Douluo Dalu: Volume 34: Tang San’s Eight Spirit Rings

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 34: Tang San’s Eight Spirit Rings Page 6

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Suddenly, Tang San discovered that the purple energy that had just disappeared again grew stronger from the horizon, connecting with his eyes, he and that purple energy were like the supports of a bridge, connecting, releasing.

  The scenery before his eyes changed yet again. No longer only limited to Seagod Island, but rather apparently covering the whole ocean. In his eyes, the seawater unexpectedly had five gorgeous colors, there was faint shallow blue, deep black, and also crystalline clear blue. And even the smallest variations in these colors were unable to escape Tang San’s senses.

  Between his eyebrows, just above the golden trident brand, a blue speck of light quietly grew. The triangular Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud shot out, floating in front of Tang San. All the sparkling and translucent light seemed to merge together with that Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud in this moment, and Tang San’s senses grew stronger yet again. He unconsciously closed his eyes, but that moving scene still appeared in his mind. Even without the need to see with his eyes, he could still clearly grasp any change in the ocean.

  The purple golden color retreated from his eyes, returning to blue. But this time, it was a blue as deep as the night sky. The color deepened, and even Tang San’s short hair turned dark blue. A difficult to describe energy fluctuation burst out with his head as center, forming a dazzling ring of light that spread outward.

  Even Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi sitting crosslegged on the reef couldn’t help being moved. Floating up, she attentively watched the halo Tang San released with bright eyes, until it disappeared in the distance.

  Tang San’s head suddenly grew transparent, and within could vaguely be seen a glittering skull. The Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud quietly grew smaller in front of him, and in a moment’s work, it had become the size of a chicken egg, then again charged towards Tang San’s head, piercing inside along the trident brand.

  A raging roar erupted from Tang San’s mouth as the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud entered him. In that instant, the originally incomparably raging waves suddenly quieted down without the slightest warning. But the next instant, incomparably enormous explosive sounds abruptly erupted, and the waves no longer came from in front, but rather swept up from below. Soaring up amidst Tang San’s roar, rushing into the air as if hiding the sky, erupting with countless sparkling splashes.

  One roar was actually like this. The six people behind Tang San were already staring dumbfounded, they had absolutely no idea what was happening with Tang San.

  The golden trident brand brightened at this moment, a square screen of light gushed out from Tang San’s forehead and shattered with a resounding crack, turning into specks of light that merged back into his body.

  In the depths of his mind, that familiar voice resounded for the first time,

  “Surpassed trial expectations, spiritual awakening, accepted the influence of that vast consciousness, skull spirit bone forcefully evolved, not shattering with special energy infusion. Third trial, Tidal Body Refining, completed above quota, Seagod Affinity increased fifteen percent, overall affinity at twenty five percent.”

  On the first day of the twelfth month of the third trial, Tidal Body Refining, Tang San suddenly completed the trial.

  There was another person whose forehead spat out a screen of light along with him, Xiao Wu. The blood colored light screen shattered, turning into specks of light that merged into Xiao Wu’s body. She still obtained the notice of rewards superimposing. Xiao Wu’s trial was very simple, that was accompanying. Accompanying Tang San to pass all trials. As long as Tang San was next to her as he passed the trials, she would naturally also pass hers.

  The rumbling waves began to strike once again, but this time it was already as different as black and white to Tang San. Before those waves attacked him, they would unexpectedly be pushed aside by an intangible force, basically without falling on him. The same circumstances also appeared for Xiao Wu. Clearly, after passing this Tidal Body Refining Trial, the Raging Waves Impasse would no longer be able to cause them any harm.

  Slowly opening his eyes, Tang San’s irises had already completely turned dark blue. The world before his eyes was different, everything and everything had a feeling of being extremely layered. That wasn’t just from sight, but even more from spiritual force. As if his spiritual force had already become one with the ocean, the same feeling as when he used the Blue Silver Domain in the forest. Only the present feeling was even more clear than when using Blue Silver Domain.

