Beauty And The Alien Beast

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Beauty And The Alien Beast Page 6

by Zara Zenia

  “Ready?” I asked.

  She nodded her head yes. Then side-by-side we walked out together on the main road. I heard her inhale a sharp breath of air, and exhale. She really did love the outdoors, and I was pressing that information into my memory.

  We walked in silence while I watched her as her eyes grew wide looking to the left and the right of the wetlands. She seemed delighted when a flock of birds took off into flight. She closed her eyes when the sun's rays hit her skin directly on her face. She was enjoying the warmth. I enjoyed watching her. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been to see you. I have been very busy dealing with responsibilities, as well as the aftermath of the violent incidents. I trust you’ve been well?”

  “I have. I have taken most of my meals with my father. He is truly enjoying life on the ship, even though he has to stick to his apartment. He is having quite the good time. I think it’s just the fact that he feels safe. He can let his guard down and get a good, deep sleep. Enjoy his meals and his relaxation time reading. I’ve never seen him so carefree before, I thank you for that,” Andi murmured.

  A thank you? I wasn't expecting to hear that from her, but I’ll take it. “You’re welcome. I’m glad to bring some peace to him. And to you as well, even if it’s just enjoying meals with your father and leisure time.”

  “Thank you, it has been peaceful the last two days. I’ve gained a lot of rest.”

  “It must be nice to feel rest after working so hard. Would you tell me about your work? I’m really curious.”

  “My work?” Andi gave me a mischievous glance. “Did you not say a reporter is the worst kind of human?” she teased with a grin on her face.

  I knew she was joking with me and throwing my words into my face. I liked this playful side to her. “I deserve that. I was angry in that moment and didn’t mean it. My temper gets away from me sometimes, if you haven’t noticed yet?”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  “I apologize. I truly am interested in your work. I don’t think ill of reporters. Information is important. When the masses aren’t informed, it can cause complete chaos and abuse of power. Knowledge is the only thing that keeps power abusers in check, so you have a very important job as being a supplier of knowledge.”

  She stopped walking and stared at me.

  As she gazed up at me, I thought I saw a sparkle of something in her eyes. I didn’t know what it was, only that I hadn’t seen it there before.

  “Thank you. I do take my work very seriously. Though, I don't know if there is any use of it now. You see my work was somewhat reflective of having the father that I do. I’m interested in documenting all things Trilyn, for the future generations of humans. If the Trilyns were to leave in the future, then people on Earth in the future need to know what it was like when you were here. It is a big, great event, and I want to be the one to document it and provide that experience for the future. So I run the website, which offers basic information, photos, and things like that. I have to admit my purpose was biased at first. I did want to show humans that Trilyns were okay, and not scary. The more information humans knew that most of the time Trilyns were just like us, the more they were accepting of you.”

  I noticed how excited she was talking about her work. Her voice had went a tone higher, and she was speaking faster. Her chest heaved up and down, as though breathing harder with excitement. This was her passion, and I was starting to understand that she was a very smart human. “That is very important work. And on behalf of all the Trilyns, I thank you personally for it. You’ve done something very great, and good for us.”

  “Thank you, coming from a prince of the Trilyns that means a lot to me.” She smiled and her whole face lit up with pleasure.

  We continued walking, and as we did so, I was getting to know her. Learning more and more about Andi, was helping me to know what I could do in order to please her. We got to the bottom of the road and walked to the left, along the bank of the wetlands. She was really enjoying the walk. The sun was lower on the horizon turning the sky into a beautiful palette of orange, purple, and pink.

  “Andromeda, Andi... I want to apologize for my behavior at dinner. I was nervous, and I don't know how to deal with human females. On my planet it is very different, or was very different when we had our own mates, but after what happened…”

  “No need to apologize, Manzar. It is partly my fault as well. I didn’t need to jump to conclusions so quickly and get angry. It isn’t your fault. It’s because of my past experience.”

  “What do you mean?” I gave her a curious look, wanting to know what had given her such experiences.

  “I had a boyfriend not too long ago. He was kind at first, but after a while, he became very dominant and angry. He would bully me.” Andi shivered.

  “Did he hurt you?” I stopped walking and looked at her directly. I was ready to find out the name of this human man, find him, and kill him. No one would ever get away with hurting her ever again. Even if it happened before she met me. I felt rage building inside of me. Yes, it was my temper again. Also, part jealousy and part protection. I needed to protect her at all cost.

  “He didn’t physically harm me. He grabbed my arm and squeezed a few times, but it never escalated, because I didn't allow it to. But he was emotionally abusive, and over dominant. Because of that, I lost trust in any male who showed a temper or that kind of behavior.” Her voice was soft, almost lost among the chirping of the crickets and sounds of wildlife around us.

  “I understand. I apologize again. I should have been more kind, and cautious. I’m learning, as this is all new for me as well.” I took her hand and caressed the skin on her wrist.

  She smiled and didn’t pull away from me. “Yes, of course it is. I should be more culturally sensitive, me of all people. I know that you’re trying, and that is a start. I will try also.”

