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Page 9

by Grace Kagni

  "Tesoro, how are you feeling?" he asked, knowing that she hadn't recovered fully from the events of the past week.

  "I'm ok. I'm relaxing watching television but I think after a good night sleep, I'll be ready to go back to work tomorrow morning," she said, yawning suddenly feeling sleepy.

  "I think you should take a couple of days off to rest," he said grinning as he heard her yawning.

  "No, I'll be ok by tomorrow morning," she insisted.

  "I have a full day of meetings tomorrow so just let me know if you don't feel to come in and I'll get a temporary assistant before my day starts," he said.

  "Ok but I'm sure I'll be ok tomorrow. I think I'm going to go to bed now so good night!" she said as her eyelids felt really heavy.

  "Buona notte Tesoro!" he whispered.

  They hung up and she went straight to bed.

  He was in his tracksuit, drinking a glass of wine on his large terrace, suddenly missing Alessia's body next to him. He let out a deep sigh after running his hand through his hair and went inside to watch the news.

  The news talked primarily about scandals within the Italian political parties. He was tired of listening to the same stories all the time. The media was more interested in the what scandalous actions the politicians were up to rather than talking about what changes the parties wanted to implement to improve the Italian economy. Frustration setting in, he turned off the television and went to bed.

  Chapter Four

  Alessia woke up the next morning feeling more tired than the day before but after rolling over to turn off her alarm clock, she pulled herself out of bed and went to have a quick shower. Then she had an espresso for breakfast, got dressed and ran out the door to catch the bus before it was too late.

  She arrived at the office before Alessandro and was reading his calendar for the day when she saw a shadow reflecting on her computer screen; turning she saw Alessandro standing behind her, grinning as he crouched down next to her. "Amore, why did you come in today? You should have stayed home to rest." He saw the dark circles under her eyes and lifted his thumb to caress the side of her face.

  "I knew you had a full day today so I wanted to be here to help you prepare for your meetings," she said, excitement filling her belly while she looked into his beautiful blue eyes as he stared at her.

  "Ok but I want you to go home at lunch. You look tired and I want you to be rested for what I have planned tonight," he said, leaning in to kiss her softly on the lips.

  "Oh, what do you have planned for us tonight?" she asked, feeling desire burning between her legs from the closeness of their bodies.

  "It's a surprise, so I can't tell you but I will tell you that you'll need to be prepared for our evening," he said whispering into her ear as he kissed her on the sensitive skin just below her ear.

  It sent delirious shivers down her back making her arch her back, waiting to be touched. He noticed her nipples hardening underneath her blouse and grinning said, "I'm going to be late if I touch you so I'm going back to my office to get ready for my first meeting." He walked back into his office and shut the door. She felt disappointment as her body burned with desire for his touch but she knew she had to wait since his first meeting was a roundtable with the heads of the most important unions so he would have to focus on what he needed to discuss.

  Alessia got up and went to prepare the meeting room with paper, pencils, water and documentation that had been selected for the meeting. While she was in the meeting room, her cell phone chimed telling her she received a text message.

  She went to see who contacted her and saw Alessandro sent her a message.

  Amore, did I tell you how much you turn me on when I look at you? Your glance has the power to make me weak in the knees and make my erection bulge in my pants. Looking forward to tonight when I can ravage your body again ....


  Feeling her cheeks flush, she brought her hands to her cheeks hoping that nobody would notice and she finished preparing the meeting room before returning to her desk.

  She crossed paths with Alessandro in the long corridor back to her office while he was with one of the other Ministers so she kept her eyes down and walked past, hoping not to blush again.

  Alessandro's meeting started with a 20-minute delay due to late arrivals but once everyone arrived, Alessia was free to go for a quick coffee knowing that they would be closed in the meeting room for the next three hours. She grabbed her handbag and took the elevator down to the ground floor before walking outside into the warm sunshine.

  Going to the corner coffee shop, she ordered an espresso and cornetto before sitting down at a table. She sat back and relaxed a moment knowing that she had time to make the arrangements for Alessandro's lunch meeting. She was eating her cornetto when her phone chimed again, telling her she received another text message. Looking at her phone she saw it was from Alessandro so thinking he may need something, she quickly drank the rest of her espresso and read the message.

  Darling, all I can think of right now is the taste of your wetness on my tongue and the softness of your skin when I'm making love to you. My erection is bulging through my pants! How will I survive this meeting?


  She grinned as she read the message a second time; surprised how she had the power to interest His Excellency. Her panties suddenly felt damp and she knew it was time for her to go back to the office before she embarrassed herself by wetting her skirt from the moisture building between her legs. She needed to change her panties before her moisture dripped down her legs and left a wet spot.

  Returning to her office, she unlocked the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a new pair of panties from the lot she'd bought her first day on the job when Alessandro kept the panties she'd put on that morning. Smiling at the thought of her first day, she stuck the panties into her handbag and locked the drawer before going to the ladies room to change.

  While she was in the ladies room, her phone chimed again. She had just taken off her soaking panties and was about to put on the clean ones when she saw it was a message from Alessandro - again!

