To Die For (Joker's Sin Book 2)

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To Die For (Joker's Sin Book 2) Page 9

by Davidson King

  When the bathroom door opened and Sparkles stepped out, I could tell he’d cleaned up a bit. His hair was calmer, he had taken off the sweat shirt, and I could admit seeing him wearing my clothes did strange things to me. I loved it.

  “Bathroom is all yours.”


  “Is there a side of the bed that’s predominantly yours?” Sparkles asked me, and I realized this was the first time I’d ever had to answer that.

  “No, I generally sleep in the middle, so go ahead and take whichever side you’d like.”

  I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and cleaned up. I didn’t want to appear eager to be in my bed with Sparkles, even though I was excited as fuck. After I was finished getting ready, I sat on the lid of my toilet, counted to fifty, and stepped out. He’d taken the side furthest from the door, which made me smile. My ma used to tell me Dad would take the side by the door, and she’d take the one near the wall because he liked to be the first line of defense. I knew no one was going to attack us or anything while we slept, but I wondered if maybe Sparkles subconsciously chose that side, liking the thought of me protecting him.

  “Need anything?” I asked before I moved to the bed.

  “Nope, I’m all good.”

  I got into bed and shut the light off, drowning the room in darkness for a brief moment. The moon was full, and the lunar glow was just enough to see Sparkles’s profile. I saw each blink and knew he was likely having trouble relaxing under these strange conditions.

  Feeling the need to break the weird tension, I turned on my side, facing Sparkles, and asked, “Did you always want to teach dance?”

  For a moment, I didn’t think he was going to answer me, and I was going to tell him to forget it, but then he spoke.

  “Actually, I wanted to be a professional dancer. Maybe be on Broadway.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  This time, Sparkles turned, and now we lay face-to-face. He was so close to me, and every inch of me loved it.

  “I used to dance all around our little house, many times singing as I did. My mom would laugh, and she’d tell me I’d be famous someday. I believed her because when you’re seven and your mom says you’ll be amazing, you don’t question it because moms are everything.” He smiled as he spoke.

  “Can’t argue with you there.”

  “Yeah, well, it was only my mother and me. My dad died when I was just a baby, so I never knew him. She worked three jobs to keep things going, and I knew if I was ever going to make anything of myself, I’d either have to hit the lottery or get a scholarship somewhere. Then hope someone spotted me and wanted to give me a shot.” Sparkles gave a one-shoulder shrug.

  “What happened?” I wasn’t sure he’d answer me, but he seemed to be opening up, and I wanted to make that last as long as I could.

  “When I was about fifteen, things got strange. My mom started acting odd. Forgetting things, acting almost like a completely different person. I didn’t get it. She had to quit one of her jobs because she thought it was the stress, and I was able to get some side work getting paid under the table to make ends meet. But there was no improvement.”

  Sparkles’s gaze moved around the darkened room, and he couldn’t seem to look at me. “I’m going to jump all around on you with this, so I’m sorry but it’s hard to explain if you don’t understand where I’m coming from. My mom and dad had me a little later in life. She was thirty-five when I was born. By the time I was fifteen, she was fifty.”

  “Okay, now we know the math of it.” I gave him a small smile, hoping my understanding helped. He nodded once.

  “I came home from school one day, and the house looked like someone had broken in. I couldn’t find my mom anywhere, and I called the police. They found her sitting at a bus stop, completely naked and bleeding. She wasn’t making any sense at all.”

  “Jesus.” I reached over and took his hand, glad when he didn’t pull away.

  “She was rushed to the hospital, and they ran all sorts of tests on her. They thought she was schizophrenic for a while. They gave her meds. It was a roller coaster. I stayed with this friend of hers from work and was okay there, but the longer she was away, the more worried I got. No one tells a kid much.” He shrugged again. “She was finally released and had this strict regime of pills and such. She couldn’t work and went on disability, but it paid so little in comparison to what she’d been getting with the three jobs.”

