Day's Light

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by M. A. Church

  Day’s Light

  M.A. Church

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Day’s Light, 2020 © M.A. Church

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser or reviewer only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

  Edited by: Turtlehat Creatives

  Edited by: Marked and Read Proofreading Services.

  Proofed by: Deborah Coulter

  Cover artist: Designs by Morningstar

  What if the thing that goes bump in the night is you?

  Gunshots in the dark of night change everything for Mark James. As his lifeblood stains the cold concrete, a sexy stranger with yellow eyes takes Mark from the violent scene of his parents’ death. But that one act tosses Mark into a world he never knew existed—the world of werewolves, vampires, Guardians, and fated mates.

  While tracking werewolves who stole from his pack, Alpha Hunter Day not only interrupts a mugging gone wrong, he finds his mate bleeding out in a dank alleyway. Determined not to let the person fate gifted him die, Hunter bites Mark. He not only starts the transformation but also claims Mark, and he does it all without Mark’s consent.

  A bitten wolf is never an Alpha, yet Mark is one. Further complicating matters is the lack of control over his hybrid form. It’s just one struggle among many Mark must overcome.

  And fate isn’t done with them, either. All paths lead to Mystic Bay and the brother Mark is desperate to reconnect with. But the trip brings not only surprises but a danger no one foresaw.

  Dragons Hoard – 5 * Review

  Amazon Customer: “I was not familiar with this author but the title and cover intrigued me so I gave it a shot...and I really enjoyed it!”

  Samuel Cook: “ Very unique story line, and a twist on the plot development which had me very surprised and pleased.”

  Ariel Skiee: “It's a simple, but engrossing, story of an alpha who needs money and borrows some from a dragon and years later when it comes due he can't pay it back. When the dragon sees his youngest son, Avery, it's love at first sight. He asks for three of his businesses and his youngest son. When Avery sees the dragon it's love at first sight for him too. They both don't know it until the end though.”

  Dragons Hoard – 4 * Review

  Llv: “I really liked this cute story about a dragon and his omega wolf mate. This was just a great relatively angst free story about a dragon wooing and mating his omega wolf.”

  Jessie G: “If you’re a shifter fan, a dragon fan, a fan of low-angst won’t be disappointed at all.”

  The Harvest: Taken – 5 * Review

  Amazon Customer: “This is the first book I've read by this author, but it won't be the last. I really enjoyed her writing, the characters, the plot, everything.”

  Isis Rosendo: “This story has everything I NEED in a m/m novel! Abduction, Love, Action, Fights, MPreg and Aliens!”

  The Harvest: Taken – 4 * Review

  Michael Holland: ““The Harvest: Taken” may sound like a typical kidnapped-for-sex-slave story, but it largely succeeds in being a quite different kind of book. The Tah'Narians really are looking for mates — as in true life partners — and not just brood hens to produce young.”

  Heather: “This is the first book I've read from this author. I found that I really liked the overall story and I'm looking forward to the next book.”

  In Enemy Hands – 5 * Review

  Vanessa Gonzalez: “What can i say except omg I loved this book! Absolutely friggin loved it ❤”

  Kindle Customer: “As always with M.A. Church, the world building was excellent, the characters consistent, the editing very well done.”

  Fur, Fangs and Felines – 5 * Review

  Zohatu: “What an absolutely wonderful book!!! I truly enjoyed this book. It was an amazing read. The way that Tal, Dolf, and Kirk complemented and supported each other was really touched my heart.”

  Pam Finn: “Talking about a twist in a shifter book. This was a nice surprise.”

  Fur, Fangs and Felines – 4.5 * Review

  JustMe: “Let me tell to start with that I prefer dogs, but I find that some cats are funny - and Dolf and Tal fall into this category. The description of those two running all over the place made me laugh. And also the rest of the story is entertaining.”

  Fur, Fangs and Felines – 4 * Review

  Mrs M D Attenborough: “What made this book for me, I mean absolutely made it shine, was there was none, for all three, NONE of that instalove that usually comes with shifters. Mating processes that need to be adhered to, yes. BUT none of them had that slam of a love feeling. It grew.”

  The Harvest Young: Bound by Fate – 5 * Review

  SwitchingRain: “I will not give the story away, just know you will not be sorry in anyway. The characters are awesome, lively. Makes you laugh, scared. But loveable. Enjoy.”

  ZordeeKat: “I love the Harvest series and the idea of now following the next generation is great. The twins are great way to begin.”

  The Harvest Young: Bound by Fate – 4 * Review

  Avid Reader: “Love sci-fi books! This does not disappoint! Truly enjoyable, wonderfully written trek through the Galaxy!”

  Melissa: “I've a huge fan of the series and have been waiting for a book about the "young". This book was short and very much a romance without a lot of the angst of the rest of the series so far.”


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter One – Mark

  FLASHING NEON lights. Headache.

  “It’s getting late. Maybe we should head to the hotel, dear.”

