Brandon (Members From Money Book 19)

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Brandon (Members From Money Book 19) Page 12

by Katie Dowe


  She shrugged a little and avoided his eyes. “I was supposed to fall in love with the perfect man, maybe a lawyer or a judge or even a doctor, and produce the two point five kids so when that was not going to happen I decided to keep everything to myself.”

  “You thought I would have judged you?”

  Her lips parted in a smile. “No. But I judged myself and found myself lacking. When you met Yanique and I saw how much you were in love with her I felt the depression knowing that I would never have something like that. I have come to grips with it, Brandon, and I have decided that I want to do good for this child. I want to make my own happiness and I need your support, please.”

  “Does Mother know?”

  “I told her two weeks ago and I told Yanique a month ago.”

  “She never said anything to me,” Brandon said wryly.

  “I did not expect her to. She was waiting until I told you myself. Are you disappointed?” she asked anxiously.

  “What? No!” He got up and came around to her desk, sitting on the edge of it facing her. “I am proud of you.” He touched her cheek lightly. “My children have the honor of having the best aunt in the entire world.”

  “I happen to agree with you,” she said with a grin as she caught his hand against her cheek. “He does not want to talk to me or anything like that. He is sulky and angry but I will get through to him.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”


  “Okay.” He bent and kissed her on the lips lightly. “We have dinner plans for the weekend.”


  “You could have told me,” Brandon accused her gently as he adjusted the crisscross straps around her back. They were going to their first function since she had delivered their son. It was the second week of September and the summer was lingering. It was the annual charity ball put on by the wives and spearheaded by Leesa Wellington.

  “No. You needed to hear it from her.” She turned to face him and his blue eyes darkened. The bodice of the dress was not really revealing but it hinted at the lush flesh that it covered. It was ruby red with an overlay of shimmering silver that hugged her curves lovingly. A stunning ruby necklace hung around her neck with dangling earrings that matched the stones. Her hair was loose and drifted past her shoulders in lush dark waves. She was stunning! “How do I look?”

  “Like no one I have ever seen before.” He tilted her chin up and used his thumb to pass over her full bottom lip covered with glossy red. He brought her hand between them and she gasped and moaned as she felt his erection. She squeezed lightly and he groaned. “Maybe we should skip this thing.”

  “We can’t.” They had started having sex two weeks ago and did so whenever they got the chance. She unzipped his pants and reached in searching until she found his warmth, closing her hand over it and taking it out.

  “Baby,” he gritted. He almost fell backwards when she dropped to her knees in front of him and took him into her mouth. His breathing was shallow and almost painful as he tried to pull air into his lungs. Her mouth took him into the back of her throat and he felt as if his head was about to explode! Her tongue swirled around his rigid member until he felt as if he was going crazy! Biting off an oath he pulled her up to him and crushed her mouth with his! He pulled her dress up and tore at her tiny lace panties to reach her. He lifted her up and impaled her, pushing into her so deep that she cried out from the pain and pleasure of his forcefulness. He bent his head and used his mouth to move the material away, his mouth latching onto her slightly sore nipple and sucking urgently. Their coupling was frantic and rough but neither of them cared! He pushed her back against the wall and pounded into her, his mouth never leaving her tight bud. She screamed and pounded her fists on his muscular shoulders as the orgasm shuddered through her in waves that threatened to overwhelm her. He came in the middle of hers and lifting his head he took her lips with his savagely as he emptied himself inside her. It took several minutes for them to recover and she had to take a shower and change into a powder blue dress with a gentle swirling skirt. She changed the rubies for diamonds and renewed her makeup.

  “I much prefer this dress anyway,” she told him teasingly as she fixed his dark blue tie.

  “So do I,” he said wickedly. “Did I hurt you?” his eyes wandered over her flesh that the dress revealed.

  “I can still feel you inside me if that’s what you mean,” she told him huskily.

  “If we don’t leave now we are never going to,” he told her hoarsely.

  “Let’s go then.”


  He had been forced to come. Ever since his wife had found out that she could not reproduce she was determined to be at every function there was! She had told him, screamed at him actually, that it was what made her happy. She had nothing else to live for. He knew that it was only a matter of time before the marriage ended and he was dreading it because he knew her father was not going to take it well and that might mean the end of his career. His eyes brightened as she came into the room with her hand tucked into her husband’s arm. She had a smile on her face and he had never seen a more beautiful woman and the huge ballroom was filled with beautiful women! She glowed! Literally! It was as if there was a light around her. She had two children and her figure gave no indication that she had been pregnant. He wanted to go over and just say hello but he knew her husband would not take too kindly to it. He had seen them on the papers all the time. They seemed to make news even if they were not trying. His eyes followed her as she made the rounds. Her husband had gone over to some associates but he had not taken his eyes off her as if he was making sure that she was not stolen. He could not blame him!

  “I need a damn drink,” his surly wife muttered at his elbow. He closed his eyes and turned to her.

  “Don’t you think you have had enough?”

