Day's Light

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Day's Light Page 13

by M. A. Church

  “If he thinks about it, then yes.” Mark rolled his neck, popping it. “If I end up losing the stuff in my apartment, it won’t be the end of the world. The important things of mine are in the attic at our parents’ house. That he will take care of.”

  “I’m sorry, Mark.” Hunter rested his hand on the back of Mark’s neck and squeezed gently. “I hate that you’re going through this.”

  “Me too.” Mark sighed, leaning into the touch. “I also need a new phone. And before you say anything, I promise not to contact Michael. As much as I want to, I know I can’t. Not right now.”

  “Or friends,” Hunter added as he sat back down.

  “Honestly? I have a lot of acquaintances who’ll probably wonder what happened to me, but I have very few close friends.” Mark paused. “That’s not exactly right, either. I have no close friends outside of Michael, so I won’t be calling anyone, except maybe you.”

  “I’d planned to get you one. Right now, we’re spending a lot of time together, but that won’t last. So I agree. You do need a cell.” Hunter sipped his coffee. “We’ll do it the next time we’re in town. That okay?”

  “Sounds good. Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for doing such things.” Hunter finished his coffee and set the mug down. “Once you’ve adjusted to being a werewolf, and I’m sure you won’t be triggered into changing, we’ll contact Michael and get your stuff.”

  “What about the human police?”

  “That’s a little trickier.” Hunter’s fingers drummed on the table. “Contacting them would lead to questions, questions you can’t really answer because of who you are now. The best bet would be for you to stay missing.”

  “Dammit. How’ll that work?”

  “Completely new identity. We have the means and know the people to do it. You can keep the name Mark, but you might want to start thinking about a new last name. Try to come up with something quick so we can get this started.”

  “That’s amazing. Do you do that for all humans who become werewolves?”

  “Of course not.” Hunter winked at Mark. “Most of them the police aren’t looking for.”

  “That’s true. One more quick question.”


  “Since it’s so unusual for two Alphas to be mated, are we going to run into problems with other werewolves who aren’t pack?”

  “Problems? No. Is it possible we could get some strange looks? Likely. Could our mating make some uncomfortable? Very likely. It’s rare to see two such dominant personalities mated. There’s no getting around that. But we seem to be making it work. I have complete faith in my goddess. She made us fated mates, so she must have thought we were perfect for each other.”

  Mark grimaced. “I hate the idea some wolf might feel the need to give us shit because we aren’t—I’m not—what’s considered normal.”

  “There’s always some asshole who’s looking to cause trouble. I’m sure there’ll be someone who feels the need to flex their metaphorical muscle since you’re a bitten wolf who’s an Alpha.” Hunter shrugged. “Fuck them.”

  “That’s what concerns me.”

  “You might even have to kick some ass to prove you’re not someone to mess with.” He’d stand proudly by and watch his mate clean house too. “But I have no doubt those assholes will back down fast. Zane and I are some of the most powerful around, and you match us.”

  Mark blinked. “Wow! Really? You’ve never actually put it that way.”

  “Sorry. I should’ve made that clear. I’ve met a lot of Alphas in my time. Only one comes to mind who’d be more powerful than you, and he’s a Guardian.”

  “Someone is going to be an asshole. I can feel it.”

  “Kicking their ass can do wonders for that. Which reminds me. You’ll need to start training on how to fight in wolf form.”

  “Say what now?”

  “You get to learn how to kick ass in wolf form. When you’re a bit more stable, Brax will help too.”

  “But, he’s a Beta, right? Won’t I hurt him?”

  “He’s going to show you how to fight. You won’t actually be fighting him.”


  “No. That’ll be me.”

  “What! How the hell is that fair?”

  “I’ll go easy on you.” Snickering, Hunter stood. “I’m going to go take a quick shower. If you want to watch TV, the remote is on the end table. Or if you want, take your coffee and go sit on the back patio. It’s a nice morning. I won’t be long.”

  Chapter Seventeen – Mark

  MARK TOOK Hunter’s advice and wandered out to the patio. Fuck, he was going to have to fight Hunter? Even if it was just training, he didn’t see his mate going easy on him.

