Her Shameful Confession

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by Emily Tilton

  How could she bear it, if she confessed? How could she bear to go to her daddy’s bed and bend over it, knowing that he had his thick belt in his hand, wound around his hand, and he would come up behind her and start to whip her so hard for breaking his rules?

  In the parking lot, her fingers began to move faster and faster. Lindsay couldn’t believe she was actually masturbating in his car, at the airport: she kept closing her eyes as her back arched with the forbidden pleasure, and then guiltily opening them again to see if any cars were approaching to park next to her daddy’s with people in them who might look through the window and see the shameful sight.

  When she closed her eyes, though, she saw the comforter on Daddy’s bed, and she remembered the first time she had worn the thong, the first time she had bent over that bed. When she had turned around, and put her hands on the comforter while her daddy’s hands had taken hold of her, somehow firmly and gently at the very same time.

  Without words, Rick had taught her how he wanted her for that special kind of big girl time. By then little Linnie had gotten Daddy’s hard penis in her mouth and her pussy almost more times than she could count, though they had only started having big girl time a few days before. Little Linnie’s daddy liked fucking her pussy very much, and he liked using her mouth, too. Lindsay had felt very sore in her panties as she waited on her tables at lunch after their first night and morning together. Daddy had insisted on big girl time both before and after her shower.

  On the night he had given her the white lingerie, though, he had told her with his big hands that he didn’t intend to use her little pussy, though, no matter how much he enjoyed fucking her there. No, when Lindsay’s daddy had pressed on her back to make her offer her bottom, and pushed on the backs of her knees to make her bend them, she had felt the way he meant her to open to him.

  He had caressed her little cheeks for a long time, and then he had pulled the thong out from the cleft of her backside, as little Linnie’s cheeks burned with shame to know he could see that most secret place, to know he meant to have big girl time there.

  In the car, Lindsay’s breath came in sharp pants. She looked around one final time, for in just a moment she wouldn’t be able to stop. Something about the angle of her body or the sheer wickedness of what she was doing seemed to make the looming climax seem like it would rob her of her senses completely. She saw no one, and she bucked her hips against the hand that had seemed so intent on disobeying her daddy all day, and gave a little cry, and then her phone chimed in its dashboard holder.

  Just landed, little girl. Can’t wait to see you.

  Chapter Six

  As he rode the escalator down to the arrivals level, Rick still hadn’t made up his mind about whether to press Lindsay for a confession. On the one hand, he had not the slightest doubt that she would never have played with herself at all, or would have had to wait for another dominant daddy to come along, if Rick hadn’t come into her life.

  The emergence of little Linnie, and of her adorable little-girl needs, had very clearly brought out in Lindsay a healthy—really, a pretty strong—sex drive that she had managed to repress before she understood her need for a firm-handed daddy. He definitely didn’t want to accuse her of touching herself without his permission in a way that might make her hesitant to enjoy her lovely, sexy body as Rick thought every young woman should—and in particular any young woman he had the good fortune to take in hand.

  On the other hand, though, he felt equally sure that if she had indeed masturbated, she had done so while thinking about his belt. He had seen in Lindsay’s eyes, from the first time he mentioned that someday she would probably feel the broad, thick leather across her young bottom, the mingled need and fear that meant that most iconic of paternal disciplinary tools carried as much weight in her submissive imagination as in any other little girl’s.

  By touching her little pussy, little Linnie, perhaps even on a conscious level, had certainly meant to ask for the belt across her bare backside. As her daddy, Rick knew that the idea both terrified her and dampened her panties whenever he made it clear that he wouldn’t hesitate to whip her soundly if she decided to misbehave in a grave way. If she didn’t confess on her own, and Rick failed to help her admit to breaking his rule, she might well act out in some other fashion—maybe even put their relationship at risk through a flirtation at work with the hot young bartender toward whom she had admitted an attraction, or at the gym with one of the stacked young trainers. Rick knew Lindsay loved him, but he also knew she liked the attention her looks got her—as what girl wouldn’t?