  “You don’t get to tell me what to do,” she sneered. She was wearing a green designer dress that should have look great on her but her face was blotchy and her eyes were red from too much liquor and a lot of sadness. “Every woman in here has children and a family except me. I am less than a woman and I have no idea why you are still with me.”

  “You are my wife, Marissa,” he told her wearily tired of the same thing over and over again.

  “So that’s it? I am your wife so you are obligated to stay?”

  “Can we not do this here?” he asked her impatiently.

  “Screw you,” she whispered and stumbled away. He contemplated going after her but he did not have the strength. Right now he felt as if his life was slipping away from him and he had no idea what to do! Suddenly he looked up and his eyes caught Yanique’s. He smiled at her tentatively and she nodded coolly before looking away. Two minutes later he saw when her husband went over to put his arms around her waist and whispered something in her ear. He flinched as he saw her look up at him with a laugh and right there in front of everyone she kissed him on the lips, her body molding itself to his. He grabbed a flute of champagne and drank it down hurried and reached for another glass. His wife was not the only one getting drunk tonight. He needed something to numb the pain of his failures as well!

  Chapter 12

  “What do you think?” he asked her as they explored the place.

  “It is awfully big, isn’t it?” Yanique eyed the huge fireplace in the living room and then looked up at the glittering chandelier. He had come for her at the station and told her that he wanted them to check something out. It was almost Christmas, a week away actually, and there were indications of the season everywhere with glittering lights, freezing weather, and the change in the atmosphere. Their son was almost four months old and striving like mad and their daughter had appointed herself his protector. “Eight bedrooms, Brandon? Don’t you think it is a bit too much?”

  “Yasmin and Blaine will have their own suite complete with a playroom for them to share and there is the master suite for us of course and then those bedrooms for w
hen the family comes over. We are quite a few miles away from them as you noticed.” He had come over and pulled her into his arms. “And I was thinking that in a year or two we could fill the other bedrooms with a brother or sister for both children.” He was nuzzling her neck making it hard for her to think clearly.

  “Is that so?” she whispered.

  “Hmm.” He pushed aside her hair and feasted himself on her neck. “The backyard is very big and there is a pool. I was thinking of putting in a basketball court and a tennis court as well. There are large oak trees not far from the house where swings could be erected and I know very soon they will be needing a dog or two.”

  She turned in his arms and looped her hands around his neck. “You have it all planned out, don’t you?”

  “Except the redecorating part. I am leaving that to you and Leesa.” He kissed her lips quickly. He had just left a meeting and she had been in the process of getting some documentaries done at the station. She was focusing on real life tragedies and digging up what she could on children abandoned by their parents.

  She turned and looked around again. She had seen the bedroom suites and had been enchanted by them. “You really think we can be in here by Christmas?”

  “Just say the word and I will make it happen. I saw a large Christmas tree on the lot just calling out our names,” he said with a smile.

  “You sold me. The answer is yes.”

  “Good. Now we get to sample the bedroom.” She squealed as he lifted her into his arms and headed up the spiral staircase.

  “I like the way you think,” she whispered against his mouth.


  “Have a seat.” Leanne indicated a seat next to her desk. The boy stood there staring at her without moving. It had been a very hard uphill battle but at least they were getting somewhere. The courts had released David Warren into her custody and she was now responsible for him but he was not letting go of his resentment. “Please.”

  His green eyes met her blue ones and then with a careless shrug he took the seat. He was a tall handsome young man with thick black hair and emerald green eyes. He was a towering six footer and had played basketball at his high school now he was facing the agony of losing his parents and facing a jail sentence. The only woman standing between him and that was the woman he had almost killed.

  “You are coming home with me.”

  “I would rather sit in a stinking jail cell, lady,” he said with a curl to his lips.

  “Would you now?” she asked him mildly. He had spent a few days in lock up and had been beaten until they had moved him. “You are now placed with me and I intend to help you even if you do not want to be helped.”

  “Why?” he asked her coldly.

  She shrugged a little. “I keep asking myself that too. You did almost kill me.” She smiled a little bit as he shifted his eyes away from hers. “My brother is asking the same thing and some of my associates.” She leaned forward and forced him to look at her. “I believe in second chances and I also believe in dreams coming true with a lot of hard work. You were a victim, David, but you do not have to remain that way. I am asking you to come home with me and I want you to see what you can have. I am willing to send you back to school to get the grades you are capable of. You are smart enough to make something of your life and I don’t want you to throw it away.”

  “You want to play ‘Mommy’?” he asked her spitefully.

  “Maybe,” she told him honestly. “Or maybe I just want to be a friend. You don’t seem to have any.”

  He flinched and looked away. “What makes you think I won’t try and kill you again?”

  Leanne looked at him for a moment and then laughed. “I never thought of that. Well, the house is quite big and you would have your own suite. I suppose I will have to lock my doors but I have a feeling that you have gotten the idea of killing me out of your system. So how about it, David? Do you want to give us working together to make this thing work a try?”

