The Devil's Own- Cassidy's Story

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The Devil's Own- Cassidy's Story Page 10

by Angela Stevens

  Her stare hovered at his crotch, and when the fabric revealed him, she gasped. “You don’t wear underwear? Is that a priestly thing?”

  He laughed. “No, it’s just my thing.” He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her into his arms. As she wrapped her legs around his hips, he whispered in her ear, “You wanna take this into the bedroom?”

  Chapter 16

  Sweat ran in rivulets down Cassidy’s back, her skin heated by just the friction of Liam’s body against hers. His hot dick filled her, the length buried so deep inside, she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began.

  Liam had woken her as the weak rays of dawn crept through the curtains. A wildness had taken over her immediately, ignited by his touch, and setting fire to her lust. She couldn’t get enough of him, nor him of her. It was like they had years of pent up want and need that had turned to desperation. In a moment, she was lost, surrendering to the spiraling, out of control sensation. Cassidy was riding high, holding on for dear life, as he thrust inside her, and as the release detonated through her body, she cried out for him.

  When it was over, and the last shivers finished caressing her spine, Cassidy clung to him, reveling in the feel of him still hard between her legs. Liam kissed along her jaw and made his way to her ear. As he suckled on the lobe, she could hear the breathlessness in his voice. “Again, baby, I wanna fuck you again.”

  Cassidy nodded, “Mmm.” She didn’t have words, but her whole body was agreeing with his request.

  This time, he laid her on the bed, and with the desperate need of moments ago satisfied, they were both ready to take things slow.

  Liam traced his finger from her throat on a tantalizing journey south. His tongue followed, sliding over her skin, stopping to circle her nipple before he took the whole breast in his mouth, gorging on her flesh. She groaned and thrust her chest upwards, filing his mouth and floating on a cloud of building desire.

  When she grabbed his hair to pull him closer, he unwrapped her fingers from it and raised her hands above her head. She opened her eyes and looked into the deep blue of his and was met with a sensuous longing. “Keep them there, baby. Let me taste every inch of you.”

  She shuddered at his words, and that shudder turned into tingles as he kept his promise and licked and lapped at every part of her. Settling between her thighs, he fingered her as he greedily ate her out, and Cassidy lost all sense of time and space, as her body submitted to Liam’s every whim.

  This time when she came, she did so alone—his mouth on her clit, his fingers buried inside her, the rhythm relentless. He watched her unravel, and after her orgasm had subsided, he lay beside her, his hand around his engorged cock, eyes smoldering as he took care of himself.

  When she reached out to help him, he stilled her hand. “I’ve done this a thousand times to your memory, this time I wanna do it while I look at the real thing.” Moments later, his head kicked back and the vein in his neck popped out as he climaxed. Cassidy thought it was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. He didn’t hide anything from her, and for a brief moment he looked vulnerable in his release.

  When he finally opened his eyes and smiled down at her, his strength had returned, but his brow furrowed, and he lay back on the pillow.


  He turned away from her and climbed out of bed. Liam paced the bedroom, his expression surly, and his hands clasped behind his head. “Shit, we shouldn’t have done that.”

  Cassidy laughed. “It took four times for you to decide that?’

  He stopped halfway across the room and stared at her. For a second, she thought he was angry at her. Cassidy grabbed the sheet and pulled it around her, hiding her body from him. He came to her and knelt beside the bed. “I’m so sorry, Cassidy. I should never have touched you. You’re in my protection, I promised no harm would come to you.”

  She laughed nervously. “I’m not harmed, Liam. Why would you say that?”

  “This is wrong. Fuck. Do you know how many times I have fantasized over you in the last four years? I fucking knew how young you were, but I still wanted you so badly.”

  “Liam, you’re not making any sense. I wanted you, you wanted me…”

  He looked away from her, and his shoulders rose as he inhaled a deep breath. “That time at the youth club, you were fourteen years old, and I wanted you so much. I thought about you every night for months on end. Shit, I even made up stuff that didn’t even fucking happen between us, so I could use it to get off at night.”

