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Scandal Page 8

by Grace Kagni

  Marco, after placing a condom on his erection, pushed himself deep into Alessandro's behind and pumped in and out quickly. Alessandro closed his eyes; clearly not comfortable with what was happening. He kept his eyes closed and as Marco pumped from behind, the clamp on Alessandro's erection pressed against the metallic contraption, pulling and squeezing.

  Alessia suddenly felt fear groping at her throat. Alessandro was being tortured now and it was certainly not pleasurable. She gasped and cried out, "Stop, please! This is too much now!" They didn't seem to hear her and Marco continued to pump in and out while Alessandro kept his eyes closed. Suddenly she saw a tear running down Alessandro's cheek.

  "I said stop!" she shouted again.

  "What is your colour?" Marco asked Alessandro.

  "Green, Master!" Alessandro said as he opened his eyes and stared deep into Alessia's eyes.

  "Green? Green? You are out of your mind!" Alessia said before getting off the bed and wanting to leave the room. She couldn't find the exit and pounded her fists over the walls hoping for the secret door to open but when it didn't she slumped down with her back against the wall; placing her head between her knees crying. "I can't watch this anymore. Please stop!" she whispered.

  "What is your colour?" Marco asked again.

  "Red, Master" Alessandro whispered.

  Marco pulled himself out of Alessandro's backside and then pulled off the clamp from his erection, clearly leaving markings and then unclamped his ankles and wrists. He helped him up off the metallic contraption and carried him in his arms to the bed, gently laying him down on his stomach.

  "Will you need me to take care of your wounds?" Marco asked.

  "No, Master. Alessia is here for that," he groaned.

  Marco put his robe back on and then went to Alessia. "You'll find all the necessary sanitary items to clean him up and medicate his wounds in the cabinet next to the bed. Are you sure you can handle it on your own?" Marco asked gently as he helped her up off the floor.

  She looked at Marco and suddenly heard the gentleness in his voice; someone who cared about Alessandro more than she could understand from what she'd just witnessed. She stood on shaky legs and found her voice again. "I'm ok now. I'll take care of him," she said as she turned to look at Alessandro in pain on the bed. "I only need one thing from you before you leave. Please carry him to his bedroom. I cannot stay in this room one more minute," she said as she closed her eyes a moment to focus on what she needed to do.

  "Of course. You grab the cleansing products from the cabinet and I'll carry Alessandro to his bedroom," Marco said, again in a gentle voice.

  Alessia went to the cabinet and pulled out everything that she could carry, not wanting to return to that dreadful room again. Then she watched Marco as he gently picked up Alessandro's aching body and went to the wall to push a hidden button that opened the secret door to the passageway. She followed him through it and when they got to the other side, she gently shut the secret door, wanting to put the experience past her.

  She watched as Marco placed Alessandro face down on his large four-poster bed and then said goodbye before leaving. Suddenly the room was silent and all Alessia could hear were Alessandro's moans. Letting out a deep breath, she went to the bathroom to fill the antique pitcher with hot water and came back to the room to fill the antique porcelain basin with the hot water. Then she went back to the bathroom and pulled out some clean towels along with washcloths and returned to the bedroom. Pouring some disinfectant into the water, she soaked the washcloth into the hot water and then started to clean Alessandro's wounds. The touch of the cloth made him howl from the pain but she continued to clean him no matter how much it pained her to see him in that state until he was cleaned up and medicated. Then she pulled over a clean cotton sheet over his body and lay down beside him. His face was turned toward her but his eyes were closed.

  "Why do you put yourself through this?" she whispered as her face was really close to his.

  He opened his eyes and looked deep into her eyes before saying, "Because the pain reminds me of how fortunate I've been in life," he whispered.

  "I don't understand," she said clearly confused by his comment.

  "I've always had an extremely easy life and I need to feel pain to feel alive," he said as he looked at her beautiful face. His entire body ached and he would have liked to pull her into his arms but was not able.

  "You don't need to be tortured to feel alive. There must be other ways for you to experience life changing moments - surely there must be!" she said pleading with him.

  "Thank you for being with me tonight. It meant a lot to me," he said, still staring into her beautiful eyes.

  "How many times have you done this?" she asked, curious to find out the reason of his choice.

  "This was the fourth time but the first with a female partner present," he said feeling suddenly tired.

  "Why did you decide to involve me this time?" she continued with her questions.

  "Because you're becoming an important part of my life and I wanted to experience it one last time with you by my side," he said closing his eyes.

  "Do you mean that you won't do this ever again?" she asked, feeling hope rising in her chest.

  "No, I won't do this again if you don't want me to. I care what you think and if it pains you to see me like this then this will be the last time - I promise," he whispered just before he dozed off.

  She leaned over and kissed him tenderly on the forehead before stroking his face. "I don't want you to do this again," she said as she cuddled closer to him and fell asleep.