  “He killed my mother and I still wanted to avenge him.” He looked away from her and stared at the wall, seemingly fascinated by the Renoir she had placed there some years ago. “Maybe I am like him you know.”

  “I don’t believe that.” She reached out to touch his hand lightly and he looked at her. “I believe that you are angry and confused and those emotions can cause us to do so many things. You were lashing out, David, but now you have a whole set of people you can talk to. My mother and brother and his wife and children and I promise that we will all be there for you.”

  “You are not married,” he said in a matter of fact tone.


  “Why not?”

  She leaned back in her chair and stared at him. “My brother found the love of his life and when I look at them I realize that I wanted something like that. I am not prepared to settle for anything less. So for now it will be just you and me,” she ended with a smile. “What do you say?”

  “Do I get to change the paint in my bedroom?”

  “You will be taking the suite next to mine and it is in a beautiful mossy green. Kind of like your eyes.”

  He stared at her and then looked down at his hands. “What if it does not work out? What if you get tired of me?”

  “Well, I can assure you that the house is large enough so if you get tired of me or the other way around we can avoid each other, but knowing me I will probably hound you until you tell me what’s bugging you.”

  He smiled slightly at that.

  “And I am going to insist on you going to college.”

  “I am very good with computers and gadgets,” he told her.

  “So a techie then?” she said in amusement.

  He nodded.

  “Good because I am hopeless when it comes to that sort of thing and my mother is worse.” She moved from around her desk and bent before him. “It will work, David, because we will make it work.”

  He stared down at her and nodded. “I am not calling you Mom.”

  She laughed and pulled him with her, marveling at his height as he towered over her. “We will see.”


  They moved into the house three days before Christmas. Yanique had no idea how her husband did it, but she supposed that a man of his vast means he was able to make things happen. Leesa and Kelly dealt with the decorators for her and she only had to communicate to them what color she had in mind for the bedrooms. Brandon had hired additional staff which included a chef, the two nannies, and the housekeeper who had been there before. The apartment would be put up for sale eventually but for now it remained.

  The morning of the move she stood there looking around their bedroom. The children had gone over to Grandma MaryAnn’s so that they would not be in the way when the movers came and both Yanique and Brandon were going off to work. Yanique planned to leave by midday to go and see how the packing of the furniture was and see what the decorators were doing. They were even doing the tree even though Yanique had wanted it to be a family event.

  “Hey.” Brandon caught her around the waist and pulled her to him. It felt strange that she would be getting ready for work here and later they would be in a strange place. “What’s wrong?”

  “I am going to miss it,” she murmured as she leaned against him.

  “We could always keep it.”

  “We have that mansion that you bought and we are going to make it a home for us and our children.” She turned to face him, adjusting his red tie and brushing off his black pin stripe jacket absently. “We are not going to come back here. I was thinking of maybe having the entire family over as a house opening/dinner. I could have the chef whip up something fantastic.”

  “It sounds good, but I am looking forward to spending the couple of nights with only my family. You and the children.”

  “I know.” She leaned into him. “Have you spoken to David?”

  His eyes met hers sharply. “Have you?”

  She nodded. “I wanted to make him comfor
table. He needs a male figure in his life, baby, and I think that should be you.”

  “Lee put you up to this?” he growled feeling himself already weakening. There was not much he could deny her and Yasmin.

  “No.” She smiled at him. “But I have a feeling she wants to ask you but is afraid. She knows I pretty much make you agree to anything.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Hmm. Like when I do this.” She ran her tongue over his bottom lip and felt him shudder. “Or when I do this.” She stepped back and pulled the thick cashmere sweater over her head and then got rid of her bra. She lifted her generous breasts in her palms and stroked the nipples. “Think she is right?”

  “She knows me too well,” he said hoarsely as he reached for her!


  David stared at the man sitting behind his desk and felt the prickle of fear and something akin to admiration. He had read a lot about him and knew he was totally awesome when it came to business. He was also aware that he was eyeing him as if he wanted to pulverize him.

  “I am sorry.”

  “I don’t need your apology,” Brandon told him coolly. “My wife and sister think you need a male figure in your life since your dad was never up to scratch.” Brandon saw his eyes flare and his hands clench into fists. “Want to take a swing at me?” he asked softly.

  David took a deep breath and shook his head. He had been at the Reynolds’ home for three days now and they had treated him as if he was a part of the family and he did not want to screw it up. “No, sir.”

  “I want to tell you that I know what you are going through but that would be bullshit on my part and I have a feeling that you have been through too much of that already. Do you like your new living arrangements?”

  “I do,” he said in a subdued voice. “I have never seen anything like it. I almost think I am living in a palace.”

  “What do you want, David?” Brandon asked him suddenly as he leaned forward on his desk.


  “Call me Brandon. What do you want to do with your life?”

  “I want to be better than my dad was. I want to make something of my life. I spent three days in jail and I never want to do that again. It was awful.”


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