Burning Ash

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Burning Ash Page 17

by N. J. Walters

  Good luck with that. But it wasn’t her problem. She had more pressing ones. Namely who wanted her dead badly enough to pay.

  “Anything else?” She was itching to get out of here. “Why don’t we take the laptop and head out?”

  “Excellent idea.” Asher tucked the computer under his arm. “As pleasant as this visit has been, I hope I do not have to return.”

  Bernard stood and placed his hand on Stanley’s shoulder. It was a bit of a shock to realize how much bigger the younger vampire was in comparison. “While I hope you have no reason to come back here for work, you are welcome anytime. You and your hunter.”

  Asher gave him a curt nod. “Stanley, keep your nose clean and your skills sharp. Discipline your mind and body. I’ll be in touch.”

  The younger vamp almost swooned on the spot. Bernard was not as pleased. “Poaching my children?”

  “No. Not yet, at any rate. But he’s strong. More than either of you realizes. Watch him. Take good care of him.” There was a wealth of warning in that last statement.

  Bernard gave a quick nod. “I will do that.”

  She was more than ready to leave the apartment behind. It was only when they hit the street that she finally took a breath and let the cool air wash over her. Asher slung his free arm around her, the weight of his arm making the leather of her coat creak. “You were amazing up there.”

  “I was scared shitless,” she corrected. “Let’s not do that again.” That much fear-induced adrenaline and sweat couldn’t be good for a body.

  “But you never wavered. That, my sweet, is courage.” He dropped a quick kiss on her lips that shot up her core temperature. “You’re hungry. Let’s get something to eat.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Why are we here and not at your place?” Not that she was complaining. Not when she was tucking into scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. She could eat breakfast for every meal of the day and often did. It was easy and quick to prepare. And hello? Bacon.

  “Three reasons.” He held up one finger. “Not enough fresh food at home.” Asher raised a second finger. “Second, if I take you home, we’re going to end up in bed.”

  “Presuming a lot, aren’t you?” she asked, even as every molecule of her body sat up and cheered at the prospect.

  “No. You want me.” Said with complete confidence. He wasn’t wrong, and he’d catch all the little signs most men would miss—the dilated pupils, flushed skin, and the scent of her arousal whenever they were alone.

  “And I want you.” The heat in his brown eyes was enough to set the diner on fire.

  She cleared her throat and took a sip of freshly squeezed orange juice, but her voice was still husky when she asked, “And the third?”

  He raised one more finger to bring the total to three. “I’m not waiting to get back into this laptop. I want to see if I can backtrack and find whoever compromised the website, but I’m not working with Stanley watching. That kid is already light-years ahead of about ninety-nine percent of the population.”

  “He’s that good?”

  “Mmm.” He chomped down on a piece of bacon and chewed. It was still weird to see a vampire actually eat. “If Bernard hadn’t changed him, he’d have invented something revolutionary and be a multimillionaire by now.”

  “That’s sad.” And unfair.

  “Maybe. We don’t know his story, what his life was like before. He might be dead if Bernard hadn’t come across him.”

  There was that. Her life, which had been black and white, was suddenly all shades of gray.

  “There’s actually a fourth reason,” he continued.

  “What’s that?” She sipped the hot coffee, feeling sharper now with food and caffeine in her. They’d had a very busy night and it wasn’t over yet.

  “Someone’s been watching us. I want the chance to confront them.” His tone was pleasant enough, but the corners of his mouth tightened, his nostrils flared, and his eyes narrowed, as though he was already stalking his prey.

  “You want to flush them out.” While she agreed with him in theory, whoever it was gave off a nasty vibe.

  “I’d rather have my opponent in front of me than skulking in the shadows.”

  “I get it. I do.” She spun her mug on the table, careful not to spill any of the liquid. “Do you think it’s related to the email and all the rest?”

  “It should be.” He shook his head. “It feels different. I don’t know how else to explain it.”

  “Instinct.” She gave a nod of understanding. “It’s kept me alive more than once. I hate waiting for the other shoe to drop, you know? If there’s a target, I can track and destroy it. So much of this is hidden.”

  “We’ll get to the bottom of it.” He reached across the table and took her hand in his. His grip was firm, using just enough pressure to reassure but not hurt. He always tempered his strength with her.

  “I know.” She only hoped she was still alive at the end. “So back to the computer and the bounty. What have you learned?”

  Seated in the far corner of an almost empty restaurant, they had a full view of the place. There were only a couple other tables with people, none of whom were paying them the least attention. The crowd would pick up as the sun rose, but for now it was quiet.

  “That’s where it gets interesting.” He shoved his plate aside and opened the laptop. “The information was sent by email only to Harrison. The others were recruited by him. The email is—”

  She held up her hand. “Let me guess. Anonymous sender.”

  “Yes.” His fingers flew over the keyboard. “Even worse, the email Harrison received was routed through the Brotherhood website. I was able to track the message back that far before I ran into a dead end shortly after. Whoever is behind this is basically giving me the finger. It’s pissing me off.”

