Hot Target Cowboy

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Hot Target Cowboy Page 21

by June Faver

  Maybe she would listen to him now and stop thinking about returning to her place until the criminals had been brought to justice. Maybe.

  Breck Ryan paced around the front room, glancing outside every few minutes, as if that might hurry the sheriff’s vehicle.

  Misty looked as though she might fall down in a heap, but Colt stood with his arms around her. She felt small and fragile in his embrace.

  Big Jim and Beau joined them, each with his own grim expression.

  “I just don’t know what this world is coming to.” Big Jim raked his fingers through his thick silver hair. “What kind of person would attack an old man? Just makes me sick.”

  “Where did you find Paco?” Colton asked Misty.

  She pulled herself out of his arms, turning to face him. “Rosa was worried because he hadn’t returned, so we went looking for him. The truck was at the old abandoned house on the east half of our property. When we drove up, we could see the driver’s-side door was open and there was blood on the seat. We found him on the ground all bloody, and he couldn’t speak.” A single tear rolled down her cheek, and Colt reached to wipe it away. Misty leaned against him, burying her face against his chest.

  “It’s a good thing you went looking for him,” Big Jim said. “Poor old fellow probably wouldn’t have made it through the night.”

  Colton felt a shiver wash through Misty’s small frame. Her dark eyes contrasted sharply with the paleness of her skin.

  Leah poked her head in. “I know you may not feel like eating, but I made some fresh coffee.”

  One by one, the others made their way into the kitchen. The sound of muted conversation filtered out to the front room.

  Only Breck Ryan waited with Misty and Colton.

  Colton’s attention was caught by the sound of vehicles approaching the ranch house. Two sheriff’s department cruisers arrived, lights flashing but no sirens. The red and blue lights swirled through the windows, washing the walls with color as car doors opened and slammed. The sound of booted feet stomping up the walk caused Breck to move to the entrance. He opened the front door to admit the sheriff and three of his deputies.

  The sheriff shook hands with Breck and looked around, taking in the sight of Misty in Colton’s arms. “Where’s the victim?”

  “Sheriff.” Colton tightened his grip on her. “The doctor is with him now.”

  “Who found the victim?”

  Misty raised her hand, like a schoolgirl. “I did. Rosa, his wife, said he hadn’t come home, so we went to look for him. We thought perhaps his old truck had broken down.” She recounted how and where they had found the injured man.

  The sheriff dispatched two of his men in the second patrol car to check out the crime scene and keep it secure. “I need to see the victim,” he said.

  Colton released Misty and gestured to the sheriff. “Come with me.”

  Misty looked as though she wanted to follow, but he stopped her. “I’ll send Rosa to you. The two of you need to get some supper. Try to make sure she eats.”

  Misty nodded and stepped back.

  Colton led the way down the corridor to the bedroom wing. He rapped lightly at the door and twisted the knob.

  Dr. Cami and Rosa looked up when Colt entered with the sheriff.

  “The sheriff is here to see how Paco is doing.”

  Cami nodded, her mouth set in a firm line. “Come in, Sheriff. I called for a medical transport helicopter to pick up Mr. Hernandez. I’ve cleaned him and patched him as well as I can here, but I suspect there’s internal damage, so I want to fly him to the hospital in Amarillo for further tests and treatment.”

  Tears streamed silently down Rosa’s cheeks. She rocked a bit in her chair, clasping Paco’s hand in hers.

  “He hasn’t regained consciousness?” the sheriff asked.

  Dr. Cami shook her head. “No, but he sustained a vicious beating. More than likely, it took two or more persons to do this to him.”

  The sound of a rotor beating the air grew louder.

  “That’s our ride.” Dr. Cami lifted her head and pushed to a standing position. “Sorry about the bedspread.” She directed her gaze to Colton. “A little hydrogen peroxide should take the blood out.”

  “Not a problem,” Colton replied. “Mrs. Hernandez, Misty is waiting to get you a bite to eat. It’s been a long night.”

  Rosa shook her head. “I want to go with my husband.”