  Chapter Three

  They stayed two full days in bed while Alessandro's wounds healed and during that time, they talked about their childhood. Alessia explained how she'd felt when her mother passed away when she was six, remembering the terrible moment when her father told her that her mother had gone to Heaven and wouldn't be back. She'd stopped speaking for a long time; doctors thinking the shock made her voice go away but then suddenly as her voice had gone, it suddenly came back one day when she was playing with her dolls. He father had brought her for several years to a psychologist, hoping it would help but after making many disturbing drawings, the speech came back as her drawings changed. It was as if she was another child for that period of time.

  "I'm sorry you lost your mother at such a young age," Alessandro said as he pulled her into an embrace while they lay in bed the third evening.

  "It disturbs me more to see my father whither away, not recognizing me and not remembering the past," she said as she felt a tear fall from the corner of her eye.

  "Oh Tesoro, I'm sorry that you don't have anyone else to lean on but now you have me and I promise I'll take care of you as you've taken care of me these past few days," he said, kissing her tenderly on the forehead has he held her close.

  Alessandro talked about his upbringing in an extremely privileged world, which make Alessia understand his strong desire to feel an emotional experience as he'd done. She didn't condone it but she started to understand his need to feel something strong enough to shake his life for a little while.

  On the fourth day, when Alessandro was finally well enough to walk around, they got out of bed and had a bath together, simply cuddling in the hot water. He was still sore although his wounds were healing rapidly.

  Then they got dressed and went to the dining room to have lunch. The cook had been preparing soups and easy foods for Alessandro's "ailment" until he was better and now that he was up and about, the cook prepared a three course meal which they relished with a ravenous appetite. She sat across from him as they ate and drank red wine, and noticed the gleam in his eyes. "There's a different look in your eyes that wasn't there before. What is it?" she asked smiling.

  "You!" he said, grinning.

  "Me? What have I done that has changed your perspective on life?" she asked with interest.

  "You've changed me and the past few days you've shown me that if I open my heart and let you in, you won't
hurt me," he said softly.

  "Hurt you? Why would I hurt you?" she asked, confused by his comment.

  "Tesoro, there have been many women in my life that have hurt me emotionally because they never cared about me but my status in life. You are the first that cares about my wellbeing and that has changed me," he said, reaching out to grab her hand across the table.

  She was silent for a moment, looking at his hand on hers before responding. "You've changed me too. You scared the daylights out of me the first day we met and honestly, I nearly walked out the door when you touched me physically but then I slowly realized that you've opened up my heart and mind, helping me find myself in the process and now that we've spent time together, I realize that you've changed my perspective on life."

  He smiled and then said, "So, what would you like to do today?"

  "Since we're in Florence, could we visit the Galleria degli Uffizi?" she asked, remembering her thrill when she visited Florence with her class many years ago.

  "Of course. I'll make a phone call and we can visit the Uffizi later in the afternoon," he said. They finished their lunch and then went to rest a little in the bedroom since Alessandro's body was still weak.

  When it was late afternoon, they got up and got dressed to go to the Uffizi. They got into the car and when their car arrived at the Gallery, Alessia noticed that the Uffizi was closed. "We've come too late. The Uffizi have closed for the day!" she said, disappointed.

  "Come with me," Alessandro said, grinning as he linked her arm in the crook of his. They walked to a side door and he took out his cell phone to make a call. Suddenly the door opened and the Director of the Uffizi ushered them inside.

  "Please take your time and let me know when you've finished your tour," the Director told Alessandro. They shook hands and the Director walked away leaving them alone.

  "Just like that? We're allowed to walk through the Uffizi on our own?" she asked completely spellbound.

  "I went to school with the Director and we're old friends. I've told you that I grew up in an extremely privileged life and this is one of the perks of being who I am," he said, grinning as he placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her through the rooms. He knew so much of the history and the contents of the Gallery that he acted as her tour guide, patiently explaining what they saw and responding to her questions.

  "I didn't know you knew so much about this. Sure, I studied it in school but I don't remember the details anymore. How do you do it?" she asked, amazed by his memory of the details.

  "I used to love art history at school so it became my passion. Now I enjoy visiting galleries when I have a free moment to remind me of the wonderful cultural history Italy has," he said as they continued through to the numerous rooms.

  She looked at the paintings on the walls, the fresco's on the ceilings and the sculptures throughout, always amazed at how much Alessandro knew.

  "I'll tell you a little secret - when I was young, just before going to university, I worked as a tour guide one summer here at the Galleria degli Uffizi," he said grinning.

  She hit him on the arm, jokingly as she looked into his blue eyes before saying, "I knew there had to be something you weren't telling me. You've actually worked as a tour guide; interesting news!" She giggled at the thought of a young Alessandro walking around with a group of tourists while describing the contents of the Uffizi. He must have been a very smart boy but then he wouldn't be where he was today if he wasn't.

  They stayed a couple of hours until Alessandro's back started to ache and so she kissed him on the cheek; thanking him for giving her a private tour and said it was time for them to go home.

  They thanked the Director for letting them in and then they stepped back into the car and went back to Palazzo Pitti for the night. After they had a quiet dinner, they went to the library where they cuddled in front of the fireplace and drank the rest of their wine.

  He stood up and told her, "Stand up."