  Cassidy blushed. “You did?”

  He looked ashamed and went back to pacing the room. “This can’t happen again. I need to stay focused, we need to be…”

  His gaze drifted back to her, and she climbed from the bed, holding the sheet against her, and went to him. “Okay. If that’s what you want?”

  He hesitated before stepping back from her.

  “Liam, talk to me. Do you really mean this?”

  Still he didn’t say anything—no confirmation, no denial. Cassidy dropped the sheet. “You really don’t want me?”

  His eyes raked over her body, and desire filled them again.


  She took his hand and led him back to the bed, and when she climbed onto it, he lay down beside her. Cassidy rolled to her side and reached behind her, pulling his arms around her waist. “Let’s sleep, and if you still feel the same in the morning, I promise to keep away from you.”

  Liam groaned and pulled her tight against him. He buried his face into her shoulder. “I don’t deserve you.”

  His cock was already hardening, and Cassidy knew that, whatever his protest was, it wasn’t about not wanting her. She melted into him, and let the delicious lethargy their fucking had induced fill her body.

  Chapter 17

  The clock read seven thirty a.m., and Liam leaned against the bedroom door watching Cassidy sleeping. Her bright red hair cascaded over the pillow and across her breasts, providing him with a tantalizing peekaboo view. The white sheet was bunched low on her hips, barely covering the light dusting of hair there. Would this be enough to sustain him for the rest of his life?

  He doubted it.

  The guilt from earlier crept back into his head. Fuck, what was I thinking? The list of reasons that I shouldn’t have gone there were fucking grade A common sense. It was more than disgust at his behavior four years ago—the adoration for how that innocent kiss became part of his nightly rituals for so long ate away at him. What a fuckup I am! My guilt has layers, and every one of them was a good reason to put a stop to this thing with Cassidy, now.

  Liam tormented himself with a checklist of reminders.

  For a start, in a few days she’d be whisked away into the witness protection system, and I’ll never see her again. Second, she was still six years younger than me, even if she was of age. That hadn’t altered, and these feelings for a woman barely more than a girl were still fucking iffy. I have to be sick… this obsession was not healthy.

  Liam flipped up a third finger. Reason three, Ryker: Fucking Ryker and probably, number fucking Four—Falcon, too— both will kill me if they ever find out that I have been with her while she is under my protection.

  And that led to reason five. Fabulous, fucking five! This would f-up this whole damn operation. He raised his thumb on the other hand. Six. Did he list this already? Cassidy is under my protection. Not custody as such… but whatever you wanted to damn well call it, ‘fucking your witness’—the woman I should be making sure no harm came to—was right there in the fucking handbook under, “Things to avoid when working a case.”

  He glanced over at her again. How many hours did they have left? They’d been on borrowed time from the moment he found her at the church. If this mission was a success, she was gone. If it failed… she’d be dead. Either way, I am out of her life, or she is out of mine.


  Her quiet greeting tugged him back out of his head, and he couldn’t help smiling at her. Strawberries and fucking
cream! It was a shame that hair had to go. Liam tried to remember if he ever knew what her natural color was, but he found he could only picture her with either this scarlet or… green? “Was your hair green when you were fourteen?”

  She laughed. “Yes. I had this thing about Elphaba. I’d read that book, Wicked, and was obsessed with it.”

  “I just realized, I don’t know what your natural color is.”

  She held a tuft of her hair in front of her face and squinted at it. “Jesus, I have no idea, either. It’s been all the colors of the rainbow since I was about ten.”

  Liam went to the bed, and she climbed back onto his lap. Despite the voices in his head, he found he couldn’t keep away from her. He sifted his fingers through her hair. “Well, pick something you like, but make it more natural, this has to go.”

  Cassidy pouted. “You don’t like it?”

  “I love it, but it’s too recognizable. You should cut it, too. Just not too short. I don’t need another reason for your brother to take out my gizzards. But we need to make you look as little like Cassidy as possible.”

