Wild for You

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Wild for You Page 14

by Daisy Prescott

He steps closer, laying a hand on Dolly’s neck. I can feel his body heat and smell his fresh scent. Beneath the typical sandalwood and cut grass is a salty layer of sweat.

  I take in his appearance and notice the front of his T-shirt is dirty. His faded jeans are ripped at the knee and covered in dirt. Instead of a cowboy hat, he’s wearing a faded John Deere green baseball cap.

  “I’m here to take a riding lesson.” I finally find my words. “I swear I’m not stalking you.”

  “We do seem to be running into each other a lot this summer.” He grins at me. “If you want someone to teach you to ride, all you have to do was ask. I’d be more than happy to give you a private lesson.”

  “It was Mara’s idea.” I cast a glance at Jeb

  At the sound of her name, she turns and finally notices the hot cowboy standing next to me. “You’re BB.”

  Justin’s grin doesn’t fall, but his eyes shift to me. “BB? B for Buzz?”

  “Belt Buckle,” she explains. “I’m Mara.”

  Jeb laughs into his shoulder.

  “You call me BB one time and you’ll be looking for work on another ranch,” Justin tells him, his voice all business.

  “Gotcha, boss.” Jeb tips his hat.

  “If this is a riding lesson, what are you all doing on this side of the fence?”

  “Getting acquainted with the horses,” Mara says.

  Justin lifts his eyebrows in question.

  I nod at Mara’s words. “We’re a little nervous. Do you have any ponies around here? Or rocking horses?”

  “Friendly unicorns?” Mara asks.

  “Is she serious?” Justin looks to me for an answer.

  “If you do, we won’t tell anyone if you let us ride one.” Trying to loosen the tension, I play along.

  With a smile, Justin says, “I remember you weren’t too comfortable when you met Cisco. How about I work with you and let Mara have a private lesson with Jeb?”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you’re busy.”

  “Not too busy to spend time with you,” he says softly.

  Mara’s sigh is audible, but not as loud as the snort Jeb makes. Justin casts a dirty look at him and Jeb’s eyes widen.

  “We’ll take Dolly over to the other private ring.” Justin reaches for her harness like it’s a done deal. Leading her to the gate, he swings it open and guides her out. Without the fence barricade, she’s much bigger up close. Her head is higher than mine. “You good, Jeb?”

  Mara widens her eyes and shakes her head. When she speaks, her voice is pleading. “Don’t leave me.”

  “You’re in good hands. Jeb is the horse whisperer around here. And I’ll be right over there.” Justin points to a small ring across the yard. “I’ll keep an eye on you.”

  The confidence in his voice soothes the raw edges of my nerves. He takes my hand, leading Dolly on his other side.

  “It’s nice to see you,” he says, giving my hand a squeeze.

  “I didn’t know we were coming here. Mara made the reservation. Riding was all her idea.”

  He glances over his shoulder. “She doesn’t seem too sure about the horses.”

  “Terrified.” Me too, a little voice whispers inside of me.

  “And you?” He stops us in front of the gate and releases my hand to open it. “Do you want to learn how to ride or were you just appeasing your friend?”

  I haven’t mentioned my people pleasing habit, but his words hit close to home. “Let’s say it’s more of a recent interest.”

  The smile he gives me is slightly wicked and borders on being a cocky smirk. “Oh, really? When did this new interest start? Maybe at a rodeo?”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Those barrel racers are amazing.”

  He lets out a short laugh and gestures for me to follow him and Dolly into the ring. “I’ll be sure to let them know they have a new fan.”

  The clank of metal latching against metal reminds me I’m now trapped in here.

  He catches my glance at the gate and comments, “Put on your helmet. If Dolly goes berserk, run for the fence and slide through the rungs.”

  “Seriously?” I step away from the two of them.

  “No. Dolly’s too old for that sort of nonsense.” He pats her neck and moves to her side near her shoulders. “Ready?”

  “For what?” My voice cracks.

  “To ride?”

  I’d rather find his cabin and make out for an hour.

