Her Shameful Confession

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Her Shameful Confession Page 6

by Emily Tilton

  That she would go over his knee for a spanking if she even looked at the fascinating, wrinkled purse that held her daddy’s most sensitive parts? If she smelled the dark, naughty scent there, and it made her feel faint and wicked?

  If she pursed her lips and furrowed her brow, and let her daddy hold his balls against her face for her respectful little kiss?

  But though it made her move her hips desperately against the pillow to think about getting a spanking for what she did, Daddy had said she had to do it, to learn her lesson. She kissed again, and then, very hesitantly, she put out the tip of her tongue and gave a little lick, right at the bottom of his scrotum, up between the little protrusions that must be his balls.

  Little Linnie wanted to be a good girl, and she wanted to make her daddy feel good. In her imagination, too, she knew a little girl should feel nervous about having big girl time in her bottom—so she tried to make Rick want to keep teaching her about pleasing him in this lewd way, as if she wanted her daddy to put off what he had told her he would do, the way he intended to enjoy her for the final part of this painful lesson.

  “That’s it, pumpkin,” he growled softly, caressing the back of her head so that a shiver went all the way through Lindsay’s body. “That’s how a good girl pleases her daddy. Now the cock back in your mouth, just to make sure it’s nice and ready.”

  Lindsay bit her lip as she thought about his shameful meaning, but she opened her mouth nice and wide again, just as she knew Rick liked best. He thrust inside, and she had the now-familiar feeling of being full that way while she burned for him down below. Her bottom moved, and the sting from the belt, dull and lingering but now so, so arousing, made her give a little cry around her daddy’s hardness.

  The sound seemed to decide him. He pulled his cock from her mouth, and he moved two steps down the bed. He put his hand on her well-punished bottom, as she looked back at him, licking her lips and feeling the strange, unfamiliar feeling they always had after Rick used her there.

  “Your backside is very red, little Linnie,” he said softly.

  She felt her face form into a little girl’s pout. “It hurts, Daddy. You whipped me!”

  Rick nodded. “Yes, I did. For your own good.”

  Lindsay gasped at the phrase, because it seemed to her so true and yet so wrong. She turned her burning face forward, and focused as hard as she could on the truth of it: she felt so very good, down there, now—as if the pain from the terrible hiding she had earned for self-pleasure represented the inevitable culminating conclusion of so much naughtiness. Even the ache from Rick’s belt, from the lashes that had gone on and on and on as she screamed, despite her screams and her pleas, seemed like the proper feeling for a girl who had broken her daddy’s rules, and that felt good in and of itself.

  The other part of the goodness, though, the sheer sensation radiating from the nerve endings Rick knew how to stimulate, how to play like a musical instrument... how could that part not be for her own good?

  The bed shifted under Lindsay as Rick got up onto it. She heard the snap that she knew meant he had opened the bottle of lube that sat discreetly on his dresser like a warning to his little girl that her daddy liked bottom-sex, and he would have it with her when he chose. A little squirting sound then, in the still, warm air of his bedroom, and another snap as Rick closed the bottle again.

  That’s what will always happen after a belt whipping.

  Always. Always my bottom.

  Because my bottom belongs to my daddy.

  Because my bottom is the place where I learn my lesson, when I’m naughty.

  Because I have a daddy, and my daddy knows how to take care of me, even when I’m naughty.

  Rick’s knees, on either side of her spread thighs, over her pulled-down white lacy panties, enclosed her. Lindsay whimpered as she felt him lay the head of his big, hard penis against the tiny place it had to go.

  “Shh, pumpkin,” Rick said softly. “It’s time. Reach back and spread this little bottom for me like a good girl.”

  Lindsay moved her hands back there and moaned as she obeyed, feeling the sting from the belt and the wicked sensation of the air moving against the forbidden valley of her backside.

  “Look at Daddy, little Linnie,” Rick said then. “I want to see your face when I put my cock inside you.”

  That brought a sob, but Lindsay obeyed, turning woeful eyes back to see her daddy’s handsomeness as he loomed over her like a conqueror ready to ride a captive girl for his masterful enjoyment.

  “This is what happens,” Rick said softly, as he began to push into her tiny anus, “when you’re naughty. Open for Daddy, now.”

  Lindsay gave a little cry, and felt her hips buck upward and her bottom surge in her spreading hands. Then she felt him press harder, so that it hurt a little, and she still wanted to obey her daddy, but her little ring tightened in apprehension despite herself, and her bottom tried to squirm away from him.