  Tell me what you're doing right this very minute.

  Minister Medici-Visconti

  She noticed he signed it with his dominating name so she responded.

  Yes, Minister - I'm in the ladies room, changing my panties that are soaking wet because you keep texting me!


  She received another text message.

  Sit on the toilet cover with your legs wide open - completely exposed; shoes up on the door with your back against the wall. Then after opening your blouse, stick two fingers into your mouth and touch your nipples, making them harden with desire. I want you to feel the moisture between your legs dripping from the touch of your nipples.

  Minister Medici-Visconti

  She signed thinking of what he'd asked her to do and the embarrassment she'd feel if someone knew she was in the bathroom doing this but she submitted to his command. She replied simply:

  Yes, Minister.

  She did as he asked, lifting her skirt a little so she could sit with her legs spread open while she placed her shoes up against the door. Then after opening her blouse, she placed two fingers in her mouth and circled her nipples with her wet fingers. She instantly felt her wetness growing between her legs, making her desire grow quickly. She was dripping within seconds and as she was about to come, she realized that he hadn't given her permission to come so she took her phone and sent him a message.

  I'm dripping from desire. May I come, Minister?


  He quickly wrote back to her.

  Yes you may come and I want you to shout out your desire as it washes over you. I want to hear it from where I'm sitting.

  Minister Medici-Veronesi

  She responded.

  Yes Minister

  Her feet were slipping off the door so she readjusted herself before she wet her fingers again and continued to arouse herself, feeling h
er nipples. Her orgasm came quickly. At first she moaned softly, feeling self-conscious of being in a public bathroom but then as she was hit with the full strength of her desire, she let out a scream from deep inside her core that she didn't recognize. Her body shook with passion and perspired from the pleasure that came from within. Her legs were slowly sliding down the door again so she moved them back up and waited for her body to calm down before sending Alessandro another message.

  Her telephone chimed, so she picked it up to read the message she knew was from Alessandro.

  Very good - I heard your release from the meeting room and now you may go back to your desk. No panties. My meeting will be finished in less than 30 minutes and I want to see your exposed butt as soon as I return to my office.

  Minister Medici-Veronesi

  She waited a moment before responding and then as she stood up to fix her skirt, she sent him a confirmation message.

  Yes, Minister

  She wiped herself dry with the toilet paper and then walked out of the bathroom stall to wash her hands. A lady walked in as she was washing her hands and she did her best not to blush but she was sure that everyone on that floor heard her scream and she would have to do the walk of shame back to her desk; knowing that it was plastered all over her face that she'd just masturbated herself in the ladies bathroom.

  She was sitting at her desk moments later and as she opened up her emails, she found an email from Alessandro telling her what to do next. He asked her to wait for him on the chaise longue in his office. He indicated she should take off everything except for her heels and that she should be waiting with her legs hooked over the chaise longue armrests - exposed fully for him when he walked into his office.

  She sat back a moment and thought about it. What if he should walk in with someone else and find her in that state? What if someone else should arrive before him; not finding her at her desk, the person would walk into the Minister's office directly. That would be really embarrassing. All these thoughts passed quickly through her mind as she realized that nobody walked into the Minister's office unannounced and he wouldn't let anyone walk in knowing that she would be waiting for him in her exposed state.

  So she stood up and walked into the Minister's office, shutting the door behind her. Starting to undress, she started to feel excitement building knowing that he had only a few moments before his next meeting, so she wondered what he would do during those few moments. She lay on the chaise longue waiting as he asked and while she leaned her head back, she closed her eyes; trying to relax. She was so nervous that she didn't hear Alessandro walk in and when she opened her eyes, he was crouched down by her legs; gazing at her exposed area with a grin that sent her immediately over the edge. She felt her core burning for his touch and as she watched him take off his suit jacket and place it slowly over the back of a chair, she felt the juices of her wetness dripping down her backside.

  "You've been a good girl this morning; obeying every detail so in turn I'm going to award you in a special way," he said as he crouched down again and pulled her backside closer to him; exposing her folds more than before. Then he placed his mouth over her moisture and started to suck so hard that she was sure he drank her juices and left her dry but as he moved his mouth over her labia, excitement built up forming more moisture. Her skin started to glisten from the pure pleasure she felt throughout her body and as he moved his lips deeper inside; sucking as he drank, she felt the warmth of his lips inside her. She let out a deep growl from inside that made him stop to look up; breaking the touch, sending her into a withdrawal state that she didn't know how long she could resist. "You may come as you feel the need," he said.

  "Yes, Minister," she said.

  He placed his lips back on her folds and sucked more before pushing his tongue inside, feeling the spot that sent her immediately over the edge. She grabbed onto the side of the chaise as she arched her back and felt the wave take her breath away. He continued with his tongue until she felt a second wave crashing down so hard that she screamed out as her body trembled from the pleasure electrifying her veins. She was panting hard as he pulled away and sat back watching as she came back down from whatever universe she was floating on.