  I understood that. “Yeah, when my dad died it hit everyone hard, we all had to band together. But you didn’t have anyone else.”

  Sparkles frowned, and I sensed he was going to tie this story up with a bow that wasn’t completely the truth.

  “Yeah, it was hard. I worked where I could. I was…I got this scholarship and learned to dance. My mom got some home care, but it wasn’t the best. When I finally graduated, I was able to teach dance, and I got her into a facility that helps her.”

  There was so much of his story I knew he wasn’t saying, and if I wanted to know, I had a feeling I’d have to tread lightly. “Can I ask what the final diagnosis for your mom was?”

  “They said it was severe dementia in the first place she was at. Then Parkinson’s. Where she’s at now is a much better place, and they feel she actually has Lewy Body Dementia, which is a more severe type of dementia, but there’s no way to truly diagnose that.”

  “Why not?” I had no idea about any of this stuff.

  “Because the only way to know is to autopsy a brain, and while my mom’s isn’t working at one hundred percent, she still needs it to live.”

  For fuck’s sake. “So, to truly know, she has to die?”

  He stared at me and in that silent dark gaze, I felt the power of his next words. “They’ll know for sure in probably three years.”

  His mom was going to die. When my father died suddenly, it was like a jolt to everything. We weren’t prepared. I wondered…if I knew he was going to die, would it have been easier or harder?

  “I’m sorry.” It was all I could say. What could I offer him? “Can I do anything?”

  Sparkles smiled, and the darkness that was there a second ago dissipated.

  “I dunno, Max. I’m starting to think you’re already doing something.”

  Chapter Twenty


  In the darkness of Max’s bedroom, with his mother and probably sisters somewhere below us, I did something I never thought I’d do. I inched closer to Max and tenderly pressed my lips to his. He stiffened for a moment, but then I felt his hand gently touching the back of my head. When he returned the kiss, it was like taking a breath after holding it for so long. He opened his mouth and I dipped my tongue inside, tasting the mint, the man that drove me crazy, the need.

  Slowly and yet all at once I was hovering over him, pressing my body against his, devouring his mouth. His moans mingled with my own, and it almost felt like I’d die if we stopped kissing. Never…no one had ever affected me like this before.

  “Max,” I whispered when he latched on to my neck.

  “Jesus, Sparkles…” I loved how he called me Sparkles, even like this. Because to Max, even though he knew my name was Lane, I was Sparkles.

  Earlier I thought Dorian had tainted the name, but as Max moaned it over and over as we rubbed our covered cocks together, kissing, feeling, he washed away all the negative that monster tried to erect.

  “I’m gonna come in my pants,” I chuckled, but he grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine once again. He kissed me like it was everything…like I was everything, and that thought alone pushed my orgasm through me.

  The feeling of Max’s breath on my neck was erratic. I lifted my head, meeting his gaze. I knew I had to get off him, but for just this moment, I wanted to pretend that this was always my life. That I never thought of Max like myself. Because as I stared into his glittering eyes, I knew for a fact he wasn’t, and never would be, like I was.

  “You amaze me, Sparkles,” he said after he came.
br />   I didn’t know what to say to that. What we just did felt like more than any words I could muster. I rolled off him and onto my back. I could see better now between my eyes adjusting and the moon shining. The ceiling had glow-in-the-dark stars, and I chuckled.

  “I’m seeing stars,” I said.

  He laughed with me. “I forget those are up there a lot of the time.”

  “Oh, I’m sure all the guys you bring here comment on them.”

  There was a beat of silence and a rustle of the sheets, and suddenly my view of the glow in the dark stars was replaced with Max’s face.

  “You’re the only guy I’ve ever brought home, Sparkles. You’re the only guy I’ve ever done anything in my bed with.”

  The seriousness of his tone and his steady gaze proved he was telling me the truth.

