The Star Masters (Mastery of the Stars Book 6)

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The Star Masters (Mastery of the Stars Book 6) Page 9

by M J Dees

  “We are ready,” said Yor. “Just waiting for your orders.”

  “This is an impressive fleet, Yor How did you manage it?”

  “Your cause is popular here on Herse. Most of the population are retired Republic officers. It wasn’t as difficult as you might think. Don’t you think you would be better here on the command ship than on that freighter?”

  Ay-ttho’s antennae bristled with the way Yor had said ‘that freighter’ but she kept silent.

  “Yes, you are right. Scotmax? Let us take your shuttle to the command ship. Sevan, will you come with us?”

  “You are forgetting, I am not a bounty hunter.”

  “Oh yes, that’s right. But you are welcome to join us, anyway.”

  “No, thank you. My place is here on the Mastery of the Stars,” he turned to Ay-ttho and Tori. “Even though my so-called friends send me on a near fatal mission.”

  Ay-ttho and Tori shrugged.

  “You are welcome anytime,” said Matthews as she left with Scotmax.

  “We must be careful,” she addressed the fleet once he had arrived on the bridge of the Hersean command ship. “The Republic must be aware we have been amassing this great fleet. They may try to ambush us on our journey. We will go via Ao-Jun, there we will find Ybrad, offspring of Sgniwef who is still awaiting her co-begetter’s return after going missing on the way back from the Zistreotovean war where she fought bravely alongside my begetter President Kirkland who was cowardly murdered on his triumphant return. I have already avenged that murder and the jury of Saturnians, under the jurisdiction of Chronos, a Star Master himself, found my revenge to be just. Now, we must reclaim the Republic and I promise that every system that aides the New Republic in our cause will be justly rewarded. Let us go!”

  The gigantic fleet fired up their engines and followed the Hersean command ship towards the portal to Ao-Jun.


  Once in the Ao-Jun system, Matthews attempted to communicate with Ybrad in the Ao-Jun royal palace and was surprised to be connected with Sgniwef.

  “Sgniwef! How are you? We thought you were lost,” Matthews exclaimed.

  “I was, but we found a way home. Please come here to my palace so that we can discuss the events which have passed since we returned from the war with Zistreotov.”

  “I would be delighted.”

  The New Republic armada remained in orbit around Ao-Jun while Matthews, Yor and Scotmax took a shuttle to the surface where they joined Sgniwef, Luap and Ybrad in the palace’s vast banqueting hall.

  “It pleases me to see that you and Luap are reunited,” Matthews addressed Sgniwef.

  “Yes, well, you might wonder why I didn’t kill him on Zistreotov. The thought crossed my mind, and I even raised my weapon to perform the task. But as soon as I gazed upon his beauty, I could not shoot, and he agreed to accompany me here. But it hasn’t been easy. The asteroid storm left us floating without direction in space for some time, but fortunately my ship was well stocked and we kept going until the engines and and navigation systems could be repaired, which wasn’t a minor task. Now, we are trying to live as best as we can.”

  “I am sure you know why I am here,” said Matthews. “We have amassed a great armada, as you can see, and we intend to take the Presidency of the Republic, by force if necessary.”

  “As you know, Matthews, your begetter, Kirkland, was not just a great ally of mine, he was my co-begotton and he assisted me in freeing Luap from his captors.”

  Luap looked uncomfortable.

  “I am happy to support you in the way that your begetter supported me. We will raise our own fleet to accompany you on the understanding that your New Republic will respect Ao-Jun’s sovereignty, independence and its special relationship with the Republic given its virtual geographical proximity.”

  “You have my guarantee, Sgniwef, that Ao-Jun will enjoy the same respect, if not more, than it did while my begetter was president.”

  “It reassures me greatly to hear you say these things. I hope your promises will not prove empty and that our two territories may enjoy a long and prosperous relationship.”

  After they had eaten, Matthews, Yor and Scotmax returned to the Hersean command ship where they waited until the Ao-Junian fighters had assembled. As impressive as their armada was, Matthews knew they still numbered less than the Republic fleet.

  “Be aware,” said Sgniwef once the Ao-Junian fighters were assembled. “Your begetter was developing a new fighter with technology that had been stolen from the Chan Heung colony after the death of Akpom Chuba. Rumour has it that the technology eclipses ours. They were developing new fighters. The codename was scorpion lizards, impregnable shields, weapons as destructive as Nala’s legendary ship. The technology was not ready for Zistreotovean war but I imagine that your co-begetter and her lover’s offspring will have continued the programme and if they have working fighters, we may find ourselves in a lot of trouble.”

  “Thank you,” said Matthews. “We will have to take our chances. Further delay will only give them time to perfect their new weapons.”


  Matthews ordered the fleet forward towards the portal which led to Inic B’Campa. The Ao-Jun portal wasn’t the closest or the furthest portal from Inic B’Campa, but it was far enough to require some travel through the system before the planet itself came into sight.

