The Hot Daddy Box Set

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The Hot Daddy Box Set Page 21

by Lexi Wilson

  That night, we shared a simple dinner and chatted about the best way to move things. Daniel pointed out that he could easily hire a moving company, and I agreed, but I still wanted to pack my own things. After that, I’d given Sasha a bath, fed her, and put her down for bed.

  She fell asleep quickly. I’d lingered in there, watching her, and thinking about how much I’d grown to love the little baby in such a short time.

  After a couple of minutes, I stepped out and headed toward the bedroom. Weariness had seeped into my bones, a result of the previous day of emotional distress and my sleepless night.

  I stepped into the bedroom. Daniel sat in the bed, checking something on his phone while wearing nothing but his sweats, revealing his muscular body.

  I licked my lips at the sight. Sex had been the last thing on my mind the night before, but now that everything was settled between us, warmth seeped into my center, and I grew slick with need.

  Heading over to the bed, I sat on the edge. “Looks like Sasha’s down for the count. Probably a lot more than thirty minutes, maybe even a few hours.”

  Daniel put down his phone and smiled. “That’s good. You should have seen her last night.”

  “What happened?”

  “She didn’t want to sleep. I think she was pissed you weren’t here. Oh wait, that was me. Seriously, it was both of us, and she was irritable.”

  A comfortable warmth passed through me at the idea. It was good to know that the baby loved me as much as I loved her.

  I laughed softly. “You must be exhausted.”

  “Yeah, I guess I am pretty tired.”

  “I am, too.”

  A thin smile appeared on Daniel’s face. “Does that mean you want to go straight to bed?”

  I nibbled on my lip and then shook my head. “No, that’s not what I had in mind.”

  “Oh?” Daniel said, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Then what, should we spend some time catching up on emails?”

  I groaned. “That’s definitely not what I hand in mind.”

  “Enlighten me then. I’m so exhausted, I may be missing the obvious.” The grin never left his face.

  Was he going to make me beg?

  “Well, if you’re so exhausted, maybe I could do all the work,” I said and winked. “That way you don’t have to worry about anything, and you don’t have to strain your tired muscles.”

  Daniel set his phone down on the nightstand. “That sounds promising.”

  I was already in nothing but a T-shirt and yoga pants, and I had those off in seconds.

  He arched a brow, “Eager, are we?”

  The tenting in his sweatpants proved that he was just as eager as I was. He pulled them off, freeing his rigid cock. Apparently, both of our bodies had missed each other.

  I straddled Daniel, his throbbing cock rubbing against my aching and hot center. I wrapped my arms around his neck and plastered my mouth on his, hungry to reclaim what I’d missed the night before.

  My tongue probed his mouth, licking, tasting, enjoying. He pulled my body flush against his, crushing my breasts against his hard chest.

  His hands explored my sides until they reached my ass. He gave my cheeks a good squeeze, and I moaned into his mouth at the contact.

  After a glorious eternity, Daniel yanked his mouth away from mine. “I think I was promised something more than just kissing. Or was that all just talk?”

  My insides twitched at his words, and my center had already grown slick with need.

  “No, I need you to be inside me,” I said softly, my lips swollen from his kissing.


  I lifted my body, my wet and hot pussy hovering over his erect cock. I took a deep breath and then slowly lowered myself, taking his tip into me.

  A moan escaped, and then I took the time to slide down him, enjoying the feel of him spreading me, inch by inch.

  Daniel grunted and shoved up. I gasped and dropped my body, taking his entire shaft into me.

  I took several deep breaths, reveling in the fullness I felt. I braced myself on either side and then moved up slowly and leisurely before pushing myself back down. His cock throbbed inside me, and pleasure spread from my center.

  I braced myself on either side as I sped up. Daniel reached up and grasped my breasts, kneading and tweaking them. The wonderful sensation joined with the rest of the warmth of my body as I increased my pace.

