Girl Love Happens Boxed Set: Books 0-2

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Girl Love Happens Boxed Set: Books 0-2 Page 14

by T. B. Markinson

  “As you wish.”

  She elevated an eyebrow, acknowledging I’d quoted The Princess Bride, her favorite movie.

  We locked lips and deepened the kiss instantly. Without stopping, Gemma guided me toward my bed. We clumsily toppled onto the comforter.

  “Oomph,” I uttered.

  “You okay?” She brushed some strands of hair out of my mouth.

  “Yeah. Grace has never been my strong suit.”

  “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t choke at dinner.”

  “Yes, you did. You can choke on air.”


  “And fall down because of air.” She splayed her fingers as if she intended to tick off more humiliating scenarios.

  “Whatever!” I smothered her mouth with mine to quiet her.

  She didn’t complain and held my arms down with one hand above my head. Her other hand traced all the way down my left side, though I hoped she wouldn’t touch the scar on my back. Her delicate touch issued a tingling sensation that made me whimper in yearning.

  “Make love to me. Please, Gemma.”

  The kiss demonstrated Gemma’s overwhelming desire. Her fingers parted my lips below, teasing and tempting. My hips gyrated as if I no longer had control over them because Gemma did. She had complete and wonderful control of my body.

  She entered, and I stifled a squeal by fervently exploring her mouth with my tongue. It was as if I needed to devour her while she was inside me. A hunger to feel close on all levels.

  I raised my hip against her crotch. “You’re so wet.”

  “That’s another effect you have on me.” Gemma slowed her finger thrusting. Her emerald eyes smoldered. “I’m not the only one.” Her finger dove in deep and stayed. “You like that?”

  “Are you taunting me?”

  “Moi?” Her finger slipped out, but the glint in Gemma’s eyes said it was no accident. She fondled the lips and entrance, but didn’t penetrate again.

  It was driving me blissfully mad.

  And it gave me an idea.

  I snaked a hand down my own body, stopping briefly to flick a nipple, before arriving at my magic spot.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” I arched my eyebrows. “You were tormenting me. I decided to play the game. Do you want me to stop?” I continued to massage my clit.

  “Depends. Do I get to play?”

  “By all means.”

  I thought she’d touch herself. Instead, she hammered her fingers inside me, frantically slipping in and out. I doubled my efforts on my clit. Within moments, I was close. Gemma nudged my fingers to the side and took my throbbing bud into her mouth, circling her tongue right where I craved.

  The scream that left my body released not only the sexual tension and satisfaction, but it wiped away all my fears about being with a woman. At that moment, I wanted to confess to everyone that I was in love.

  In love with a girl.

  And not just any girl, but with Gemma—the most caring, intelligent, sexy, and giving lover.

  She glanced up. Her chin glistened, and the knowledge of how much she loved eating me out flipped my lust into overdrive.

  I steered her head to mine, tasting me in her mouth, all the while rolling Gemma onto her back, nearly causing us to crash to the floor. Narrow dorm beds weren’t designed for lesbian sex.

  “I need to be inside you. To taste you,” I said.

  Gemma moaned when I slowly entered. Her warmth and wetness greeted my finger. I gazed into her eyes. “I don’t know what you’ve done to me, but no one has ever made me feel this way.” I bit her nipple. It responded, but the fragrance down below beckoned. My tongue trailed down her stomach. My teeth grazed her ginger hair, and then I landed right where I wanted.

  She poured into my mouth. My fingers pumped in and out. Gemma’s hips matched my desire, thrusting up and down. I caught a glimpse of Gemma smothering her face with a pillow.

  It wouldn’t take long now.

  I wanted her to come. In my mouth. To flood my fingers. To scream at the top of her lungs. I cherished that I was the only one who made Gemma feel this good.

  She came. Hard.

  As her body writhed, I didn’t let up, sensing she wasn’t finished. Neither of us could ever get enough of the other. It seemed impossible that I’d ever tire of making love to the only person who knew me better than anyone else. The only person who ever made me feel beautiful and loved.

