Trial For The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 2)

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Trial For The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 2) Page 2

by Bailey Dark

  "That's my little mortal," Kane murmurs, releasing me. I stumble backward, heart hammering loudly in my chest. Our eyes are locked, and Kane smirks as if he knows exactly what he does to me. "What are you waiting for? Time is ticking."

  I turn without another word and rush down the hall. I press a hand to my chest, counting my rapid heartbeats. I can feel his eyes on me until I round the corner and take the stairs down a level. I navigate the castle halls with ease now, and the dark portraits don't frighten me anymore. I feel my stomach twisting as I imagine seeing the mortal world for the first time in a month. Nordsk is on the west border of Ryrn and has been a good ally and trade partner. For a time, my father would send my sisters and me to Nordsk to visit the Princess and different nobility. I have fond memories of Nordsk.

  Skipping around a corner, my vision is suddenly filled with white. I balk but can’t stop myself from ramming into the man. I bounce off his chest, arms raised defensively. “My apologies,” I say, putting distance between myself and the stranger.

  “No, I’m sorry, I should have been looking out for sprightly mortals like you,” the stranger says.

  I look up, studying him. His hair is golden blonde, shimmering in the warm light of the castle. His tan skin shimmers with golden flecks as if he was the embodiment of the sun. He smiles, warmly at me, and I feel myself relaxing. His eyes are as black as night, the same shade as Kane's, but kinder despite the darkness. He cocks his head and I notice the familiar curve of his jaw.

  “I’m sorry for staring, you look familiar,” I say slowly, chewing on the words.

  The stranger's smile broadens. "Is that right? Who is it that I look like? Your lover, perhaps?"

  “He’s not,” I start, stammering, before falling silent. I am Kane’s bride after all, we should be lovers. And yet.

  “You don’t have a lover then?” The man leans against the corner, blocking me from the hall. I bite the inside of my cheek and peek around his broad shoulder towards the door to my room.

  “I never said that,” I say softly, suddenly feeling nervous.

  The man leans closer, bringing his head to my level. He smirks, and I see that familiar wickedness. "I would like to hear more about this ‘not-lover' of yours. But for now, you wouldn't know where I could find Kane, would you?"

  “Kane?” I furrow my brows. “You could try his office. Go down another level and check the East wing.”

  "You've been very helpful, little mortal." The man fingers a loose lock of my hair, and I stiffen. "What's your name?"

  “Briar,” I say, forgetting to step away from his curious hands. “Princess Briar of Ryrn.”

  The man grins, his white teeth glinting. “It’s been a pleasure, Briar. I hope we meet again soon.”

  I open my mouth to reply, but I can't find the words. Anything I could say feels like a betrayal to Kane. Suddenly, I feel a wave of anger. It overrides my nervousness and the tingling in my body from the stranger's gaze. I stagger under the force of the anger, heat sweeping through my body. I take a step backward as the man watches me with concern. I lift a hand as if to reassure him, but I can't hide its trembling.

  “Briar, are you alright? Do you need a healer?” The man starts towards me, hands outstretched.

  I open my mouth to reassure him, but the anger and the heat are so intense I can hardly form the words. I clench my hands into fists, eyes hazy with rage. I've never felt such intense anger in my life. I don't know how to control it, how to calm myself. More than that, I don't know if I want to be calm. It's more than anger. It's power.

  Shadows erupt beside me, filling the hall and curling towards me. They sweep around me, stealing some of the heat that plagues my body, making me shake. Eyes wide, I watch as Kane stalks out of the shadows. His black eyes are lit with fury, and he glances at me as if to reassure himself of my presence. When his eyes meet mine, I see a flash of guilt. An instant later, the anger disappears. I lean against the wall, trying to get my bearings again as Kane squares off against the grinning stranger. Kane is a few inches taller than the stranger, but the man's shoulders are broader, his arms thicker.

  I can feel the rage roiling off Kane like waves in a storm, it carries the same sensation of power. I wonder if this is how Kane feels all the time – invincible. Kane's shadows settle around me like a protective shield, and I feel that flutter in my chest again. He glances over his shoulder at me, eyes smoldering. My breath hitches in my throat. I don't remember what Kane was like when he killed the Nephilim that almost killed me. I only remember wings as black as night and shadows darting through the forest. I can picture those wings on his back now. I once thought that Willem was a better picture of Death than Kane. I was wrong.

