the rest of your family.”

  “Famous last words.” My heart beats out of my chest when we pull up in front of my uncle Kyle’s house. House is being too modest. It’s a mansion, much larger than the house I grew up in. My mom never wanted a lavish home; she’d rather spend money on traveling or us kids.

  “Damn, this house is fucking awesome,” Joss states as he hands his keys to the valet. That’s right, my uncle’s birthday party comes complete with valet service.

  “To think my aunt wonders why my cousins won’t move out. They have it good. I bet they can’t hear their parents getting it on. Everyone has their own wing.” I laugh knowing it’s true. I’m really close with my cousin Linny. I’ve spent a lot of time here growing up.

  Most people see the lavish life my uncle lives and assume he’s a snob. Uncle Kyle is one of the most caring men in my life. He’d give the shirt off his back to anyone he loves.

  The warmth of Joss’s hand envelops mine walking through the front door into the chaos that is the Cage family. There are numerous greetings, hugs and then I’m whisked away against my will when my cousin Linny runs up to snatch me. She pulls me into the kitchen as we’re closely followed by Reese and Shelby.

  “I can’t believe we had to find out you were with Joss from Gabe.” Linny has disgust dripping from every word.

  “Yeah, what the hell?” Shelby agrees as Reese nods her head. “We didn’t even know you were going on a freaking road trip. Hello, we would have liked to have gone. Lord knows I need to get out of my house.”

  “I’m sorry, everything has happened so fast. Nothing but mixed signals came from Joss until the night before Quinn’s attack. From there everything has been a whirlwind. I’m so sorry, I should have called you guys or met up for drinks.”

  They stare stone faced until Linny lights up. “Joss is your boyfriend! Joss. The man you’ve liked for-freaking-ever. Do you remember when you used to sleep over, and we’d try making spells to have him fall in love with you? Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, was the shit.”

  I laugh at the thought. “What was wrong with us? I guess we were the world’s suckiest witches.”

  Shelby grips my shoulders. “What’s he like? I bet he’s bossy. Tell me he gets all growly when you two get down and dirty.”

  We hear a throat clear and face the direction it came from. Joss stands with his arms across his chest and amusement dancing in his amber eyes. My cheeks flame red, and I don’t have to look at my cousins to see the same for them.

  “Came to see where you ran off to, princess.”

  One of my cousin’s gasp, clearly succumbing to Joss’s charm already.

  “I’ve been catching up with the girls.” I nod my head at my cousins.

  His face softens. “Would you ladies mind if I stole my girl away for a little bit?”

  “Not at all,” Linny answers. “We’ll be here all night. You take your girl,” she urges.

  Joss comes up and directs me out of the room with his hand at the small of my back. When I turn to look at the girls, Shelby mouths holy shit. All I can do is smile, basking in the fact that I’m with my favorite people in the world with my boyfriend.

  Could this night get any better?


  I was riding too high on my cloud. My cloud’s a good place to be; it’s safe. I fell back to earth when Joss lead me into the living room where all the men in my life are seated on the couch watching a football game. All of them. My uncles, cousins, and even my grandfather.

  We’re about to be ambushed.

  “Run,” I whisper. “This can only end one way, and it’s not good.”

  “Stop it, they know me. None of them have had a problem with me.”

  “You also weren’t banging the youngest Cage.” I grit between my teeth and quickly smile when my dad turns his head in my direction.

  “Hey, sweetie. I didn’t know you were here.”

  “Got here a few minutes ago.” I hug him and decide not to beat around the bush. “Please be nice. I really like him. He’s not a big drinker like you guys.”

  “He’ll be fine.” We pull back, and he turns his attention at Joss and reaches out his hand. “Nice to see you, Joss. You know everyone here already.” He gestures at the massive couch that holds all the Cage guys.

  “I do.” He lifts his chin in greeting at the couch as my uncle Jay stands up.

  “Joss, why don’t you join me in the study for a cigar? I’ve been having a hankering for one all day.”

  “No!” I scream at my uncle. “You forget that I talk to Reese and know that you’ve had a cigar with her ex.”

  “Your point being?” He levels me with a glare.

  “My point is, he wouldn’t go near her for a week then broke up with her a day after that. No way am I letting you work your voodoo into Joss’s head making him break up with me.”

