Run Little Wolf

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Run Little Wolf Page 10

by G. Bailey

  “How many?” Nikoli asks me.

  “Twenty vampires. The rest live too far away and wouldn’t be able to get here in time,” I tell them.

  “Okay, but make it clear that they can’t hunt the humans in town.”

  “Understood,” I reply.

  “Right. The best thing we can do is set up a constant patrol until the fight. Groups of five, and they change every two hours,” Nikoli says.

  “I can sort that,” Gold says, pulling out her phone. “I will make a pack group chat, so I can tell everyone when it's their time.” That’s smart.

  “Tam, I need you to get the hall ready for the people that cannot fight. Mainly the children. Make sure that every one of the children know where the escape tunnel is, and where it leads out to. If anything goes wrong, they can escape while I’m sure their parents will fight for them,” Nikoli says, and Tam gives him a nod before walking out. “Lewis, you’re in charge of weapons and making sure everyone is sorted out.”

  “I will sort everything, alpha,” Lewis responds.

  “We have our own weapons,” I tell Lewis, who smiles.

  “Good vampire,” he says and walks out. A man of little words right there.

  “How’s the group chat going?” I ask Gold.

  “Adding seventy people is hard,” Gold says, making us all chuckle.

  “Erik, I want you to sort out traps. Traps like you make for catching rogues,” Nikoli tells him.

  “What kind of traps?” I ask, wondering what he could do.

  “Pits of silver daggers, basic Hog traps made with silver. Rope catches, that hang the Hogs in the air. Lots of different ones,” Erik says, sounding bored, as he waves a hand.

  “It would work, slow them down,” I comment.

  “That it will become, Vampire,” he says in a cocky tone. I have no doubt he meant that as an insult.

  “It’s Colton, not vampire, wolf,” I say, leaning forward on the table as he growls.

  “Enough! Out now, Erik,” Gold says, grabbing Erik’s shirt and dragging him out the room.

  “I’m going to need to move my coven here. It's not going to be safe in the house we are renting for long,” I tell Nikoli, who rubs his face with his hand as he leans back in the seat.

  “You have a child with you, right?” he asks, referring to my little sister I told him about the other night.

  “Yes,” I reply.

  “Okay, have them come here. There is plenty of room in the house, but they must not feed on anyone here,” he warns. “I won’t be able to save them or side with your coven if they do.”

  “We don’t feed on humans, let alone wolves,” I remind him.

  “I believe you or I wouldn’t let you come in here,” Nikoli tells me.

  “Where is Harper? I need to tell her she can’t stay on Tuesday. And I just need to see for myself that she is okay.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe she is painting? The room next to her bedroom,” he tells me.

  “Thanks,” I say and walk out as he goes back to looking at his map. I pass a few wolves as I make my way to the stairs and run up the two flights before seeing Harper straightaway. Nikoli was right; she is painting with the door open. I think back to the ten paintings I have in my room that she painted. I love seeing them, they are beautiful, and I know no matter how long I live, they always will be, much like Harper herself. I walk over, leaning against the door, and watching as she moves the brush across the canvas. The painting is just outlined so far, but I think it’s the forest, which you can see out the window. It’s a beautiful view, and I know her painting will be amazing.

  “Are you going to stare all day, or say hello?” she asks, never stopping her movements with the paintbrush. I smile as I walk in the room, closing the door behind me.

  “Can’t I stare at you? You’re beautiful,” I comment, and she chuckles as she puts down the brush and looks over her shoulder at me. Harper’s hair is up in a messy bun, bits hanging out, and a white coverall over her leggings and top. She has a little white paint smudged on her cheek, and she looks stressed.

  “I’m moving in, me and my coven,” I tell her, and her big eyes widen.

  “Nikoli was okay with that?” she asks.

  “Yes. He knows it’s the safest thing to do for my coven, and we are going to help win this war. I won’t let anyone take you,” I tell her, stepping closer and picking her up off the chair.