  Thank fuck.

  “This is the city that never sleeps, Judy.”

  “New York, Dad. That’s New York. You know, the place we live.”

  Snappy reply. Oops. Aaand there it was, the famous Dad frown.

  “Right, right. This is the City of Sin.”

  “Jesus, Dad.”

  A shortcut. Bad idea.

  “Gerald, are you positive this is the way? This side street is really dark.”

  “Dad? I’m not sure this is such a—”

  “Calm down, it’s just a shortcut. It won’t take but a minute to—”<
br />
  Two men. Lots of shadows.

  “Wallets and jewelry! Now. Hand them over and no one gets hurt.”

  A gun cocked.

  “Oh my goodness!”

  “Shit. Mom, give it to them.”

  Yanking at his back pocket for his wallet. Knew this was a terrible idea. Knew they shouldn’t have ducked down this darkened alley. And for what? To cut a few minutes off their walk to their hotel.

  “Bitch, give us what we want.”

  Growling? But that wasn’t a normal sound, not a normal human sound.


  No masks. Not hiding their faces. Not good.

  “Here! Just take them and leave us alone. Please.”

  Dad’s voice. The worry.

  A smirking smile. Eyes turning yellow. Then gunshots.



  Loud cries of horror. Dad crumpled on the ground. Mom laying limply over him. Growling? Wild animals, maybe? Yellow eyes.

  Yellow eyes?

  “Fuck! Shut him up.”

  “Dammit, I was hoping we could’ve had some fun with him before—”

  “No witnesses. Alpha Bennett said absolutely no witnesses.”


  “Son of a bitch. Fine, then.”

  Gun discharged again.

  Running toward them. Then pain. A burning in his guts. Pure agony. Sidewalk rushing up to greet him.

  “Shit. Smell that? There’s another wolf around here. Female, I think.”

  Wet hands.

  “Smells like a rogue, though. She’s already scurrying off. Oh fuck. I smell another one. An Alpha. And a Beta too.”

  “Goddammit. Think it’s the ones who’ve been trailing us? We gotta get the hell out of here.”

  “But the young human, he isn’t dead yet.”


  “He’ll be dead soon enough. All that blood? Hopefully it’ll trigger that Alpha, and he’ll finish off the human. Move it.”

  Air disrupted by movement. Laying on hot sidewalk. Blood everywhere. Dying. On a filthy fucking street. Sightless eyes, staring back at him. Anguish. Pain. Anger.

  Mom? Dad?

  Reached for them but fell short.

  “The motherfuckers ran. Do I follow?”

  A new voice.

  “The sorry bastards shot them. Just gunned them down. Oh. Oh, no. Shit!”

  Another harsh growl.

  Lifted up. Warm body. Male. Muscular. Smelled really good.

  “Forget the wolves, Brax. Let’s go. I’m bringing the human.”

  “What? Why in the world would you—okay, okay! We’re taking the human. Got it. But this’ll be a gigantic problem, you know that, right?”

  Growling. Again.

  “They dropped his wallet. Grab it.”

  “Got it. Let’s get out of here. I hear sirens.”

  Running. Pain. A voice whispering in his ear.

  “Hold on, dammit. You hold on. Don’t you dare die on me now that I’ve finally found you.”

  PAIN SLASHED through him, and Mark jerked awake, the disjointed memories fading into nothingness like smoke on a breeze. But between one heartbeat and the next, reality slammed into him.

  His parents had been shot. So had he. Life as he knew it ended over a shortcut, two men lurking in the shadows, and guns. They’d demanded money and jewelry, which they’d given them.

  Then a smirking smile before the retort of a gun. Death had followed.

  “How’s he doing?”

  “Not good.”

  Mark moaned pitifully. His mom. His dad. Both dead, blood flowing from their lifeless bodies. He squeezed his eyes closed. The agony in his gut was nothing compared to the wrenching pain in his heart. Tears flooded from his closed eyes and dripped down his cheeks. Gone, they were gone.

  Fuck, he was cold. The spreading numbness offered relief, but he knew better. The respite offered was an eternal one. As he drifted in and out, he noticed how his body rocked gently. In the background a radio played. He rested on a flat, soft surface that was firm and smelled like leather. Maybe a car seat of some sort?

  But another scent drowned out even that, something warm and woodsy. There was a hint of pine in there too. It was fresh, natural, and earthy.

  “Please, hold on. You must.”

  That deep voice again—one that commanded attention but also promised safety. It plucked at his soul. Mark opened his eyes, and his gaze darted frantically about. A streetlight illuminated the interior, and it didn’t take much to figure out he was in the back of some sort of huge SUV. The third seat was down, and he was sprawled out across it.

  “Can you hear me?”

  His gaze zeroed in on the person who spoke, and his breath caught as he examined the face before him—the strong chin, the chiseled cheekbones, the eyes a deep chocolate brown. Short dark blond hair fell over the man’s forehead. He was the very picture of male perfection.