  The man underneath me let out quiet grunts as I bounced on top of him. As I rode him, he pushed up in time with my movement, sending his cock deep inside me. Each push summoned a jolt of pleasure that threatened to send me over the top.

  I slid up and down his thick rod even faster. Daniel dropped his hands to his sides with a loud grunt. Now my breasts bounced freely, and I missed his touch.

  I leaned over, enjoying the friction of his cock sliding inside my tight pussy. The waves of pleasure mixed and built, and I knew I’d come soon.

  My breathing turned into nothing more than ragged pants. Daniel’s grunts matched my movement.

  “So close,” Daniel said, between grunts.

  I took that as an invitation to speed up even more. Each bounce now shoved his cock so deep inside me, he hit my cervix. The pleasure consumed the small jolt of pain, but I’d probably still be sore tomorrow.

  Not that I cared. It was a small price to pay for how good I felt. My muscles twitched in anticipation of my orgasm.

  More, more, more. I needed more. More of the pleasure and more of his cock. The incredible pressure would spill over any second.

  My back arched, and I cried out my release, the climax shooting through every part of my body. Daniel shouted his own release, as his dick swelled and coated my insides with his hot cum. My muscles tightened around him, doing their best to milk his seed.

  Collapsing beside Daniel, I let out a long sigh.

  “There, you didn’t have to do any work,” I murmured.

  Daniel chuckled and rolled onto his side to kiss my forehead. “I decided I can do a little work,” his hand snaked out to squeeze my breast. I moaned at the contact.

  “Again?” I said.

  “I’ll do all the work this time. Might as well take our chance when we have it.” He kissed me lightly on the lips. “Besides, I want to show you how much I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  As his hands started to explore my body, I could only think about how perfect everything was. Now that we’d been honest with each other about our feelings, and my divorce would be going through, there were no obstacles that could threaten our happiness.

  Or so I wanted to believe.

  Chapter 33


  The sound of loud retching forced me awake. I shook my head, checking my phone on my nightstand, and trying to get my bearings.

  The phone informed me it was Friday morning. That sounded right when I thought about it, even though for some reason I’d thought it was Saturday at first. We’d had a blissful couple of days since Morgan and I had announced our mutual love.

  Patting the side of my bed, I only found a warm imprint, but no woman. Morgan was the one throwing up. Of course, that made sense. Who else would it have been? Sasha?

  I hopped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom, worry tensing my muscles. The last thing we needed to deal with was an illness after we’d finally worked everything out. Then again, this was what it meant to be in a relationship, dealing with both the good times and the bad.

  Morgan was kneeling on the ground in front of the toilet, pale and shaking. She took a shuddering breath. She had certainly looked better. In fact, I’d never seen her looking so bad. She had seen me frazzled and tired after Sasha’s birth, but I’d never seen her looking anything but great.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. “You look awful, and I heard you throwing up. It woke me up.”

  “Sorry I woke you.”

  “Don’t worry about that. What’s wrong?”

  “Yeah. My stomach isn’t my friend anymo
re.” Morgan clutched her stomach and then gave me a weak smile. “I must have a touch of food poisoning.”

  “Damn. Do you need to go to the doctor? I have a private physician I can take you to. It’s not like you’d need to sit around in a waiting room.”

  There were a lot of little advantages that came with my wealth, many that I didn’t call on all that often, but I was more than prepared to get her to a helicopter and fly her to a clinic.

  “I could have someone brought here, even, if you need it,” I added, after a few seconds of thought.

  “No,” Morgan said, waving her hand. “I don’t need that.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t think whatever I have is a big deal. It’s just not fun, and I’m not going to be able to eat much today,” she groaned. “I doubt if I’ll get much of anything useful done today, either.”

  I thought back to our meals the day before and couldn’t think of anything that stood out. We’d eaten mostly the same things, so if she had food poisoning, then I should have at least had some symptoms, even if they weren’t as bad. Then again, all it could take was one bad slice of meat, so I couldn’t be sure.