  “I’m scared. Not for myself but for everyone else. I finally have people I care about, and I can’t imagine losing even one of them,” she whispers, our faces close together.

  “I know, but think of it this way; they feel the same about you. They couldn’t stomach the thought of losing you, Harper. So, we will all fight for you,” I tell her, and she leans forward, gently kissing me.

  “I know you’re right, but I also don’t know how to cope with the idea of losing anyone.”

  “I will try my hardest to make sure you don’t lose anyone,” I tell her, and she rests her head on my shoulder as she cries silent tears. She doesn’t have to tell me what she is thinking, or say anything. I just hold her as close as I can and be there for her.

  “You look so nervous. I’m trying not to laugh,” Gold says, and I glare at her as I smooth my red jumper down, then fix my hair for the tenth time. I’ve changed my clothes four times, and I still don’t think I’m looking the best I can. I know it likely doesn’t matter what I look like, but I’m still incredibly nervous to meet them.

  “I’m meeting Colton’s family, his sister was scary as hell, and his parents blanked me the last time we met,” I say.

  “I thought you said she looked like a Barbie?” Nikoli says from next to me, his hand tightening in mine.

  “A Barbie that transforms into a tiger with sharp claws, perhaps,” I mutter, making Gold and Nikoli laugh, and I turn back to look at the front door. I’ve been waiting here with Gold and Nikoli for the last ten minutes, ever since Colton called to say they were driving here. The front door is knocked on three times before Colton opens the door and walks in, a small girl holding his hand. She is so pretty, with long straight blonde hair, big purple eyes, and a strange blue mark in the middle of her forehead. I can’t see what it is from where I’m standing. Colton moves to the side with the girl, and his parents walk in. There’s a certain commanding presence to them that you can’t help but notice straightaway, and they are image of Colt, just older. Both of them are in their forties, or they were turned then, with blond hair, and they have smart clothes on.

  “This is my mother, Nita, and my father, Trevor,” Colton introduces.

  “Don’t forget me, I’m here too,” the little girl says, and Colton chuckles.

  “Everyone, this is Light,” Colton introduces her, just as Belle comes through the door with two large pink glitter suitcases, which she rolls straight into the room and drops on the floor between us. She has fewer clothes on than the last time I saw her, if that’s even possible. This time, it’s pink hot pants and a white lace crop top, with a bright pink bra underneath that you can’t miss. I look up to see Nikoli give me a wide-eyed look. Thank God he isn’t looking; I’d have to kick him.

  “I get the Barbie comment now. She looks exactly like one,” Gold says.

  “Want to say that again? Maybe closer, wolf?” Belle replies, and Gold shrugs her shoulders as she starts to step forward, but Colton walks in front of his sister.

  “We aren’t here to fight our allies, remember? What happened in your past is yours to deal with, Belle. These wolves haven’t done anything to you,” he tells her quietly, and I hear her huff in reply, but she doesn’t say a word.

  “I saw you in the house, the old house, but Mum and Dad said I couldn’t talk to you because you’re human,” Light tells me, her bright purple eyes staring up at me. She is stunning, even so young. I bet she will break a lot of hearts when she is older.

  “Oh, I never knew you were there at all,” I tell her.

  “I couldn’t tell you, in case you
wanted to meet her. She is star marked, and you would have asked what the mark was. Plus, she isn’t very good at hiding her gifts,” Colton explains, and it makes sense.

  “Star marked?” I ask.

  “When some children are born, they have that mark. These people are usually compelling,” Nikoli answers me, staring at the child. “Although I’ve never actually seen a child like you before,” he tells her, and she smiles.

  “I can make light,” she says and holds out her hands, which start lighting up, so bright that I have to look away.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t blind our new roommates, Light,” Colton’s mother says, coming over. She places her hand on Light’s shoulder and the light instantly disappears.

  “Okay, Mum,” Light says, looking up at her with a grin.

  “Who are you?” I hear Arisa say, as she runs into the entrance hall and stops to stare at Light. The two of them are really close in age, and I don’t think there are many girls Arisa’s age around the pack.