  Gemma wasn’t merely my friend or just my lover. Even soul mate didn’t do justice to my emotions. Gemma meant everything to me, and I hoped she felt the same.

  I tried to block out the memory of signs I’d seen on the quad last week. The ones proclaiming things like “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” and “God hates fags.” Why couldn’t everyone accept our love?

  Even I had lingering doubts, not about my feelings but how others would perceive me. Sometimes I hated myself.

  The jerk of her body brought me back, and I stilled my fingers and tongue before resting my head against her thigh.

  She ran a hand through my hair, calming my turmoil. “I love the things you do to me.”

  “Not as much as I love doing them to you.”

  “That sounds like a challenge.” She laughed.


  “And how do we prove who loves it more?”

  I moved up and nestled into her arms. “Sixty-nine.”

  “Have you ever?” she asked.

  “No. Honestly, all the boys in high school talked about it and blow jobs so much the idea alone made me ill. Josh loved to tell everyone the joke about Miss Piggy.”

  Gemma crinkled her brow.

  “You haven’t heard it?”

  She shook her innocent head. “No.”

  I clamped my lips together, locking it inside. Gemma tapped my forehead playfully. I gathered she was still too spent to speak much.

  “Okay. Why can’t Miss Piggy count to seventy?”

  Gemma hitched one shoulder.

  “She gets a frog in her throat at sixty-nine.”

  “Wh—? Oh.” Gemma’s eyes told me she wasn’t impressed.

  “I know. Such a gross thought. Before you, I never thought I’d enjoy sex this much. It was okay with Josh, but I didn’t ever initiate it or pine for intimacy. It was more like I knew it was expected, and it was best to get the deed out of the way each time.”

  She held me closer.

  “Earlier, when your dad was talking about your uncle and how he was pissing on an anthill—I couldn’t believe the words spilling out of his mouth. My parents would never ever talk about anything like that in front of me. I’ll never be an adult in their eyes.”

  “I’m sorry. He can be a bit much sometimes.” Her face tinged a lovely shade of rose. Even when embarrassed, Gemma was beautiful.

  I placed a finger on her lips. “No. I enjoy Cormac’s stories. I’d love for my parents to be more open. Not so repressed and distant. Your parents are an odd mix of traditional and modern. Your mom knits and sews most of her own clothes, and tonight I found out she buys her materials from two little old lesbians. How cool is that?”

  She laughed. “I didn’t know how cool my parents were until tonight.”

  “You’re so lucky. Do you know what my parents would do if I told them?”

  “What?” she asked in a serious tone.

  “First, they’d yank me out of school. Second, they’d send me to a nunnery. Third, if the nunnery didn’t cure me of my wicked ways, they’d disown me. I wouldn’t be able to atone enough to get back into their good graces.”

  “Will they hate me?” Gemma frowned.

  “Most definitely.”

  The hurt in her eyes reminded me to think before I spoke.

  “I’ve gone and put my foot in it again, haven’t I?”

  A sexy gleam shown in her eyes. “‘Your
aunts are incestuous lesbians!’” she mimicked my high-pitched voice from earlier.

  I buried my face into the crook of her arm. “I can’t believe I said that. And to your parents!”

  “Oh, Dad’s going to tell that story until he dies. By Monday afternoon, it’ll be all over Keller.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  She nodded, quirking a brow.

  “Do you think if Kate knew about Hannah and Ruth, she still would have…?” I didn’t know how to politely say “dumped you.”

  “Her family is ultraconservative, so I doubt she would have changed her mind. Dad jokes that one day the family will disappear and we’ll hear about them twenty years from now, living among one of those wacko religious cults that preach about the Second Coming or something.”

  “Was Kate like that?”

  “Yes and no.”

  Gemma didn’t talk about Kate much, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dying to know more about the competition.

  “Who initiated your first kiss?”

  Gemma fluffed a pillow to prop up her head. “It just kinda happened, really. We were watching TV in my basement, and we always cuddled together on the couch—it’s freezing down there—and one minute we were watching Cheers and the next we were smooching.”