  As he waited at the curb for the Tesla to come into view, he remembered the night she had confessed to liking it when young dudes hit on her. He had asked her gently whether she thought the bartender, whom he had seen with his hand on her shoulder when Rick had come to pick Lindsay up at work one night, had a crush on her.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she had replied, blushing of course, to the roots of her hair. “Yes? Probably?” Her face had gotten troubled, then. “Is that okay?”

  Rick had smiled. They had been standing next to his bed, kissing gently, her hands confined between them in his embrace as he took daddy-ish liberties with her bottom in its covering of tight denim.

  “Of course it’s okay, pumpkin. Whose bottom is this, after all?” He had given her a squeeze, there, and she had moaned up into his mouth and snuggled closer to him. “And who’s going to fuck your tight little anus in a few moments?”

  Lindsay had closed her eyes for a moment, and scrunched them very tightly shut. Rick had felt content to caress his little girl’s sweet, pert bottom until she felt ready to answer. When she had opened her eyes, she bit her lip, and then said in a tiny whisper, “It’s your bottom, Daddy. You’re going to put your big thing in it, and have big-, big-, big girl time with me, aren’t you?”

  Rick had nodded solemnly, and then he had gently turned her toward the bed, and pressed on the small of her back, until little Linnie had bent over and put her hands flat on the comforter the way she knew her daddy liked her to do, so that he could have his way. Rick had reached underneath her hips and found the button at the front of her waist. Lindsay had given a little gasp as with practiced ease he unfastened her fly and pulled her jeans down, to reveal her polka-dot panties.

  It had only represented the second time he had fucked Lindsay’s ass. Revealing the little-girl panties, after he had told her how he meant to use her young body and she had acknowledged his ownership of that very special place, had sent an electric thrill of arousal through his whole body, centered in his rock-hard cock.

  Rick had dressed her in grown-up lingerie for her first bottom-fucking, even if he had chosen white as its color, for the anal virginity he had taken that night. The polka-dot panties, though, had seemed to him even more moving, now.

  He had run his hand over their smooth cotton, letting his fingertips linger down between her thighs where Lindsay had grown so very warm. Through the fabric he had felt, with another cock-stiffening thrill, the cleft of her adorable pussy, shaved smooth for him but not to feel his hardness tonight. That had made him think of the shameful wrongness of it, and how that shame also made it so right, and so necessary.

  A girl in polka-dot panties shouldn’t, Lindsay’s daddy had thought, have them pulled down by strong paternal hands for the transgression Rick had chosen that night. If a daddy pulled down his little girl’s panties, to correct her behavior, well, that represented only what his duty of care required: little Linnie had to learn her lesson sometimes, when she sassed her daddy or disobeyed his instructions. Her daddy’s hand or even his belt, applied with rigor to her young bottom, taught her to conduct herself as a little lady should.

  But to put his fingers under the elastic waistband of those little-girl panties, as Rick had done then, and to draw them down to little Linnie’s knees, with the intention of using her little bottom for his pleasure, of pressing his cock inside her smallest place, where her youthful tightness made the enjo
yment so exquisite Rick sometimes thought it should be illegal... how could he think of it?

  And yet Lindsay needed it, and he needed it too, as shameful as it seemed to open the lube, and to make her bend her knees so that her tiny bottom spread its pert cheeks and he could see the cringing button of her once-fucked anus, and to get her ready for her daddy’s penis with slick fingers that made little Linnie whimper in submission.

  He had done something then that he hadn’t done the first time he had fucked Lindsay’s ass.

  “Pumpkin,” he had said in a low voice that came out as a growl simply because of how turned on his little girl got him, bending for the penis that way, “reach back and spread your bottom open for me.”

  Lindsay’s whole body had quivered, then, and a wordless little cry had emerged from her mouth. She had turned to look at him, her face a mask of shame and arousal. In her blue eyes he had seen the unvoiced thought, meant and not meant at the same time: Please don’t make me, Daddy. Please don’t make me pull my little cheeks apart for you to use my little bottom-hole.