  “I’m Light, and you’re Arisa, the princess. I saw you in some gardens, much older, with long hair,” Light says, and everyone goes silent.

  “We think Light has some precognitive powers,” Colton fills us in.

  “I’m not a princess, just a wolf,” Arisa laughs.

  “Arisa, why don’t you show Light around, that would be lovely,” Gold suggests and Arisa nods, holding her hand out for Light. Light runs over and grabs her hand, and I watch as they scamper off.

  “I will keep an eye on them,” Erik says, and walks off after the girls.

  “Making friends her own age would be good for her. She spends all her time learning to control her powers and hanging out with us. She doesn’t go to school,” Nita tells us.

  “We have a school here for our young. She would be welcome to join. I’m sure the teacher could work with you to learn where she is and catch her up. When our children turn twelve, they go to the human school. Two of our wolves are teachers, so they keep an eye on them for us. We feel it teaches them skills about humans and how to interact with them. We don’t hide our children away, and we teach them to fight from age thirteen,” Nikoli says.

  “That would be deeply appreciated, and I agree with your ideas. I always worried about sending her to school when I cannot keep an eye on her. I can use human makeup to cover her star mark when she goes,” Nita says, admiration in her eyes. Nita turns to me, looking me up and down.

  “It is lovely to see you again, Harper, though maybe not under these circumstances,” Nita says and offers me her hand. I shake it as Trevor comes over to stand next to his wife.

  “Nice to see you too,” I say to them both.

  “I hope you can forget our shortness towards you when you used to come over; we do not like hiding our lives from humans,” Trevor says. He still comes across as cold, but I think that’s just how he is.

  “I understand,” I reply.

  “Right, awkward family meeting out the way. Why don’t we get settled in?” Colton says, stepping closer to me. He pulls me away from Nikoli and into his arms.

  “I can show you to your rooms, if you want?” Gold asks.

  “Perfect, come on,” Nita says, and walks up the stairs, following Gold. Trevor nods at me, and Belle only grins as she walks up the stairs.

  “Let’s get some food, I’m starving,” Colt whispers to me. “Coming, Nik?” Colt watches him as he looks at me for a second.

  “We made cupcakes. Well, Harper mainly did. We could eat those,” Nikoli says, and I laugh.

  “That’s not nice, Nikoli,” I tell him and look up at Colton. “I burnt them as we kind of got distracted, and forgot they were in the oven,” I admit.

  “How about we all make some new ones, and not burn them?” Colt laughs.

  “Sounds good. I could eat,” Nikoli says, and pats his stomach before turning and walking towards the kitchen. I’m honestly surprised that the two men I care the most about in the world actually get along now, and I would even call them friends. Whether they would admit that to each other or not is another matter.

  “Still not mated? Man, it's taking you a long time compared to others. Do you need tips on how to flirt?” Erik teases as he sits on my desk. I give him a look that suggests he shuts it.

  “It’s different for humans, and she was only human last week,” I tell him. Despite being my brother-in-law, we are right friends, but I wish he would sort out his relationship with my sister. He will end up losing her, and despite trying to give him advice, I can’t make him sort his life out like he really needs to.

  “Maybe you should take her out on a date?” he suggests.

  “With five days left before the Hogs attack? Or the new vampire coven that has moved into the pack, when most here have no experience with vampires. I’m spending all my time reassuring everyone that they don’t eat wolves or hunt humans,” I tell him sarcastically, and he nods.

  “Don’t get grouchy with me brother, I get it. Being your mate and not mating makes you angry,” he tells me, and manage to make my wolf relax a little, which is getting harder to do. Difficult is an understatement of a word to describe being around my destined mate for so long without mating. Seeing Harper every morning at breakfast and around the pack is difficult; sleeping in the room next to her and not being able to touch her is torture. But I refuse to push her into a massive situation like this, just because we are pressed for time. I want to go into the fight with her at my side as my mate, but I can do it anyway for her. My wolf presses against my mind, imagining how sweet Harper smells and how beautiful she is, both in her human and wolf form.