  “Do you think you’re going to throw up again?” I said, still wondering if I should take her to a clinic. If she’d ended up with something like Norovirus, she could end up dehydrated quickly. I’d dealt with it before on a business trip to London. Not fun.

  Morgan shook her head. “I don’t feel great, but my stomach’s empty, and I think I’ll be okay. Just need to get back to bed, so I can lie down and rest.”

  I reached out to help her stand. She rose, unsteady on her feet, and we walked hand in hand back to the bed.

  “Thanks,” Morgan said. She groaned and lay on her back. “Oh, I haven’t felt this bad in a long time. I don’t tend to get sick very often.” She pulled a blanket over her head, “I wonder if my boss will give me a sick day. I don’t know. I’ve never asked him for one before.” She managed another weak smile.

  “Yeah, your boss is such an unreasonable asshole,” I laughed. “Just go to sleep. I can work from home today since we didn’t have any meetings scheduled anyway. So it won’t be a big deal, and there’s no reason to get anyone else involved.”

  “What about Sasha? Will you be able handle your work and the baby?”

  “Easily. I can handle her. You just get some rest and don’t worry about it. And you don’t want to risk her getting sick, right?”

  Morgan nodded weakly then sighed. “Gosh, you’re right. I hadn’t really thought about that.”

  “Okay, just close your eyes and relax.”

  She did so, and I watched for a moment until her breathing slowed. She might not be totally asleep, but it appeared she wasn’t going to have to run back to the bathroom anytime soon.

  I glanced at the clock. It was only a little before sunrise, so it didn’t make much sense to go back to sleep. Instead, I grabbed a T-shirt from the closet and stepped out of the bedroom, frowning.

  Something bothered me about the food poisoning. The more I thought about it, the less likely it seemed that she had food poisoning without me somehow also getting sick. That suggested she had some sort of illness not related to food, and potentially something she could spread.

  I wasn’t that worried about me, but like I’d told her, I was worried about Sasha getting sick. She was far too young still to deal with any serious illness. That thought convinced me I’d need to disinfect as much of my house as practical, or at least the parts the baby might be exposed to.

  Unfortunately, my housekeeper was off for a week, so I wouldn’t have her help, but I could handle wiping down the place with some Clorox wipes. If everything went well, Morgan’s stomach would settle, and it wouldn’t turn out to be anything important.

  I crept down the stairs, not wanting to wake the sleeping baby, and made my way to the kitchen. I fished out the wipes and then started working on the surfaces and furniture in the kitchen. I transitioned to the dining room, then the living room. The stair banisters got the cleaning treatment next.

  At that point, Sasha’s crying put a temporary end to my cleaning. I washed my hands, prepared some formula, and headed upstairs to her room.

  The stink of a full diaper hit me as soon as I entered, and I wrinkled my nose. I set the bottle down, then fished out the supplies I needed to change Sasha. She didn’t stop crying even after her diaper was changed, so I picked up the bottle and brought the bottle to her lips. She immediately latched on, and the crying stopped.

  I stood there for a couple of minutes as she ate. She got about halfway through then stopped. I was used to this by now. She’d drink a little, stop, and then start up again. With the baby in my arms, I headed downstairs.

  As I hit the bottom of the stairs, Sasha started drinking again, and I chuckled to myself. I slowly walked toward her playpen in the living room, giving her time to finish her meal before burping her and setting inside. She gurgled and batted at the toy dinosaur inside her playpen.

  “Don’t you go anywhere now,” I joked, then hurried back upstairs to check on Morgan. I slowly opened the door and stuck my head inside. She snored, which was unusual, but otherwise seemed fine.

  I walked over and placed my hand on her head. She didn’t stir. Her forehead wasn’t hot to the touch, and there was no sign she’d thrown up anymore.

  With my girlfriend taken care of and my baby fed, I decided to head down to the home office. I couldn’t let the company get disrupted because of the illness of a single employee, even one that I loved.