  And a complete stranger—a complete stranger who’d taken him from the scene of his parents’ murders. Mark’s heart rate surged then sputtered. The burning agony in his gut flared.

  “Hey, hey, calm down. Shit. Brax! How much longer until we’re home?”

  “Thirty minutes, at least, Alpha.”

  Mark stiffened. That word—Alpha.

  “Then drive faster!”

  “Are you kidding me? I don’t dare drive any faster. The very last thing we need is to get pulled over by the human cops while we have some stranger bleeding out in the backseat. And speaking of that, Zane is going to shit fucking kittens. This SUV is his baby. Also, holy shit, did I mention I can smell that human’s blood?”

  “You keep yourself under control, do you hear me? I know you can smell his blood. I can too. But I’m telling you right now, if you start to change, I’ll rip your throat out.”

  “For fuck’s sake.”

  “Get us home.”

  “Doing my dead level best, Alpha.”

  What kind of name is Alpha? That’s weird, even if he’s a kidnapper. Mark’s vision waned, and blackness closed in around him. Thank fuck Michael didn’t come with us. Michael. Shit, he’s going to freak when he hears.

  He’s going to be alone too. I’m sorry, Michael.

  “I’m losing him! Pull over, dammit.”

  Tires squealed as the vehicle braked to a stop. Why were they so worried about keeping him alive? Not that he didn’t want to live. He did. But he was no one to these people. Just a random stranger bleeding out in some dude’s SUV, one who was going to shit kittens over it, apparently.

  He giggled, and a sudden burst of liquid bubbled from his lips. Ugh. That tasted metallic-like and gross. So why didn’t he feel whatever that was trickling down his chin? Where was his chin? He couldn’t feel it. Or much of anything else.

  I’m dying. I don’t what to fucking die, and not in the fucking back of some stupid fucking SUV that some fucking asshole is going to have fucking kittens over because I’m fucking bleeding all over it. They were going to harvest his organs for the black market, weren’t they? That had to be it and made as much sense as anything else.

  “Please sedate me before you harvest anything of mine. Please.”

  “What?” he growled. “What did you just say? Good goddess.”

  Every hair on his body stood up at that growling sound, but the effect on him was outrageously different this time. Last time fear rode him. This time his cock perked up. What. The. Fuck? Didn’t think I had enough blood left to do that. Also, what the fuck?

  The man driving climbed into the backseat with them. “Did he say what I think he said?”

  The blond god pulled Mark into a sitting position. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for this, but I can’t lose you. I can’t.”

  “What are you—oh fuck. You’re going to change him? Forget the kittens, Zane is going to lose his entire damn mind. You just can’t go around changing humans. We know nothing about this dude! Nothing! Why—”

  “He’s my mate.”

  “Oh, fucking fuck,” the other one wheezed.

  “What’s a—” Mark screamed. Flat out screamed—and lost his train of thought, along with his dignity—when the blond-headed god’s eyes suddenly turned yellow. Yellow. Just like the assholes who killed his parents.

  But those eyes were nothing compared to the sudden mouthful of really pointed fangs coming at him. They clamped onto where his shoulder and neck met. Pain, unlike anything he’d ever felt, spread through him.

  The agony completely made him forget about the unrelenting burn in his gut, and he screamed again, yelling bloody blue murder because that shit hurt. He struggled, not that it did any good.

  Mark moaned, panting through his mouth as he waited for—he had no idea what he waited for. To finish dying? Then a cooling sensation started at the bite site. It slowly spread outward. The pain receded, and his muscles relaxed.

  Finally, the blond god lifted his head. His fangs were still showing, his eyes were still that awful yellow, and his mouth and chin were smeared with blood. The encroaching darkness washed over him just as Mark swung at whatever the hell it was that took a bite out of him.

  Chapter Two – Hunter

  HUNTER DIPPED the washcloth into the bowl, rung it out, and wiped the cool rag across Mark’s face. Hopefully, it would help bring down the fever raging through him.

  “Dad? Dad!”

  “Shhh. It’s okay,” Hunter murmured.

  It had taken both him and Brax to haul Mark to Hunter’s bedroom last night. Or hell, maybe early morning would be more accurate. Then came one of the most horrific experiences of his life—digging the bullet out of Mark’s gut.

  There had been blood, too much blood. Mark had already lost more than he could afford. Then there were Mark’s screams as Hunter removed the bullet. Mark passed out almost immediately, thank fuck, and blessedly remained unconscious. But Mark’s breathing had slowed, and Hunter spent the next hour practically willing Mark to just breathe.

  If Mark died, Hunter didn’t know what he’d do. After one of the tensest hours of his life, Mark’s breathing grew stronger. Hunter nearly wept in relief. He stripped Mark out of his bloody clothes and cleaned him as best he could. He pocketed Mark’s shattered cell phone after making sure the thing was truly dead.


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