  “Whatever is going on has more twists and turns than any labyrinth. None of it makes any sense.” She knocked back what was left of her coffee. “Why Harrison?”

  “He was unstable due to turning his friend.”

  “Who would know that?”

  “None at the house knew he’d turned another. They were not lying.”

  “That’s a dead end, then.” The only ones who might have been able to tell them more had perished during the fight.

  “For now,” he conceded.

  “What we know for sure is someone wants us to be together.” She held up one finger, mimicking what he’d done moments before. “A bounty has been put out on me.” A second finger joined the first. “The contract was offered via anonymous email, just like the ones we’ve both received.” A third finger joined the others.


  “That’s not a whole lot to go on.” She propped her elbows on the table, physically and mentally exhausted. Asher looked as fresh as he had when they’d left his home hours before. Even more, he seemed energized by the work he was doing. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  He fingers froze in midair, and the soft clattering of the keyboard stopped. “Not like you mean. This all gets me closer to figuring out who is behind this. That, I am looking forward to.” He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “They made a mistake when they targeted you.”

  He could have walked away at any time. Left her to fend for herself while he investigated. Would have been easier for him. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” When he rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip, she barely swallowed back a moan. Her nipples were pressed against the cups of her bra. She fought the urge to squirm. Not appropriate for the setting or the topic under discussion.

  “Wanting to keep me safe.” No one had. Not since her parents had died.

  “Make no mistake.” Before her eyes, he became the feared member of the Forgotten. “I will protect you.”

  “I’ve got your back,” she promised. “You’re the real ta
rget here. Or Maccus is.”

  “Possibly the entire Brotherhood,” Asher whispered. He went back to the computer, working quickly.

  Who would take them on? Someone crazy. Or very powerful. Neither of which was reassuring. “What are you doing? I thought you had all the information you needed.”

  “Setting up a trap of my own. If someone else tries to access the website, I’ll get an alert.”

  “You’re not just another pretty face,” she quipped.

  The grin he flashed her was filled with sensual promise. “I’ve told you before—”

  “You’re special. Right.” She couldn’t help laughing. Her life had turned upside down over the past few days.

  Asher had changed her worldview. Since the death of her parents, vengeance had been her driving force. But in all that time, she’d barely scratched the surface of vampires, had no idea they had a society with rules and a governing body to police them.

  Was it possible to give up hunting and have a normal life?

  “I can practically hear your thoughts humming.”

  “Sorry if I’m keeping you from working.” She moved the last of her eggs around with her fork, her appetite gone.

  He lowered the lid of the laptop. “What’s on your mind?”

  She shrugged and set her fork down on the side of her plate. “I thought I knew all there was to know about vamps. They killed innocent people. I hunted them. End of story.” When she realized she was shredding her napkin, she tossed it aside.

  “Is that such a bad thing to learn you were mistaken?” His tone was low and gentle, as though he understood just how difficult this was for her. And he, more than anyone, would. After all, he’d lost his entire family in the same way she had. She wasn’t a woman who looked to a man for comfort, but right now she wanted to crawl over the table and curl up in his lap.

  God, I’m tired.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. We should get going.” Until the threat to her was neutralized, none of this mattered.

  Without a word, Asher rose and placed another of those fifty-dollar bills on the table, gathered up the laptop under one arm, and waved at her to lead the way.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll figure things out. My money is on you.”

  She wasn’t so sure.


  Three days and nights passed, and nothing happened. Jo spent much of her time pacing the apartment like a caged tiger waiting for the door to open so she could attack. Only three things made her stop: TV, sleep, and sex.

  He was used to waiting, had cultivated patience over the course of his life. Any hunter had to if they hoped to be successful. But it was a different story when you were the prey.

  “I don’t get it.” Curled up next to him on the couch with her bare feet tucked under her, she helped herself to a handful of buttered popcorn from the bowl nestled between them and used her free hand to point at the screen.

  “Don’t get what?” On the screen, two stylishly dressed women—one blond, the other brunette—sat at a table in a swanky restaurant yelling at each other. “Wait for it,” he told Jo.

  The blond stood, gripped the edge of the table, and tipped it in dramatic fashion.

  “Yes!” He helped himself to more popcorn. He wasn’t a huge fan of the snack food, but she liked it. Personally, if he was going to eat, he wanted more than empty air covered in salt and butter. Now potato chips were something he could sink his teeth into.

  “Really? You like watching this stuff?”

  “What’s not to love? It’s got drama and sex and…” He ground to a halt.

  “And what? Women with hot bodies doing their best to showcase that while they have a cat fight?”

  “There’s love and passion.” And hot women.

  “Passion?” She moved the bowl onto the coffee table before swinging one leg over him so she straddled his lap. “You want passion?”

  “Gods yes.” Having her with him, having this time together, was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He ran his hands up her spine and leaned forward, biting at her bottom lip. When she moaned, he delved inside and tasted the sweetness of Jo, the richness and saltiness of the butter.