  Dr. Cami put her hand on Rosa’s arm. “You need to eat. Breck will drive you to the hospital. He’ll be following the helicopter right away.”

  Rosa nodded and allowed Colton to show her the way to the kitchen. As they made their way down the hallway, the EMTs assigned to the helicopter passed by them, led by young Mark.

  Colton was glad everyone was working together to help the Hernandez couple. He hoped the man survived. An angry fist gripped his stomach when he thought about someone injuring an elderly person.

  When he reached the kitchen with Rosa, Misty opened her arms and took charge of getting the woman something to eat. Leah and Misty surrounded her, speaking to her in soothing voices.

  Colton caught Breck’s eye. “Cami said you would be driving to Amarillo.”

  Breck nodded. “When my wife takes to the skies with a patient, I’m the ground crew.”

  “Good partnership,” Colton said. “She asked that you transport Mrs. Hernandez so she could be with her husband.”

  Breck chortled. “No, I’m pretty sure she ordered that I do it.”

  Colton thought about it for a second. “Well…”

  “That’s okay, son. I know when to lead, and I know when to follow.” Breck nodded to where Rosa was being tended by the two women. “As soon as she has a chance to eat something, we’ll take off.”

  Colton turned as the sheriff and his deputy entered the kitchen. “We got some images of the wounds, and now we’re going to the scene of the attack. The other deputies are there now and have secured the scene.” He shrugged. “It’s going to be a long night.”

  “Take care, Sheriff, and find the sons of bitches who did this.” Breck clapped the man on the shoulder. “I’ll check in with you when I get back from Amarillo.”

  “I’m sending my deputy to collect the victim’s clothing. If the hospital staff will bag them, I’ll get them to the crime lab to see if there’s any evidence to be recovered.”

  Breck nodded. “Anything I can do to help. You’ve got my cell.”

  There was a moment when the group drew a collective breath. The EMTs strode down the hall with Paco strapped to a stretcher and Dr. Cami bringing up the rear. She sought out Breck, gave him a curt nod, and then left. In a matter of minutes, they heard the helicopter lift off.

  Rosa’s face looked strained, and Misty patted her on the shoulder.

  “Whenever you’re ready,” Breck said to Rosa.

  “Wait,” Leah called. “I packed you some extra food. The hospital may not be serving when you’re ready to eat.”

  Rosa fell into Leah’s arms, her shoulders shaking. She thanked everyone for their kindness, and Breck escorted her to his truck for the drive to Amarillo.

  When Colton turned, he saw that Mark and Misty were clinging to each other, Mark’s face ravaged by tears.

  Too much had happened in this young man’s life in such a short period of time. And in Misty’s.

  Colton was determined to stop them both from returning to the Dalton ranch until whoever was behind the violence had been arrested.

  He met her gaze, and she nodded silently. He figured she was reading his mind.

  Big Jim crossed the room to lay his hand on Colton’s shoulder. He drew him into the front room. “Things just keep getting crazier and crazier. I think you better keep an eye on your little girlfriend. I don’t know who’s got it in for the Daltons, but whoever it is needs to be stopped.” />
  “I agree, Dad, but the sheriff doesn’t have any idea.”

  Big Jim shook his head. “Whoever it is, the sumbitch is meaner than a snake. Why beat up an old man?”

  Colton had to agree. “The sheriff said there had to be at least two perpetrators involved. Maybe more. He couldn’t even say if the murder of Joe Dalton was tied to the murder of Fred Hamilton. Different weapons and methods.”

  “Damn!” A muscle in Big Jim’s jaw twitched. “I don’t know which would be worse—to have two different killers running loose or to have one very bad pair responsible for all of it.”

  Colton heaved a sigh. “I hope Paco regains consciousness and can tell the sheriff who attacked him.”

  Big Jim’s hands were drawn into fists. “I’d just like to get my hands on those sumbitches first.”

