Breaking Hearts (Delta Force Strong Book 5)

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Breaking Hearts (Delta Force Strong Book 5) Page 2

by Elle James

  “Exactly, she should go with me because I’m not interested.”

  Sophia wanted to reach across the table and smack him.

  “She’s my neighbor—and my friend. I’ve never even thought about dating her. I’d be the safest bet.”

  “Well, I hadn’t thought about dating her,” Dawg said, “until now.” He waggled his brows at Sophia.

  Sophia grinned, although her heart pounded at the thought of Blade offering to take Beth’s place on the trip. “Seriously,” she said, “I don’t know if we can make a replacement at this late a date. It’s only two days from now. I’ll just have to go by myself.”

  “The hell you are,” Blade said. “As your friend, I can’t allow that. Mexico isn’t always a safe place. You need a buddy to go along with you. Somebody who’s got your back.”

  “Yeah, but if you go with me, you’ll be off flirting with somebody else.”

  “I’ll flirt, but I’ll keep an eye on you.”

  Sophia shook her head. “No, I’d be better off going by myself.”

  Blade looked to Beth. “Beth, talk some sense into your friend.”

  Beth shook her head. “She’s your friend, too. You convince her. I have to take care of my aunt.”

  Sophia looked at her friend narrow-eyed. “Aunt Petunia, huh?”

  Beth raised her chin. “Yup. She never liked her name. We all love her anyway.”

  “Look, Sophia,” Blade said, “I promise I’ll keep an eye on you, and you can keep an eye on me. That’s what friends do for each other.” He held up his hand. “I swear, I won’t take any other woman to bed before I see you tucked into yours.”

  Sophia’s lips twisted. “Thanks,” she said and under her breath muttered, “for nothing.”

  “So, it’s decided?” Beth asked.

  “What? What’s decided?” Sophia asked.

  “That Blade’s going to go with you to Cancún.”

  Blade nodded.

  Sophia shook her head. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Me either,” said Rucker.

  Blade glared at the man and kicked him beneath the table.

  “Ouch!” Rucker frowned. “Why’d you kick me?”

  Blade glared back at him. “Why’d you say it was a bad idea?”

  “We all like Sophia,” Rucker said. “We don’t want to see her hurt by you.”

  Blade held up his hands. “She’s my friend. She’s also my next-door neighbor. I’m not going to screw up our friendship when she lives right next door to me. Besides, Sophia’s the marrying kind.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Sophia asked.

  “You’re the kind of woman a man wants to marry.”

  Her lips twisted. “Whatever.”

  “And I’m not ever getting married.”

  “Famous last words,” Mac said as he grinned across the table at Layla. He reached for his fiancée’s hand and twirled the ring around her finger. “Apparently, you haven’t met the right woman yet.”

  “That’s not the case. I just don’t plan on ever getting married. As a Delta, it just doesn’t make sense. And why would I screw up a perfectly good friendship marrying her or taking her to bed?”

  Mac frowned. “How do we know you won’t try to get into Sophia’s pants while you’re in Cancún?”

  Sophia gasped. “Wow, did you really ask that?”

  Beth backhanded Mac.

  “Yeah, we like Sophia,” Lance said. “We like the Salty Dog Saloon. We don’t wanna see her leave.”

  “Look,” Blade said, “I care about Sophia too, and I don’t want to see her hurt while she’s down in Mexico. I could keep a close eye on her, without putting my hands on her. Like I said, she’s the girl next door. I don’t want to screw that up.”

  Sophia’s lips pressed into a thin line, and her eyes narrowed. “What if I don’t want you to go with me? What if I’d rather have Dawg take me?”

  Dawg grinned. “I’m ready and willing.” He leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Just think of the good times we’d have.”

  Blade glared at Dawg. “You can’t trust that man. If you want to have a good time in Cancún and not worry about somebody pawing all over you, take me. I could use a vacation, and you could use some protection. You choose.”

  The men at the table chanted, “Dawg! Dawg! Dawg! Dawg!”

  And the women said, “Blade! Blade! Blade! Blade!”

