The Cadwaladr Quests

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The Cadwaladr Quests Page 26

by S L Ager

83 flex (v) cause muscles to stand out by contracting and tensing them; activate, expand, tighten. (ant) relax.

  84 authoritative (adj) commanding and likely to be respected and obeyed; firm, imposing, decisive. (ant) weak.

  85 infamous (adj) known for a bad quality, deed or behaviour; notorious, disreputable, shady. (ant) reputable.

  86 notoriously (adv) in a notorious (widely known) way; flagrantly, infamously, overtly. (ant) obscurely.

  87 monitor (v) observe and review, watch over; check, supervise, control, scrutinise. (ant) ignore, mismanage.

  88 problematic (adj) causing a problem; difficult, tricky, challenging, awkward. (ant) easy.

  89 determined (adj) having or displaying resolve; resolute, intent on, firm, unwavering. (ant) irresolute.

  90 dubious (adj) not to be relied upon; questionable, untrustworthy, reluctant, shady. (ant) trustworthy.

  91 cohort (n) a group of people with a shared characteristic; gang, unit, troop, partnership. (ant) hotchpotch.

  92 reluctantly (adv) in a reluctant (hesitant or unwilling) way; half-heartedly, grudgingly. (ant) willingly.

  93 trudge (v) walk slowly; lumber, plod, trail, trek, tramp, traipse, slog. (ant) run, sprint, tiptoe.

  94 unremarkable (adj) not interesting or surprising (not noteworthy); ordinary, average. (ant) extraordinary.

  95 haughty (adj) high in one’s own estimation; arrogant, superior, disdainful, conceited. (ant) modest, humble.

  96 attuned (adj) adjusted or acclimatised to something (used to); accustomed, adapted. (ant) maladapted.

  97 sense (n) a faculty of the body that perceives the external environment; awareness, abilities, perceptions.

  98 adhere (v) follow closely or stick to something; obey, abide, observe. (ant) abandon, disobey.

  99 animosity (n) a strong hostility or aversion; hatred, loathing, enmity, rancour. (ant) goodwill, friendship.

  100 acute (adj) highly developed (on the ball); clever, keen, sharp, shrewd, astute. (ant) blunt, stupid.

  101 efficiency (n) maximum productivity with minimum waste; competence, proficiency. (ant) inefficiency.

  102 simmer (v) exist in a repressed (pushed down or hidden) state; bubble, churn, fester.

  103 brash (adj) cocky and overbearing; arrogant, cheeky, brazen, pushy, impudent. (ant) self-effacing, mild.

  104 exterior (n) (of a person) their demeanour and behaviour; air, bearing, appearance, front. (ant) interior.

  105 glower (v) scowl angrily or sullenly (glare daggers at); stare, frown, gloom. (ant) beam, smile.

  106 disrespect (n) a lack of courtesy or respect; contempt, disregard, boldness, insolence. (ant) respect.

  107 brief (v) inform and instruct in preparation; advise, explain, prime, direct, prepare, update.

  108 curator (n) person who looks after a collection of things or a museum; caretaker, warden, supervisor.

  109 community (n) a place and its inhabitants of similar characteristics; area, district, neighbourhood.

  110 graciously (adv) in a gracious (courteous) manner; kindly, decently, generously. (ant) rudely, meanly.

  111 privilege (n) a special honour (not simply a right); benefit, treat, favour, advantage, boon. (ant) burden.

  112 exceptional (adj) in a way that is unusually good; outstanding, remarkable, excellent, great. (ant) bad, poor.

  113 impudence (n) the quality of being rude; audacity, insolence, impertinence, disrespect, cheek. (ant) respect.

  114 gratitude (n) quality of being thankful and showing appreciation; thanks, gratefulness. (ant) ingratitude.

  115 disinterested (adj) having no interest, being indifferent to something; bored, apathetic. (ant) interested.

  116 amateur (n) a person who is inept or incompetent (not good at); novice, beginner, apprentice. (ant) expert.

  117 long-winded (adj) continuing at a boring length; tedious, lengthy, pompous. (ant) concise, pithy.

  118 pithy (adj) terse (short) and expressive; brief, succinct, witty, concise. (ant) long-winded.

