The Poisonous Biscuit

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The Poisonous Biscuit Page 12

by Paul Edwards

  John waved over at security.

  "Is Hannah coming soon?"

  "I'm not sure who Hannah is. If she's sent you an order she should be here soon. There are often delays as they cannot have everyone entering the room at once.”

  A few minutes later, the gate opens and out steps Hannah, smiling upon seeing them from a distance. She walked over and sat with them at the table.

  "Nice to see you both, any news?"

  "Well, about those sweets yes. My Auntie ate them last night and died."

  "What sweets?"

  "You didn't send them? There was a card with your name on saying they were from you. She ate them and died."

  "Oh no, I'm being set up really bad now. I've been in here, how could I have sent them?"

  Andria interrupted.

  "I'll go over there and give you a few minutes to talk." On the other end of the meeting room there was an area where mothers could take their children, not that she had any with her, but she sat in that area whilst they discussed the whole situation. Andria did not believe her friend could be such a serial killer. Another murder now? Who would be that bad or even that stupid? Andrea went back over after having spent a good five minutes in the children’s area.

  "Everything Ok now?"

  "Yes, me and John have worked out that it must be a set up. Why would I make myself look so guilty?"

  "I'm sure you wouldn't. Me and John will do whatever we can to find out who it is."

  John looked at Andria, as if to say, 'what can we do?'

  Helen and Kwiatoslaw decided to pay a visit to the McKenna's, that is, to Josephine's family, whose surnames were McKenna. Taking the card with them which Sally had made and Kwiatoslaw had written in, they got into the car. On the way, they turned the radio on and after a song had finished, they heard some devastating news.

  "The Sister of Jack Adersall who was poisoned one week ago from today, has herself been poisoned last night. A card had been left on a box of Turkish Delight, implicating her sister in law in the murder, the same woman currently suspected of murdering her husband."

  Helens eyes turned wide. Kwiatoslaw turned the radio off, with one push.

  "You see Helen, I told you. What more evidence do you need?"

  "But Hannah is in prison, that's not possible."

  "You'd be surprised what goes on in these prisons. They have people working on the outside for them."

  “That is ridiculous. Why would she make herself look this bad and make things worse for herself.”?

  Helen sulked and did not speak to him all the way up until arriving at the McKenna’s. When finally getting there, she decided to talk to him.

  "We can't go on like this. Let’s just see how things go. She might be guilty; she might be innocent. We'll find out sooner or later."

  Out of the car they both jumped and walked over to the house. This house had a gate at the front of the garden, with hedges nicely going around the gate and around the garden. They entered through the gate and walked up the path to the door. There was no bell, but there was a nice little knocker on the door, which they used to get the attention of the McKenna's. It was a heavy knock, surely loud enough to be heard by anyone. After waiting for a few minutes, the door opened, and a girl was standing there. She shouted.

  "Mum, that lady from church is at the door." Josephine came from around the corner.

  "Hello, so nice to see you both, please do come in."

  As they entered, they noticed there was a large crucifix upon entering and a holy water stoup on the wall. They entered the living room where they were invited to take a seat on the couch. On the walls there were ten statues of saints on the walls high up, going all around the room. In front of them there was an unlit candle. Kwiatoslaw then started embarrassing himself by speaking.

  "Do you not have a television?"

  "Oh no, we don't need a television, we've all got each other in this house. We don't need distractions like that."

  Helen and Kwiatoslaw admired their peaceful lifestyle but weren't that sure they could adopt the same kind of style. No television? Wow.

  It was Helens turn to talk, after she looked at her husband as if to say, 'shut up and stop asking daft questions.'

  "So, the reason we are here, is because my husband has a card he would like to give to Raphael as an apology."

  "That's lovely of you, I'm sure he's forgotten about the situation now, but I'll go and get him."

  After she left the room, Helen kept looking at the walls and then looking back at Kwiatoslaw and smiling. Afterwards, she did fist signs and fake punches in his arm, as a joke because of him embarrassing himself and her.

  "When they come back, please try not to say anything else that's daft."

  Chapter Thirty

  In the visiting room, Hannah was looking down and then suddenly something came to her memory. Her eyes opened and she smiled.

  "Guys, I've just remembered. When my Grandparents broke down, I remember a man telling me that he knew someone who could always work out who the murderer is. Apparently, he's pretty good, maybe we should involve him. The man who told me about him was called Jake and he gave me his contact details." John smiled.

  "Me and Andria will contact him for you and get the details then. Where are his contact details, do you know his number by heart.”?

  A great silence broke out amongst them and Hannah started to look worried again. She paused and pondered for a moment, wondering where she might have put his details.

  "Oh no, I've just remembered. I put the piece of paper in my grandparent’s glove compartment, and then I got out and they went home not long after. They are gone. How could I be so stupid."

  Andria did not approve.

  "Listen, you’re not stupid, we all do things like that. I'm sure we can get them back if we call you grandparents and ask them."

  "Goodluck, they clean their car often so be fast. Knowing my luck, that piece of paper will now be in the bin."