  “Like the immaculate kiss,” I joked.

  “Don’t let your mom hear that.” Gemma pinned me with her faux parental expression.

  “Trust me, I stifle myself around them.”

  “So you can control yourself, then?” Gemma squeezed me tightly, letting me know she was kidding.

  “Hey!” I defended weakly.

  “Don’t be mad. I love your random outbursts and your twisted sense of humor.” She gestured to my chlamydia poster. “And lately I’ve been benefiting from your lack of control. This weekend has been the highlight of my life… so far,” she added to needle me. Or maybe as inspiration.

  “Lack of control,” I parroted. “I’ll show you control.”

  I hovered over Gemma’s breasts and rubbed my clit.

  Her eyes widened. “This is your definition of restraint?”

  “Not mine. Yours.”

  She blinked.

  “You can’t touch me. Not until I come.”

  She swallowed. “What if you beg me to help?”

  “I won’t.” I smiled to soften the blow.

  Gemma watched intently as I slid a finger inside, while my other hand still focused on my pulsating flower. Her rapid breaths urged me to quicken the pace.

  Gemma stretched her hand down her body. I peeked over my shoulder and eyed her pleasuring herself. “Hey, control, remember?”

  “You said I couldn’t touch you. I was never in the equation.”

  “Leave it to you to think of that loophole.” Continuing to hover over Gemma’s breasts as I masturbated while she was also fucking herself was sending me into a tizzy. I wanted her tongue on me. I simultaneously inched and lowered closer and closer to her mouth.

  The concentration on her face was my answer. Gemma knew what I wanted, and she was sticking to the rules that I’d put in place.


  My goal was to torture her, and now I was the one being tortured. Delightfully so, but still.

  Gemma came first. When her body rocked up and down, I fell off the focus wagon.

  “Did you come?” she asked in a breathy voice.

  “No, I was enjoying the show.”

  She beamed and motioned with a finger for me to come hither.

  “You mean—?”

  Gemma gripped my thighs and brought my cunt to her mouth. The mixture of her hot tongue and my longing brought me to a whole new level. Gemma, hearing my excited sigh, fervently brought me to the brink and beyond, and then back to the brink. She showed no signs of stopping, and my body and soul begged her to continue.

  God I loved lesbian sex.

  Chapter Three

  “You know, they say the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body,” I said.

  Gemma lay on her back with her eyes closed. She had one arm draped around me. “Are you saying you want more?”

  I whacked her arm. “No. I’m saying I’m really impressed by your stamina. Your tongue must be the strongest in the world.”

  “I’ve never known it to fatigue,” she teased. “What about yours with all that gabbing?”

  “Oh please, one of us has to keep the conversation going. You’re the strong silent type, and I’m not.”

  This made her smile, but she kept her eyes shut. “What about the heart?”

  “What about it?”

  “Wouldn’t that be the strongest muscle? It pumps blood day and night.”

  “Maybe, but right now, I’m voting for the tongue. Your tongue.”

  “Did you know the tongue consists of eight muscles and unlike the muscles in the rest of the body, they don’t develop around a bone? It’s more like an elephant’s trunk or the tentacle of an octopus.”

  “Ewww. An elephant’s trunk? So not the image I want in my head right now.” I buried my face in a pillow.

  “What about an octopus tentacle?”

  I slapped her taut stomach. “No! Don’t be weird.”

  She tickled my side.

  “Stop. I have to pee.”

  She didn’t relent.

  “If you don’t stop, I’ll pee on you,” I warned.

  “Okay, okay.” She put her palms up in mock surrender. “Truce until you get back.”

  When I returned to bed, I noticed it was almost four in the morning. “Shit, look at the time.”

  Gemma didn’t bother. She raised the comforter. “I’ll try to behave and let you get some sleep.”

  “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” I said, before climbing on top of Gemma. “Will your parents suspect anything if you fall asleep during breakfast?”