  Sitting down on a lounge chair, he sipped his coffee. Fuck it. No point worrying about something he couldn’t change. Instead, he focused on the backyard that was unfenced and open to the forest beyond it. It was all very natural and untamed. Mark liked it. Hunter’s house, what he’d paid attention to so far, was updated without feeling too modern.

  He liked the hardwoods, natural light, and homey feel to the place. The colors Hunter picked were warm—chocolate browns, sunny yellows, creamy shades of white, bright oranges, and vibrant blues. Lots of dark woods for end tables, chairs, and stuff like that.

  A short time later, Hunter joined him, holding two cups of coffee. He replaced Mark’s and joined him on the lounge, snuggling close. Neither spoke. They just sat there, enjoying each other and admiring the view. It was the most peaceful he’d felt in a long time.

  Hunter’s phone beeped, and he pulled it out of his pocket. “They’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  “I didn’t ask, but is it pack bringing the stuff? I know the owner is a werewolf.”

  “Yes. You get to meet more pack.” Hunter climbed to his feet and held out his hand to Mark. “You ready for that?”

  “Sure. I mean, by now word has surely spread, so I shouldn’t be a shock to anyone.”

  AS IT turned out, word had indeed spread. Everyone seemed happy to meet him, and the lack of eye contact and the neck baring was becoming less awkward. Somewhat, at least. As a human, he’d been taught to make eye contact and hold it. Now, after a brief glance, no one held his gaze. It pleased his wolf, but he still found it a bit odd.

  The new mattress was set up, and the bed remade. After lunch, they worked on shifting into the wolf form. Hunter was still much faster than him. When Mark mentioned it, Hunter reassured him that time and practice would increase Mark’s speed.

  Want to go explore some?

  Fuck yes! I’m going stir crazy.

  It’s only been five days.

  I know, but in some ways, it feels like I’ve been living in a bubble.

  Well then, come on!

  Mark absolutely could get behind that, and they raced off toward the forest. He couldn’t get over how much cooler it was here than in Las Vegas. The terrain was also different from anything he’d ever experienced too—so much rockier and, well, harsh. Primitive.

  But there was beauty in that too. As they trotted along, following a stream, he noticed that the cliffs on both sides of them were beginning to close in.

  Didn’t expect to find water here.

  It’s seasonal.

  They kept going, and the canyon walls became tighter as the trail crossed the creek bed and traveled deeper into the canyon. The path weaved between canyon walls.

  Jesus, how tall are these things?

  Ah, a hundred feet maybe? Never measured them.


  The trail turned sharply, and boulder hopping became a necessity. Water flowed as they continued through the slot canyon. He wouldn’t want to get caught here during a flood, that was for sure.

  Eventually they came to a small waterfall. He followed Hunter down to the pool at the bottom of it, and copying him, Mark lowered his head and drank his fill. The reflection of a wolf staring back at him from the water caught him off guard. Talk a
bout having his new reality slapping him in the face.

  He was equally caught off guard when Hunter bumped him into the pool… then joined him by cannonballing—as much as a wolf could—next to him. Shaking his head, Mark slung water everywhere. He expressed his displeasure in a long and rousing tirade of barks. Hunter responded by trying to dunk him… while still in wolf form.


  The sun was beginning to set by the time they left the waterfall and made their way back to the house. Once they shifted and dressed, Hunter started dinner. Feeling silly just sitting around, Mark offered to help, and soon they were moving around the kitchen working effortlessly together.

  This was something he could see the two of them doing for a long time. His wolf agreed.

  DAYS TURNED into weeks, and before he knew it, six weeks had passed since that fateful night in Vegas. Mark now had his new identity and a new last name. He finally picked Hill. Mark Hill. He liked it because it was utterly forgettable.

  It was the middle of September, football was back, and the weather had definitely cooled off there. For the most part, things were going great. One thing that hadn’t was meeting Zane for the first time.