  Sophia shook her head. “I’m not making a decision. Not with all this noise. Anybody need another drink? I’m going to get a refill.”

  “You haven’t drunk what you have.”

  She tipped her mug up, swallowed the contents and smacked it down on the table. “Like I said, I’m going for a refill. Anybody else?”

  “While you’re up, I’ll take another.”

  “Me, too.”

  “And me.”

  She gathered the empties on a tray and carried them back to the bar.

  Beth followed. “You’re not seriously considering Dawg, are you?”

  Sophia glared at Beth. “I can’t believe you just backed out on this trip.”

  Beth grinned. “You have the perfect opportunity to get some alone time with Blade. With none of the other guys around. You won’t be next door. You’ll be out on your own.”

  “You heard him. He’s not interested in me. You know what kind of torture that will be?”

  “It might help get him out of your system. Who knows? Maybe you’ll figure out he really does care about you as more than just a friend.”

  “It’s bad enough when he brings women to his house. I don’t think I could stand it if I’m in Cancún with him as he’s flirting with another woman.”

  Beth quirked her lip. “Turn it around on him. You flirt with somebody else.”

  Sophia shook her head. “I’m not interested in anybody else.”

  Her friend crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, maybe it’s about time you should be.”

  Sophia stared across the barroom at Blade. Maybe that was it. Maybe if she made him jealous, he might actually think of her as something other than the girl next door. The friend. If that didn’t work, then…well…she knew she had to get over him.

  Sophia sighed. “Okay. But promise me you’ll never pull some shit like this again.”

  Beth grinned. “You’ll be thanking me someday.”

  “Yeah,” Sophia said, “that day isn’t today.” She filled their drink order as Mags walked through the front door.

  “Let me get that,” the older woman said.

  Sophia needed something to keep her hands busy. “No, I’ve got this. I’m sure that Sarge has other orders for you to fill.” She carried the tray back to the table and stared across at Blade. “Okay, if we can get the names changed, Blade’s going with me.”

  Blade grinned. “Smart choice.”

  “Yeah, damn,” Dawg said. “I had my tastebuds set for some good Mexican food, Mai Tais and Painkillers.”

  “Guess I better buy some swim shorts, dust off my passport and make some phone calls.” Blade clapped his hands. “I’m going to Mexico.”

  Sophia’s heart beat fast. She stared across at the man. She was probably setting herself up for a big fall, but it was about time that she either got him to notice her or got over him.

  Blade sat across the table from Sophia, sipping his beer, his mind on a million things at once. He was used to deploying at the drop of a hat, but he’d never gone on vacation this spontaneously. It didn’t matter. The thought of Sophia going by herself was not acceptable. To tell the truth, he would’ve preferred to stay home and sip beer in his backyard with her, rather than go all the way to Cancún, Mexico.

  But if she was going, and alone, he felt responsible, as her friend, to be with her and provide the protection she’d need. Tourists never knew what would happen in Mexico. With her cute redhaired looks, she would be a prime target for sex traffickers. He wished he could bring his gun with him. Blade was glad Beth had b
acked out of the trip. The thought of the two women by themselves in Mexico would have made him crazy. He might have bought his own ticket and flown down there just to make sure they were okay.

  The ladies all got up and went to the bathroom together, giving the men time to talk.

  Dawg wadded up a napkin and threw it at Blade. “I almost had a free trip to Cancún. Why’d you have to go and ruin it for me?”

  “Sophia deserves somebody better than you,” Blade said.

  He snorted. “And that ain’t you.”

  “He’s right,” Rucker said. “Seriously, I hope you’re not planning on seducing her.”

  Blade’s mouth pressed into a thin line. “I’m not going to seduce Sophia. I’m going to take care of her and make sure that nobody seduces her or takes advantage of her. She’s like a kid sister to me.” At that moment, the women were headed back across the room, and Blade’s gaze landed on Sophia.

  Apparently, Dawg’s did too. “She’s not my kid sister and she’s got a body that won’t quit. Topped with that red hair…wow.”

  “Keep it in your pants, Dawg,” Blade warned. “She’s a nice girl. Leave her alone.”