  “Nah. Thanks for being there tonight, even though I never got around to telling them about us.”

  I waved her off. “It was going so well. Why bother?” I prayed she didn’t notice my relief.

  Gemma’s eyes clouded over. “Will you ever tell your parents? About you?”

  I bit my lower lip. “I haven’t really put much thought into it. This is all so new.” I felt horrible for lying. The thought of telling them had plagued me since the first time I dreamed of kissing Gemma.

  She nodded. “I’m thinking of telling Jenny.”

  I shot up. “About us?”

  Gemma’s perplexing crooked smile unnerved me. “No. About me. It’s not my place to out you or anyone.”

  “Oh… I didn’t mean…” What did I mean?

  “It’s okay, Teeg. I know.”

  “You know what?”

  “You aren’t comfortable. Not yet, at least.”

  Her smugness rubbed me the wrong way. She’d only told her parents hours ago and now she was an expert on coming out? She was the better lesbian? More confident? I didn’t like her implication, even though I’d barely poked my head out of the closet.

  “What’s wrong?” Gemma asked.

  “Nothing. I think I’m just tired.”

  “Let’s go to sleep, then.” Gemma wrapped me in her arms, freeing my irritability, almost.

  “Good night,” I mumbled.

  “Good night, sweetheart,” Gemma said, completely oblivious to the turmoil surging through my mind.

  The word sweetheart quelled my anger. She hadn’t meant anything by her comment, really. I was being Spazzy Tegan. Again.

  “Gemma?” I stammered.


  “Would you still love me if I never told my parents?”

  She opened her eyes and stared into mine. Our heads rested on the same pillow. “Tegan, there’s nothing you can do that would make me love you any less.” Gemma flicked a tear off my cheek. “No pressure from me. Ever.”

  “What if I never told anyone?” I whispered.

  “No ma
tter what, I’ll always love and cherish you.”

  “Even if I never shout from the rooftops that I love you?”

  She smiled. “I don’t need recognition like that. The look in your eyes is enough.” She rested a hand on my cheek, and I placed mine on hers.

  “I love you, Gemma. I really do.”

  “I know. Your eyes tell me.” She kissed me. “Go to sleep before you have another freak-out session.”

  Slowly, I started to drift into blissful sleep, until a thought struck me. Did my eyes tell everyone? I groaned. Play-it-Safe Tegan was rearing her head once more.

  Lesbian on the Brink of Insanity

  Chapter One

  “Great move, Gemma!” I screamed through cupped hands from where I sat on a metal bench in hopes she’d hear me over the clamor in the indoor pool. The perpetual shouting, splashing, and the ref’s whistle during the intramural inner tube water polo match increased the thrill. If Gemma’s team won today, they’d make the playoffs. There wasn’t a trophy at stake, but Gemma always remained fiercely competitive.

  “Never thought I’d hear anyone say that.” April slid next to me. “That Gemma has great moves.” She nudged my shoulder.

  I stiffened, not that she bothered to notice.

  “Who’s winning?” she asked and then blew on her nails. During breakfast, Jenny had said April was meeting her mom for a spa day.

  I refused to comment on her freshly painted fuchsia nails. “We are, and it’s almost—” The cheering from Gemma’s team overpowered my voice. I jumped up and down and clapped like a fool at the Macy’s Day Parade.

  April remained seated but clapped. Or more like she pressed her palms together twice without making any noise. Jenny noticed April’s presence and waved. April shifted on the bench, blocking Jenny from her sight. While Gemma helped Jenny out of the pool, I had to resist the urge to wallop the back of April’s head to knock some sense into the bleach-blonde bitch. Would it kill her to try harder? Jenny was a wonderful person and deserved a roommate (and sometimes lover) who wasn’t so catty.

  “We won!” Gemma rushed up and threw her arms around me.

  Jenny attempted to do the same to April but was stopped short with a scowl and protective hands blocking her face.

  “Don’t get me all wet!” April shouted, igniting flames of humiliation in Jenny’s eyes and cheeks.


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