  “Good, that is a good beginning.” I squeezed her fingers gently. “Now, shall we enjoy this beautiful Earth sky?” I said looking toward the sunset which was now dipping into the horizon.

  “Oh, yes. It is absolutely stunning. Thank you for taking me on this walk. I could do this every day all day,” she said.

  “You could?” I looked at her with curiosity again.

  “Yes, I could.” She peeked up at me and her cheeks flushed.

  A plan was forming inside my head. I knew exactly what to do for her wedding gift. I could only hope that she would be pleased. For now, after seeing her face light up while taking this walk, I wanted to be the one to put a smile on her face every day.

  Chapter 9


  A week went by and in that time, I had gone on several walks with Manzar. Each one was just as magical as the first.

  We went on a sunrise walk when the birds were just waking up and starting to feed. We also went on sunset walks. Being outside was everything to me and I felt glad to have the sunshine and fresh air on my skin. I did want my father to be able to enjoy this as well, but I knew that it was best to take baby steps with this Prince. I didn’t want him to think that these walks meant nothing to me.

  I knew he was using them in order for us to get to know each other, which had been my request. So bringing my father along wouldn't exactly help in that way, but I did want him to get some fresh air and sunshine. It was on my agenda to ask Manzar eventually.

  Then as the days went by, something strange started to happen. I began to look forward to seeing him. I was even starting to find that I was attracted to him in some sort of strange way. I wondered if it was because he made me feel safe when I was with him. I’d always had a soft spot for those soldier strong types. And he was definitely that times a thousand. I knew something was changing inside of me, but I didn’t know what. I never thought I could love this beast, but perhaps becoming attracted to him in some strange way was a step in that direction.

  I glanced at the clock. It was an hour before sunset, typically when we went for our walk, though he didn't always show up. I knew he was very busy.
But I had my cloak on just the same, waiting just in case he did show up for a walk.

  I was very glad for the cloak, considering Jake was somewhere out in the city. With him thinking I had been abducted by the prince. Even though I didn’t go through with answering that question he sent me on the forum, I knew that he must be planning something. It would be just like him to do something, it was in his nature. He would see it as a challenge, as though having a Trilyn Prince stealing his ex-girlfriend made him more important, and entitled. Yes, he would be absolutely loving the attention it would give him in the Humanity First organization. They were probably rallying around him now in support. I rolled my eyes to think of how stupid that would be. But it was just like Jake to do something so dumb.

  The door chime went off and I jumped up, excited to see the prince. As I walked to the door, I realized I had butterflies in my stomach, and that was definitely new.

  “You’re not going to need that cloak today,” he said looking at me with a smile.

  “I’m not? Aren’t we going for a walk?”

  “We are going for a walk. But you aren’t going to need that cloak. You’re going to need this,” Manzar said, holding up a small band, the size of a bracelet.

  I pursed my lips and furrowed my brow, staring at the band. “What is it?”

  He grabbed my hand and held up my arm. He opened the band, then snapped it onto my wrist, it fit snugly. “This is your wedding gift.”

  “My wedding gift? Already? Do I not get a wedding gift on my wedding night?”

  “You do. But I wanted to give you this one now.”

  “Oh, I see. Thank you, it’s very beautiful. Is this Trilyn jewelry?” I asked looking at my wrist. It was simply a white band that was a glossy white with an iridescent sheen to it. It was pretty, but not exactly what I considered jewelry.

  “No.” He laughed. “Come, I will show you what it does.”

  “Okay,” I replied, confused. I followed him out of the room and into the hall. We stepped into the elevator.

  “Go ahead, scan your wrist on the panel,” he said with a grin.

  My eyes lit up. I now knew what this was. I scanned my wrist over the control panel. Three lights lit up.

  “Those lights are the floors that you have access to now. Now, tell me what would you like to see first? We have the Sacred Garden, the temple, and the roof landing pad. As well as the hallways with various rooms that these places are in.”

  “Really? I have access to these places now?”

  “Yes, and we don’t normally give humans access to these places when they visit our ship,” Manzar stated with a smile. “Not even the dignitaries of your government. But if you are to be a Trilyn bride, then you need to see Trilyn culture. You’ve said you have an interest in the Trilyns. I thought this would please you.” His orange eyes were filled with kindness, as his white teeth shone bright against his purple skin.

  My heart warmed to him. “Yes! I’m very excited to see everything you wish to show me. Thank you. I think I want to see the roof first, then the Sacred Garden,” I said feeling the excitement rush over me.

  “That would be this button here.” He pointed toward the panel of buttons.

  I pressed the button he indicated and the elevator went up all the way to the roof. He stepped out first and I followed.

  The sun hit my face directly. It felt warm and inviting. The swampy air was balmy and thick. “I didn’t know this existed!” I exclaimed as I gazed around the rooftop.

  “Well, it is for landing aircraft and drones, but since you get such pleasure out of being in the sun and fresh air, I thought you could have access to this and come out here whenever you pleased.”

  “Oh yes. I would love that. I will be out here every two hours if I can.”

  “As much as you like.”

