The Poisonous Biscuit

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The Poisonous Biscuit Page 22

by Paul Edwards

  "Wow, do you have a cleaner?"

  "No, I don't. It's all me."

  "Is that how you are on the inside Andria?"

  "Maybe... I'm sure you'll find out one day if you hang around, whether I'm a clean person at heart."

  Andria was one big mystery. He couldn't quite work out whether she was a lunatic, a joker, or what, but right now he didn't care, he was blinded by these sudden impulses of love that were shooting through his veins. Was it a good thing? Only time would tell, but this was the reality and that is how it was.

  They had talked among themselves in the car earlier about the way Hannah was acting, having no idea what was going on. They'd not exactly committed the crime of the century; they'd not burned down Orangely Hall! All sorts of ideas were going through their heads because of what she'd said, for example when she said, 'Why don't you both go off with each other, since that's what you both want!' John felt the need to raise these concerns.

  "Do you think Hannah is jealous?"

  "Of us? Why? You don't think she actually likes you?"

  "Well, it could be a combination, I mean, you're her best friend and I've always liked her, and now suddenly she's become second best to both of us. Maybe she feels she's lost us both at once?"

  "That is absurd John. I'm going to call her when things calm down. Or maybe I'll risk going around?"

  "I'd hold your horses; she nearly threw something at me! I just escaped narrowly."

  Of course, Hannah was not happy really because she'd had a bad day, and as they didn't know this yet, they just assumed the worst.

  At Orangely Hall, the Inspector was looking at his laptop and going through some paperwork, while sitting in the dining room which was lighter than the 'games room.' He had made a few phone calls, gathering more and more information over time. For a moment he looked confused as he was looking at his paperwork, then he smiled and stood up, saying to himself, 'how could I be so stupid, that's it.' Getting up out of his chair, he went to see Hannah, who was in the living room.

  "Hello, feeling any better?"

  "Yes, not as bad thank you."

  "Am I safe then?"

  "Ha-ha, of course, that's all gone now. I've just had such a bad time, that dog didn't help the situation."

  "I'm glad things are getting better. Hannah, I don't mean to sound nosey, but it's part of the investigation. Apart from John, is anyone else of the seven unmarried?"

  "Erm, yes, Samuel, why?"

  "Trust me, all in good timing. Could you do me a favour, ask him and all the other's to come this Saturday to the house again, not only the seven, but also ask for Julie and Sam, as well as Alison and Moira. In fact, if they're available invite Mr and Mrs Parkinson as they've been a great help, as well as Moira. But don't worry, I'll speak to Moira over the phone again if needed."

  Since Moira lived in Ireland and was probably back at home now, he did not want her having to come all that way.

  "You know what helped the most, it was something Julie said to me the other day, that's why her and Sam need to be there."

  Hannah made a few phones calls to everyone, asking them to come on Saturday which was probably the best time for everyone to be there. After this, she made a very important call.

  Andria: Hello.

  Hannah: Hello, guess who this is.

  Andria: The Mayor of London!

  Hannah: I'm sorry.

  Andria: Sorry for what? Why don't you say it. For screaming at your best friend with no explanation? The one who's always been there for you all your life.

  Hannah: I'm sorry Andria, I really am.

  Andria: Why are you bothered what I think.

  Hannah: For goodness sake! I love you Andria! Well, I mean, I love you more than all my other female friends, of course, you're like a twin sister!

  Andria: Not identical then, seen as my hair is brushed.

  Hannah: You!... Just wait until I see you Andria! It's brushed now, for your information. Anyway, about yesterday, I had a dog almost attack me, I was up on the fridge and everything. Long story, but to top it all off, on the way back, that Jake guy text saying our relationship was inappropriate or something, and I took it all out on you two. Little tip though, don't open an ancient bottles of wine next time, OK?

  Andria: Ok, I'll just open the new ones, ha-ha-ha. Wow, you've been through a lot then? I look forward to seeing you soon.