  * * *

  Misty busied herself around the kitchen. She needed to stay occupied. She needed to focus on the little tasks so her brain wouldn’t explode with all the pain she had witnessed lately. The image of Rosa’s tear-ravaged face sprang to mind, and she almost dropped the glass she was drying.

  “Don’t worry about the dishes,” Leah said. “I can put them away.”

  “I—I need to do this.”

  Leah gave her shoulders a squeeze. “I understand.” She turned to leave. “I’m going to help Gracie get ready for bed. She’s hanging out with Gran, who is keeping her entertained. This has been a scary evening for her too. I know she’s going to want me to be with her while she’s going to sleep.”

  Misty nodded. “That’s sweet. You’re so lucky.”

  “I have been lately,” Leah agreed. “But six months ago, I was the original bad-luck kid. It seemed as though everything I touched turned to crap.”

  Misty turned to face her, surprised to hear this admission. “What happened? Everything seems to be going well for you now.”

  Leah flashed a grin. “My whole life changed. I met Tyler Garrett and found out what love is really about.”

  Misty felt a twinge of envy. She wondered if she could possibly have a life filled with love and stability.

  Leah gave her a brief hug. “Things will work out. You’ll see.” With that, she turned and left the room.

  Misty finished putting away the dishes and wiped down the countertops. When she turned around, she found Colton slouched against the doorframe, watching her.

  “Oh, you startled me.” She sucked in a deep breath and let it out.

  “I didn’t mean to.” He pushed away from the door and came toward her. The expression on his face sent a current of heat swirling through her lower regions.

  “I know this has been a tough evening for you.” He lifted her chin and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  She nodded. “You can say that again. Why can’t the bad things just stop happening?”

  “Because there are some very bad people out there, and we don’t know why they’re targeting anyone associated with the Dalton ranch, but I want you to stay safe.”

  Misty swallowed hard. “Me too. It’s just Mark and me now. We’re the only ones left.”

  Colt wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “And me. I’m with you. Don’t forget that, ever.”

  “I know, and I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you more.” He kissed her again, this time wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. “Please don’t take any chances. No more trips to the ranch. Promise me.”

  Her lips trembled, but she nodded. “I promise.”

  * * *

  The next morning Misty drove off to the law office of Breckenridge T. Ryan, Esquire, while Colton drove in the other direction to the Dalton ranch. He wanted to see for himself what was going on. He was a partner, after all. He made a growling noise in the back of his throat. It wasn’t about the ranch. It was about Misty. He wanted her safe. He wanted all threats against the Daltons to be stopped, contained, or neutralized.

  He cruised by the Dalton home, but it was locked up and silent. Following along on the road, he came to a dead end and turned toward the old abandoned house on the property. It would probably be best to try to demolish it and the outbuildings. Maybe something could be reclaimed, but the current derelict condition was nothing but a liability.

  He saw two sheriff’s department vehicles pulled into the open area between the old house and the outbuildings, along with the rusty truck Paco had been driving.

  Colton parked his own truck a good distance away from the crime scene and walked toward the deputies.

  He knew one of them and raised a hand in greeting. “Hey, Jason. Have you been here all night?”

  “’Fraid so. We’ve secured the crime scene, which seems to be this old truck.” He jerked his head toward the faded vehicle.

  “Good job,” Colton said with a grin.

  “Hey, I’m on overtime. My next paycheck will make my wife happy, anyway.”

  Colton jammed his thumbs in the pockets of his Wranglers. “So, what’s going on?”

  “Why do you care?” Jason raised a brow and gave him a questioning look.

  “I care.” Colton shrugged. “I’m going with Misty Dalton. She and her little brother are staying with us.”

  Jason straightened. “Oh, I didn’t know you and Misty were together. I haven’t seen you two around town.”

  Colton blew out a deep breath. “It’s been tough, what with her brother getting killed and her father dying. Not a good time.”

  “Oh, yeah. I knew Mr. Dalton was sick, but Joe…I didn’t see that coming.” Jason leaned against his patrol car. “How old is Misty, anyway?”

  Colton grinned. “Just turned twenty-two.”