  “Do it, pumpkin,” Rick had said.

  Another little cry, and then little Linnie had done as her daddy had told her: she had reached her little hands back and taken the little globes of her backside into her fingers. She had cried out louder, then, the sound becoming a sob of need as it came from her chest.

  Rick had looked from her eyes to her tiny pink anus, out of which he had just pulled his lube-covered middle finger. The wrinkly button had glistened over the bare lips of her tight pussy, and his cock had leapt in response to the naughty sight, and then again as Lindsay whimpered, as if in submissive shame to seeing her daddy’s attention focused on the most private place on her beautiful young body.

  He had stripped his shirt off, and then his jeans, and he had fixed his gaze again on her face as he pumped his cock, surprised at how hard the thought of fucking his little girl’s ass with her polka-dot panties pulled down had gotten him.

  “Bend your knees a little more, little Linnie,” he had said, “and push that bottom out. Daddy is going to have his way in that adorable ring now.”

  She had nodded, and turned her theatrically, thrillingly woeful face forward, hanging her head as she presented her backside for fucking. Rick had taken a step forward, and pressed the head of his iron-hard penis against the tiny flower. He had entered her ass so gently the first time, but now he pressed harder, sensing Lindsay’s readiness for more, and she remembered how to open to him. The knob entered, and he pressed further as his little girl bounced her knees and sobbed with mingled discomfort and arousal.

  “That’s it, pumpkin,” Rick had murmured. “There you go. Right up your little bottom. Oh, that makes Daddy feel so good.”

  Lindsay had cried out as Rick fucked her ass, and her fingers had tensed on her pert cheeks. Rick, astride her, had put one hand on her hip and the other on her shoulder and thrust in deeper and deeper.

  “Oh, Daddy... it’s so... oh... I like it... I like it, Daddy... oh, it’s so big in me. It hurts but I like it.”

  “Such a good girl,” Rick had grunted. “Such a tight bottom. Oh, Daddy’s coming... I can’t help it.”

  He had taken her right hand in his, then, and moved it under her hips, giving her wordless permission to play with herself as her bottom took his final thrusts. Lindsay had moaned, and Rick had known from experience that the particular sound of that moan meant she would come, too. He had shouted with his orgasm, then, because knowing his little Linnie was climaxing with her daddy’s penis deep in her bottom made the wave of pleasure so much greater that the intensity surprised him.

  That same night he had given her her first vibrator, as a reward for taking her daddy so deep in her anus. Lindsay had blushed when Rick had told her she should take it home and put it in her nightstand, and bring it over to his house when she came.

  “But you know what will happen if you use it without permission, don’t you, pumpkin?” he had asked sternly as she held it, buzzing in her hand, turning it over with her lips set into a tight line.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she had said quietly.

  “Now lie on your back and hold your knees up and open. Daddy is going to inspect you, and, if everything seems to be in order, he’s going to watch you use your present to make yourself feel good.”

  That had brought an adorable look of shame and arousal, but she had done as her daddy asked and laid back on his bed.

  “Even wider, Linnie,” Rick had said. “Knees even higher.”

  “Oh, Daddy,” she had whispered as with his eyes and his fingers he had explored the naughty bare pussy and the sweet little anus where he had put his seed.

  He hadn’t been able to resist: he had started the vibrator, and he had pressed it into his little girl’s sweet young slit, to show her how, and to inspect her even more thoroughly. Lindsay had screamed, her hips bucking, and then he had taken charge of her knees and told her she had to show him.

  “You have to learn to masturbate for your daddy,” he had said. “You’re a big girl now, and Daddy wants to have lots of different kinds of big girl time with you.”

  Chapter Seven

  While Rick opened the trunk and put his suitcase in it, Lindsay decided. She just couldn’t tell him. It would be like it had never happened. Maybe next time her daddy went away she would ask permission to use her special helper. Maybe the time after that she would not ask permission, and then she would confess, and her daddy would whip her bare bottom—because Daddy had no choice, really... he had to whip little Linnie sometimes to help her learn.