  He pats the saddle. “Alley-oop!”

  “Excuse me?” I don’t move.

  He steps into my space. Dolly’s neck blocks us from view of the other riding rings. I’m grateful for the sense of privacy when Justin wraps his free hand around my waist and pulls me against him right before he kisses me. This isn’t a polite peck. His tongue slides into my mouth and I arch into him in response.

  “Mmm,” he hums against my mouth. “That seemed to do the trick.”

  I blink open my eyes. “What?”

  “Calmed you down. You were making Dolly and me nervous.” He releases me with a grin.

  “Trickster.” I eye the saddle and stirrups. “How am I supposed to get up there?”

  “Easy. Put your foot in the stirrup and then straighten your leg so you can swing your other leg over her back.”

  I stare at him.

  “I’ll hold her steady. You can do this.”

  I follow his instructions and almost fall over upside down.

  “Okay, let’s try this with a boost.” He folds his hands together and holds them near the stirrup. “Foot goes here and grip the saddle horn.”

  Giving him side-eye, I gently rest my boot in his hands.

  “You’re going to need to shift your weight into it. And don’t you dare say or think you’re too heavy to lift. Just don’t. Ready?”

  With a nod, I shift my weight and in a flash, he’s lifting me high enough I can swing my leg over Dolly.

  “I did it!” I’m a baller. I’m totally savage.

  Until Dolly shifts and I nearly slide off the saddle.

  “Hold on to something.” Justin steadies me with his hand on my hip. “You’re not ready for bareback.”

  And my mind immediately goes to riding him bareback. Apparently, all horsey things make me horny. Because I have a dirty mind.

  I grip the horn as tight as possible, my knuckles turning white.

  “Loosen up.” Justin pokes my thigh. “Feet in the stirrups. Drop your heels.”

  So bossy. I glance down at him and then at the position of my hand wrapped around the phallic saddle horn. Yep, that looks dirty too.

  “I’m going to lead you around the ring so you can get used to the feel of her gait. Ready? Keep your heels down and your shoulders back.”

  With a nod, I give him a weak smile. “Giddy up.”

  Shaking his head, Justin tries to hide his own grin.

  “Don’t pretend I’m not adorable.”

  When he clicks his tongue and moves forward, Dolly follows.

  “There’s no denying it,” he says over his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you because I’m all the way up here. On this horse. Can you repeat that please?” I let my body sway in rhythm with Dolly’s steps.

  Justin laughs and shakes his head. “There’s no denying you’re adorable.”

  “Why, thank you for the compliment.” I grin down at him.

  “Tighten your core and don’t let yourself move around so much in the saddle. Pay attention to your posture. Your abs and inner thighs should be engaged. You’re probably going to be sore tomorrow.”

  Are you kidding me? How am I supposed to not make that dirty?

  To make things worse, Justin’s backside is distracting me. There’s something about the way old, faded denim curves around the man’s ass as he walks. His broad shoulders tug at the tight fabric of his shirt, revealing the cut of his strong back down to his hips.

  “Mara seems to be doing okay.” His voice pulls me out of my observat
ions. I lift my head and spot Mara upright on Loretta and moving at about the same pace as us. I give her a wave. She lifts a hand to return the gesture and then immediately grips her saddle again.

  “Do I look that nervous?” I ask.

  Justin twists to study me. “You could relax a little more, but no, you don’t look like you’re about to die. You look good up there.”

  His compliment makes me smile.

  “Ready to take the reins?”

  My smile fades. “I’m not sure I’m ready for that kind of power and control.”

  “I think you are.” He slows and Dolly stops. “It’s easy. Keep your calves and feet away from her side, unless you want her to go faster.”

  I straighten my legs away from her belly faster than he can finish his words, earning a chuckle from him.

  “I’ll be right here.” He flips the reins over her head and hands them to me. “Left rein, turn left. Right to turn right. Hold them both in your dominant hand.”

  “Dolly, it’s me and you. And I want to let you know that I think that girl Jolene is bad news, too.” I pat her strong neck.