  Chapter 3


  Briar disappears around the corner, and I loose a long sigh of relief. Her mere presence and powerful emotions cascading over me could have been my undoing. I scowl and tap my shoe along the floor. I need to create stronger barriers against her. It won't do if she starts to catch on that things between us have changed. For her protection and mine, I have to practice. I feel a twinge of disappointment at the thought. It's a heady feeling, knowing that her heart pounds when I look at her, or that her body throbs with need at my touch.

  I roll my neck and sigh softly, closing my eyes. I need distance between us. Room for me to remember my purpose and not get sucked into her innocent wiles. Her company on the expedition is undesirable, but at the time it seemed impossible to refuse. And I can’t deny that there’s a tingle of anticipation in the back of my mind at the prospect. I run my tongue over my lips. I definitely need distance. Tentatively, I throw up a wall around my conscious, blocking her from sensing my emotions. But I leave a small hole, an opening large enough for me to track her and watch. It’s dangerous and risky to do such a thing, even the smallest note of excitement or fear from her could fracture my barrier.

  My thoughts are divided as I sense Briar hurrying to her room while also focusing on returning to my study for last-minute preparations. I hiss softly as my toes catch on a wrinkle in the carpet. Suddenly, I feel a new presence looming near Briar. Her heart rate jumps, and I feel her wrestle with fear, curiosity, and damned mortal politeness. My eyes narrow, suspicion piqued when her breath catches in her throat the way it does when I run my fingers over her bare skin. A growl rumbles in my chest as anger washes over me. I don't bother to take the stairs or run through the halls. With a mere thought, I magic myself to my bride, using the shadows as a shortcut.

  When I lift my head from the midnight black shadows coiling around my feet, I can barely stop myself from scorching the carpet and walls around me. Briar stands in the crossroads, hands wringing behind her back as she leans away from my brother. Tanned and angelically blonde, Aiden has a reputation with women. He flits from realm to realm, goddess to mortal to goddess again with no care to the consequences. But what is he doing in my damn castle?

  I stalk towards them, and Briar turns, gasping. She projects a wave of guilt towards me and my scowl deepens. I throw up the wall between us but it's weak. I'm too angry to focus my energy on the barrier and the shadows are calling me. It's all I can do to resists tearing my claws across the silk wallpaper and digging my teeth into Briar's neck to claim her. Instead, I flick my wrist and send my shadows towards her. They wrap around her waist, tugging her into my darkness with ease. My brother grins, and I see a flash of anger in his eyes. He wants to compete. But this is my realm, and I am Death. Aiden is simply a minor god, a courier of war and strife. If he wants Briar, he'll have to embrace the cold touch of my shadows first. And that he simply won't do.

  I grin back viciously, memories of Aiden challenging me flashing through my mind. “Hello, brother,” I purr.

  “Kane.” Aiden dips his chin as if with reverence, but he doesn’t bother to hide his smirk. “I thought I might stop in for a visit.”

  "The last time you visited, you brought an army and a cursed dagger to kill me." I cock my head. "Solo this time?"
  Aiden laughs, tossing his head back. “It’s not like that this time, Kane. You know Desona was furious when she found out I challenged her baby. I just wanted to see my little brother.”

  From the corner of my eye, I see Briar’s head snap towards me, though she hides her surprised gasp well. “I’m afraid I can’t stay and chat,” I say smoothly, pinning him with a glare.

  “Being King must keep you busy.” Aiden’s voice is bland, but his eyes flash. Silence hangs between us before he turns to Briar, partially hidden in the dark. “You haven’t introduced me to your bride.”

  I command the shadows away from Briar, revealing her. I slip my arm around her waist, resting my hand over the crook of her hip and thigh. She inhales sharply, and I can feel her heart pounding at the intimate touch. I smile, eyes as sharp as knives. “I thought it unnecessary, seeing as you two had already met. Briar, this is my useless older brother, Aiden. He’s a minor god, nothing to concern yourself with.”