  “You’re not interested in her,” Dawg said, “but maybe I am.”

  Blade narrowed his eyes. “Back off. She chose me as her protector, not as a boyfriend. If she was thinking of you as a boyfriend, she would’ve chosen you.”

  “All right,” Rucker said. “We’re holding you accountable, Blade. Treat her right or answer to us.”

  “I will.” Blade held up one hand. “I promise.”

  “In the meantime,” John Sanders, otherwise known as Tank, said, “what are we going to do on our leave time?”

  “Since I’m not going to Cancún, I’m going to sleep for twenty-four hours,” Dawg said. “After that, I might drive down to South Padre and get some sun and sand.”

  “I’m spending my leave with my girl.” Bull nodded toward the dark-haired beauty heading his way.

  Mac waved a hand at Kylie. “Same here.”

  Dash grinned. “I’m meeting Sunny Daye in Dallas. I have a hotel booked and room service lined up.”

  Blade leaned back in his chair with a grin. “I’m going to Cancún.”

  “Watch out,” Dawg said. “We might all decide to join you.”

  Blade patted his chest confidently. “It would be all right with me. Then I could prove to you that I’m not going to do anything but protect Sophia.”

  Chapter 2

  “Ma’am, can I get you anything to drink?” The flight attendant stopped beside Sophia’s seat.

  Though the plane was small, she was flying first class to Houston, and then from Houston she’d fly to Cancún. Again, first class. Winning a trip had its perks.

  “No, thank you.” Sophia stared out the window, her pulse pounding. Where was he? The boarding call had been completed, and Blade had yet to enter the plane. Sophia had waited as long as she could, but then she’d had to board. All the other seats were filled on the small aircraft in Temple, Texas, except the one beside her.

  The flight attendant stepped outside the airplane and came back in smiling and talking to someone. When Sophia saw the someone, she sighed.

  Thank God.

  Blade strolled onto the plane, a smile spreading across his face as he spied her. He took his seat on the opposite side of the aisle from Sophia.

  They were on a regional plane that would take them from Temple to Houston, and it only had fourteen seats. With all fourteen seats filled, the door was closed.

  “I knew we should’ve ridden together,” Sophia grumbled.

  Blade gave her a crooked smile. “Sorry about that. I had to sign out of my unit. As I was leaving, my commander decided he needed to give me a lecture on how to behave in Mexico.”

  Sophia frowned. “Does he do that for all the guys in the unit?”

  Blade’s mouth turned up on one corner. “No, he thought I was a special case and needed an extra lecture.”

  “From experience?” Sophia asked.

  Blade shrugged. “Most likely.”

  Sophia sat back in her seat and let the tension drain out of her. “Well, at least you made it. I was beginning to think I was going to make this trip on my own.”

  “I hurried. As soon as my commander cut me loose, I put the lead on the accelerator to get to the airport on time. They almost didn’t let me onto the airplane, but I sweet-talked the gate attendant.”

  Sophia cocked an eyebrow. “Female?”

  Blade grinned. “Yup.”

  “Figures,” Sophia muttered. Who could resist the man? That dark hair, ice-blue eyes and those muscles.


  Sophia could relate.

  The flight to Houston didn’t take long, and soon they were hustling across the airport to get to their next plane. Once they were settled in first class, Sophia could finally relax. They were seated in the center section of business class on the 747. Sophia had chosen the aisle seat. A pretty, sultry, dark-haired woman sat on the other side of Blade, making Sophia wish she had chosen the seat where Blade was sitting.

  Blade immediately engaged in conversation with the woman, even before the plane took off. At least a handsome young man with dark hair and deep brown eyes sat in the seat across the aisle from Sophia.

  The woman beside Blade laughed, making Sophia’s teeth grind. What did she have to do to get Blade to notice her like he noticed the pretty, dark-haired woman? She couldn’t change her hair. She was stuck with strawberry-blond. She couldn’t change her complexion without a ton of makeup. That was something she wasn’t willing to do. Maybe Beth was right, and all she needed to do was show him that someone else could appreciate her and find her attractive. Maybe that would make him jealous enough to look at her as other than just a friend. Pasting a smile on her face, she looked across the aisle at the good-looking guy.

