Douluo Dalu: Volume 34: Tang San’s Eight Spirit Rings

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 34: Tang San’s Eight Spirit Rings Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  An incomparably immense pressure made Xiao Bai choke. In a crisis, she could no longer pay mind to the restriction of not truly harming the seven devils. Her body swung in the sea, and ray after ray of blue grey light condensed around her, several dozen lines of blue grey light exploding out like sharp teeth. It was Devil Shark’s Teeth.

  However, the same ability, against different opponents, would produce different results. This ability that had once almost ended Tang San’s life, in front of the Hell White Tiger, did nothing.

  Confronting the Devil Shark’s Teeth attack, the entire Hell White Tiger suddenly grew illusory. Next, its two forepaws crossed and slapped out, basically without any intent of dodging, stiffly colliding head on.

  Berserk energy constantly exploded in the sea. At the heart of the collision, all kinds of crystalline shards splashed out. The final result left everyone taken aback.

  Xiao Bai’s giant body was directly slapped back by the Hell White Tiger, flying back several dozen meters, tumbling in the seawater. Since her body wouldn’t be influenced by the crystallized seawater, a lot of the momentum was dispersed, but even so, Xiao Bai was dazed by this one slap. But she also knew that the Hell White Tiger’s slap was going easy on her, because when she was hit, it still didn’t eject its claws. Otherwise, a few deep wounds would have been left on her body.

  This, how was this possible? To Xiao Bai, everything that happened was too difficult to believe. As a hundred thousand year spirit beast, a respected overlord of the sea, she was actually beaten off by land Spirit Masters, and was almost injured to boot.

  The Hell White Tiger attentively watched Xiao Bai, roaring once, but didn’t pursue, only using its enormous body to block the other five of the Shrek Seven Devils, its concise gaze locked on Xiao Bai with an extremely formidable pressure.

  Back then, in the Star Dou Great Forest, Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo had relied on their spirit fusion ability to trap two of the continent’s first rate hundred thousand year spirit beasts, the Titan Giant Ape and Sky Blue Bull Serpent. With their Title Douluo level this was all they could accomplish. In the ocean, Devil Spirit Great White Shark King Xiao Bai’s strength absolutely wouldn’t be worse than the Sky Blue Bull Serpent and Titan Giant Ape. Even if Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing used the spirit fusion ability, with their Spirit Avatar strength, they still shouldn’t have the strength to beat back Xiao Bai in her domain.

  That was also fact, it was impossible for Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing to compete with Xiao Bai, not even as the Hell White Tiger. This was the sea, Xiao Bai’s world. The reason they could beat back Xiao Bai in one hit and seemed to gain the conclusive advantage, was actually all the result of all sorts of factors coming together in Tang San’s plan.

  In order to break through, the Shrek Seven Devils had actually already begun to prepare as early as half a month ago. Recovering in the last three days was just to draw up the final details and recover to their peak condition. Oscar naturally wouldn’t prepare Erect Gold Flies only for Tang San and Ning Rongrong.

  Neither Dai Mubai or Zhu Zhuqing had acted since entering the ring sea, and that was for the sake of this attack. For this strike, they had not only used the spirit fusion ability, but equally each eaten three sausages in advance, they just did so very secretly and weren’t noticed by Xiao Bai.

  The three sausages they ate were the stimulating pink sausage, limit surpassing dark green sausage, as well as erect gold fly.

  Whether the stimulating pink sausage or limit surpassing dark green sausage, both were optimum sausages produced by Oscar under the effect of Erect Gold Fly. Thus, in the attack just now, the Hell White Tiger that originally had the strength of an ordinary Title Douluo, erupted with close to two hundred percent strength. Condensing all strength on this one attack, on the surface it seemed like they had easily broken Xiao Bai’s Devil Shark’s Teeth, and moreover sent her flying. Judging by the situation, they completely held the advantage.

  But doing this only had one purpose, to screen Tang San behind them. This was also why the one Ning Rongrong boosted wasn’t them, but rather targeted Tang San.

