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Scandal Page 18

by Grace Kagni

  She arrived at her apartment and walked up the steps in a daze. Her legs seemed to move but she didn't seem to feel anything. As soon as she put her key in the door and went inside, she leaned against the back of the door and slumped down feeling her world collapsing around her.

  She laid down on the floor and stayed there for a long time until she pulled herself up with great effort, not having much strength to move and locked the door before going to her bedroom. She threw herself onto her bed, face down and cried softly until there were no more tears. She must have dozed off to sleep at one point and woke up by pounding on the door.

  "Alessia! Please open the door."

  She knew it was Alessandro but at the moment, she couldn't face him. She needed distance and time to understand what happened and what she should do. She was so confused that she didn't trust her feelings and so she laid on the bed while he continued to pound on the door.

  "Please let me in - I need to explain to you what happened. Please don't listen to what they're saying on the television. It didn't happen the way the news is reporting it."

  He stayed quite a long time talking to her through the door but she resisted the temptation to let him in and after a while, he said he was going but he'd be back because he needed to talk to her. He said she needed to trust him when he said that he didn't do anything wrong. That was something that she couldn't do right now - trust him. She realized that she needed to get away before she went crazy so as soon as he left, she unpacked the bag she'd brought from Alessandro's house and packed it with casual clothing. She needed to go up into the mountains - somewhere quiet where she'd be left alone to think things over. She went on the Internet and booked an apartment for a week, arriving the next day. If a week wasn't enough time, she'd extend the rental for longer when the week was up.

  She called a taxi and got into the back seat moments later as it took her to the Termini train station. She decided she would go up to the Italian Dolomites for as long as it took for her to clear her mind.

  When she got to the train station, she purchased a ticket to Bressanone where she knew she'd be in peace for as long as she needed. Since the train was already waiting on the track, she got on and went straight to her night cabin to lie down. She'd purchased a private cabin for the trip since she'd be travelling by night, giving her the privacy she needed. She really didn't feel like speaking to anybody at this time so she turned off the light and laid down on the pull out bed.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alessandro got home feeling completely drained and lonely. He needed a night sleep before returning to Alessia's apartment to talk to her. He set his alarm bright and early the next day, wanting to clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible.

  He had a sleepless night and got up before his alarm rang to have a shower. He dressed in jeans and a sweater and then left the house for Alessia's. He asked his guards to stop at the florist on his way to buy a large bouquet of red roses for Alessia, knowing that it wouldn't be enough but it would be a start.

  By the time he arrived at Alessia's apartment, he was confident that he'd be able to talk her into letting him in and clearing up the issue. She loved him and he was sure that after a good nights' sleep, she would see he had nothing to do with what the media was saying about him. He was innocent and the truth would come out in the end.

  He waked up the steps to her apartment and knocked quietly on the door, not wanting to wake up the rest of the building since it was really early in the morning. When there was no answer, he knocked again and waited as he started to have a sinking feeling that she wasn't going to open the door.

  Alessandro took out his telephone and called her cell phone which rung insistently since she didn't answer but what he thought was strange was that in a completely silent building, he didn't hear her cell phone ringing from outside her door. Maybe she put it on silent to sleep. Believing that to be the reason, he decided to leave and come back just after lunch to make peace with her.

  * * * * * *

  Alessia awoke the next day at the sound of her alarm and as she lifted the blinds, she saw the Dolomites in the background giving her a sense of peace. She stretched and yawned while she stood up to close the bed and grabbed her beauty case to wash in the private bathroom.

  Within 20 minutes she was washed and dressed, walking down the long corridor to the bar cabin to have breakfast. She sat at a table by the window while she looked at the menu. After ordering an espresso and a cornetto, she gazed at the beauty that surrounded the train and was happy that she'd made the decision to escape for a week. She really needed to think things over and decide on her future with Alessandro. The distance would give her time to think about what was happening and what it all meant to her - to their relationship.

  The waiter brought her breakfast and asked if she wanted something to read while she had breakfast. He brought her a couple of newspapers and a couple of magazines, not knowing exactly what she'd be interested in reading; leaving them on the table while she enjoyed her breakfast.

  The headline on the newspaper caught her attention: ITALIAN MINISTERS ACCUSED OF HAVING SEX WITH UNDER-AGED GIRLS AT A "BUNGA-BUNGA" PARTY! She couldn't keep her eyes away from the headline and after a few moments pretending that she didn't care, she picked up the newspaper and started to read. It said that a number of Italian Ministers we brought in for questioning after the local authorities received an anonymous call, passing on this information.

  She felt her breakfast come up and threw the newspaper down on the table, not wanting to read any more. She was so disgusted by what had happened that she didn't even have the stomach to read about it.

  She paid for her breakfast and went back to her cabin to wait for the train to pull into the Bolzano train station. She sat in her cabin, gazing out the window in a state of semi-shock, when her cell phone chimed telling her she received a text message. She knew it would be from Alessandro and after deciding to ignore it the first few minutes, temptation got the better of her and she read what he'd sent.