  When the planet did finally come into view, their worst fears were realised. From the far side of the planet, emerged six fighters of the like they had never seen before.

  “These must be the scorpion lizards,” said Matthews. “Yrag must have perfected the technology. Fire as soon as they are within range.”

  The fleet immediately went on full alert. In the Mastery of the Stars, Tori plugged himself into the weapons chair.

  Even before the scorpion lizards were within range of the fleet, they had fired, the range of their weapons being greater than that of the fleet.

  Most of the fighters in the fleet were equipped with shields, but the scorpion lizard weapons made light work of the fleet’s defences. As an old style class 2 freighter, like the Mastery of the Stars was not equipped with shields, but the Corporation had built it with a robust hull.

  Gaping through the observation windows at the damage the scorpion lizards were doing to the fleet’s fighters, Sevan thought that even the most robust of hulls would be no match for these weapons.

  As soon as the scorpion lizards came within range, the entire fleet opened fire, targeting the ships with impressive accuracy but apparently causing no damage to their advanced shields. Even the shields of Ynnek’s ship, which had been renowned as the most impenetrable shields in the Republic, would not have withstood the onslaught.

  “How does the technology work?” Matthews asked Sgniwef.

  “The shields absorb the energy.”

  “So, it doesn’t matter how much we fire at them?”

  “I guess not.”

  “How do we defeat them?”

  “Good question.”

  Matthews watched the scorpion lizards destroyed fighter after fighter.

  “We might not penetrate their ships with a blast, but maybe we can tear them apart,” suggested Ayttho.

  “How do you propose that?”

  “With our anti-matter drive, we have a tractor beam which should be strong enough to hold one of their ships. The Hersean command ship should have a beam strong enough to rip the ship apart.”

  “Let’s do it, we will need cover fire.”

  The two ships and the rest of the fleet manoeuvred and when the opportunity arose, they captured one of the scorpion lizards and pulled it apart.

  “The hull is tearing,” said Ay-ttho.

  “I detect the hull is repairing,” said Ron.

  They watched with amazement as the hull of the scorpion lizard repaired the tear.

  “Quick,” said Ay-ttho. “Fire into the tear before it repairs.”

  The other scorpion l
izards, seeing one of their ships in distress, rounded on the Mastery of the Stars. The rest of the fleet did their best to get in the way.

  Tori fired into the narrow gap that had been exposed and, sure enough, the scorpion lizard was disabled. They released it from the beam and soon captured another that was trying to manoeuvre around the fleet to attack the Mastery of the Stars.

  They repeated the procedure and soon two of the scorpion lizards and been disabled. However, four of the ships remained, and the fleet was suffering huge losses attempting to defend the Mastery of the Stars and the Hersean command ship.

  Some fighters attempted similar procedures, but their weaker tractor beams only slowed the scorpion lizards temporarily before their powerful engines broke free.

  The fighters worked together to trap, temporarily, the scorpion lizards and herd them towards the more powerful beams of the Mastery of the Stars and the Hersean command ship.

  In this way, they could dispose of two more but the losses were heavy and two more of the ships were evading the beams of the fighters and instead picked them off one by one.

  With each successive attack run, they were getting closer to the Mastery of the Stars and further attempts to ensnare them were unsuccessful.

  “I’ve run out of ideas,” said Ayttho.

  “We have to trick them into our beams,” said Matthews. “We will pretend to retreat and then when they chase the fleet will move out of their way and we will catch them.”

  “But they will have a clean shot at us.”

  “It’s a risk we’ll have to take.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  The Hersean command ship and the Mastery of the Stars turned back towards the Ao-Jun portal and simultaneously the fleet opened a gap on the centre just enough to tempt one of the scorpion lizards through, as they did, the command ship connected their beams and caught to scorpion lizard in their trap, destroying it, as they had the others.

  Only one scorpion lizard remained, but it would not fall for the same trick. Instead, it stayed on the periphery, picking off fighters.

  “We have to do something quick,” said Matthews. “Otherwise there’ll be nothing left of us to fight for Future. Only the gods can save us now.”

  As if on cue, from the direction of the Sicheoyaman portal, several ships appeared. Sevan recognised most of them as the ships of the drirkel straalkets and there was a larger one he hadn’t seen before.

  “Chronos!” said Matthews.

  The new arrivals soon reached the fleet and surrounded the remaining scorpion lizard, whose weapons seemed ineffectual against the Star Masters. Chronos and the drirkel straalkets made light work of the scorpion lizard, whose shields were no match for their superior weaponry.

  “Imagine if we had ships like that,” Matthews wondered aloud.

  Within moments, the scorpion lizard was nothing but a burning shell. Through the observation windows, Sevan observed the destruction. Space as far as he could see was littered with wrecked Hersean, Ao-Junian, Saturnian and Sicheoyaman fighters.