  “Are you going on vacation?” she asked.

  The dark-haired man shook his head and smiled back at her. “No, I’m headed home. I live in the Cancún area,” he said with a Hispanic accent that would melt most women’s knees.

  If Sophia wasn’t so hung up on Blade, she might have found this guy incredibly attractive. Maybe she should make more of an effort to try. That might not be a bad thing. Either the jealousy thing would work, or Sophia would have to move on. Why not move on with a sexy Mexican with a voice that would melt butter?

  For the next few hours, she spent her time talking with the young man whose name ended up being Andrés Manuel Calderón, a native Mexican who’d been on a business trip in the US.

  A few times she glanced toward Blade. She noticed him frowning in her direction, but he quickly turned and smiled at the woman beside him and kept up the conversation. Meanwhile, Andrés entertained her with what she might find to do in Cancún.

  “You could do all the things tourists do like a catamaran trip to Isla Mujeres, which can be fun. Or a trip out to the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza to climb El Castillo, also known as the Temple of Kukulcán. I recommend both excursions.”

  “But tonight, there’s a celebration in downtown Cancún for Cinco de Mayo. You should come. There will be music and dancing.”

  “I’d like that,” Sophia said.

  “I could pick you up from your hotel,” he said, “and you could come with me. I know all the places to go.”

  Sophia grimaced. “That would be nice, but I think it would be best if I meet you downtown. My friend, Blade, and I could join you there.” She tipped her head toward Blade.

  “What was that?” Blade asked. “I heard my name. I hope it wasn’t spoken in vain.”

  Sophia turned to Blade and smiled. “Blade, this is Andrés Calderón. Andrés, this is Blade. We were just talking about meeting up in downtown Cancún for the annual Cinco de Mayo celebration.”

  “Don’t you think we should discuss this before you make plans?” Blade asked with a frown.

  “We’re discussing it now,” she said. “I think it’s a good
idea. I’d like to meet with Andrés downtown. He’s promised me music and dancing.”

  Blade’s frown deepened.

  “If you don’t want to come,” Sophia said, “Andrés said that he would pick me up at the hotel. Either way, I’d like to go to the celebration.”

  “I’ll bring her,” Blade said, leveling a stare at Andrés.

  “Then it’s settled,” Andrés said. “I’ll meet you downtown at eight o’clock in front of the cathedral.”

  “Won’t it be packed?” Sophia asked.

  Andrés shrugged. “It will, but I’ll be able to pick you out. I can’t miss that red hair amongst the crowd. It’s beautiful.”

  Sophia’s cheeks heated.

  “Don’t you think?” Andrés asked Blade.

  Blade stared across at Sophia, his eyes narrowing. “Of course.” He stared at her for a long moment.

  Sophia felt like he was seeing her for the first time. When he’d said ‘of course’, she’d wanted to kick him. The man wasn’t impressed with the uniqueness of her hair. She might not succeed at getting him jealous. In that case, she would need to learn to enjoy others’ company, and she could start with Andrés.

  When they landed, Andrés was first out of his seat. He helped Sophia with her carryon, pulling it out from the overhead bin. He smiled and, lifting her hand, pressed his lips to her knuckles. “Until tonight.”

  She had hoped that her heart would flutter like it did whenever she saw Blade, but it didn’t. Perhaps with time it would. It didn’t matter. She was determined to have a good time in Cancún with or without Blade.

  As soon as they cleared the sky bridge, the passengers were split up by Mexican citizens and all others. Sophia and Blade said their goodbyes to their conversation partners and navigated the customs lines. When they emerged from the airport, a man dressed in a black suit, holding a sign with Sophia’s name on it, stood waiting next to a black limousine.

  “Now, that’s what I call riding in style.” Blade grinned and tossed their luggage into the trunk.

  The chauffeur opened the door for Sophia, and she slid into the backseat. Blade climbed in next to her. It was the first time since they’d gotten on the plane in Houston that they were alone, except for the chauffeur.


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