  Lindsay’s daddy didn’t stop, though: he kept pushing. She saw him look down at his mastery of her pert, red bottom, at the place where he had lodged the tip of his penis in her tiniest place, and then he looked up again, into her eyes, his expression so hungry and stern that Lindsay felt her own eyes go wide, and her heart jump with alarm.

  When he saw his little girl’s expression, though, his face changed, and became a gentle smile. He stopped pushing, and he stroked Lindsay’s back.

  “You okay, pumpkin?” he asked.

  Lindsay felt her fear go away in a split second, and to her surprise the emotion that replaced it was a petulant frustration, as if she thought her daddy had showed weakness, rather than a loving care for her body.

  “Yes, I’m okay, Daddy, considering you just whipped me—and now you’re making me have anal.”

  Rick’s own eyes widened a little at that, and then his forehead wrinkled as if he were trying to figure out where her words had come from. Lindsay bit her lip, hoping he would figure it out—that this little scene, strangely magical despite its shame and because of its shame, wouldn’t get interrupted at its most crucial moment.

  But then Lindsay’s daddy said in a gruff voice and again with a stern look in his eyes, “Turn your face forward, pumpkin, and concentrate on taking Daddy’s penis. You’re still being punished. Whipping and bottom-sex are what a girl gets when she needs a lesson in following her daddy’s rules about her pussy.”

  He reached out his right hand and laid it on the back of her head, and she gave a little cry as she felt him turn her toward the headboard, enforcing his command. Her back arched and her hips rose again, and her hands clutched the little cheeks he had whipped with his belt.

  Lindsay’s daddy pushed again with his cock, and now he entered her, stretching her wide and filling her up in the dirtiest, sexiest, most embarrassing way. Lindsay whimpered, because her daddy’s penis was hard, long, and wide. Its bulk held her tiny anus open, and it moved inside her, invading the forbidden passage that only a very big girl gave to the man who knew how to take care of her.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” Rick said softly. “Oh, it’s such a nice bottom, pumpkin. Hold it still now, while Daddy fucks you.”

  She obeyed as best she could, little whines coming from her throat with every one of his thrusts, because he simply filled her so very full, and her bottom-cheeks stung in her hands, and she knew he meant to discipline her the way she so desperately needed.

  “Did you play with your little pussy, Linnie? Did you break Daddy’s rules?” Rick’s voice sounded thick with his strict pleasure. His hardness moved faster.

  “Yes, Daddy,” Lindsay sobbed into the comforter, as he fucked her bottom over the pillows. “I’m sorry.”

  “Did you get a whipping on this little bottom, pumpkin? Move your hands, now. Go ahead and play with your clit. I want you to come with me in your anus.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Lindsay cried, moving her right hand so quickly that she blushed anew at how much need it would display to Rick, even though he knew
... he knew so very well how much she needed the dark pleasure they had found together.

  At the first frantic rubbing of her fingertips, Lindsay cried out, and started to hump her hand over the pillows. Rick grunted in pleasure at the way the movement pushed her bottom out and let him into her anus even more deeply.

  That made Lindsay sob more loudly into the covers, because his hard penis filled her little hole so very full, but the strange, burning pleasure that came from the discomfort in her anus and the pressure of her daddy’s hips on her punished cheeks overwhelmed everything else. She came, and it seemed like she couldn’t stop: spasm after spasm racked her whole body, as her daddy, too, cried out and held himself deep inside her bucking backside as his seed spurted into Lindsay’s naughtiest place.

  Rick lay still over her, kissing her back gently as the shudders continued to go through her. His cock kept her bottom open, and he moved it very gently as it grew softer and easier to bear. He moved as if to rise and to withdraw, but Lindsay whimpered in unambiguous need for him to stay there despite the discomfort. She could never say in words, she thought, how much she liked the feeling of her daddy holding her down with the weight and the strength of his body, but she knew she needed as much of it as he would give her.

  “Daddy?” she whispered.

  “Yes, pumpkin?” His voice sounded a little sleepy. He had been up since early in the morning, after all—a good deal earlier than Lindsay, which really had started this whole... well, was problem really the right word?

  “May I please play with myself tomorrow, and use my special helper?”

  Rick laughed and the movement of his chest with his appreciation of little Linnie’s being a good girl sent warm tingles all through her body.

  “Yes, pumpkin. Daddy wants you to play with yourself as many times tomorrow as you did today.”

  She felt her face crumple. “Daddy! Is that a punishment?”

  “No,” he responded, holding her close, “it’s a reward.”

  The End

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