  The sound of a door slamming seemed to jolt Max out of the moment, and he moved away. I was glad and upset at the same time. I had no idea what to say to Max after that admission.

  “I’m going to get a washcloth, so you can clean up. I’ll get you a change of sweats too.” He smirked as he spoke. Likely proud of himself for making me come in my pants.

  After we were cleaned and changed, we lay under the covers. Exhaustion was beginning to hit me hard. I’d just closed my eyes when Max spoke.

  “If you’re free tonight, I’d love to take you on that date?”

  I turned to face him. “Aren’t you getting sick of me yet?”

  He smiled brightly. “I’ll let you know when I get sick of you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “In that case, you can pick me up at my studio at around eight tonight.”

  “It’s a date.” He closed his eyes, and I had to roll over, otherwise I’d spend the rest of the night watching him sleep. He truly was a beautiful man.

  “You have pep in your step,” Alexandra said as she handed Tank over to me. I was able to escape Max’s house before his sisters intruded on us. I texted Alexandra that I was on my way to get Tank, and she said she’d have him ready.

  “Yeah, it was a good night.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You do know Nolan called me and told me what happened, right? Is it true that the guy who hurt you is our new landlord at the studio?”

  Of course Nolan would call and let her know.

  “Yeah, look, we can talk all about it later. I have to get home, shower, and get to the studio. I have a class this morning.”

  I knew she wanted to interrogate me, but she also respected my choices and nodded. “I’ll see you later.”

  I thanked her, and Tank and I left and headed home. I loved my apartment, but after going to Max’s house and seeing the love and warmth there, the coldness of my place was felt in my bones. I knew I had another six months on my lease, and knowing Dorian owned the building now made me realize how badly I wanted to get out of there.

  After making sure Tank was fed and doing okay, I quickly showered and dressed for the day. I knew Dorian had said Tank couldn’t come to the studio, but I had no intention of listening to him. Tank still couldn’t be alone, and after last night I wasn’t sure I’d see Dorian just yet. Maybe he’d be off licking his wounds.

  Of course, Dorian wasn’t one to let anyone best him. Question was, would he blame me or Max for last night’s shit show? Either way, I was sure when Dorian retaliated, it would be extremely unpleasant.

  I got to work, and I was glad that there was no time to talk with Alexandra or Nolan before my class started. I set Tank up in my office with water, his bed, and a small bone to gnaw on, shut the door, and started with my first class for the day. We were doing a NeverEnding Story dance that was proving to be difficult, but I was optimistic they’d get it together.

  “I’m going to get some coffee,” Nolan said after the last dancer left. “Would you like anything?”

  “I’d love a sweet tea.” He nodded and left. Alexandra was currently at the post office, so I took the time to sweep the floor and wipe down the barre before the next class.

  The sound of the bells indicating someone was coming in made me turn. I thought it would be Alexandra but instead it was Dorian…and two of his men.

  “Are you all alone?” Dorian looked around, even though his patronizing tone told me he knew I was. “No big bad bartender to come to your defense?”

  “Dorian, don’t you see? Coming here as some sort of revenge tactic was a bad idea. I’ve made a life here with people who care about me—”

  “Oh, please. If they knew what a slut you were, how money-hungry you were, and all the shit you’ve done, do you think they’d all still love you?” He took a few steps closer to me. I gripped the broom in my hand ready to use it if I had to. “Do you think Max would still think you’re some innocent and sweet virgin?”

  I wanted to laugh because while I knew Max wanted me, there was no way he assumed I was a virgin.

  “I just want this, and you, to go away. So tell me what you want, Dorian?”

  He chuckled and peered over at his men, who just shook their heads at me. “Oh, Lane, I already told you I’d let you know when I’m done with you.”

  “Oh, Dorian,” I sighed. “I think Haven Hart is too big a beast for you. This isn’t your stomping ground. There are bigger fish here, and you got yourself banned from the most popular club in the whole town. Don’t you think that news will travel?”