  Time was getting on and Andria and John would have to leave soon, but before they did, they noticed Aly was looking over at Hannah occasionally. Andrea was curious about who it might be.

  "Who's that Hannah?"

  "Oh, she's my roommate. We get on quite well, at the moment at least. That might not last if I get to friendly with the prison staff."

  John suddenly remembered what prison was like from a testimony.

  "Oh yes, be careful Hannah, my friend was in prison, and if you don't keep your head down you can get beat up. Don't be too good and don't be too bad, that's the idea. And just to be clear, never grass on anyone."

  "Don't worry, I've been careful. Thankfully, nobody knows that children were involved in these deaths, otherwise I would be for it."

  John stood up and went to go and get them a coffee from the machine. This gave them a few minutes together. Andria quizzed her.

  "Right Hannah, while he's not here. I understand that she was a risk, so I have to ask, did you have anything to do with this last death?"

  "No, certainly not. I mean, she was a witch, do not get me wrong. But no, she's not worth the time in prison. I can assure you, that trollop was not short of enemies. Anyone could've done it."

  "OK. Is there anything you want to tell me that you can't tell John?"

  "Not that I can think of no. Although, if you would do me a favour, I might appreciate a few 'items for next door' if you get what I mean."

  "Oh, I know what you mean, for ladies’ problems. I'll have some of them sent in."

  After bringing two coffee's over, John went back to get himself a coffee, having only two hands. He was desperate to stay out of their way, they were best friends after all. After waiting a few more minutes he came back over.

  "Is it safe to enter the ladies corner now?"

  "Yes. We won't kill you with our lady’s talk, your safe now" Hannah joked, then adding "Even if I've killed trillions of other people. Ha-ha."

  John flirted with Hannah a little.

  "You know
, I've always liked the idea of having a woman who's a murderer, bad girl."

  "Unlucky for you, you've come to the wrong woman then. But I can point you to many women in here if you wish? We have her over there for example who enjoyed killing her husband and would be prepared to do it again."

  John looked shocked and Hannah smiled at him after enjoying winding him up. 'Two can play at that game' she thought. They both stood up and headed for the door after attempting to hug her goodbye, a hug which the security guard nearly tried to break up. Today was the first day Hannah realised there were actually some male staff in the building, especially where visitors were concerned. Before that, she had only ever saw females in the prison and sometimes wondered whether she'd ever see another male ever again the way things were going.

  "Look what I've found." Josephine came into the living room with a sweet little boy holding her hand.

  "Look who's come to see you Raphael." He went over and gave Helen a hug, remembering her, but looked over at Kwiatoslaw as if he were suspicious of him after that shouting. Kwiatoslaw then handed him the card.

  "I'm sorry about the other day. I've got you a card, I hope you like it."

  He took the card and read it after going back over to his mum, then he looked back at them and smiled, until he turned back around and looked at his Mum.

  Raphael then left the room and went to play with his brothers and sister, while they all had a grown-up chat. One of the things they talked about was what would happen in the days following, to give each other a break.

  "How about we take a few of yours now and bring them back later tonight, then you look after Sally after she finishes school tomorrow while we go to marriage guidance?"

  "Great idea Helen, we can do just that. If you want to go out to a hotel after, seen as your husband is back in work next week, we don't mind Sally staying over here."

  "That's really kind of you Josephine, thank you. Seen as we have two spare beds, let us know if you ever need us to do the same. If not, you might as well have our spare beds anyway."

  Everything was now looking good between the two families. There was no more anger or misunderstanding, not that Josephine would ever be angry. Most people thought that it was impossible for Josephine to ever get angry, as she was always happy and jolly, kind and generous. There was not anyone who this woman would not sacrifice her right arm for it did seem.

  "Want to go on a tour then?"

  "Erm" Hannah looked at her husband, as if to say, 'should we?' and he reading her like a book responded.

  "Why not. If you’re sure, we'll come on a tour. Most kind of you to offer. Maybe we can give you a tour of our house."

  Hannah looked at him with shocked eyes, so he added "after we've decorated of course."

  They got up and walked into the back room where there was a table, they all sat at to eat their meals. It was a long table, although not necessarily expensive. Eleven chairs were around it and there was another chair which was against the wall.

  "Joseph my husband sits on that seat as head of the table, I sit..." she was interrupted by Kwiatoslaw who made a joke.

  "If that was our table no doubt Helen would be sitting there hahaha." Josephine then carried on speaking.

  "I sit to the right of him, opposite sits my oldest, and then in order of each the next youngest sits opposite, the next one to the right of me, the next one opposite, the next one to the right of the right of me etc. I think you get the picture?"

  Hannah answered her with a smile.

  "Yes, we understand, that's a nice table plan. I'm afraid in my house there is no official plan sadly. In fact, we are way to disorganised."

  "I'm sure that's not true. As long as your organised in your hearts, surely that's all that matters. Ok, you’ve seen in here, let’s go to the kitchen."

  There was an old-fashioned fire stove which coal was put inside. This heated up the hobs and the oven and it was connected to a chimney. There were copper pans hung up on the wall near the cooker and there was several cupboards and draws like in any kitchen.