  119 resoundingly (adv) in a resounding (emphatic, loud) manner; sonorously, forcefully. (ant) weakly.

  120 muster (v) summon up (a response, attitude or feeling); gather, collect, rally, raise, call on. (ant) disperse.

  121 incensed (adj) incredibly angry; enraged, infuriated, exasperated, riled, annoyed. (ant) placated, calm.

  122 chastise (v) scold (tell off) in a harsh manner; berate, reprimand, discipline, rebuke, censure. (ant) praise.

  123 abruptly (adv) in an abrupt (unexpected and sudden) way; hastily, quickly, immediately. (ant) gradually.

  124 fusty (adj) old-fashioned and outdated (not modern); stuffy, dull, boring, conservative, musty. (ant) trendy.

  125 extend (v) hold out towards (stretch or stick out); offer, proffer, give, present. (ant) withdraw, retract.

  126 make someone’s acquaintance (v) meet someone for the first time.

  127 affable (adj) amiable or cordial; courteous, friendly, genial, pleasant, jovial, warm. (ant) unfriendly, cold.

  128 flustered (adj) agitated and confused; unsettled, alarmed, disconcerted, perturbed. (ant) calm.

  129 imperious (adj) bossy and high-handed; domineering, arrogant, superior. (ant) subservient, humble.

  130 precisely (adv) in a precise (exact) way; meticulously, absolutely, strictly, just, without doubt. (ant) vaguely.

  131 level (v) direct or aim towards; point, turn, cast, address, incline, train, focus. (ant) avert.

  132 baleful (adj) menacing or threatening harm; unfriendly, hostile, vindictive, malevolent. (ant) benevolent.

  133 superior (adj) greater in power or size (better than); finer, worthier, advanced, improved. (ant) inferior.

  134 decrepit (adj) elderly and infirm; old, creaky, deteriorated, feeble, rickety, frail. (ant) hearty, vigorous.

  135 intellectual (n) person possessing a highly developed intellect; scholar, academic, erudite. (ant) ignoramus.

  136 visible (adj) able to be seen; noticeable, evident, perceptible, obvious. (ant) invisible, imperceptible.

  137 introductory (adj) serving as an opening or an introduction; preliminary, initial. (ant) concluding.

  138 resident (adj) living or staying somewhere on a long-term basis; occupying, residing. (ant) transient.

  139 pertinent (adj) appropriate, applicable or relevant; apposite, apt, suitable, fitting. (ant) irrelevant.

  140 forbidden (adj) not allowed; banned, prohibited, stopped, disallowed, denied, vetoed. (ant) allowed.

  141 retract (v) draw back into something; withdraw, pull in, sheathe. (ant) extend.

  142 rowdy (adj) loud and noisy; disorderly, unruly, raucous, disruptive, boisterous, rebellious. (ant) restrained.

  143 file (v) walk behind one another in a line (single file); march, troop, trail, parade, funnel. (ant) crowd.

  144 nondescript (adj) lacking interesting or distinguishing features; unremarkable, ordinary. (ant) special.

  145 preoccupied (adj) engrossed in thought or mentally distracted; absorbed, concerned. (ant) unconcerned.

  146 maze (n) a puzzling network of something (paths, passages, etc.); warren, web, labyrinth.

  147 guzzle (v) eat or drink greedily; gulp, swig, wolf, swallow, consume, swill, devour. (ant) nibble, sip.

  148 encouragement (n) act of supporting someone; endorsement, support, reassurance. (ant) discouragement.

  5. Worse than Cross-Country

  1 ensconce (v) settle in a safe or comfortable place; entrench, install, establish, situate.

  2 inevitably (adv) in an inevitable (unavoidable) way; certainly, definitely, inescapably. (ant) doubtfully.

  3 intent (adj) determined to do something; decided, resolute, resolved, committed. (ant) reluctant.

  4 callous (adj) having a cruel and heartless disregard for others; hard, unfeeling, uncaring. (ant) caring.

  5 regrettably (adv) with regret (sadness); unfortunately, undesirably, deplorably, woefully. (ant) fortunately.

  6 malice (n) the desi
re to hurt or harm someone; spite, animosity, malevolence, evil, hate. (ant) kindness.