  But tonight she would simply forget what had happened in bed... and in the shower... and in the parking lot.

  Then, after Rick had got into the car and kissed her fiercely, with an enormous smile on his face, his brow furrowed a little, and he sniffed the air inside the car.

  “Pumpkin, does it smell kind of funny to you, in here?”

  Oh, no. Oh, please, no.

  “No, Daddy?” Lindsay whispered in her little Linnie voice, but she knew that just having used that voice told her daddy exactly what he needed to know.

  “Are you sure, pumpkin? It smells to me like maybe a little girl couldn’t wait for her daddy to come home.”

  Lindsay’s lips parted of their own accord, and her breathing came harshly as she looked at Rick, blinking. She expected him to wear an angry expression. Why had she expected that? When had her daddy ever gotten angry at her?

  He didn’t, though. He seemed to be trying to hide a smile behind a serious face.

  He said, “Let’s talk about it when we get home, pumpkin. In the meantime, you can tell me about your day.”

  She bit her lip, but she had nothing else to do but turn her face toward the road and pull away from the curb, and say, “I had lunch with Orla?” as she drove, wishing she could have kept the question mark from the end of the sentence so it wouldn’t have sounded so timid.

  “Oh? How’s she?” Rick asked as if the thing about how the car smelled because Lindsay had been masturbating in the parking lot hadn’t even happened.

  “Fine?” The question mark struck again, but again her daddy didn’t seem to notice. He rolled down his window a little, as he might have on any warm night, and he put his hand on her knee to give her a little rub there, as he might have when she hopped into his car after work to go back to his apartment. He wouldn’t do it now, she knew, because she was driving, but he usually put his hand further up, too, and reminded Lindsay silently that her little pussy belonged to him, now. She swallowed hard and looked straight ahead.

  Rick took his hand away. “Well, my trip was—”

  “DaddyIhavesomethingtotellyou.” It came out as a single word, without Lindsay even feeling the words forming inside her. Her face instantly blazed into feverish heat. She looked over at Rick, to see him looking seriously but also sympathetically back at her from the passenger’s seat.

  “I thought you might, pumpkin,” her daddy said gently. “Don’t worr
y about it now. Keep your eyes on the road and we can talk about it when we get home.”

  “But...” She couldn’t help glancing over at him again, but she saw his warning face now, and she turned back toward the windshield. Lindsay felt desperate to hear something reassuring, something about the thing she feared so very much.

  “We’ll talk about what you did, and about consequences, when we get home, Lindsay,” Rick said firmly.

  At least talking about consequences might mean that she didn’t get the belt tonight? Lindsay swallowed hard and tried to take comfort in that, though she couldn’t push away the mental picture of her daddy standing over her with the awful thing doubled and rolled around his hand, ready to teach the lesson she deserved.

  “Okay, Daddy,” she said softly.

  * * *

  Daddy’s suitcase stood in his bedroom, unopened, Lindsay stood beside it. Lindsay only had her lacy white panties on, because Daddy had said so, as soon as she had pulled his car into his parking space. Lindsay had her hands on her head, because Daddy had given that command, too: Go to my bedroom and strip down to your panties, pumpkin. Hands on your head. I’ll be there in a few moments.

  Daddy’s suitcase was there because Daddy himself had carried it in, because Daddy also stood in his bedroom, looking at little Linnie while little Linnie’s eyes looked at Daddy’s shoes.

  “Lindsay?” Daddy said very softly. “Is this a good way for you to tell me what you need to tell me?”

  Lindsay closed her eyes and scrunched up her forehead. Part of her wanted to protest—to say, No, Daddy, it’s not a good way. And, Please don’t make me decide about that. Please don’t make me say I should be here in my underwear with my hands on my head, so I can confess that I touched the naughty places that belong to my daddy.

  But she mumbled, still with her eyes closed, “It’s fine, Daddy.”


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