  He and Hunter had been invited to Zane’s for dinner. As soon as he laid eyes on Zane, Mark started having problems with his wolf. Zane was an Alpha, of course, and didn’t bare his throat. The power rolling off Zane hadn’t helped matters.

  Zane smelled like pack and a little like Hunter, which did calm his wolf some, but Mark still fought to keep his beast under control. Both him and his wolf spent the whole dinner ping-ponging back and forth between wanting to demand submission from Zane and wanting to bare his throat to Zane. It left Mark confused, uneasy, and restless.

  And it was horribly obvious. Dinner was an awkward affair, and he hated that. Zane was friendly and humorous, and both Zane and his mate had gone out of their way to make Mark feel welcome. It hadn’t worked, unfortunately. Almost an hour into it, Mark finally stood, made his apologies for acting so weird, and left. Hunter had been right behind him.

  Although Hunter wasn’t upset over Mark’s abruptness, Mark still felt bad. Zane was Hunter’s brother. It was obvious they were very close, and Mark could barely stand to stay in the same room with the man. So how the hell was Mark going to stay in the same pack Zane co-Alphaed?

  He’d also started training with Hunter and Brax on how to fight as a wolf. He still had a long way to go before he’d be able to best Hunter. Brax was over at the house tonight for a training session, but he also had some news for Mark regarding his brother.

  Brax was keeping an eye on Michael, and thanks to him, Mark learned Michael had buried their parents, sold their house, put some of their things in storage, and cleaned out Mark’s apartment.

  He knew it was coming, but he still didn’t react well to it. That was the other thing not going so great. The pain associated with his parents’ murders still sent him over the edge, and he’d started losing control of his wolf when confronted with it.

  Hunter dragged him outside, and they were currently wrestling in the backyard in wolf form while Brax stayed safely in the kitchen. Hunter was his mate, but he also didn’t hesitate to do whatever was needed. Which was why Mark was on his back with Hunter’s teeth against his throat.

  Letting his body go limp, he lay there, breathing hard. Hunter had bested him, fair and square. He might be as strong as Hunter, but he didn’t have his experience. As soon as he relaxed, Hunter let go and sat down next to him, licking his muzzle. Sighing, Mark shifted.

  He sat in the grass, naked, with a huge white wolf trying to climb in his lap. His life was completely ridiculous, and he had to laugh. “You’re not a lap dog, you know that, right?”

  Hunter raised his head and ran his tongue up the side of Mark’s face.

  “Dude! What the hell, Hunter?” Mark swiped furiously at his cheek. “That’s disgusting when in human form. Just saying.”

  In a barrage of yips and yowls, Hunter expressed his opinion on that.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Mark scratched Hunter between the ears. “I’ve calmed down now. You can shift back.”

  Hunter climbed off and shifted too. Reaching up, he tugged a few leaves out of Mark’s hair.

  Mark shook the rest out. “It’s really getting long, isn’t it?” Damn stuff was touching the top of his shoulders. It’d never been this long before. He was also rocking the scruffy look more and more.

  “It is. Are you thinking of cutting it?”

  “No. I like it.” Mark picked at a blade of grass near his foot. “So, I guess we can say my parents’ murders are still a trigger for me.”

  “I’m sorry,” Brax yelled from the back door. He held a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. “Maybe I should’ve let Hunter tell you. I didn’t stop to think. Anyway, I also raided your closet for clothes since yours are a pile of rags.” He dropped them on the lounge. “Should I, ah, go?”

  “No,” Mark called out. “And thank you. I wanted to know what you found.”

  “Okay.” Brax ducked back inside.

  “The fact I can’t seem to handle it is on me,” Mark muttered under his breath.

  Standing, Hunter picked up his clothes and dressed. “You okay?”

  Mark clambered to his feet. “I am.” Walking over to the lounge, he grabbed his clothes and put them on.

  Hunter gently patted him on the back. Mark turned into him, and Hunter wrapped his arms around Mark. “It just pisses me off.”

  “I completely understand, babe.”

  “It also pissed me off how handily you beat my wolf. I thought I was as strong as you,” Mark complained into Hunter’s shirt.