  “Thank you!” said Matthews, once she had established communications with Chronos’s ship. “Why did you decide to help us?”

  “Some of us Star Masters wish to live in peace on Lenguicarro. In order to ensure that, it is in our interests that your mission is successful.”

  What was left of the fleet spent a long time searching through the wreckage for survivors. They transferred the few that were found to the well equipped sick bay on the Hersean command ship.

  After the fleet had re-assembled, they made their way to the portal which led to the Future system. As expected, most of the Republic fleet was waiting for them on the other side. This time, in the absence of scorpion lizards, the fight was more even and was soon raging. Although the Republic fleet was larger, the rebels had the advantage of the passion to revenge the deaths of their friends and colleagues that had lost their lives in the battle of Inic B’Campa.

  In addition, they had the support of Chronos and the drirkel straalkets with their superior shields and weaponry, which swung the balance of the conflict and before half of the Republic fleet had been destroyed, the rest surrendered.

  Triumphant, the fleet reassembled with the defeated Republic fleet in tow and made their way to Future where no resistance was offered. Matthews and Scotmax descended to the surface, escorted by Sgniwef, Brabin, Yor and the Sicheoyaman fighters. The Mastery of the Stars landed beside them and opened the cargo doors to release the armed Angetenareans from Sonvaenope.

  They all gathered behind Matthews with her private guard and followed her into the Presidential palace.


  Matthews found Yrag sitting on the presidential throne on the official platform in the great hall with his guard.

  “It’s over, Yrag,” she said. “Give up peaceably and I will ensure that you are treated well.”

  “I have no desire to fight you for this presidency,” said Yrag. “I am not responsible for the actions of my begetters, I am merely doing my duty.”

  “Your fleet has surrendered, your scorpion lizards destroyed. I have the support of Chronos and the drirkel straalkets. There is nothing to be done.”

  Yrag sighed and stepped down from the platform.

  “Welcome to your new home,” she said.

  “Take her,” Matthews ordered her guards. “But make sure she is treated well.”

  Yrag’s personal guard laid down their weapons.

  “Take them for rehabilitation,” Matthews said of the guard before turning to the guard itself. “Don’t worry, you will be treated well. You have been used to serving President Yrag, now you have a new president to serve and you will learn to do your job well, I am sure.”

  She took in the great hall, observing its elaborate decoration.

  “It is very good to be back and auspicious that we did not have to spill any blood in the palace on this occasion. Scotmax, Sevan, come and see where our work began. It was right here that we set the wheels in motion and now we have monumental work to do. But first, I shall instruct the palace kitchens to prepare a splendid feast so that we can thank our partners from Ao-Jun, Herse, Lenguicarro, Sicheoyama and Angetenar, or should I say, Sonvaenope. We must also remember all those whose life juices were spilled for this glorious victory. We shall erect a great memorial to their memory and there will be a grand celebration at its inauguration. Let all that joined our fleet be welcomed to this palace where they may stay to rest and be refreshed for as long as they wish.”

  There was an enormous cheer from who were gathered in the great hall and immediately, preparations began for the large feast as well as preparing accommodation for all in the fleet. They relieved those who had fought in the Republic fleet of their weapons, but they could also partake in the festivities as a sign from the new president that there were no hard feelings and that the troops would be welcome to serve Matthews as they had Yrag.

  The party raged long into the night and Sevan knew he would suffer the next rotation, but he didn’t mind because he knew their ordeal was ending and they could finally go home to the Doomed Planet.

  “Does this mean we can go back now?” he asked.

  “I suppose so,” said Ay-ttho. “We can’t go via Atlas anymore, so we’ll have to go via the old Daphnis portal.”

  “That will take us past Aitne,” said Tori. “Are you sure you want that?”

  “Well, it’s that or back to the outer regions. We’d have to go all the way to Herse before we found a portal that would take us back towards Nereid. Aitne is only an asteroid, it can’t do us any harm. I will speak with Matthews tomorrow to have our convictions officially quashed.”

  “That will be nice,” said Sevan.

  “No more Sirrah the Cleaner,” said Tori.

  Scotmax joined them.

  “Congratulations,” said Ay-ttho.

  “Thank you. We couldn’t have done it without your help.”

  “So, what now?”

nbsp; “I am looking forward to getting back to Nadio, but there is a lot of work to do to ensure that the New Republic is the republic we want. As soon as I can, I will get him and bring him here. What are your plans?”

  “We wish to return to the Doomed Planet. Perhaps we could go via Herse and check on Nadio, it’s only a couple of portals more from there to Nereid.”

  Tori and Sevan exchange glances, then laughed.

  Brabin arrived.

  “What about Chronos and the drirkel straalkets? Do they not like parties?” asked Sevan.

  “No, parties are below the Star Masters, Sevan.”


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