  She looked at him a moment and then stood. He took her hand and kissed it before saying, "Now take off your clothes and lay on the carpet in front of the fire."

  He'd used his dominant voice so she tilted her head to a side and asked, "Are you sure you're ready for sexual activity again?"

  His eyes turned cold and he repeated, "You'll be punished for disobeying me now take off your clothes and do as I said."

  "Yes, Minister," she said as she carefully took off her clothing. She saw the lust in his eyes as he watched her strip off a piece at a time until she was completely naked. Then she walked to the carpet and lay down before the fireplace. Her skin glistened with the light of the flame, making his manhood grow under his pants.

  "Now turn over onto your stomach and get onto your knees," he said.

  "Yes, Minister," she said as she turned over and got up on all fours.

  "No, only on your knees. Your head must be on the carpet," he said as he lifted his foot and placed it over her shoulders to press her down to the carpet.

  The flame from the fireplace heated her skin but she felt a stronger heat coming from between her legs as her ass was up in the air. He kneeled by her backside and then placed his hand, palm open over her ass; then lifting his hand, he slapped her hard, sending a burning sensation down the back of her legs. He lifted his hand again and slapped her a second time, harder than the first. He did this ten times before he asked her if he should continue or if she she'd been punished enough.

  "I believe I've been punished enough," she said.

  "I didn't ask you what you believe - I asked you if I should continue."

  Her backside was burning but the juices from her core were seeping down her legs from the desire that had built up in the process. "No!" she said.

  "No what?" he asked.

  "No, Minister. Please stop," she said.

  He got up and started to undress, very slowly and then when he was completely nude, he sat on the sofa while spreading his arms on the back of the sofa. He simply sat there and looked at Alessia. She turned her head to look at him, wondering what she needed to do but when he didn't say anything, she lifted her head slowly.

  "I didn't tell you to get up yet. Lay on your back with your legs open; pussy facing me," he said as he watched her turn and get into position. "Now place your feet on the sofa; one foot on each side of me."

  She moved her backside to get closer to the sofa and put her feet on either side of him on the sofa.

  "Now, lick your fingers and then touch your breasts," he said.

  "Yes, Minister," she said as she did what he told her. She felt the coolness of her fingers on her heated breasts and soon the wetness between her legs grew to a point nearly pushing her to her limits. She was about to come but knew that she couldn't unless he told her she could. She moved her butt on the floor as her fingers worked around her nipples and her groans became louder.

  "You may come now," he said.

  She swung her hips and arched her back as she continued to move her fingers around her nipples, sending herself over the cliff. Her orgasm came fast and hard as she cried out in pleasure while he sat watching her body tremble from the desire. His erection stood straight, waiting for penetration but he waited until she was finished. Her breathing was laboured and took a while before it came back to normal; he waited in anticipation of his moment.

  "Now get on all fours with your butt facing me," he said, his eyes full of lust as his erection was pulsing for penetration.

  She turned over and got on all fours, waiting for him to touch her. She urgently needed his touch, wanting to feel him inside her knowing that only he could send her into the abyss that she desired.

  "Now back up and place your knees on the sofa," he said.

  She didn't move for a moment, wondering how she was supposed to get up onto the sofa with her knees as her hands were on the floor but she moved back, nearly straddling him as her hands stayed on the floor. The position was very uncomfortable but at the same time, the touch of his erection on her backside
sent her spiralling into a deeper dimension than she thought was possible.

  He grabbed her hips and pushed himself deep inside her dripping folds, pushing quickly in and out while his hands reached for her breasts, kneading them as he pulsed in and out of her.

  His release came quickly and she felt his warmth deep inside just as she started to feel lightheaded from the position she was in. Her orgasm came at the same time and just as she screamed out her desire, she barely made it in time to say, "My head is spinning and I'm going to be sick."

  He pulled her up quickly, leaning her head up against his chest while he was still pulsing inside her. Carefully moving her long strands from her face, he caressed her arms and asked with concern, "Do you feel better?"

  She lay like a ragdoll, having no energy as her head continued to spin. "My head is still spinning," she barely whispered.

  He quickly pulled out of her and spun her around so that she faced him as she sat on his lap. Caressing her face and moving her wet hair from the side of her face, he waited for her to say something. She lay with her head on his shoulder while her body lay against his chest, waiting for the spinning to stop.

  They sat for a long time while he stroked her glistening back until her light-headedness stopped. She finally sat upright; her face clearly with more colour than before. "I'm sorry, I didn't think when I put you in that position that the blood would rush to your head and make your head spin. I'll be more careful next time," he said as he took her face in his hands and brought her lips close to his to kiss her gently.

  "I feel better now but wouldn't mind laying down a little on the bed. My whole body is aching," she said, suddenly feeling like a truck ran over her body. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom where they spent the rest of the evening cuddling before falling asleep in each other's arms.

  * * * * * *

  The next day they got up late and after having a light breakfast, they got on the train with his guards and went back to Rome. They each went to their own homes when they arrived in Rome and it wasn't until after dinner, when Alessia was relaxing on her sofa watching television that Alessandro called to find out how she was.


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