  Popcorn was his new favorite food.

  Her tongue tangled with his, giving and taking, challenging him. He clasped her head in his hands, loving the way she scooted forward until her breasts were plastered against his chest. Her mound pressed against his erection, making his eyes roll back in his head. No matter how many times he had her, it would never be enough.

  Arousal bloomed, perfuming the air.

  The program was still playing on the television, but Jo’s breathy moans and sighs blocked out all other sound. He tilted her head to one side to get a better angle. Tongues dueled. Teeth clinked as desperation seized them both.

  Needing to be closer, he shoved his hands under her shirt, letting the heat from her skin sink into his palms. She was his miracle. The centuries of being alone—set apart because of his job—of doing everything he could to stay sane and survive, had all been worth it since they’d brought him to this moment with this special woman.

  Someone wanted her dead.

  They’ll have to kill me first.

  Everything he was, every skill he possessed, he’d use to protect her.

  Not that she thought she needed it. Even with passion swamping him, he smiled. Jo was tough on the outside, skilled and courageous, but there was a sweet center at her core. Even after everything she’d been through, she had a heart.

  She’d temporarily moved in with him. He hoped to make it permanent when this was all over. They’d gone by her apartment long enough for her to pack a bag with clothes, weapons, and some of her more personal belongings—a journal she’d kept of her hunts, a couple of rare books, and the picture of her parents.

  Not much when it came down to it.

  He envied her the picture. It had been centuries since he could bring the image of his brothers and father to mind. Strangely enough, his mother was vivid in his memory. But they’d been closer. She’d been the only one to truly love him.

  And I couldn’t save her.

  He wouldn’t fail this time.

  He wanted to give Jo the world. Not like he couldn’t afford it. But what she needed money couldn’t buy. She wouldn’t be free until he could figure out who was behind the contract on her life.

  There wasn’t much they could do until that person made the next move, but he could think of plenty of ways to pass the time.

  Her top was in his way, so he whipped it over her head.

  She laughed and batted her thick eyelashes at him. “In a hurry?” His hunter had a playful side. It didn’t come out often and was all the more precious for it.

  “You have no idea.” Leaning forward, he flicked one of her nipples through her thin cotton bra. It was erect and straining against the material.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair, her moan of pleasure making his balls constrict. “Oh, I think I do.” She rocked her hips, rubbing herself against him.

  The woman was torturing him.

  Two could play that game.

  He undid the hooks of her bra and pulled it away, leaving her bare from the waist up. With her short pixie haircut and bicolored eyes, she was the personification of a sexy fairy. But at heart, she was a warrior queen. Her facial features were strong—high cheekbones, straight nose, and firm jaw. Her body was long and lean, able to fight fiercely.

  She made love in the same way, holding nothing back, at least not physically.

  A part of herself she kept from him. He understood but wanted to break through the walls that surrounded her heart.

  Bending down, he took one pert nipple in his mouth and sucked.

  “I love your mouth on me.” She grabbed handfuls of the fabric of his shirt and gave a hard jerk. Buttons went flyin
g and material ripped. “Is that enough like your real housewives?”

  He laughed and slanted his mouth over hers. Her lips were sweeter than blood, more necessary to him for survival. Her nails raked his chest. When he finally pulled back, they were both breathless. Her skin was flushed a pretty pink, and the veins in her neck pulsed.

  A low growl rose up inside him.

  No! That was one hunger he couldn’t sate, but he could satisfy another.

  He flipped her onto the couch and removed her jeans and underwear. Fully dressed, she was a formidable woman. Naked, she was a goddess.

  He stripped in a heartbeat and sprawled over her, supporting his weight on his forearms.

  “Perfectly good bed down the hall,” she reminded him.

  “Too far.” No way would he make it, even with his preternatural speed. He couldn’t stop touching her.

  He left a trail of kisses along her jaw before working down her neck. Her shoulders hunched slightly. They both tensed but said nothing, pretending it didn’t happen. As much as she wanted to trust him, there were moments like this, small reminders that it wasn’t always the case.

  His chest ached, but he didn’t blame her. He was the antithesis of every belief she’d held for so long—that his kind were monsters to be killed, not lovers. That she was here at all, letting him touch her, was a precious gift.

  He dragged his tongue over her collarbone, tasting the saltiness of her skin before nuzzling her breasts. They were plump and firm, ripe for the picking. Taking his time, he licked and suckled, doing his best to forget the way she’d flinched.

  She dragged her nails over his scalp in a sensual caress, hitting a particularly sensitive spot.

  Goose bumps rose on his skin and he groaned.

  He kissed a path down her slender torso and over her stomach, stopping long enough to nibble on her hipbones before finally settling between her legs. “I love the way you taste.”

  Her cheeks flushed a pale pink that never failed to fascinate him. Jo was brash most of the time, self-assured, but every now and then a vulnerable side would be exposed.


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