  7 fanatical (adj) obsessively concerned with something; dedicated, extreme, fervent, fixated. (ant) indifferent.

  8 tenacity (n) quality of being determined and persistent; stubbornness, resolve, diligence. (ant) irresolution.

  9 uptight (adj) tense or angry, but controlled; edgy, uneasy, anxious, bothered. (ant) calm, composed, cool.

  10 stifle (v) constrain, prevent or choke; hinder, hamper, suppress, smother, withhold. (ant) release, relieve.

  11 rant (v) speak or shout in a lengthy and passionate way; bluster, yell, bellow, rage, go on. (ant) sweet-talk.

  12 frustration (n) an upset or annoyance; aggravation, irritation, exasperation. (ant) success, satisfaction.

  13 rapping (n) an act of repeated striking against a hard surface; knocking, tapping, thumping, thwacking.

  14 hulking (adj) (of a person) large and heavy; bulky, colossal, massive, gargantuan, imposing. (ant) dainty.

  15 stature (n) a person’s natural height, size or build; physique, figure, tallness, form, shape, frame.

  16 khaki (n) fabric of a dull greenish or brownish-yellow colour (often military clothing).

  17 overalls (n) one-piece garment (clothing) worn over ordinary clothes; coveralls, all-in-one.

  18 protrude (v) extend above or beyond a surface (stick out); poke, jut, project. (ant) withdraw.

  19 catalyst (n) something or someone that causes an event to begin; spur, spark. (ant) inhibitor.

  20 awaken (v) rouse into existence or activity; wake, stir, arouse, evoke, kindle, stimulate. (ant) lull.

  21 ultimately (adv) in the end; finally, basically, fundamentally, eventually, conclusively. (ant) immediately.

  22 prise (v) use force to pull or move apart; wrench, lever, yank, tug, heave, haul. (ant) push, clamp.

  23 bid (v) say a greeting or farewell (past tense: bade); wish, utter.

  24 dismay (v) cause to feel upset, concerned or distressed; dishearten, dispirit, perturb. (ant) encourage.

  25 attractive (adj) appealing or pleasing (nice-looking); alluring, charming, desirable. (ant) repellent, ugly.

  26 unwillingness (n) a reluctance to do something; disinclination, hesitation, trepidation. (ant) willingness.

  27 bowl (v) move rapidly in a certain direction; speed, hurtle, roll, career, careen, streak. (ant) flounder.

  28 retain (v) keep or fix something in place; hold, maintain, restrain. (ant) release, free.

  29 precede (v) come before in order, position or time; introduce, foreshadow, lead. (ant) follow, succeed.

  30 adorable (adj) lovable and appealing; gorgeous, sweet, delectable, endearing. (ant) detestable.

  31 wary (adj) cautious about a problem or danger; cagey, guarded, circumspect, careful. (ant) unwary.

  32 muzzle (n) nose and mouth of an animal; snout, snozzle.

  33 apprehension (n) fear that something bad may happen; worry, unease, anxiety. (ant) confidence.

  34 still (v) become quiet, silent or unmoving; calm, quieten, subdue, silence. (ant) arouse, unsettle.

  35 pert (adj) (of a body part) small and well-shaped; jaunty, neat, trim, perky, animated. (ant) limp, lifeless.

  36 tantalise (v) excite or tease the senses; entice, tempt, fascinate, lure, draw. (ant) gratify, satisfy.

  37 flare (v) (of nostrils) spread or widen; open, expand, dilate, broaden, splay, grow. (ant) contract.

  38 dusky (adj) deep and darkish in colour; shadowy, hazy. (ant) bright, clear, light.

  39 sweeping (adj) extending in a continuous curve (curved and long); wide, full, broad. (ant) narrow.

  40 flecked (adj) marked with flecks of colour; spotted, splashed, freckled, streaked. (ant) unmarked.

  41 wisdom (n) the quality of having experience or good judgement; intelligence, insight. (ant) foolishness.

  42 chestnut (adj) the colour of a chestnut, deep reddish-brown; rusty, coppery.

  43 loath (adj) unwilling or reluctant (not wanting to do something); opposed, disinclined, averse. (ant) eager.