  Hannah: Saturday if that's Ok, the Inspector wants everyone here, apparently, he's cracked the case, pass this information on to John, and apologise to him for me if that's OK. Oh yes, I know you've got him there, he's obsessed with you.

  Andria: You think so? What can I say, I just have that effect on people.

  Hannah: Shut up! Love you lots, Ok. See you on Saturday. Bye, don't kill him.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Helen was thinking of what to wear on Saturday, would it be like a party? And if it was, would she even want to attend? She needed to go, in any case, as she was hoping to get justice for the death of her children. Apparently so, Richard had not even required them to attend by name, even though they seemed to be suspects for the murders, hopefully that was a good sign? Anyway, they were probably going to go anyway, it would look bad if they didn't go.

  Sally was looking forward to going, perhaps it would bring closure to the situation for her? The she might stop looking for someone to replace her siblings, perhaps. No doubt, she was in agony about the whole situation, so she needed this situation to be brought to an end. Helen looked at Sally and tried to make a decision.

  "Sally, I'm not sure you ought to come, it's going to be pretty miserable. It will be essentially like a court in house."

  "Mum, what do you mean? This is my brother and sister we are talking about!"

  "I know, but I'm worried... well..."

  "What, you think he'll question me? Not this again."

  "No, of course not."

  "Then that settles it, I am coming."

  Kwiatoslaw was dreading the whole thing, he was evidently only going to satisfy Helens pride. Going into that house again was not on his bucket list, and this was going to be a painful process for him. Kwiatoslaw seemed convinced that Hannah was the murderer and would not budge on the matter, so he thought it would all be a waste of time. Kwiatoslaw finally spoke up.

  "OK, I'll come. But, any accusing us, and we're walking straight out of that door."

  "Well how do you suppose that is going to make us look?" Helen replied.

  "I don't care! I'm not having this high and mighty freak thinking he can come along and tell me that I killed my own children! Who does he think he is?"

  Helen pulled an angry face and then answered back.

  "He's not going to suspect you! What makes you think that? Why are you so paranoid when nobody else is? Pull yourself together or you'll make us look stupid."

  Sally did not want to get involved with their arguments, but she knew that he made them angry phone calls at the beginning, and she covered up for him. Later, when her Mum was gone, she quizzed him.

  "Dad, is there something you want to tell me?"

  "No, why would there be?"

  "Well, you did make those phone calls, and I covered your back, so I think I deserve an answer. Why did you do that and did you do anything else? You seem so on edge."

  "You know why I made those calls, I did it because I was angry with Hannah, that woman might have killed my kids."

  "Fine, but I'm not happy about this Dad."

  Was Sally doubting her Dad? She couldn't quite work out what was going on at the moment.

  After having made one last phone call to Moira, Richard decided to pay Samuel Adersall a visit.

  "Can you take me to Samuel's Hannah? I need to pay him a visit and ask him a few questions."

  "OK, let me just check as I can't remember his address from the top of my head."

  They drove to his house and went in through the side door, entering via the kitchen by his greeting. Hannah remembered to knock his side do
or as it was his custom in the past to let people in that way.

  "Coffee?" Samuel asked.

  "That won't be necessary thank you. I've drank too much of it today" the Inspector replied.

  They went into the lounge, which had a one-seater and a three-seater couch, as well as a dining chair. The Inspector decided to sit in the one-seater.

  "Very nice, I've always wanted a one seated couch, with the arm rests and all that to prop you up."

  "Ha-Ha, I would've called it a chair" Hannah commented. "Well, I mean, it is part of the sofa set, right?”

  “Oh well, I've just always wanted one.”

  Samuel looked at him as he was smiling the sofa, as if that would be the last he saw of it.

  "Don't worry, I'm not going to take it away Samuel. It’s very comfy, hmm."

  "So, what did you want to ask Inspector?"