  Justin’s shoulders shake with amusement. “I think you two are going to be great friends. I’ll be right over there.”

  As he guides me, he teaches me how to encourage her to walk and how to steer. In a few minutes, I feel my shoulders relax and I exhale deeply for the first time since getting in the saddle.

  “Posture.” Justin reminds me from his perch on the top rung of the fence.

  I tighten my abs and make sure my shoulders are back and my heels are down.

  “Good girl.”

  His praise resonates inside of me, making me grin.

  “Slow her down and change directions.”

  “How?” I look at my hands and wonder where the brakes are.

  “Pull back on the reins. And feel free to say whoa.”

  I catch his grin as I pass by him. “Stop teasing me.”

  “I’m not. It works.”

  Dolly slows to a stop.

  “Now turn her.”

  I manage to get her to go left, circling the ring counter clockwise.

  Each time we pass Justin, I meet his eyes and feel the impact of his beautiful smile deep in my chest. When he winks at me, I tighten my thighs.

  Dolly responds to the pressure and picks up her pace. As she trots around the circle, I bounce in the saddle, trying to keep my posture.

  “What did I do?” Panic creeps into my tone.

  “Loosen your legs and pull back on the reins.” He remains completely calm while I speed around the ring.

  I do as he says. She slows to a walk and then meanders over to Justin.

  “I’m impressed.”

  “Whatever I did was an accident.” And completely his fault for being so damn sexy.

  “You stayed on the horse and didn’t freak out.”

  “I don’t think I’m ready for a moving dismount.”

  Laughing, he jumps down from the fence and lands on his feet like a cat. “I think you’re a natural. A couple more lessons and you’ll be ready for a trail ride.”

  “Are you going to give me private lessons?” I try to purr the words and make them sexy.

  Slipping the reins out of my hands, he steadies Dolly. “You think I’m going to let Jeb or one of the other guys spend time with you on my ranch? No way.”

  “How do I get off this thing?” I’d lean down to kiss him, but I’m afraid of falling.

  With a hand on Dolly’s nose, he puts the other one on the saddle horn. Right between my legs. “Reverse your mount.”

  All I hear is reverse cowgirl. Because he’s close and being charming with his ridiculously beautiful smile and a dangerous spark in his eyes.

  I manage to dismount without face-planting. When both feet are firm on the ground, I raise my arms like a gymnast who just stuck her landing off the vault.

  “You get a ten from me.” Justin grins and gives me a quick kiss.

  I press my lips to his and wrap my arms around his shoulders. “Thank you.”

  “You nailed that landing. You earned it.”

  He’s cute when he’s funny. So I kiss him again. Something bumps my head and I jerk away.

  “I think Dolly’s jealous.” Justin half-laughs, half-speaks. I notice his eyes dart over to the other riding rings like he’s worried someone spotted us canoodling. Cowboy law probably prohibits things like kissing, canoodling, and cuddling. Especially in front of other cowboys.

  Sure enough her big brown nose is inches from our heads.

  “Had enough for today?” He pats her nose, gently shoving her head away from my face.

  “Definitely.” My legs feel a little wobbly.

  “Want to stay for lunch?” In the shadow of his cap’s brim, his eyes are almost black. For a brief moment I wonder if I’m on the menu.

  “Mara’s my ride.”

  Mara. I kind of forgot about her. I turn to check on her in the other area. She’s still on Loretta and has a grin on her face. Apparently I’m not the only one who’s having fun.

  “She’s welcome to stay, too.”

  “Can we watch the rest of her lesson?” I ask.

  “Of course. I’ll lead Dolly back to the group paddock after taking off her tack. Head over and I’ll meet you back there.”

  I practically skip over to the other riding ring. Partially from joy and partly because my inner thighs are jelly.

  Justin must have legs of steel and stamina for days.

  Chapter 19


  The invitation slips past my lips before I really think about the repercussions of inviting Zoe to lunch here on the ranch. Hell, evidently, I’ve already lost my mind kissing her out in the ring.

  We can always leave and eat in town. I’m sure Jeb will tell everyone everything. The gossip will travel quicker than a fire through dry grass.