  Aiden takes the slight with ease. "Nothing as impressive as Kane, to be sure," he agrees good-naturedly.

  “Briar,” I murmur, lowering my lips to her ear. She shivers slightly as my lips brush over the sensitive flesh. I tighten my grip on her hip, desire sweeping through me. I rein it in, careful not to show any weakness in front of Aiden. “I believe you still have preparations to make. Leave us.”

  She runs her tongue over her lips, and I track it, letting her see the way my pupils dilate with desire. “But, your brother,” she says, trailing off.

  "Must I ask twice?" I let my cold power seep from me and over her. Her nipples stiffen in the cold, and I bite the inside of my cheek.

  Wordlessly, Briar ducks away from me and scurries past Aiden. He watches her with open curiosity, and she dips her head as mortals do towards Gods. “Who does she worship?” Aiden asks as Briar slips into her room. I let the shadows slip away, rolling my neck irritably. “Tell me it isn’t mother – that would be awkward.”

  “Briar has never disclosed that,” I snap. “Though Desona was also curious.”

  “Of course she was,” Aiden snorts.

  I wave a hand, my magic throwing open a window nearby. “You should go, I don’t have time for a visit.”

  “Where are your duties taking you today?” Aiden lounges against the wall, ignoring me.

  “I have business in the mortal realm,” I sigh. “Not that you would understand.”

  “How could I?” He cocks a brow. “I have no responsibilities, as you so keenly like to point out.”

  I rub my temples, grinding my teeth together. I was forced from home at a young age, tasked with the duties of Death, while Aiden never left my mother’s wings and always had her to fall back on. I had no such luxuries. “I’m sorry,” I finally say, meeting his gaze. “But if I don’t go soon, my relations with the mortals are at risk. I don’t want a war.”

  “That serious?” Aiden’s brows shoot up in surprise. “Can I help?”

  I chuckle humorlessly. “What? You ran out of nymphs and sirens to chase? Are you bored?”

  Aiden rolls his eyes and grins. “You would be surprised just how many rivers and trees there are in the mortal realm. But you could say I’m bored.”

  “I appreciate the offer,” I say, voice dripping with sarcasm. “But how could you help?”

  “I know I’m just a two-bit demi-god but give me some credit Kane. I’ve been in the mortal realm much longer than you have, or your little Reaper friends. And you know how good I am at getting what I want.” Aiden’s eyes flash.

  I purse my lips. “I don’t want any attention, do you understand? This stays strictly between the four of us. And if I catch you making a scene or spilling my secrets, I’ll have Willem reap your soul early and I’ll keep it in a little jar. Understand?”

  Aiden shivers teasingly. “You’re very frightening little brother.” I stare humorlessly at him until he lifts his hands in surrender. “I understand. You have my word.”

  “Night, help me,” I mutter under my breath, glaring at my brother. “One other thing.”


  “If I find out you’re plotting against me again, I’ll do worse,” I growl.

  “Those days are gone,” Aiden says with a nod.

  “Pray you’re right,” I say as I head down the hall, Aiden at my heels. “Or you’ll be very sorry.”

  Aiden and I stride through the halls and down the main staircase towards the courtyard. It feels strange to walk beside my brother without weapons between us. I glance at him, suspiciously from the corner of my eyes. There are few people in existence that I trust, and Aiden is not one of them. But he is my brother. And despite his attempts to usurp me, I have never been able to bring myself to hate him as much as I hate the mortals who betrayed me. Perhaps it’s because I know he doesn’t hate me for being the recipient of most of our mother’s attention.

  Willem is waiting in the courtyard, stretching out his wings for the last time before we enchant them out of sight for our visit to the mortal realm. Reapers can hide their wings for short periods of time while they’re in the mortal realm reaping a soul. But for this expedition, he’ll have a little help from me. Willem’s blue eyes cut towards us and settle suspiciously on Aiden. I see his nails sharpen to black claws. Aiden balks a little at the sight of my Second, but he pastes an arrogant grin on his face.

  “Kane,” Willem says. “What is he doing here?”

  “He’s joining us.” I glance at Aiden. “I trust him for the time being.”

  Willem retracts his claws, and Aiden relaxes. "Long time no see, William."