  Darling, I'm sorry that I haven't been able to speak to you to explain but I would like to do that in person. I've come by twice to your apartment but you didn't answer. I hope you were sleeping and didn't hear me at the door rather than not wanting to speak to me. I urgently need to clear this matter up with you but in the meantime; please - please believe me when I tell you that I didn't do anything improper. I'm sorry I've caused you so much pain but I hope to make it up to you!

  With all my love, Alessandro

  She read the message twice before deciding to respond to his message.

  I've gone away because I need time to clear my head and think things through, so please respect my wishes and don't contact me.


  Her phone chimed again two minutes later.

  My heart is breaking not being able to see you and tell you that I didn't do what I've been accused. Please believe me when I tell you that I'd never do what they said nor would I betray your trust. You mean the world to me!

  She wrote back to him immediately after with a three simple words.

  I need time!

  Two minutes later her phone chimed again.

  I understand and will respect your wishes. I'll wait for you to contact me!

  With my deepest and most sincere affection,


  She turned off her phone not wanting to have any contact with the rest of the world as the train was pulling into the Bolzano train station. She took her bag and stepped off the train; then looked for the bus station to take her to Bressanone. The bus station was just outside the train station so she walked the short distance outside but the wind was howling as the cold weather hit her unexpectedly. She knew it would be cold in the Dolomites but didn't expect it to be this cold so she pulled out her scarf from her handbag and wrapped it tightly around her neck to ward off the cold wind and walked the rest of the way to the bus station.

  The bus for Bressanone was not there yet so she sat on t
he bench by the stop waiting. Her toes started to go numb after a while since she'd worn tennis shoes but luckily the bus arrived not long after, so she got on and took a seat in the warmth of the heated bus. She slowly regained feeling in her toes and decided the first thing she needed to do was buy a pair of boots and a warm coat. As Alessia looked out the window, an older woman sat down beside her, smiling. The woman was dressed in woollen clothing and as she looked at Alessia, she said something in German that Alessia didn't understand.

  "Mi dispiace ma non capisco il tedesco," Alessia said. I'm sorry but I don't understand German.

  The woman smiled and then said in Italian with a heavy German accent, "You're not from here, are you?"

  "No, I'm from Rome."

  "You'll have to wear heavier clothing or you'll be sick in bed within 24 hours," she said warmly.

  "I didn't expect the weather to be so cold here," Alessia said.

  "It will get much colder during the week so remember to dress warmer," she said to Alessia.

  "Grazie per il consiglio," Alessia said. Thank you for the advice.

  "I have five grandchildren about your age so I know how much you kids like to be out and about but the weather here can be really bad so I just felt the need to let you know," the woman said.

  "Thank you," Alessia said smiling.

  The trip to Bressanone passed quickly while she talked with the older woman. When they arrived in the centre of Bressanone, the woman showed Alessia where her house was located in the square and invited her for coffee while she was in Bressanone.

  Alessia thanked the woman and told her she may call on her one morning for coffee then she turned in the direction of the apartment she'd rented for the week. A lady was waiting for her when she arrived and they went up the apartment. It was located on the fourth floor of an 18th Century building, without an elevator. Alessia pulled her suitcase up the narrow steps until they got to the fourth floor. The lady put the key in the door and then stepped aside to let Alessia enter first. As soon as Alessia walked in, she felt at home. The apartment was small but it was really cosy. It had one bedroom with a double bed, a living room fully equipped with everything she'd need, a tiny kitchen in a corner of the living room with a dishwasher and a small bathroom with a shower. Alessia started to relax as she looked around and knew it was exactly what she needed. The apartment was decorated with a burgundy motive throughout which Alessia believed was an elegant but cosy atmosphere.

  The lady showed Alessia where the electrical panel was in the event the power went out and then after Alessia paid for the apartment in cash, the lady left.

  Alessia was on her own in the beautiful apartment in Bressanone and as she sat down on the sofa a moment, she looked around and thought about how her life had changed in the last few hours.

  She brought her bag into the bedroom and started to unpack which took her only 10 minutes because she'd brought very little clothing. Then she realized that she was hungry and there was no food so she took the house keys and went out to do a little shopping. The lady had mentioned there was a grocery store not far from the apartment so as she stepped out onto the street, she looked around and noticed the shop from where she was standing, so she started to walk in that direction.

  Passing a newsstand, she glanced at the newspapers that were laid out for people to buy and noticed the headlines: LATEST SCANDAL BY POLITICIANS - SEX WITH MINORS. WHAT NEXT?

  Alessia's heart ached thinking about what happened and she couldn't believe that Alessandro was involved in such an act but she needed time to think things through and clear her head.

  The sky was cloudy and the wind picked up, making it colder than when she arrived earlier so she stopped at the sports shop on her way to do the groceries to get a winter jacket. She picked a half-length black down-filled coat with hood that would keep her warm and a pair of winter hiking boots.

  Wearing her new coat and boots, she walked out of the shop and into the grocery store to purchase what she needed for the day. She preferred to buy what she needed daily, giving her an excuse to get out of the house. After she paid for her groceries, she walked out and was walking toward her building when she saw the old woman she'd travelled with on the bus. The old woman greeted her as she swept the sidewalk by her door.