  He grinned before getting up and going into the bathroom to wash quickly. When he came back out, he looked at her still laying like a rag doll on the chaise long and kissed her on the forehead before saying, "I'm off to my next meeting. Take your time getting dressed and then go home for the afternoon. You'll need to rest up for what I have planned tonight." He smirked and then walked out, shutting the door behind him.

  She lifted her legs off the armrests and extended them down the chaise longue, crossing her ankles. The only thing she was wearing were her high-heeled shoes and as she lay with her head over the back of the chaise and her arms draped over the armrests, she felt like she'd run a marathon but in a good way. Smiling to herself, she shut her eyes a moment and enjoyed the moment knowing that nobody would interrupt her in the Minister's office.

  She lay in that relaxed state for quite a while until she decided it was time to get up, get dressed and go home to prepare for the evening. While she was pulling up her skirt, she realized that she didn't have a pair of panties and decided to be adventurous by not wearing any on her way home. After going into the Alessandro's private bathroom and making sure she was presentable again, she walked back to her desk to find an envelope with Alessandro's official seal on it. It was addressed to her so after putting on her coat and grabbing her handbag, she opened the envelope while she walked out. She was in the elevator on her way to the ground floor when she finally pulled out the hand-written note from Alessandro and read what it said.

  Tesoro, you'll find a key to my house inside this envelope. Please go directly to this address and you'll find another note waiting with instructions.


  Alessia suddenly felt her cheeks flush from the desire burning inside again. He gave her a key to his house and wanted her to go directly there. He was slowly opening himself up to her and letting her into his personal life. She realized that she obviously meant more to him then simply sex. The thought of being part of Alessandro's personal life sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach and before she had a chance to re-adjust to her new job, he was already giving her a key to his house. Their relationship was moving very quickly but for some reason, she felt safe with Alessandro and knew that he wouldn't do anything to harm her.

  She hopped on the subway and then took a bus to Alessandro's home address. She'd never been to his neighbourhood before but as soon as she stepped off the bus, she realized that she was worlds away from her home - literally and figuratively worlds away.

  She stood before the large gates and looked at the keys she had in her hand. One was a small key that appeared to open the pedestrian gate, opening into a large garden. She shut the gate door behind her and walked up the path to the large house. The house was beautiful and she could see from the outside that it had been there for centuries as the gardens boasted tall Mediterranean pine trees and a well-tended rose garden.

  Smiling as she walked up the steps to the front door, she slipped the key into the door and turned it until the door clicked open. She pushed the heavy metallic door and stood in the entrance a moment while her mouth lay open. The house had high ceilings and large windows, beautifully decorated with antique furniture. Closing the door behind her, she stepped through the foyer and found an envelope with her name on the large round table in the middle of the room. The envelope leaned against a large vase holding long stemmed red roses and as she stepped closer to pick up the envelope, she noticed there was a blue velvet box behind the envelope.

  Turning the envelope over, she noticed Alessandro's wax seal on the back and felt excitement building in her belly. So she opened the envelope carefully, wanting to keep the wax seal as a momento of their time together, knowing that it would end sometime in the future. She pulled out the note and read what it said. She grinned when she s
aw his handwriting and gently running a finger over the writing, she smiled and started to read the note.

  Darling, I've made arrangements for a special night tonight and I've taken the liberty to have a stylist pass by around 18:00 to do your hair. Wander through the house as you desire and make yourself comfortable in my room where you'll find something new to wear tonight on my bed. On the table in the foyer, you will find a special gift that I'd like to see you wear tonight with the gown I've chosen. When you've wandered through the house and made your way upstairs to my bedroom, you will find another note with my instructions.


  Alessia opened the blue velvet box and saw the most beautiful necklace she'd ever seen. It was white gold with diamonds all around. She put her fingers over the necklace a moment, feeling the elaborate workmanship of the jeweller’s design before taking it out of the box and walking over to the oval mirror in the foyer to see it around her neck. She held it up against her neck and felt butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she saw how it sparkled under the chandelier lighting.

  She placed the necklace back in the box and put the velvet box in her handbag with the handwritten note before wandering through the other rooms on the ground floor of Alessandro's house. There were numerous rooms and each had extremely high ceilings. Some ceilings ad fresco paintings, where Alessia lost herself in their beauty and her own thoughts. She walked through the library, two parlour rooms, dining room, kitchen and two bathrooms. Each room opened up onto the garden, which was extensive and beautifully maintained. The kitchen and parlour rooms opened up to a large terraced patio. The terrace had a long table with 12 chairs at one end and comfortable sofas at the other end, where she sat a moment to enjoy the sunshine.

  She went back inside after and then followed the large open staircase up to the second floor where she found a couple of guestrooms with on-suite bathrooms and walk-in closets before she found the master suite. It was more than a master suite - it was a suite of rooms beginning with a comfortable living area. Then there was his study where she found his paper and seal on his antique desk and then his bedroom, which was not what she expected. His bedroom was simple with a bed, two night tables with bed lamps, a chest of drawers and a four-poster bed in the middle of the room. She expected something more elaborate, antique or more fitting with the rest of the house but his bedroom left her speechless.


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