  She frowned. “Okay.”

  “One of my parishioners is a hairdresser, I’ll ask her to come over later. She’s always eager to do stuff for me.”

  “Hmm, I bet she is.”

  Liam shook his head at her pout. “Jealous? She’s almost sixty, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “And you think mature ladies have forgotten about sex?”

  Cassidy shifted in his lap, and Liam was no longer able to ignore that they were both naked. He lifted her, and positioned himself at her entrance. And as she slid onto him, he gritted his teeth against the dissension in his head. When she began to rub against him, all the voices of reason fell silent, and a louder one urged. Take it, take it all.

  Later That Morning…

  “God, I’m going frantic locked up in here. How long is this going to last?” Cassidy peeped through the side of the drapes out into the street. It was raining outside, and Chicago looked cold and miserable.

  Liam handed her a cup of coffee and tried not to ogle her legs. She was wearing his T-shirt, and he knew for a damn fact that she wasn’t wearing any underwear under it. Primarily because her panties were drying over the radiator, and she’d arrived yesterday wearing only those and that devil costume, something he thought she looked pretty damn cute in, but was not a practical choice for a Saturday morning.

  “It’s only ten, you can’t be bored already?” He bent and kissed her head. Damn he was going to miss this red hair. “Lorna will be here in an hour, and while she is doing your hair, I’ll run out and grab you some clothes.”

  Her expression brightened, and she went with him to the sofa and curled up next to him. “Mmm, an hour? We could go back in the bedroom.”

  Liam kissed her. He was sorely tempted, but they’d already spent most of the morning fucking, and while he’d happily screw her brains out for the rest of the day, he had work to do. “Jesus Christ, I opened Pandora’s box.”

  She giggled. “It’s been six months since I had sex…” Liam tried not to growl when she said it. “And I only got to have it three times in my life before you.”

  Liam squirreled that little tidbit away. “He’s an idiot for letting you break up with him. Did he break your heart, baby?”

  She shrugged. “His name was Darren. He was on a job with my guardian, and they were both killed when they were ambushed by the Creed brothers.”

  “I’m sorry, that must have been hard.”

  She shrugged, and Liam thought her eyes glistened a little. “We hadn’t been together long, just a couple of weeks. But I liked him. He was goofy, and he had this sexy way of saying my name. He stood up to Kane, too. He liked me, even though he knew Kane had me picked out.” She chewed on her lip. “He was fun, but honestly, I didn’t love him. I mean, I was very fond of him and all… but I kind of used him.” She looked away. “I wanted to know what it would be like to be with a guy I actually liked. Thought it would give me something to hold onto when Kane…”

  Liam pulled her close and cradled her head with his hands. “That bastard will never touch you as long as I have breath in my body.”

  They sat in silence for a while, her head nestled into his collarbone. Eventually, Cassidy got up and went to her purse. She pulled out her phone and sighed. “I hoped Ryker might have messaged me by now.”

  Liam took the phone from her and turned it off. “You can’t have this. Kane might be able to trace you here. I’ll pick up another phone while I’m out. But this has to go.” He shoved it in his pocket then went to a desk in the corner of the room. “Here, you can use this laptop if you’re bored, but don’t try to contact anyone from the Devils. If you have any social media accounts, you should close them down, too.”

  She took it from him. “Surely there is some way of contacting Ryker. I just want to know he is okay.”

  “I’ll find a way, but try not to worry. Ryker and Falcon have this all under control. You can help them by staying safe, and not trying anything stupid.”

  The doorbell rang, and Liam kissed her cheek before he went to answer it. Cassidy vanished into the bedroom with a squeal. Outside, a tall guy with a long beard and almost as many tattoos as Liam stood wearing leathers and holding a helmet. Liam greeted him with a pat on the back then invited him inside.

  He called out to her, and she stuck her head around the bedroom door. “Cassidy, this is Joe. He’s going to take care of you while I am out.”