  Uncle Jay’s face turns red as his jaw clenches. “That motherfucker touched her after I warned him off.”

  “That’s not the point!” I’m getting hysterical and with just cause. “I refuse to let him take part in the Cage Ch…”

  Joss cuts me off stepping next to me. “Nothing would make me break up with you. Nothing. Go back and hang with your girls, I’ll be fine.” His lips lightly kiss my temple, and then they’re gone. Every single one of them. I was expecting it to be my dad and uncles, but all my cousins ran out of the room the second they left.

  “I’ll rip your dicks off if I need to take him to the hospital later!” I yell in warning. “Shit.”

  “They’ll be fine.” Aunt Sophie pulls me in for a hug. “It’s been a while kiddo. You know this family isn’t for the faint of heart. Reese’s boyfriend broke up with her because he was a pussy. Joss, however, is not and dare I say I’m hopeful he’ll put them in their place.”

  “I hope so.” Although I’m feeling anything but when my families involved.

  Chapter 26


  I would never admit to Emmy that as I walked into the study, the nerves took firm hold of me. Her worrying all day has rubbed off on me, that’s the only logical explanation.

  I have nothing to be worried about.

  The four Cage brothers sit behind a large desk and gesture for me to take a seat. I sit in the only chair across from them, and I can already tell this isn’t the first time they’ve pulled this on one of the girls’ boyfriends because this all seems too practiced.

  “Joss,” Zander starts, “Let’s cut to the chase. We like you, think you’re good for my daughter. However, we have a reputation to uphold.”

  “Can’t have the other girls thinking they can bring any random asshole into the fold because we got soft,” Josh states clenching his fists.

  “Who said we liked him?” Jayden argues giving me the eye. “Emmy is the youngest of all the Cage kids, and due to that fact alone, I say we rough him up a bit. Give him a taste of what will happen if he breaks her heart.”

  “Chill, Jay. He’s been around the family for years.” Kyle laughs. “I don’t think the tough guy thing is going to work on a grown man.”

  “We could try,” Jay challenges with a hint of a grin on his lips. “You must now complete the Cage Challenge. Which apparently you can fail and still be welcomed into the fold by these dicks,” he says on a sigh acting put out.

  “Cage Challenge?” I question as Kyle stands and walks over to the wet bar.

  “You must answer our questions, and if you don’t, you have to take a shot. You pass on one then you need to take a shot with the Cage man that posed the question.”

  I hea
r a throat clear and notice Jack seated on the couch off to the right. I scan the study, and every inch is stunning. Large brown leather sofas, the desk in a rich mahogany with bookshelf after bookshelf lining the wall and the bar only hosts top shelf liquor. This house has me itching to start my new venture, to start my own private security company. I’d love to provide all of this to Emmy someday, and I know I can make it possible.

  “With any Jenks in the house too,” Kyle amends.

  “That’s…” I think about it. “That’s ten shots.”

  “Yes. Jesse got called into work, but Jack makes ten.” Zander laughs.

  I can do this. What could go wrong? I’m a big guy, and I’ve done far worse in my early twenties. I don’t see them asking any questions that I wouldn’t be willing to answer.

  Jack gets up from the couch and makes his way over to the Cages. He stands behind them and places his hand on Zander’s shoulder.

  “Let the Cage Challenge commence.”



  An hour later and I still haven’t heard from Joss. My cousins have been trickling out as the time ticks by, but Joss, my dad, and uncles, are all still missing.

  “Mom, please go tell him to stop,” I whine. “He’s going to ruin everything.”

  “I’m sorry, has my twenty-two-year-old grown ass daughter become a three-year-old again? You always were the whiniest.”

  “No, Linny was the worst.” Aunt Sophie corrects her, and my cousin yells in protest.

  “No.” Aunt Georgie pipes up. “Luca was the worst. He had everyone beat, probably still does. They say men are supposed to become more mature with age, yet I find myself pitying his future bride. The other night he woke me up from a sound sleep to grab him a glass of water. I was tempted to get up and do it solely to dump it on his head.”

  Ain’t it the truth. They may bitch about us, but the guys in the family were the worst. Are the worst. I have it under good authority that even though Gabe got his own place a few months ago, Aunt Soph still does his laundry.


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