  "Well, I heard you and John are the only unmarried siblings."

  "Well, yes, but what does that have to do with everything."

  "All will become clear soon. Now, I've been speaking to a few people and I have to ask, what do you normally do at weekends?"

  "Well, I meet up with Alison. How is any of this relevant?"

  "All will be clear soon. Now, would you say you're in a relationship with Alison?"

  "Well, I wouldn't go that far, but we are very... well..."

  "I know what you mean, no need to go into detail. Thank you for your time."

  Samuel was not really impressed at all this questioning; his face went red as he looked at the Inspector. Richard got up to put his coat on, then he saw a picture of Alison in the hallway, as he was walking through to the kitchen. They left the house and then Richard decided to go and pay Helen a visit. She was not far from Samuel so it would not take too long, and it was in that direction they were travelling anyway, so he might as well do what he needed to do. Knocking on the door they were greeted with a smile by Helen and invited in.

  "Just making some toast, do you want some?"

  "If Hannah is having some, I'll join you also, thankyou Helen."

  "Would you like anything on it? Any tea with it?"

  "Just the toast thanks, with a bit of butter."

  He made himself comfortable, then he realised something.

  "Oh, I suppose Sally is in school. No matter."

  "She'll be back soon."

  "OK, there's nothing to worry about, I just want to clear few things up so that I can move on and destroy your police file. So, I have to ask a number of questions. My question for you is as follows, do you know anything about those phone calls that were made?"

  "Erm.... well, there is something I should probably tell you and Hannah, I don't think it was Sally, I think it was my husband, but that doesn't make him a murderer."

  "Ok, why do you feel the need to tell me?"

  "Well, it's just a precaution, you might as well know. In fact, things weren't going to well between us."

  The door opened, after they'd finished their toast. In came Sally with her Dad following behind who noticed what was happening.

  "What's this?"

  "I won't be hear long, I just need to ask a few questions."

  "Get out, we don't want you telling us what you think of us."

  Helen then tried to comfort her husband and make him see understanding.

  "You want to clear your name, don't you?" she asked him.

  "Of course I do! But that woman sat right there is the women he should be questioning."

  Hannah looked distraught, it hurt her to think that once again she was the suspect in someone’s eyes, the gold digger, as they all thought.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Everything was getting heated at Helen's house. Hannah didn't feel comfortable, nor did anyone. Helen interrupted her husband’s harsh words.

  "Don't be so rude, Hannah loved her husband."

  "AND I LOVED MY CHILDREN!!!" he screamed, then he cried, and walked into the kitchen. Next, the Inspector questioned Sally.

  "Was it you who really made those phone calls? This is serious Sally.”

  "Of course it was me, what do you mean?"

  Kwiatoslaw walked back into the room.

  "OK, it was me, but I was angry, I was furious."

  Hannah then looked shocked, and she was accompanied by Helen whose eyes opened wide, as they often did. The Inspector then attempted to give a consoling message.

  "Of course, if someone did want to kill Jack, that doesn't necessarily mean they wanted to kill the children, I understand that this was a knock-on effect. Nobody could've known they would eat them."

  "Yes, but if it was me, I would've stopped my children from eating them! I would've found an excuse like about their diet."

  "Ok, well, I see where you're coming from. But, wouldn't it then look suspicious? Not that I'm saying you did it, I'm just showing you how it looks to the police, I'm convinced otherwise."

  Helen started to feel her husband’s pain on his behalf and tried to get rid of them.

  "If it's alright, we will see you again on Saturday, if you wouldn't mind leaving, as I think he needs a little time to get his head around all this."

  "Ok Helen, I'll see you then. I hope I haven't caused to much unnecessary pain."

  Helen nearly told him about the time when she felt she would be strangled, but decided it was best not to, considering the state her husband was in and that this might make him look worse.