  Better to face the mob and stop any rumors before they can gain traction.

  Right, okay. I give myself a pep talk while I hang up Dolly’s tack.

  No, I’m not hiding in the tack room. After organizing a few bridles and harnesses, I admit I might be avoiding facing Jeb again.

  The downside of that is I’m wasting the limited time I have with Zoe this week.

  When I return to the riding ring, Mara’s lesson’s over. She’s hugging Zoe and both women are jumping up and down.

  Holding Loretta’s harness, Jeb leads her toward the barn. As we pass, he gives me a sly smile. “Gotta check with Tammy on who had July.”

  My brows scrunch together. “Huh?”

  “The dating pool?” He slaps my shoulder. “Guess it really is Cowboy Christmas for you. She’s totally hot. You know if the perky blonde is single?”

  “Just met her.”

  “The blonde?”


  “Nice.” Now he grips my shoulder and shakes me. “Didn’t think you were into sharing, but man, you’re my hero.”

  I place my hand over his and squeeze while pulling it off my arm. “First, none of your damn business. Second, I meant I met them both recently, but I’m only interested in Zoe. Third, I regret telling you that. Fourth, keep this to yourself.”

  “Okay, okay, cranky bastard.” With a chuckle, he continues toward the tack room.

  With an exhale, I silently tell him off as I stroll back to Zoe.

  “You did it!” She gives Mara a double high five.

  After their hands touch, Mara points her index fingers like guns, blows on the tips, before putting one and then the other in her back pockets. Like a super happy, cute gunslinger.

  Grinning at Zoe, I join them. “No guns allowed in the dining hall. We had to put a sign up by the door.”

  “Seriously? There was a big enough issue you had to make a sign?” Zoe asks.

  “Allegedly, and way before my time, two of the ranch-hands fell for the same woman. Things got ugly. Guns were pulled.”

  “Did they shoot each other?” Mara’s eyes

  “Only one of them fired. Hit the wall. Bullet’s still lodged in the wood as a reminder.”

  Both women stare at me with their mouths open.

  “Wow. This is the wild west,” Zoe says, in awe. “Gunslingers and cowboys. Oh my.”

  Mara nudges her shoulder and jerks her head toward the corner of the barn. “Ask him.”

  “Ask me what?”

  Zoe shoots a quick glare at her friend. “Nothing.”

  “You can ask me anything.” And I mean it.

  “Can you give me a roping demonstration? I saw the dummy by the barn.” Zoe won’t meet my eyes and instead points off in the distance.

  “Sure. We don’t have a ton of time before lunch, but I’m always happy to show off.”

  I grab a loop of practice rope and head over to the roping dummy.

  “Make sure you’re out of the way. I don’t want to accidentally lasso you.” I give Zoe a cocky smile.

  “Could you?” she says, her voice soft and flirty. The tone makes my pulse quicken.

  “Rope you?” I ask, adjusting the loops in my hand. “Is that what you want? To be tied up?”

  “I’m going to go find a bathroom. Or an outhouse,” Mara mutters. “You two need privacy and I need to not be here.”

  Her words barely register as she walks away.

  Zoe nods her head. “Not the ankle tying part.”

  Still coiling and uncoiling the rope, I narrow the distance between us. “What is it about the rope?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispers, close enough I can feel her breath on my cheek.

  “Is it the control?”

  “Maybe,” she says so softly I feel more than hear the words.

  “Do you want to try it on me? Or is this something you want me to do to you?”

  Her thick, dark lashes frame her wide eyes as she slowly blinks.

  Fearing I’ve gone too far, I lean back, giving her space.

  “Will it hurt?” she asks

  “Not if I do it right.” I lower my voice.

  “I want to see how it feels.” Her chin lifts slightly as she resolves herself.

  I quickly press my lips to hers. “This should be interesting.”

  To warm up, I toss the rope over the dummy’s head a few times.

  “Ready?” I ask after I’m sure I can do this without giving her rope burns or hitting her in the face.


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