  Xiao Bai was a bit timid. For so many years, in this great sea, besides that particularly formidable Deep Sea Devil Whale King, there had never been a creature that made her feel so powerless. Confronting the Hell White Tiger built as large as her, her confidence gradually collapsed. And what she hadn’t seen was that, behind the Hell White Tiger’s giant body, Tang San’s Clear Sky Hammer was just swinging like a spinning wheel, and the superimposed strength from each of his swings was completely frozen in his surroundings, without a drop leaking. After Ning Rongrong ate the Erect Gold Fly, the suddenly one hundred fifty percent improved boost ability was completely used on Tang San.

  Starting from when Ma Hongjun split open the sea, the Shrek Seven Devils’ goal wasn’t only to swiftly move forward, even more important was to let Ning Rongrong’s boost ability display completely. Without the separation of the seawater, the effect of the three great boost abilities Ning Rongrong currently overlayed on Tang San was eighty percent plus forty percent, altogether one hundred twenty percent more. Further adding the constantly layering of Tang San’s Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Method, the surroundings of that black Clear Sky Hammer was already covered with line after line of frightening black lightning, extremely unstable. Even when simultaneously releasing the two great domains, even Tang San wasn’t quite able to endure this frightening energy.

  Roar—— The Hell White Tiger issued a threatening growl in Xiao Bai’s direction. The blood and qi within Xiao Bai’s body was still rolling, the place where she was previously struck still aching dully. She wanted to charge forward, but seeing the Hell White Tiger’s enormous tiger paws, she was still a bit hesitant.

  Chapter 234: The Third Test, Tidal Body Refining

  It was because of such hesitation that Xiao Bai removed her domain before she attacked again, and let the other spirit beasts retreat rapidly -- the process of releasing and retrieving wasted several seconds of time.

  However, Xiao Bai suddenly found that the huge white tiger in front of her seemed to be somewhat different, as if its body wasn’t as concrete as before. Even though the energy around it looked still formidable, the body itself was transforming into a transparent form.

  Xiao Bai had been cultivating in the sea for over a hundred thousand years after all, in a flash, she woke up immediately.

  She was taken in! They should have had nothing but the force of one blow! Having realized that, she threw herself on the Hell White Tiger immediately. However, it was still too late. The instant she moved, Tang San’s Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer had already completed nine by nine times which concentrated into one.

  A kind of peculiar silence swept over the ring form sea: the moving body of Xiao Bai paused suddenly; the huge Hell White Tiger split off and turned into the two of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

  A silver light flashed on the corner of Xiao Wu’s mouth -- a silver sausage entering her stomach. Then a blue golden splendor burst out and turned into six ropes, wrapping around the other six people’s bodies. Meanwhile, Ma Hongjun restrained his phoenix flame, while Oscar took his silver sausage, on whose bodies white splendor rose up.


  Finally, the Clear Sky Hammer exploded, black light surrounded by countless snake-like lightning bolts, like a huge dragon in furious billows. Even though the crystallized seawater was already very hard, confronting the roaring black dragon, it crumbled to dust immediately. The intense black light broke through the constraints of the domain, penetrated and flew out of the ring form sea from the other side. Cracking sounds spread out, and the ring form sea seemed to rupture -- countless cracks scattering with astonishing speed.

  Relying on his own spirit power, Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s powerful auxiliary spirit abilities and Clear Sky Clan’s formidable hammer skill, Tang San smashed a way out of difficulty.

  Xiao Bai felt nothing but an irresistible huge force burstin
g out, not aimed at her but at her domain. Even if her domain was already at the third stage, at that moment, she still found herself losing every connection with the sea except the darkness before her eyes.

  Domains were connected with owners. Since her domain was broken, Xiao Bai inevitably suffered huge impact. Blood was spat out from her huge mouth, dyeing the broken sea water with red. She fainted completely. It wasn’t long, but it was enough for the Shrek Seven Devils.

  Nowadays on earth, what was the fastest spirit? Undoubtedly, it was Needle-Tailed Swift, which belonged to the Speed Clan of Tang Sect. Although the spirit power of Bai Chenxiang was just rank fifty, and her spirit abilities were merely four, her speed outmatched everyone in the Shrek Seven Devils. The sausages Ma Hongjun and Oscar had taken was mixed with Bai Chenxiang’s blood, made by Oscar after taking the Erect Gold Fly.