  John was sat on Andria's couch whilst she was in the kitchen preparing some food for later. She was quite known for her excellent cooking, partly due to the catering course she took at school and then at college. Andria nearly became a chef, but she changed her mind as she could not stand the heat conditions of the professional kitchen. Working in a professional kitchen like a hotel kitchen made her sweat and she didn't really like taking orders from others. She had worked in a small cafe for a while, but later decided to become a shop assistant, which was a lot less stressful. Now, she only had to deal with one customer at a time, and people knew when it was their turn, whereas at the cafe, she had about five orders to deal with sometimes and people would ask where their food was.

  As she was cooking, there was a knock on the door. John opened the door, and it was none other than the one who Andria would be most pleased to see.

  "Andria," he shouted, "there's someone here to see you."

  Not waiting, this visitor entered the kitchen. Andria looked across the kitchen with flour on her hands.

  "Hannah! Come here!"

  Andria went to give her a hug, but Hannah stepped back.

  "What’s that on your hands?"

  "Oh, that's flour, sorry. I nearly got your clothes dirty then didn't I."

  "Don't worry, I went through worse in prison... Ha-ha-ha-ha"

  "Oh, I'm so glad your better now, I was worried."

  "Oh, you knew I'd be fine, we've fallen out before, surely?"

  "Actually, I don't think we ever have. I would remember."

  The Inspector was speaking to John for a moment, and then Andria came in, after deciding to finish the cooking later. The Inspector wanted to have them all prepared for Saturday.

  "So, before Saturday I need to talk to you Hannah. We know how it looked with the Turkish Delight, but I think that was just a mix up. Now, it might be thought by some that you would've killed Hannah to have her to yourself, as you and her were always very close, if I am right?"

  "Oh, Inspector, I wouldn't do that. Jack didn't get in the way of our friendship."

  "No, but if he was dead you could move in and share everything over time, so in essence you see how it looks?"

  "I do see how it looks yes, but I loved Jack also, he was a great friend of mine once I got to know him. I know I'm a little strange, but not enough to do this, just to make my best friend exclusively my friend. Never."

  "Ok, no problem. I have to say these things, because I've been doing a lot of investigatory work and all these things can be seen as motive, and I don't want anyone f
alsely accusing you on Saturday."

  John then spoke up in her defence.

  "She didn't kill me, did she? You see, she wouldn't want a death on her hands. Hannah was as much her friend as she was hers, isn't that right Hannah?"

  "Yes, sure, I don't think Andria was excessive, she's got other friends also and so have I."

  "No further questions. Thanks for inviting me in Andria" the Inspector replied, before standing up to get his coat.

  They left, after having been offered to stay for their evening meal but they insisted that they needed to get back. Then, on the way back Richard told Hannah to stop outside Alison’s house, so he could then speak to her about Saturday, as he had done with the others also. Richard didn't like leaving anyone unprepared for anything. How many more visits would he pay to people? Goodness knows, and Hannah was starting to get tired.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  It was Saturday Morning, and everything was being prepared at Orangely Hall. Hannah's grandparents had come to stay again, arriving the night before. She insisted that they did not need to stay, as it wasn't really a party, it was more a discussion for those who seemed to be concerned about Jack’s death and didn't want to look suspicious. Nevertheless, they wanted to be with their granddaughter during this emotional time when she might find out who killed her husband. They also thought, people might want a little food, so why not prepare it. They were in fact all surprised that the house had not been boarded up by now, especially since the last death, but since the Inspector was coming, the police agreed to stay away and let him work.

  This was unusual for the police, and they had interrupted his investigations for years, but over time they learned that Richard really knew what he was doing. Richard was an intelligent man, the best detective in the UK as far as anyone could tell. His mind was so unique, everything was so obvious to him. He noticed everything, every minor detail, and somehow everything always fell into place for him, or so he thought it did anyway. Hannah opened the door and people started to come in. Helen had decided to come, as well as her husband and Sally, since everything had calmed down.


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