  Even someone like Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi didn’t know what had happened to Tang San, but Tang San himself knew. The reason why he could pass the trial in advance really wasn’t because he had already reached the time required for being battered by the waves, but rather because after the Purple Demon Eye he took from the Tang Sect had been cultivated for so many years, it had reached the final boundary.

  The four great boundaries of the Purple Demon Eye were: Survey, Detailed, Mustard Seed, Boundless. Since Tang San received the wisdom condensing skull bone, the Purple Demon Eye had automatically risen to the Mustard Seed boundary. But from then on, even though he still insisted on cultivating every day, the Purple Demon Eye no longer showed any signs of improving in the slightest.

  But Tang San’s years of effort hadn’t been in vain, at this moment he understood why the Purple Demon Eye had never been able to advance. The cause was very simple, it was that wisdom condensing skull bone that helped him cultivate to the Mustard Seed realm. Even though the wisdom condensing skull bone helped him raise the Purple Demon Eye, fact was that this skull itself prevented the Purple Demon Eye from continuing to advance. The purple qi Tang San absorbed every day was restricted within the skull and unable to be released, thus being constantly compressed.

  But just today, inadvertently, a peculiar inspiration was born in Tang San’s heart from the pounding waves, that inspiration not only let his Mysterious Heaven Skill rise another level, at it simultaneously also caused the purple qi compressed in the skull bone to erupt.

  Regardless of any cultivation, after reaching a certain boundary, it wasn’t something that could be advanced relying only on effort, a moment of inspiration was even more important. In the sudden process of awakening, the Purple Demon Eye had finally stepped across from Mustard Seed to Boundless, reaching an all new realm.

  Inspiration was something very mysterious. Even Tang San himself absolutely couldn’t replicate this experience. But the result for him was still an incomparably pleasant surprise. Purple Demon Eye rose to the Boundless realm, and Tang San’s spiritual force rose exponentially. If his spiritual force was like a spiderweb before, then his current spiritual force was like an impenetrable torrent of mercury. He also finally understood that, after Purple Demon Eye was cultivated to its highest level, it was no longer a case of seeing with the naked eye, but rather with the mind’s eye. No illusions could make you lose your mind’s eye. Tang San was convinced that, even if he again met with Qian Renxue’s Angelic Domain, he would still be able to clearly see everything in that golden light. After the Purple Demon Eye reached the Boundless realm, there was no longer any energy or object that could block his mind’s eye.

  This inspiration was extremely important to Tang San. He hadn’t endured one year of being battered by waves in vain. The final evolution of Purple Demon Eye and the special awakening of Mysterious Heaven Skill circulation made him coincidentally break through the eightieth rank bottleneck.

  Of course, Tang San was also lucky. After the Purple Demon Eye rose to the Boundless realm, the spiritual force in his mind plus the Purple Demon Eye’s was no longer something that the mind condensing skull bone could repress. This led to the mind condensing skull bone suddenly fracturing. This was also why Tang San heard that dignified voice say it was forcefully evolved.

  Ordinarily, the power of spirit bones was locked at the instant the spirit beast died. Only external spirit bones possessed the chance to evolve. This was also the reason why the value of external spirit bones was second only to hundred thousand year spirit bones

  Even though Tang San’s mind condensing skull bone was pretty good, it was still impossible for it to evolve. Consequently, its only fate when Tang San’s spiritual force exploded was to break. Spiritual force suddenly promoting and the skull spirit bone suddenly shattering might not actually take Tang San’s life, but it would inevitably cause him extremely serious wounds, even to the extent of brain damage. But just at this moment, that mysterious Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud appeared, automatically turning into a peculiar energy that merged with Tang San’s breaking skull bone, completing this forceful evolution. The quality of the spirit bone also subsequently rose. But Tang San vaguely sensed that his skull spirit bone really wasn’t a hundred thousand year spirit bone, but neither was it any weaker than one. After that moment of fusion, the skull reformed, and all the abilities possessed by the Vast Sea Cosmic Shroud consequently also blended into Tang San’s skull bone. Even his Purple God Light seemed to have undergone some transformation. What pleasant advantages this newly formed Vast Sea Skull Bone could give Tang San was something he had to slowly ascertain in later battles and cultivation.