  White swings spread out behind their backs. Although it looked a little discordant, it was the fastest way they could adopt at this very moment.

  After taking the sausage made of Tang San’s blood, Xiao Wu became a bridge to connect everybody with the blue silver emperor. While Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who were least exhausted, served as the best boosters, took Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai all together out. The next moment, the exhausted Shrek Seven Devils were already a hundred meters away.

  Seven silhouettes dashed out of ring form sea in disorder. The instant they flew out, the ring form sea behind them collapsed with a loud crash, amidst terrifying waves and deafening explosive sounds.

  Lying on the beach, everyone was gasping deeply. In order to break through the blocking of Xiao Bai, they tried their best. Perfect plans, from lure to deceit, a variety of abilities that Xiao Bai had never seen before, all became their magic weapons, which led them to victory.

  With a splashing sound, the huge head of Xiao Bai broke the sea surface, when the light curtain on the sea was already dying down.

  Staring at the seven humans who were lying on the beach and gasping excitedly, Xiao Bai couldn't help saying angrily. “Cunning guys. You’d better pray that you won’t meet me again in the later tests, or I promise you will be in an embarrassing situation. ”

  Oscar got up off the beach, laughed and wove his hand -- a string of big sausages was thrown to Xiao Bai, “Let's put the matter aside for the time being. Take them first.”

  Xiao Bai caught the sausage and took them. Seeing Oscar’s smile, she didn’t know why the anger in her mind calmed down a little.

  Tang San also got up, standing next to Oscar, “Xiao Bai, sorry, we were forced to harm you.”

  Xiao Bai snorted twice, but feeling the benefit the Recovery Large Sausages brought to her wound, the corner of her mouth quivered a little -- she wanted to scold them again but stopped.

  The other people also got up successively, came next to Tang San and Oscar. Looking at each other, they suddenly bowed to Xiao Bai in the ring form sea simultaneously, till ninety degree.

  “Thank you, Xiao Bai.”

  When they straightened their backs, Xiao Bai could see the sincere smiles on their faces.

  They...Are they thanking me from their heart? Xiao Bai looked at these humans. An emotion that had never existed before was streaming through her heart.

  “I don’t want to talk to you boring guys any more. I’m leaving. The later tests won’t be easier either. Take care of yourself.” The voice of Xiao Bai resounded above the sea surface, when she had already turned back and swum into the ring form sea. Her body wiggled several times and disappeared as quickly as an arrow.

  Seeing the leaving view of Xiao Bai’s back, Shrek Seven Devils felt somewhat lost. In the last year, Xiao Bai had been not only testing them, but actually accompanying them on their cultivation. Without Xiao Bai, their cooperation and battle skills in the sea wouldn’t have been growing this rapidly. For them, Xiao Bai was not only a teacher but also a friend. Therefore, they were sincerely thanking Xiao Bai for her help.

  At this time, seven rays of light appeared on Seven Shrek Devils’ forehead simultaneously. The one on Tang San’s forehead was the golden trident mark, which projected the second light screen of Sea God Nine Tests, broke immediately, transformed into light spots and blended into his body. The screens Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu projected were blood color and the other four were black.

  “Skillfully integrating companions’ abilities, giving play to a more powerful strength, and breaking through the defense of hundred thousand year Devil Spirit Great White Shark King. Seagod’s Second Trial, Pass. Sea God Affinity increased by five percent. Total affinity: ten percent.”

  Mild golden light swept through the whole body, but this time it was different from the first test. Although Tang San felt his spirit power hadn’t recovered, his spiritual world injured by Xiao Bai became clear and bright suddenly, even more smooth than before. His spiritual force increased visibly and his entire body was bathed in a layer of blue splendor, which permeated his skin gradually.

  That was by no means the light of Blue Silver Emperor. It was full of water attribute aura.