  44 inhabitant (n) person or animal that occupies or lives in a space; occupant, resident, incumbent. (ant) guest.

  45 impassable (adj) impossible to travel along, over or through; impenetrable, inaccessible. (ant) accessible.

  46 flora (n) plants or vegetation; botany, herbage.

  47 vegetation (n) a collection of plants, flora and foliage (usually in the wild); botany, herbage.

  48 stoop (v) bend one’s head or body forward and downwards into a hunch; crouch, slouch. (ant) straighten.

  49 everlasting (adj) lasting forever or a long time; continuous, endless, ceaseless, perpetual. (ant) temporary.

  50 mesh (n) an interlaced structure; lattice, network, webbing, tangle.

  51 unconvinced (adj) unsure that something is true or can be trusted; dubious, disbelieving. (ant) convinced.

  52 hare (v) run with great speed and agility; race, bolt, gallop, hustle, scoot, hotfoot, fly, career. (ant) dawdle.

  53 forth (adv) forward in direction (or time); onwards, forward, ahead, away, along, headlong. (ant) back.

  54 glint (n) small gleam or flash of light; glimmer, shimmer, flicker, sparkle, glance, trace. (ant) dullness.

  55 pillar (n) tall vertical structure; column, post, pole, tower.

  56 mimic (v) resemble or imitate (copy or behave like); mirror, impersonate, simulate. (ant) differ from.

  57 piglet (n) a baby or young pig.

  58 grub (v) poke or dig about in the soil (often in search of food); unearth, rummage, forage. (ant) plant, bury.

  59 carefree (adj) free from anxiety and responsibility; nonchalant, blithe, jovial, breezy, jaunty. (ant) troubled.

  60 snuffle (v) repeated sniffling and breathing sounds as though smelling at something; snort, pant, sniff.

  61 tear (v) move exceedingly quickly; dash, sprint, race, hare, charge, streak, pelt, zip, rip. (ant) saunter, amble.

  62 undergrowth (n) dense growth of plants, shrubs and vegetation; scrub, underbrush.

  63 proceed (v) move forward; continue, advance, progress, journey, travel. (ant) cease, recede, retreat.

  64 haul (v) drag or pull with force or effort; tow, lug, heave, yank, wrench. (ant) push, shove.

  65 bough (n) a main branch of a tree; limb, spur, offshoot, fork, appendage.

  66 unstable (adj) not firm or secure, likely to give way; insecure, precarious, unsound, changeable. (ant) stable.

  67 confines (n) restrictive boundaries and limits of the surrounding region; borders, limitations, margins.

  68 oppressive (adj) weighing heavily on the mind, spirits or mood; overwhelming, overpowering. (ant) light.

  69 greenery (n) growing plants, green foliage and vegetation.

  70 suffocate (v) cause to feel trapped, oppressed and unable to breathe; choke, stifle, smother. (ant) free.

  71 forge (v) move forward with a gradual and steady pace; advance, progress, proceed, march. (ant) stop, halt.

  72 atrocious (adj) extremely unpleasant; dreadful, appalling, terrible, vile, frightful, dire. (ant) wonderful.

  73 bear down (v) push in a downwards direction (past tense: bore down); push down, press down.

  74 intertwine (v) twist something together; entwine, interweave, link, knit, mesh. (ant) untwine.

  75 scant (adj) barely sufficient or adequate; meagre, negligible, limited, scarce, inadequate. (ant) extensive.

  76 imperceptible (adj) so subtle or gradual as not to be perceived (noticed); unnoticeable, faint. (ant) obvious.

  77 distressed (adj) suffering from extreme anxiety, pain or sorrow; anguished, miserable. (ant) soothed.

  78 terrain (n) a stretch of ground or its features; area, land, environment, territory, setting, shape.

  79 summit (n) the highest point; peak, top, apex, brow. (ant) bottom, base.

  80 muffled (adj) not loud due to being obstructed or muted in some way; stifled, faint, soft. (ant) loud.

  81 booby-trap (n) a tr
ap or device appearing to be innocent when not; ambush, trip-wire, snare.

  82 bramble (n) prickly, thorny shrub, especially a blackberry bush; brier, burr, gorse.


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