  With a clanging sound, the five sunken silver bands holding Tang San opened simultaneously. The muscles on his back contracted unconsciously, sucking him against the sunken silver pillar. At the same time he threw out a Blue Silver Emperor without the slightest hesitation, twisting around Xiao Wu rolling in the waves. His heel tapped against the pillar, and he leapt up, bringing Xiao Wu to soar towards the shore.

  Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi watched Tang San arrive in front of her, and her face revealed a knowing smile,

  “Congratulations. Even though I don’t know just what happened to you, or how you achieved it at this age, I can be certain that your spiritual force has already risen to the same level as mine. No?”

  Tang San looked somewhat lifelessly at Bo Saixi, because the voice he heard didn’t come from Bo Saixi’s mouth, but rather from within his mind. This was…… telepathy?

  “Yes, this is telepathy. You only need to focus your mind to sense my thoughts. Of course, this is something that will only be usable among Spirit Masters with the same level of spiritual force as us. If you don’t want to make your own thoughts know, you can use spiritual force to seal you mind. Thus nobody will be able to examine your thoughts again.”

  The same mental boundary as Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi? Even if the Purple Demon Eye had advanced to the final Boundless level, Tang San was still shocked because of what Bo Saixi said. Vaguely, he felt as if he had opened a special door. What existed behind this door was something that still needed constant exploration.

  “Thank you, senior.”

  Tang San bowed in hearfelt salute to Bo Saixi.

  Bo Saixi smiled slightly,

  “It’s nothing, it’s my duty. According to the present circumstances, there shouldn’t be a problem for your partners to pass this third trial. Since you’ve already completed it, then next it will be up to you to look after them. I should return to Seagod Hall.”


  Tang San answered deferentially,

  “Senior, I’ve always had a question. May I ask for your guidance?”

  Bo Saixi’s expression shifted:


  Tang San said resolutely:

  “What I want to ask is, just what is Seagod Affinity degree?”

  Bo Saixi’s calm eyes erupted with dazzling splendor. If it was the previous Tang San, he might not even been able to endure this gaze, but the present he faced it calmly. His deep blue eyes, like whirlpools, accepted the light thrown out by Bo Saixi.

  “I’m also unable to give you answers regarding Seagod Affinity. But what I can tell you is that you really can’t possess one hundred percent Seagod Affinity by completing the Seagod’s nine trials. But a hundred percent affinity score, not just me, every person on Seagod Island is looking forward to it. What is your current Affinity score?”

  Tang San said:

  “Twenty five percent.”

  Bo Saixi was secretly shocked,

  “Twenty five? Then that means, after you completed the trial just now, you received a very high affinity score?”

  Tang San said:

  “The first and second trials were both five percent, but just now was fifteen.”

  Bo Saixi drew a deep breath, as if calming her racing heart,

  “Very good, twenty five percent. Keep working hard. I believe you will succeed. Since the lord Seagod gave you the Seagod’s nine trials, it means you have the chance to gain one hundred percent affinity.”

  Finished saying this, Bo Saixi didn’t wait for Tang San to speak up again. Floating up, she turned into a red cloud and disappeared without a trace.

  “Seagod Affinity score.”

  Tang San mumbled quietly, his gaze once again shooting towards the boundless ocean. In his incisive mental world, his thoughts revolved at high speed. From what Devil Spirit Great White Shark King Xiao Bai as well as Bo Saixi said, he already understood a great many things. Even if he still couldn’t be completely certain, if this was true, then it would undoubtedly be an exceptional opportunity for him.

  The last month passed. As everyone finished the third trial and stood on the mountain reef, everyone felt as if a lifetime had gone by. The ones among them that felt it most deeply were undoubtedly the ones who had endured most bitterly, Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

  Ning Rongrong had clearly thinned a size, and her originally fair skin had turned a healthy wheat color, her graceful and noble temperament replaced by a thriving heroic vigor. She no longer had a trace of that support type Spirit Master feeling, and rather seemed like a battle Spirit Master.