  “I don’t want to push her. I already kissed her a few times, and I’m waiting for her to come to me,” I tell him, and he laughs.

  “You’re so tense and going into a fight not mated, isn’t safe. We don’t want to lose our alpha because his destined mate is waiting,” he tells me, and I give him another look. We aren’t meant to be talking about my mating or lack of; we are discussing where we are hiding wolves in the forest for when the Hogs attack. Erik is going to lead a pack of our best fighters, that we are going to hide in the woods, to attack them from behind. I will lead the rest of the wolves into a head-on attack, with Colton and his vampires hiding in the trees as the surprise.

  “That’s not your issue,” I tell him firmly. The door opens, and Harper walks in.

  “No, it’s mine,” she says, apparently hearing our conversation. She looks almost nervous as she watches me. I can’t help but take her tight jeans, little cami top, and cardigan. Her long hair is down, and shapes her beautiful face.

  “Leave us, Erik,” I tell him, and he nods, sliding off the desk.

  “They are going to come here and kill our people. The people you want to fight for you and the man who wants to be your mate. If you feel nothing for him, walk away. If you care at all about this pack, and us, mating is an option you need to think about. The same for your vampire; it’s a wonder he hasn’t lost his mind yet,” he tells her. I go to interrupt him, but Harper holds a hand up to stop me, wanting to hear him out.

  “Like how you treat Snow? Wouldn’t you regret it if you go into the fight without speaking to her?”

  “You have no right to speak to me about my relationship with Snow,” Erik snaps.

  “Neither do you, about my relationship with Nikoli or Colton. But even if they aren’t my mates yet, I still wouldn’t ever treat them the way you treat Snow. Don’t you think she is hurting too? That she needs you?” she asks, and he steps forward, his head bowed down.

  “I just can’t. She reminds me-” he starts to say and then stops, storming out the room.

  “Should I have not said anything?” Harper says into the silence of the room, looking at the closed door.

  “You’re an alpha female, and your wolf is protective of the females in the pack. It’s normal, and he is mistreating my sister,” I tell her. She nods before shutting the door and looking over at me.

  “I like you,” she says softly,
when neither of us has said anything for a while. I smile, getting up from my desk chair, and walk over to her. When I’m close, I pull her into my arms, loving how she feels against me.

  “I don’t want you to mate with me because you feel pressured or for any other reason than the most important one,” I tell her honestly.

  “Which is?” she asks.

  “That you love me. That you want to spend forever with me, Harper. I don’t want to scare you by telling you how I feel, and what I want.” I whisper the last part.

  “I just feel like I need to spend more time with you. Get to know you more, but I feel like there’s no way to do that with the little time we have,” she tells me, and I nod, kissing the top of her head.

  “Okay… I have an idea. Come on,” I say, sliding my hand into hers and walking her over to the desk. I motion for her to sit in the chair, and then perch on the desk near her.

  “I ask one question, you answer, and then you can ask me one,” I offer, and she smiles, leaning back in the chair.

  “Okay, but I go first,” she says, with a slight challenge in her tone.

  “Fine,” I reply, watching as she crosses her legs and looks me up and down.

  “How old are you?” she asks, and I groan, hoping to avoid this one.

  “Two hundred and thirty-eight,” I say, and she laughs.

  “So, I’m crushing on an old man,” she says through laughs. I’m not that old compared to some of the wolves I know.

  “Do I look like an old man to you?” I say, spreading my arms wide.

  “Nope…you certainly do not,” she replies.

  “My turn. How many guys have you dated?” I ask her, and she blushes slightly before answering.

  “Two guys, and to answer your unsaid question, I’m a virgin,” she says.

  “I never asked,” I smirk, trying to keep the happiness out of my face that I’m going to be the first and only one to touch her like that. Well, if she doesn’t mate with Colton first, that is. I don’t know what her plan is, or if she even has one. I also have no idea how I could share her for our mating.


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