  Cassidy looked warily at Joe.

  “He’s part of the organization I told you about.” Liam tried to reassure her. “I won’t be long. You’ll be in good hands.”

  “Do you really have to go out?” She stepped into the living room.

  Liam looked down at her attire. She was still wearing his T-shirt but had pulled on a pair of his boxers as shorts. “Well, you need something to wear, but more importantly I need to see some of my parishioners at the church. We have this little Bible study thing on Saturday mornings. It’s important I keep up my routine, Cassidy. I’m also going to try to make contact with Falcon, just don’t get your hopes up.”


  Liam grabbed his coat and turned to address Joe. “Lorna will be here at eleven. No one else comes in or out, you hear?”

  “I got this, boss.” Joe took off his leather jacket and dropped it over the back of the sofa. Beneath it, he wore a holster and he patted the gun as he spoke. “She’ll be safe, now go and do what you have to.”

  Liam wondered if it was worth continuing with this ruse any longer, but word was already out that he had interacted with members of the Bowker Street Devils. If he didn’t turn up at the church for the scheduled group, it was going to send warning bells. Once he got to Saint Mary’s, he turned on the heat and placed the Bibles on the first few rows of the pews. He dutifully spaced out more than fifty of them, but in truth he wouldn’t need more than a half dozen.

  When he was finished, he took a seat in front of the altar and pulled out his secondary phone. He used a VPN and dialed in a code.

  A few seconds later, Falcon answered. “She okay?”

  “Yeah, everything went as planned. What’s happening your end?”

  “Kane has Ryker in solitary.”

  “Does he suspect anything?”

  “Nah, just what we thought. Kane thinks if he keeps Ryker close, he can use Ryker to get at Cassidy. At the moment, Kane is buying that she was working alone. He believed the charade I set up.”

  “Hmm, that sounds a little too easy.”

  Falcon didn’t reply, and Liam sensed there was something more to this. “I need to know everything if I am to ensure your extraction.”

  “Something else is distracting Kane. I’m not sure what. He’s not exactly my number one fan at the moment, so I’m not being kept in the loop. But he is behaving strangely. He’s going through everyone’s rooms, he emptied my stuff into the courtyard, and I’m not the only one.”

  “Is he looking for something?”

  “Looks that way, but I don’t know what. Must be valuable, though, because he had the whole place stripped down.”

  “Okay, you let me know if you hear anything. How does Ryker want to play this? Does he want me to come and get him?”

  “Not yet. Kane’s keeping him close, and Ryker thinks he might get a chance at hitting the mother lode.”

  “We have enough. Ryker doesn’t need to do this.”

  “Yeah, I’ve told him, but he wants another couple of days.”

  “And what do you want?”

  “I don’t know, Liam. Maybe he’s right. There’s a rumor that Kane keeps everything in a book he carries around with him—and I mean every Goddamn thing. We get that book, we get Kane, and our future is secured.”

  “And you stay too long, and your life is over. There’s a fine line. Make sure Ryker doesn’t get on the wrong side of it. Cassidy’s gonna need him.”

  A noise at the back of the church warned Liam that someone had entered, and he ended the call, shoving the phone into the pocket of a hassock at his feet. He stood, and put on his best priestly smile as he turned to greet his parishioners. However, the two hairy-faced men with shaved heads and clenched fists were definitely not part of his over sixties Bible study group.

  “Gentlemen, what can I do for you?”

  The first man took control. “We won’t be long, Father. We just need to search your church.”

  “I’d prefer it if you didn’t. Are you looking for something? The collection box is empty.”

  The man glowered at him, and Liam realized he knew this guy. Slayer? Slater? He couldn’t quite grasp the name, but Liam knew he’d been at the Devils when he was still a member.

  The man didn’t seem to be able to see past the clerical collar, though, and no recognition appeared in his eyes. “We’re not interested in that. We’re looking for someone. A girl, this high.”


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