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Evacuation Page 8

by Sherry Foster

  The watchers were startled to be set on their feet and kind of pushed toward the tower but each of them took off at a run toward the tower. Tresimiaset did not know if it was the safety they sought, or they could not wait to talk about what they had just learned. They Lyra were no less surprised to find themselves ‘pushed’ upright and in the direction of their camp from the night before.

  When everyone was away Malory, still sitting against Tresimiaset asked, “If you can hear our thoughts, why do they have to discuss everything before they return? Why can’t you just answer the questions they have in their minds?”

  What did I tell you of control little one? They need to feel they have some measure of control over what is to occur. I need them to be able to plan because most of the planning will be done by them. I can not take over without causing problems. They need to plan for problems and try to find solutions. I do not know the people, they do not know me. How then would it be if I had to fly from home to home, city to city telling people what to do? Do you think they would listen? They would not. They would go straight to their leaders for guidance. Let the leaders find out now, before we start, what they have to plan. They will miss things, I will tell them when I think there is other things they have not thought to plan.

  Chapter 13

  Darian looked at the other Lyra in disgust, “Can you believe that. What is wrong with me being the spokesperson for us? Who better to be the spokesperson than the ranking fire walker on the planet?”

  Even knowing Darian did not stop the others from looking at him in stupefied fascination. Kervin even closed his eyes and shook his head as though he could not believe what he had just heard.

  Kane could not stop the sarcasm spewing from his mouth, “Exactly, who better than the ranking fire walker to be our spokesperson. The one who single handedly put us at war with the Lyriants because of his ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I can not believe she does not want you as our spokesperson.”

  When Darian glared at him in fury he just shrugged and turned toward Patro, who was standing with a confused look on his face. When Patro noticed the others were turning to look at him he shook his head to clear it and could not help but ask if anyone knew what he had done to be elected spokesperson by the dragon. Since no one had any idea they let it drop and began to brainstorm what questions they needed to ask in order to better understand their roles in the upcoming months. The main question everyone seemed to want to know was what happened if they did not make it through the portals in the time frame provided.

  After several heated arguments the Lyra felt they had the basic questions they needed to start with and would be able to add more only when they had the answers to the current questions. Another heated argument arose about how to approach the dragon. The argument was cut short abruptly when Tresimiaset called to them to return.

  When they were once again standing before the dragon she surprised them when once again all communication was severed with the exception of Patro.

  Patro, still nervous about being chosen to be the spokesperson looked once around the meadow at the others before squaring his shoulders. He may not know why he was chosen but he had been a co-leader of the people long enough to be able to lead in a just and fair manner, without hesitation. Looking up at Tresimiaset he revised his thoughts, without much hesitation.

  “What happens if everyone does not make it through the portals in time?”

  Tresimiaset tilting her head to the side briefly, was not surprised at this, the first question. Malory was correct with his knowledge she could have known each question before they returned. But Tresimiaset had set her mind to another task and left the leaders to plan the questions. She was not going to know what questions they planned until they asked.

  “No one will be left behind. Not a Deyarian. It is not possible. I am not saying some may not chose to stay, but they will not be able to stay. Were they able to stay, they would die once the portals closed.”

  She could tell by the look upon each face the answer had surprised them. But rather than expanding on the question Patro moved to the next question. Tresimiaset had chosen Patro wisely, but then she had his memories and she knew how he sought knowledge so she was not surprised. Patro was a scholar and knew better than to be diverted from the path.

  “Will we be able to bring everything? Specifically we need to know if we are going to have to start over from nothing or will we be able to bring our possessions, our crop seeds, our herd animals and boats? We need boats we assume but how to get one through a portal is beyond our ability to fathom. Can it be done?” Patro was really hoping the answers to those questions were positive ones. They did not even know if the new world had waters boats could navigate but they could not imagine a world without large bodies of water.

  Everyone waited anxiously on the answers to those questions. Some worried about boats because it would be better not to share a land with the Lyriant race but they had to stay connected somehow. Some hoped the Versioameni would come though they so far steadfastly refused to consider it. They worried for herd animals and keeping their people fed. Each of the men and women standing in the meadow listening to the dragon, with the exception of Malory, were or had been leaders for the race. Each one connected to tens of thousands of souls, knew the loss of even one would be felt. They worried for the future of the race and Tresimiaset honored them for their concern.