  “You dog.” Jason grinned too. “She’s barely ripe.”

  Colton leaned against the passenger-door panel. “She’s perfect.”


  “I am. Not pushing her. She and her younger brother have been through a lot.” Colton turned to give Jason his full attention. “I’m hoping you guys can clear up the mystery of Joe’s death and now find out who attacked their ranch hand. It was a pretty brutal beating. The doc took him to Amarillo last night.”

  “Sorry for the old guy.”

  Colton gestured to the truck. “So, did you crime-fighter types discover anything? Like who did it?”

  Jason let out a guffaw. “Not us lowly deputies, but the crime scene techs drove in from Amarillo and took blood samples. They found several sets of boot prints too. Not much else they were willing to talk about.”

  The other deputy came over to join them and introduced himself. “Clyde Allen.” He gestured around at the decrepit buildings. “What is this old place, anyway? Doesn’t look like anyone’s lived here for a long time.”

  “You’re new to Langston,” Jason said. “This place used to belong to the Simmons family, but they went belly up about ten, twelve years ago. Most of them moved away, except for Eddie. He’s lived with his uncle, Levi Blair, since he was a teenager.”

  That registered with Colton, who recalled what Misty had told him. “And Eddie was one of Joe’s running buddies, wasn’t he?”

  Jason nodded, his brow furrowing. “Yeah. Eddie’s a complete asshole. Been in a little trouble, but nothing serious.”

  Colton gazed around. “In broad daylight, it doesn’t look like this would be a place where an old farmhand would get beaten up. Wonder what went down.”

  Jason twitched his shoulders. “Something bad, for sure.”

  Chapter 15

  Misty arrived at the office, and about an hour later, Breck walked in, looking tired. She jumped to her feet. “How is Paco? Did your wife say?”

  Breck tossed his Stetson on the bentwood coatrack by the front door. “He’s holding his own, but he hasn’t regained consciousness.” He huffed out a long sigh. “I brought her home late last night,
but Cami drove back to Amarillo right after breakfast. She’ll let me know how he is.”

  Misty felt the tightness in her chest ease a little. “I brought the pictures. The ones I found in Joe’s room.” She indicated the photos inside the envelope on her desk.

  Breck picked them up and examined the envelope. It was slit at the top where Misty had opened it. He turned it upside down and let the images slip out onto her desktop. “These were taken a while back, weren’t they?” He leafed through the photos and selected one, holding it aloft. “Young Nate Blair. Handsome young devil.”

  Misty gazed at the image. “I kind of remember him. He was always nice to me.”

  Breck shuffled through the photos. “Hmm… It looks like these two got into a scuffle.” Breck’s brow furrowed as he gazed at the picture of Nate and Eddie in a clinch. “Probably just boys being boys, but…”

  Misty peeked over his shoulder. “Yeah…I wonder what was going on.”

  “Hey, what about this one? It’s Eddie with a gun.” He shook his head. “I guess if your brother was taking pictures, they must have been acting out something. Looks grim.”

  “Yeah, and Joe had them hidden. I have no idea why.”

  Breck gave her a sharp look. “Hidden? Where did you find these?”

  “They were in that envelope and taped to the underside of his bottom dresser drawer. I would have missed them, but I couldn’t get the drawer to open.”

  Breck looked concerned. “And judging from the ages of the boys, this was taken just before Nate disappeared. I wonder if there’s some connection.”

  Misty shrugged. She wondered too but didn’t venture a guess.

  “It’s thought that Nate ran away, but that begs the question as to why he would do so. Maybe some trouble with Levi. The old man was known to be pretty strict.” Breck placed the photo in with the others and shuffled through, giving those on top a cursory glance.

  Misty pressed her lips together. Her brief encounters with Levi Blair had not filled her with warm fuzzies. He could slice right through a person with a single glare. She heaved a sigh. “That would be enough to cause a boy to run away.”

  “I guess so,” Breck said. “But since Levi recently cut him out of his will, it would be unfortunate if young Nate turned up after Levi kicks the bucket.”


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