  Hunter chuckled. “You are, but I have years and years of experience with fighting as a wolf. Did I mention years? Babe, you’ve had a few weeks. You know this.”

  Mark grumbled.

  “Let’s go see what else Brax has found. Think you can keep your wolf under control?”

  Mark stepped out of Hunter’s arms. “I’m sure if I don’t, you’ll drag me back outside.”

  Hunter patted Mark on the ass then gently pushed him toward the house. “You can bet that fine ass of yours on it.”

  Once inside, he was greeted with a plate full of sandwiches and a couple of bags of chips.

  “Hope you don’t mind that I raided the refrigerator. I figured you both would be hungry after changing.”

  Mark grabbed a couple of plates and set them on the counter while Hunter poured them something to drink. “I absolutely don’t mind.” He nodded at the plate. “Dig in. After all, you fixed it.”

  They sat down at the kitchen table. Once Brax finished his sandwich, he washed it down with his water. “So, Michael packed everything, put it all in storage, and then it seems like he decided to do some traveling. Right now, he’s in Florida. Last time I checked on him, he’d stopped in a place called Mystic Bay.”

  “Interesting name,” Hunter mused.

  “It is,” Brax agreed. “As a side note, the Council’s headquarters are there.”

  “Florida, huh?” Mark asked. “Wonder what made him go there.”

  “Warmer weather? Beaches? Sand? The ocean? Gee, I can’t think of a reason why anybody would want to go to Florida,” Brax snarked.

  “There’s also humidity that’s so high you feel like you’re trying to breathe through a wet blanket,” Hunter added. “Hurricanes. Terrible traffic. Alligators. I can think of plenty reasons not to go to Florida.”

  “Always wanted to go to Florida,” Mark mused. “New York is damn cold in the winter. I wonder if he plans on staying there.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on him,” Brax promised.

  “Thanks. Eventually I’ll get myself under control and go see him.” Mark shook his head. “I’m going to have a lot of explaining to do. He’s going to be so shocked.”

  Chapter Eighteen – Hunter

  IT’D BEEN eleven weeks since the attack on Mark and his parents. Hunter had counted each and every week wi
th Mark. It appeared Michael had decided to move to Mystic Bay, and according to Brax, Michael had found a little condo unit to rent.

  As luck would have it, the property belonged to a Guardian named Paul Miles. When Brax told Mark, it reassured him, especially when Hunter added how Michael couldn’t be in a safer place than a Guardian-owned property.

  Mark was adjusting well—as long as the subject of his parents or Michael wasn’t brought up. Mark’s anger over the situation often triggered the hybrid form, and it was pure rage on two legs, although it did seem to be less… primitive. Still, Hunter was the only one who could reach it. He didn’t want to think of the damage that form could do if allowed to run wild.

  Because of that, he and Mark agreed that Mark wasn’t ready to go out among the humans or show up on Michael’s doorstep. Mark decided he had to go at least a month without losing control before he’d attempt to contact Michael.

  Hunter leaned back in his office chair. He and Mark had met Brax in town for lunch. Since Hunter had some pack things to deal with, Brax had offered to take Mark with him to run a few errands.

  Thank the goddess the two got along so well. Mark needed a friend outside of Hunter. There were a couple of other werewolves Mark got along with, but Brax was the closest to Mark.

  It was the middle of November, and Brax had asked Mark to help with putting Christmas lights up on the main street in town. Snow was on the ground, and the ski resort was busy.

  Christmas was a human holiday, but since their pack depended on tourism, they decorated for it. And frankly, Mark needed something to do. He was bored, and it showed. It didn’t help that he was also still uncomfortable around Zane, so they tended to avoid the other Alpha.

  It was a problem, and one Hunter didn’t have an answer to. Three Alphas in one pack just would not work. He didn’t see any other way but for him and Mark to leave, although Hunter had no idea where they’d go.

  Joining another pack was out of the question. No Alpha would accept them. He was too powerful, and Mark was a bitten Alpha—that alone was going to be a massive problem.


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