  “The reason so many portals will be created is to enable everyone to bring every item they can bring. Houses, of course, can not be brought but wagon loads of material must go through. Building must begin on the new planet as soon as possible. Crop seeds must come through for you do not know what the new planet has to offer. All the food that can be gathered must be brought through the portals. The herd animals will go through. The boats are much trickier to manage. I am not saying it can not be done, but the planning to get one through the portal is not something easily done. It can be done, and I agree a few need to go through, but most will have to be left behind. A dry dock and a wrench to pull the ship through a portal, not easily done. It is easier by far to send material through and build on the other side.”

  “How large can you make a portal? You said you have to go through the one at Central, but, even though it is of great size you will not fit so how can we do what you have asked. How can you go through the portal when it is not large enough? Does this doom us before we have begun?” the worry on Patro’s face was apparent when he asked this question.

  Tresimiaset snorted, “It is my portal, of course I will fit. The size of the portal does not matter in the way you imagine it to matter. Were it small enough for only my head it would still be of size enough for me. It stretches to accommodate what ever you chose to send through it. It is one reason why I tell you ships can go through, if you can but build the platform, on both sides of the portal, to send one through. You could not take a ship and try to put it in sideways did you have the means to move it. Some part of what you send through must breach the portal for the portal to open.”

  “What happens should we not be able to persuade the Lyriant race to follow us? What will we do?”

  She had been waiting for just such a question. She remembered the last move, the Deyarians had enslaved the Lyriants to move them, not all of them, but enough, and having taken them hostage, originally, had refused to release them once the move was complete. When last she slept the Lyriants had served the Deyarians, unwillingly. She would not see that happen again. But having their memories she knew slavery was not something they were considering. She had to make certain they did not start considering it as an option.

  “You have trade partners, those trade partners have friends and families. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see the planet is failing. The crops are not as prosperous, the landscape has changed, streams and rivers no longer flow where they once flowed. You have connections to save many, you can not save all I do not believe. You can save as many as will be saved.”

“Why do you say not one of our race will be left behind, yet not all of the Lyriants can be saved?” Patro, having asked all the questions of most interest to the Lyra had begun his next step of exploring the answers to the questions he had been asked.

  “Every person in the race is connected to a Lyra, the youngest Lyra have not yet connected to everyone, the oldest stopped connecting thousands of years ago, so are not connected to the youngest. But between the three Lyra, everyone is woven into the tapestry. Every woven strand can be pulled. This is something forgotten by your people. It can be relearned, it must be relearned.” By the time Tresimiaset finished speaking everyone was looking at her with expressions ranging from confusion to stunned disbelief and one face was wearing a smirk. From the memories she had she knew Darian had long believed something like what she had just said could be done. From the time he found he could pull himself to his Ship of the Line no matter where in the world it sailed he had believed he could manipulate the soul threads somehow. He had never tried for fear of harming one of his own, but he had wondered if it was possible. She could tell some did not understand what she was talking about. In fact, looking at them she believed the only ones with an understanding of what she had just revealed was Darian’s bond brothers. They each one had turned to stare at him. He had discussed it with them only to have them dismiss what he had said with scoffing laughter. The others had not noticed Patro, Kane, and Sarian’s attention to Darian yet but they would soon. She needed to get their attention before that happened. Quietly she whispered into Darian and his bond brothers minds, “Some knowledge you should not share. Quickly now, before the others wonder why you stare so at Darian, give me your attention while I tell them what you already guessed.”

  As Patro and his bond brothers jerked their attention back to Tresimiaset they all wondered why they should not share that Darian had guessed long ago people could be pulled to him by their soul threads. They had never tried it, they felt it too dangerous and had all but forbidden Darian to try. If she was now telling them it was possible, and was going to train them, why keep it a secret that Darian had long believed it possible. They each one planned to ask her when they first got a chance.

  Looking around at each of the Lyra Tresimiaset began to explain just how it was no Deyarian could be left behind. “Each of you have the ability to trace a soul thread to the person it belongs to. At some point, when everyone you can find, has crossed a portal you will all cross over to the next planet. When that happens you will feel a tug from anyone left behind. You will follow that tug to the ones you did not find and you will take Malory with you. We will open a portal and you will send them through, or they will die.” Almost before she had finished speaking everyone was shaking their head, not in disbelief but in refusal. Surprised at such an act, she never would have imagined any one of them refusing to save one of their own, especially when they knew they would feel the loss, she tried to figure out why they refused. She could have read their surface thoughts, she had been doing that often from the beginning, but she needed to move their communication away from her being intrusive and into a more open communication.