  Alessia waved at her as she passed and promised to stop for a coffee one day during the week. When Alessia finally made it up the flight of steps to the fourth floor, she was relieved to put the key in the door and step inside the warm apartment.

  Taking off her new coat and boots, she immediately went to put the groceries away and then pulled out a book. She decided she would enjoy her time alone reading and sightseeing - something she normally didn't have much free time to dedicate.

  It was lunchtime when Alessia felt her stomach grumble and so she went to the kitchen to make herself something to eat. She was making a tomato sauce for pasta when her phone chimed telling her she received a text message.

  She really didn't want to be bothered by anyone but since it could be the senior's home trying to contact her about her dad, she went to see. There was a message from Alessandro. She put the phone down on the table, not wanting to read his message and went back to making the sauce. She boiled some spaghetti and when everything was ready, she went to sit at the table with her plate of pasta and a glass of red wine. Seeing the phone next to her on the table, she picked it up again and opened Alessandro's message.

  I know I promised not to contact you but I can't bear the thought of not knowing if you're ok. I'm not asking you to tell me where you are but simply that you arrived safely. Please let me know if you're ok.


  She smiled when she saw his message and thought to herself that the whole story didn't make any sense to her. How could Alessandro have had sex with under-aged girls - or any woman for that matter! He was so attentive to her and so loving that it confused her more than anything.

  She text him back that she was fine and then she turned the phone off to eat in peace and quiet. She ate her pasta, enjoying the wine as she ate and after washing up the dishes, she suddenly felt sleepy so she went to lie on the bed to take a nap - moments later, she fell asleep.

  * * * * * *

  Alessandro read Alessia's text message saying that she was ok and he felt a little better knowing that she arrived safely. The distance and not knowing where she was or what she was doing, was literally stressing him. He started to feel slight pains in his chest again but they seemed to subside with the medication the doctor had prescribed.

  He sat in his office in Rome and called HR to ask for a temporary assistant to be sent down immediately. He didn't say that Alessia had taken leave but simply said she'd be away for a few days.

  Within 30 minutes, a middle-aged woman appeared at his door informing him that she was his temporary assistant. Her name was Vittoria and that she'd be at her desk if he needed her.

  He watched as she shut his door and thought about what he needed. He needed Alessia to be with him, to help him get through the investigation that would reveal his innocence in the end. He needed the warmth of her body, the compassion of her heart and the strength of her independence to help him through it but she wasn't there! She somehow slipped through his hands and she needed time to think things through. He understood her confusion and understood her need to get away as long as she didn't stay away too long and that she'd come back to him in the end. His heart ached thinking about her now, not knowing if she was well or not, not being able to comfort her fears. It was killing him.

  He pulled out a folder from his drawer and started to read his statement to the police to see if he'd missed anything that could help prove his innocence. The entire thing revolted him but there was nothing he could do about it because it happened. Fate had dealt him the wrong hand. He should have gone home to Alessia as he'd wanted rather than share in the criminal actions that took place that evening. He hoped someone would be punished for what they did because the girls were under-aged and no m
atter how much lust a man had for a woman, he needed to control it when it was inappropriate.

  A chill ran down his spine thinking that if it had not been for his love for Alessia, he could have fallen in the same lust that many of his colleagues had fallen that night. This proved to him that Alessia was his future - she had to be and he hoped that with time, he'd regain her trust again when his innocence would be revealed.

  He put the police report away and got back to work. Regardless of the investigation, he was still a Minister in the Italian Government and needed to concentrate on his work. He decided he would dedicate every free moment to his work until Alessia walked back into his life.

  He called Vittoria and got straight to work giving her instructions to reschedule meetings he'd missed. His day went really quickly making calls and sending messages. He'd written a number of personal letters and gave them to Vittoria in sealed envelopes to be dispatched. She looked at the closed envelopes but never said a word and did as she was asked.

  It was past 19:00 when he sent Vittoria home, telling her there was no need for her to stay later and then he called his guards to inform them he'd be leaving within the next 30 minutes.

  When he arrived home, the silence in his house was deafening and he looked at his cell phone a moment wondering whether he should send Alessia a message or not. He'd promised to leave her in peace but he realized that he needed to know she was ok, so he quickly wrote a short note asking how her day had been and pushed send.

  * * * * * *

  Alessia walked back into the apartment after having spent the day sightseeing. She visited the nearby town Vipiteno, enjoying the beauty of the Dolomites. The warmth of the apartment warmed her cold cheeks as she pulled off her coat and untied her boots. She'd stopped at a nearby Chinese restaurant to get take away and was pulling out a plate when her phone chimed.

  Hearing her stomach growling she ignored the message for about five minutes and then temptation got the better of her. She saw it was a message from Alessandro, so she read what he wrote. She stared at the small screen as she reread what he wrote and then decided to respond, writing simply that she'd had a good day. She pushed send and shut off her phone, not wanting to be disturbed again. She'd told him she needed time and not to contact her but obviously, he wasn't able to stay away. A message was harmless; although she would have preferred being left alone.


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