  Oscar’s situation was hardly any better than hers. His skin was tanned, hair and beard both tangled, looking just like a savage, but his eyes were a lot sharper than before. The feeling Tang San had experienced of his body turning into force was something each of them had experienced to varying degrees. And even though everyone had been in such pain that they’d rather die throughout the duration of this year, the benefits they had obtained were undoubtedly also enormous. Even so, if they could choose to come anew, perhaps none of them would be willing. Even decades later, whenever they recalled this experience of Tidal Body Refining, they still couldn’t help trembling, enough to compare with Grandmaster’s original hell training.

  Along with the screen of light from Ning Rongrong’s forehead shattering, the third trial, Tidal Body Refining was complete.

  “I can’t go on. We really have to rest a while.”

  Oscar plopped to the ground. His body currently wasn’t completely tired out, but his mind was already at its limit. Not just him, besides Tang San and Xiao Wu, each of them felt the same. Each and every one collapsed to the ground in disorder, so much that they didn’t even want to see what the fourth trial was.

  Indeed, starting from the day they arrived at Seagod Island, all the way until now, a full three years had already gone by. Even though in these three years, each of them had made qualitative leaps in strength, they had also endured inhuman suffering. Everything they had gone through in the past three years was even more than they had endured in the more than twenty years before that. Gains had to be paid for. Three years had gone by, and the torment their bodies and hearts had endured had also finally erupted. If they didn’t recuperate, with Oscar and Ning Rongrong’s weak bodies as support Spirit Masters, they might even go insane.

  Watching his comrades’ tired expressions, Tang San said:

  “This time we’ll make some time to rest. Everyone really are too tired. I just looked at the subject for the fourth trial. If everyone's’ are the same as mine, then, it won’t be as painful as the last three.”

  These words immediately evoked the interest of the others. Dai Mubai, using Zhu Zhuqing’s thighs as a pillow, looked at Tang San,

  “Little San, what’s your fourth trial? Wait and I’ll look at mine.”

  Tang San said:

  “My fourth trial is, Apex Shar
k Whale Battle, helping the Devil Spirit Great White Shark flock to kill the Evil Spirit Orca King from the Evil Spirit Orca Pack.”


  Dai Mubai crawled wearily from the ground,

  “Mine is Shark Whale Battle. Help the Devil Spirit Great White Shark Flock. Kill at least ten Evil Spirit Orcas.”

  Oscar raised his hand:

  “Ten for me too.”

  Zhu Zhuqing said:

  “I’m to kill eight Evil Spirit Orcas.”

  Ma Hongjun said:

  “I’m the same as boss Dai and little Ao.”

  Ning Rongrong’s expression was a bit strange,

  “My mission is different from yours. It’s not to kill Evil Spirit Orcas. It’s to guarantee the Devil Spirit Great White Shark King doesn’t die.”

  Everyone looked at each other, and Oscar smiled:

  “Looking at this, and according to having one year to complete the mission, it wouldn’t be a problem for us to rest for half a year?”

  Tang San nodded with a slight smile,

  “It seems so. We might as well return to Seahorse City to rest properly. Once everyone feels your condition is more or less adjusted, we’ll go look for Xiao Bai. I guess these so-called Evil Spirit Orcas should be Xiao Bai and the others’ mortal enemies. This fourth trial is a chance for us to repay Xiao Bai!”

  Ma Hongjun grinned:

  “Excellent. I haven’t killed living things for quite a while, my hands are all itchy. This time we can finally fight for real, it certainly feels good. I wonder if there’s some kind of reward for killing some Evil Spirit Orcas above the quota!”

  Dai Mubai’s eyes brightened:

  “There’s a real chance for that. Once we’ve completed our missions, it’ll be up to our own skill. Fatty, how about we compare who can kill a few more later on?”

  Ma Hongjun somewhat resentfully said:

  “Boss Dai, I’ve told you so many times, don’t keep calling me Fatty. I’m already slim now. I won’t oppose it if you want to call me lady-killer, but the word Fatty is completely unrelated to me.”


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