  “Why? Why would you refuse to save your own? Knowing the cost to yourselves?”

  Patro looked at her in disbelief, “No one wants to be multicolored. Oh it looks beautiful on you, but it would not look beautiful on us. We are not crossing back over once we go through. Nope, not gonna happen. We have a dog and…”

  Before Patro could finish Tresimiaset snorted in laughter and interrupted him, “The portal has no anchor on the other side. You can not explore an unanchored portal without consequences. And before you ask, no I can not get the dog back white. But it is a beautiful dog. And before you ask, no I have not seen the dog. I have seen your memories. That memory was high in each of you. Once anchored the colors will not wash back on anyone. Malory will be the last Deyarian to leave this planet. He will only leave when each of you can assure me no one tugs your soul save him. He will tug your soul Darian. But when he is the only tug left, then he will come across the portal.”

  “What about any Lyriants who have not crossed over, can they still come through the portal if Malory is on the other side? Will you leave him here until the last?” The concern in Patro’s verse was unmistakable. Tresimiaset wondered if the concern was for Malory who would stay behind, or the Lyriants who may not have crossed.

  “Malory will be the last person to cross, he will stay till near the end. Any Lyriants crossing the portals after he leaves the planet will have a one way trip. They can cross over but unless they want to look like Bowser they can not cross back here. Instructions will have to be left for any who may find them. I do expect many Lyriants will be willing to cross with you. Without being able to feel them you can not save them all. I think I have answered enough questions to get you started. What I need you to do is return to the place you call Central and start planning portals. You have town leaders to meet with and explain the evacuation of the planet, you have maps to pour over, you have enough plans to start. I will stay here and meet with the watchers. When you have a plan for portals, when you have meet with your town leaders and feel you can start the evacuation I will meet with you again. You have a deadline. Meet the deadline or die and watch your people slowly die. If that does not encourage you to speed things up I have nothing else. You have seven sunrises from today to get something started. Bring me your plans and I will tell you what works or does not work. I will be releasing your dragons back to you today. Kane, you will return in two sunrises for Malory. He can mind-speak me from anywhere so you will want him in the meetings. All the meetings. And keep the blasted scientists away from my portal, I feel the disturbance of it until it is anchored.” With that final instruction Tresimiaset returned all communication to the Lyra and sent a mental command to the dragons hidden deep within her sleep chamber releasing them back to their Lyra.

  The Lyra stood for a moment in stunned disbelief at all the information they had received until Darian gave a shout startling everyone. “Kirrilla, I hear Kirrilla!”

  “Yes, yes, I did tell you I would release them, now go and start your plans.” With that final instruction she turned from the Lyra and walked away, Malory walking beside her with his hand resting upon her hide.

  Chapter 14

  Even the dismal news and the dismissal the dragon had just given them did not stop the happiness flooding through the twelve men and women standing in the meadow. They had not realized just how much they needed their dragons until all contact with them had been lost. Now, even though they had instructions to leave and return to Central, not a single person stepped away from the meadow. It had been two weeks since they had seen or communicated with their dragons and they were not willing to leave until they could see and feel them again.

  Anyone looking at the men and women at that moment would have been hard pressed to describe the looks on their faces. Joy was clear but other expressions such as intense concentration would not have been so easily described. Each of the twelve had long since learned to mind speak to their individual dragons without their facial expressions giving them away, but in this moment in time it was as though the twelve had entered a trance with something only they could see.

  Soon they dragons would return to the meadow and maybe then the Lyra could be easier in their minds concerning the dragons. Tresimiaset had no reason to continue to contain the dragons, and she had known how much the Lyra would have continued to suffer without their dragons. Each of the Lyra were determined to return to Central aback their dragons. Not a single member of the Lyra could recall when all twelve had flown above Central at the same time, and not a single Lyra considered what seeing all the dragons in the skies above the capital would do to the people below. If they had considered it, they may not have chosen to return via dragon back. By the time they realized the panic it would cause, it was much too late.



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