  “It’s Willem,” the Reaper drawls, going back to preening his wings. “And it certainly hasn’t been long enough.”

  “You said four of us would be going.” Aiden cranes his neck, surveying the courtyard. “Who is the fourth?”

  “Fourth?” Willem cocks a brow.

  I shrug and adjust my jacket. “Briar was also quite convincing.”

  “I bet she was,” Aiden leers, elbowing me.

  Anger floods through me and I glare at Aiden. “If you ever think of her in that manner again, I will tear your spine from your body.”

  Aiden pales, his tan skin growing ashy. Willem chuckles at the sight, his wings settling comfortably between his shoulder blades. “It seems Kane has a soft spot for the mortal,” Willem says. Despite his grin, I can see the resentment in his eyes.

  “I would call it a strategy,” I say evenly, meeting Willem’s gaze. I need my Second’s support. I can’t have him doubting me.

  “Here comes your strategy,” Willem says, tilting his angular chin towards something behind me.

  I hear light footsteps run across the courtyard and smell the soft scent of honey and lilac from Briar's soaps. I turn, heart pounding in anticipation of seeing my mortal bride. I keep my face a careful mask as I watch her bound towards us. Briar runs as if she doesn't care for propriety, dressed in light traveling pants and a plain blouse. Her wet hair has been pulled back messily into a braid, and her cheeks are pink from running. I suppress a smile, instead enjoying the way my heart warms at the sight of her with a cold expression. She stops in front of us, a small pack slung over her shoulder.

  I pin her with a glare. “You’re late.”

  Chapter 4


  “You’re late,” Kane snaps, glowering down at me.

  I cling to the strap of the pack I’ve thrown over my shoulder and swallow hard. I should be frightened of Kane when he glares like this, but there’s no fire behind his glare. I bite my lip and meet his gaze. I washed and packed as quickly as I could – and I ran the entire way to the courtyard. I have nothing to be sorry for. “I got here as fast as possible,” I say, feeling a little defiant.

  Kane's lips twitch, and his eyes flash. There's the anger he was missing before. I feel myself shrink slightly in response, and I remember the way he so easily overpowered me. He wasn't even trying and acted like it was more a game than anything else. Kane's e
yes cut through me like a hot poker, and I straighten unconsciously, preparing for the worst. But he simply turns away, back to Willem and Aiden.

  “Hold on tight,” Kane drawls, stretching out his hands.

  He reaches for me, hand behind his back and out of sight of the other two men. When I don’t take hold of it, he flashes an irritated glare over his shoulder. Quickly, I wrap my fingers around his, my stomach flipping nervously. His hand is cold, freezing even, and his palms are rough. I expected soft hands, the kind that have never seen a day of hard labor. Kane doesn’t hold tightly to my hand, as if he’s reluctant to touch me. Darkness stretches around us, obscuring my sight and I inhale sharply; afraid. Kane squeezes my hand once, quickly. A warm sensation blooms in my chest at the small gesture.

  For all, I've tried to remember that Kane, Willem, and the members of Court I've met are not my friends, but rather my enemies, I can't seem to stop wanting Kane to show me kindness. And when he does show me even the smallest gestures, my stomach is filled with butterflies. He doesn’t squeeze my hand again, even though I’m silently begging him to. In the darkness, I keep my eyes fixated on where his head would be. I know if he turned around, he could see me. I want him to.

  Suddenly, the world tips upside down for the briefest instant, but it's enough to make my heart skip a beat. I gasp before I can bite it back and my hand tightens around Kane's. I feel him go stiff in the darkness. Suddenly, light burns my eyes, and his hand slips away from mine. I cover my face from the yellow sun overhead and blink, trying to adjust. In the Underworld, the light is perpetual sunset, nothing more than a warm glow. In the mortal realm, the sun beats down on my overhead, yellow and deliciously warm.

  I smile and drop my hand. From behind my closed eye, I can still see the flow of the sun as a fiery orange color. A gentle breeze rustles my hair and clothes. I inhale deeply, smelling the grass and soil. It’s only been a month since I left the mortal realm, but that was long enough to forget the way it feels. It feels like summer is ending here, but nature hasn’t quite caught up. I open my eyes and all I see is green and blue.


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