  I snickered and thought about telling everyone they could have the day off. That was silly, though. Hunter didn’t close his coffee shop when he was sick. A successful business was a continuous business. Only those who had no understanding of business thought otherwise.

  Logging into my computer, I checked through my first few emails. Nothing important really. After about thirty minutes, I realized Sasha had quieted down and headed into the living room to check on her.

  Sure enough, a quick check of the playpen revealed a sleeping baby. That made things easy enough.

  Apparently, just having Morgan in the house was enough to calm Sasha down.

  I stopped for a minute and stared at my niece. She was an infant, and her mother had died in childbirth, so in a very real sense, she probably thought Morgan was her mother.

  Not that she couldn’t be. I wasn’t sure about where our future was taking us, but I did know that I loved Morgan, and she loved me, and Sasha. We were a family in reality, if not in name. A man, woman, and baby were the very definition of a normal family.

  I headed back into my office. With the lull in work, I decided to check on a real estate deal I’d been looking into as part of my long-term plan to make Morgan’s dream of true oceanfront living come true. There was a plot of coastal land that I was trying to get a good price on. I could afford what they were asking, but part of acquiring wealth was not spending more than you needed to whenever possible.

  “Crap,” I said, suddenly remembering Jacy and Hunter’s wedding tomorrow.

  If Morgan were sick, she wouldn’t be able to go, but it wasn’t like we could ask them to postpone their wedding because of a stomach bug.

  I grabbed my phone and dialed Hunter.

  “Hey, Daniel,” he answered. “Pretty rare for you to call me during the day.”

  “That’s usually because I can just talk to you if I want.”

  Hunter laughed. “Good point. What’s up?”

  “Your wedding is still on for Saturday, right?”

  “Yeah. What about it?”

  “Morgan was throwing up this morning. Don’t know if it’s just a twenty-four-hour thing or not.”

  “That sucks,” Hunter said. “It’s not like we have a big ceremony planned. We could always move it. I’ll talk to Jacy, and we’ll let you know.”

  “Okay, just wanted to give you a heads up.”

  “Thanks for letting me know. Talk to you later.” />
  I felt bad about maybe moving their wedding. Hell, if Hunter wanted, I was happy to pay for them to have some fancy ceremony, but it seemed like neither of them were interested in that sort of thing.

  There was nothing I could do about it for the moment, so I decided to throw myself back into work.

  About forty-five minutes later, I’d just finished feeding Sasha when my doorbell rang. Sasha was still awake, so it didn’t irritate me, but I also was surprised. I wasn’t expecting anyone or any deliveries.

  I headed over to the door and opened it up.

  Jacy stood on the other side, a bright smile on her face.

  “What are you doing here?” I said.

  “Hunter said Morgan is sick.”

  “Yes, but I’ve got it handled.”

  She stepped inside pushing past me. I eyed the woman. Apparently, Jacy didn’t care about asking permission to come inside. Just what I needed, another pushy woman in my house.

  “Sure,” I said. “Come on in.”

  Jacy whistled as she looked around. “Swanky. It’s like you’re a billionaire or something,” she winked.

  “Thanks,” I said. “I try.”

  “So, where is my girl?”

  I almost pointed to the playpen, but then realized Jacy was talking about Morgan.

  “Upstairs in the bedroom,” I said. “Let me show you the way.”

  Sasha started crying, so I pointed to the stairs. “Up there and to the left. I need to take care of my niece.”

  Jacy gave me a little salute than bounded up the stairs.

  I watched her for a moment, wondering why she felt the need to come over just because her friend was a little under the weather. Maybe she wanted to see for herself how serious it was before she rescheduled her wedding.

  For the moment, it didn’t matter. I had a baby to take care of.

  Chapter 34


  I huddled in the blanket, desperately trying to fall back to sleep. At least when I was asleep, I didn’t have to worry about how I felt. Or the future, for that matter.


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