  "You've got style Mrs McKenna."

  "Well thankyou Kwia..Kwiater..."

  "Kwiatoslaw, don't worry. You might as well just say Kwiaty, as according to Sally that's my ideal name."

  They carried on around the house, heading upstairs. Meanwhile, the children were in the back garden.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  On the carpark Andria and John had a good chat about Hannah and then parted their ways, after agreeing to keep in contact over Hannah. They both got in their cars and headed home. On her way home, Andria decided to stop at the shop and pick up some 'items for next door' to send to Hannah. While in the shop, she went to the till and bought a box of Turkish Delight which was on her mind after what had happened. She bought those and a few other items and headed back to the car. Leaving the shop, she held the Turkish Delight in her hands and walked towards her car, to be greeted by John.

  "Hello John, you didn't go home?"

  "No, I thought I'd go to the shop first. What's that in your hands by the way?"

  "Turkish delight, why?"

  "That's the same kind of box which my Auntie opened before dying."

  There was an awkward silence and then Andria started talking.

  "That was a tragic accident, which I'm very sorry about, but I don't see what that has to do with me buying Turkish Delight. What are you trying to say?"

  "Nothing, never mind. See you later." Andria got in her car looking furious. She drove home and got out of the car.

  Entering the house, she put the box of Turkish Delight down for a moment and headed to the bathroom. After using the toilet, she opened a bottle of bleach and looked at it for a few moments as if she were reading the label. She smiled as she was reading it, and then poured some of it down the toilet and then left the bathroom with it in her hand. When she got downstairs, she started writing a letter. Then she opened the box of Turkish Delight and looked at them all for a few moments. Next, she walked over to the sink and picked up the bottle of bleach, looking at it again. Afterwards she poured some of it into the sink and gave it a swill. Walking back over to the table with it, she placed it down with the lid still of and while writing decided to take another Turkish Delight and eat it.

  All through this process she was smiling, whatever she was up to, who knows. The floor underneath her was spotless and shiny. Maybe she used bleach a lot? The sides were all immaculate and the cupboards were beaming. Everything was just about perfect. There was a cellar and she opened the cellar door and looked down the stairs for a few moments. The stairs leading down into the cellar were white and even down there it seemed bright from upstairs. After a few moments of thought she turned the light of again and went back to the table.

  Getting to the top of the stairs, it appeared there were three bedrooms and a spiral staircase. Josephine took them into the biggest bedroom.

  "This is our marital bedroom. We did have to take the smaller bedroom for a while, but my husband built the spiral staircase for the boys which gave us back our old bedroom."

  The wall was wall papered with a lovely floral pattern. They had a double bed with a crucifix above their head. The bed had several books underneath.

  "What are those books?" Helen was curious.

  "Oh, those books are what we teach the children with."

  "Oh, I see, this is where you keep the school collection."

  "I suppose we do yes," Josephine smiled, "but we keep a good number downstairs as well in the back room where we do the schooling on the dining room table."

  They all left that room and walked into another one a lot smaller. The walls were papered light blue and the floor had a dark blue carpet. There were two single beds.

  "This is the boy’s room, two of them sleep in here, my youngest boys, so that way they're nearer to the girls and to me if they need us. This nearly became our room because you can't get a lot of beds in here, but as I'll show you later, the other four boys stay in the att
ack." Into the next room they walked. This was a medium size room and had a had a yellow painted wall.

  "This is where the three girls stay." There were two sets of bunk beds, four beds in total.

  "This spare bed is where Sally could stay if she slept over."

  "Thank you, I'll keep that in minds" Hannah replied. Next step, the spiral staircase. They headed up into the attack. Arriving at the top they saw two sets of bunk beds which was four beds in total like the girl’s room. The walls were all painted white and this was arguably the most modern room in the house, or maybe the only modern room some would say.

  "This is where the older four boys stay. Nice room really and means me and my husband don't have to cram into the box room anymore. Once the children leave, I think we will turn this into a prayer room, a bit like a chapel."

  "Well, the roof would be the right shape" Kwiatoslaw joked, resulting in a dig in the side from Hannah.

  As they headed downstairs, Hannah started to think about something. She just had to ask in the end.

  "Do you all share one bathroom, all eleven of you?"

  "Yes, we do."

  "How is that possible? I bet your all fighting over it."

  "Hahahaha, we most certainly do, sometimes at least. But we work it out. We have a sort of rota for having a bath at least. But I must say, they are learning not to hog bathrooms for when they are all older. Staying for lunch?"

  "Oh, we couldn't do that, could we Kwiatoslaw."

  "Up to you Hannah, I don't see why not" he replied.

  "That settles it, you’re staying for lunch." Josephine smiled and went to make the food whilst they sat in the lounge and talked amongst themselves.

  John was looking through Hannah's phone book, trying to find the number of her grandparents once again. It was an exceptionally large phone book, bigger than any phone book he had seen before, at least since the days of digital phones anyway. Finding the number, he dialled it and awaited a response. After a few rings, someone answered, a male voice.


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