  Dorian tilted his head left and right, cracking his neck before he spoke. “You’re going to get Atlas Durand to take that back.”

  I couldn’t stop the laugh that burst out of me. “What makes you think I have control over what he does with his own club?”

  “I don’t care what you say or have to do…” His gaze traveled over my body. “But I hear that facility your mom stays at is looking for a new owner. Make it happen, or I might just put in a bid.”

  I stood there, frozen. I couldn’t let him get his claws into that place. “Fine.”

  “Good boy.” He turned, signaled for his guys to follow, and left.

  Long after he was gone I remained, unmoving in silence, wondering what the hell I was going to do.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “So, where are you taking this invisible guy?” Frances asked me as she sat on my bed, watching me getting my shoes on.

  “Invisible guy?”

  She shrugged. “I mean, Ma said he was here last night, even said she talked to him. But alas, when we stormed in here this morning, there was no one. Thus, making me conclude he must be invisible, and Ma is losing her mind.”

  “Whatever you do, don’t try and become a detective, because you’d suck at it,” I joked as I grabbed my motorcycle jacket.

  “Wait!” She blocked the door. “You’re not taking your bike, are you?”

  “Why do you care?” I tried to get by her, but she was like an immovable force.

  “It’s cold out, he’ll freeze.”

  “I thought he was invisible?” I lifted a brow.

  “He can still become a frozen invisicycle.”

  “And for my next observation, don’t become a schoolteacher, for your use of the English language is filled with make-believe words and nonsense.” This time I pushed her out of the way.

  “What if you have to carry something on your date?” Frances followed me all the way down the stairs, where Maria was reading a book in the living room and Ma was knitting.

  “Leave your brother alone, Fran,” Ma said with a smile.

  “He’s taking his bike.” She totally ratted me out. Ma hated my motorcycle, and I knew she was going to tell me to take my truck.

  “Max, darling,” Ma started, and I gave Frances a glare as she smugly plopped on the couch.

  “Yeah, Ma?”

  “Let’s not kill this one, okay. He’s charming. Please take your truck.”

  Fucking Frances and her big mouth. “Fine.”

  “That’s my good son.”

  I lived with a bunch of meddling and manipulative women. “I’m leaving now,” I said
as I grabbed my keys off the hook.

  “Have fun,” all three said in unison.


  I pulled up to the curb of Sparkles’s studio and hopped out of my truck. When I opened the studio door, I came face-to-face with Nolan. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect but was pleasantly surprised when he smiled.

  “Hello, Max.”


  I didn’t see Sparkles, but I knew he had to be here somewhere. I was about to ask Nolan if he could tell him I was here when he spoke.

  “Lane’s in his office. You can see him.”

  I had a feeling the sudden change of attitude had everything to do with the situation at the club. I could be an asshole and say something, but I’d rather just bask in the niceness that was Nolan and hope it lasted.

  I made my way to the back and lightly knocked on the door. “Come in,” I heard Sparkles say.

  “Hey, Nolan said I could come—” I stood frozen as I took in Sparkles. His hair was brighter pink than usual, like he’d freshly dyed it. He had kohl around his eyes with an almost angelic white glitter on the lids. His cheeks glowed, and there was a simple clear gloss on his plush lips. He was wearing black tight pants and a silver top. It was a bold outfit for anyone else but for Sparkles, it was elegant and subtle.

  “Nolan’s giving permission when you can come now?”

  His comment shook me out of my gawking. “No, sorry, I just…you look amazing.”

  He picked up Tank from his doggie bed and came over to me. “You look good yourself.”

  I was just wearing jeans, a red T-shirt, and my motorcycle jacket, but the way he said it, I knew he meant it.

  “Thanks.” I scratched under Tank’s little chin. “Is he coming with us?” If he said yes, then I was really glad I took the truck. I also was going to have to think of somewhere else to go on our date.


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