  The others got the same rewards as in the first test and their spirit power increased by a rank. Besides that, Ning Rongrong additionally got all her spirit rings increase by five hundred years cultivation, and thus her first spirit ring became purple. What Xiao Wu got was still a simple “Rewards superimposed”.

  The instant the second test rewards appeared, the third test had already showed up in everyone’s mind.

  “Tidal Body Refining? What’s that mean?” Oscar asked in perplexity.

  Tang San said, “It seems that our third tests are the same, I have Tidal Body Refining too. But like the first trial, Seagod’s Light, I have Twofold Tidal Body Refining.”

  “You will know the meaning of Tidal Body Refining soon. Follow me.” A leisurely voice came. Unconsciously, the noble Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi in red had already appeared next to them, looking at the seven people before her eyes, she showed visible praise in her eyes. It was obvious that she was delighted with the result that Shrek Seven Devils had all passed the second test.

  After saying that, Bo Saixi turned and walked to the opposite direction of Seagod Mountain. Her speed wasn’t fast, but every step of her was so smooth that when the Shrek Seven Devils woke up, they had to make their best in order to catch up her, among whom Ning Rongrong had to depend on the help of companions. While Bai Chenxiang who had just flew over even had no time to ask, catching up the others quickly. Xiao Wu’s soul returned from her body and was brought by Tang San.

  It was in total four hours since Bo Saixi left. In terms of her speed, although she had controlled her speed deliberately, the length of the road they had traveled in four hours was also considerable.

  Through the forest, over the hill, they had also seen many other inner seas within Seagod Island. Seven people followed Bo Saixi closely, and nearly passed all kind of terrain within the island.

  When everybody felt difficult to keep their speed because of the high speed, suddenly, a booming sound came. Although they hadn’t seen what that was, the tremendous roaring sound became more and more formidable, as deafening as the rolling thunder.

  Bo Saixi floated up and flew to a hundreds-meter mountain peak before them, which was entirely black and thoroughly made of rocks – not even a blade of grass grew there.

  The height of hundreds of meters made no difference to Shrek Seven Devils. Soon, they were also on the top of the mountain.

  But when they saw the scene before their eyes, their heart were deeply shocked.

  What was before their eyes was a valley concave into the Seagod Island, and the outside of it was the vast sea stretching to the horizon. The valley sank from shore into the island for hundreds of meters. Black rocks occupied all the ground, of whom the hardness could be easily felt by just walking on it.

  Still, these weren’t what made Shrek Seven Devils astonished. Though the sea was vast, they had seen it before. What really made them astonished was the grand s
ight how furious waves hit the concave shore.

  Strangely, no matter how quiet the seawater outside of the valley was, the instant they entered the valley, they would become mad waves as high as hundreds of meters, and strongly slapped the rocks beneath Shrek Seven Devils’ feet. The tremendous majesty of nature made everyone keep quiet – compared with the sea, how small they were.

  “This is the place for your third test, named Furious Waves Strait. It’s one of the extraordinary sights on Seagod Island. Even sea spirit beasts like Devil Spirit Great White Shark won’t come here. Do you know why this valley exists?”

  Dai Mubai asked with hesitation, “Wasn’t this formed by washing waves?”

  Bo Saixi replied indifferently, “You are right. This valley was formed by waves. Under continuous impacts, rocks are compressed. If there is a chance, you can have a try. Because of the impact in the long term, rocks here are not only as hard as refined steels, but also rendered with high density, which is nearly on a par with silver.”

  Tang San asked, ”So actually, our tasks are…”

  The instant he opened his mouth, Bo Saixi rose her hands, and suddenly, a ring of sea blue light spread out from her body – nine spirit rings appeared clearly. What made Shrek Seven Devils frightened was that the former eight rings of Bo Saixi were black and the last one was red.

  Eight ten thousand years spirit rings and a hundred thousand spirit ring? Despite looking at it, they hadn’t even heard of such situation. Although the Shrek Seven Devils had already been estimating the strength of Bo Saixi, the moment they saw such formidable spirit rings collection on Bo Saixi’s body, they were still unprecedentedly shocked and frightened deeply.


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