  “And I can see the moon and feel the night air.”

  “Yes, you can do that as well. Let me show you. This line here marks the safe zone. The aircraft and drones land over there. But this is a good small section where you can sit for a while and do what you like.”

  “Thank you, it is so perfect, Manzar!” I said excitedly. I was already thinking about when I could bring my father up to get some air as well, but I would wait to ask the prince that.

  “Would you like to sit here or would you rather see the gardens now?” Manzar asked with an indulgent smile.

  “Let’s see the gardens.” I knew the anticipation I felt showed on my face.

  “It is on the top floor just below us,” he said as we walked back into the elevator.

  I scanned my wrist again.

  “Here we are, on the top floor. It’s on the top in order to let in as much sunlight as possible,” Manzar explained as he walked out of the elevator and down the hall all the way to the end with me following him.

  I was studying at the hall, so much was different on this floor. It in itself seemed like a temple, very quiet and serene. I could hear the sound of running water. When we got to the end, he showed me how to scan my wrist over the door. It opened.

  “Oh, my. This is absolutely stunning,” I commented, looking around trying to take everything in.

  Walking in, there were trees that went all the way to the ceiling with vines hanging off of them. There were plants I had never seen before. They were not of Earth. They were in the most vibrant colors possible. Some of them seem to open and close periodically. A heady fragrance filled the room, provided by the flowering plants. I walked up and down every path with my mouth open and feeling such exhilaration.

  “I am glad this pleases you,” Manzar confided with a big smile on his face.

  “It does! It truly does! I could live in here!” I exclaimed with enthusiasm, my eyes wide with wonder as I looked around.

  He laughed, his face showing his enjoyment at my enthusiasm. The sound echoed in the cavernous room. “Well, you can come back here any time you’d like. There’s more for me to show you, but unfortunately, I have little time to do it in. Come,” Manzar urged, grabbing my hand and leading me out.

  I felt a rush of heat as he held my hand again. I didn’t know why it was stirring me so. I’d often held hands with many people. Not just romantic partners, but also with friends. None of them had ever had the effect this was having on me at the moment.

  Next, we went to a different floor where the temple was located. The Trilyns had an interesting religion. They didn’t worship any sort of God. But they did have a temple to find a quiet space to center themselves. That's what this Temple that we walked into was all about.

  It seemed to almost be the equivalent of a meditation room for humans. And this one was grand. A wonderful place with green walls and floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the swamp. It seemed quiet, temperate, and there was a lot of seating as well as mats on the ground. I saw no one here inside.

  “This is lovely, Manzar, I will enjoy coming to this space.” I smiled at him, grateful he was sharing this space with me.

  “I’m glad.” He squeezed my fingers again.

  Unexpectedly, a shiver of pleasure went through me at the sensation of his strong fingers enclosed with mine.

  “Now, I have one more thing to show you that I think you will find to be very good, or at least I hope.” Manzar’s orange eyes sparkled at me.

  My heart began to race. “I cannot wait to see it.”

  We hopped into the elevator again, and went back to the floor we both lived on. Walking down the hall toward my apartment, we stopped in front of the door next to it.

  He raised my wrist over it, and the door opened.

  Inside, was a small room with a large table, cabinets, and other items that reminded me of an office. But it was what was on the table that caught my attention. “Is this for me?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yes.” He grinned.

  “But this is camera equipment. I don't understand,” I noted picking up the exquisite camera and lenses laid out on the table. All my favorite gadgets were here.

nbsp; “With the access that I have given you, I thought that you might want to continue your work documenting all things Trilyn. Though, you cannot post any of it right now. We can’t let the enemy have access to what the inside of my ship looks like after all, but right now it is just for your archives for the future generations… as you said. So you can continue working. I see how happy you are when you speak of your work.”

  “Yes, it makes me very happy,” I said feeling such joy. I threw my arms around him and gave him a hug. I did it without even thinking about it.

  He put his arms around me and his strong hands were very large on my back. I tilted my head back to look at him.

  Our eyes locked.

  Then he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

  I didn’t stop him. I didn’t want to.

  His lips were warm and soft. A small moan escaped my mouth as I became very aware of his strong chest pressing against mine and his hardness pressed against my hip. I gasped as I felt it.

  Suddenly, he pulled from me. “I must go.” Then he walked out.

  I was left there breathless and confused. What just happened, and why am I feeling so aroused by him?

  Chapter 10


  I was surprised when Andi hugged me. I wasn’t expecting that sort of affection from her. I had been wanting it for days now. I’d been wanting to touch her for a long time, but it felt better to have her come to me willingly.

  However, in that moment, the moment Andi pressed her warm delicate body against my chest, I had to kiss her. I don't know what came over me, but I needed to feel her lips.

  It had been two days since that kiss, and I had thought about nothing else. She invaded my mind at all times as well as my heart. I thought about her when I wasn’t with her, as well as when I was lying in bed.

  I didn’t know how much longer I’d have to wait to marry her, but I knew there needed to be a date set very soon. After all the work we had done together to get to know each other, I didn’t want to rush things and lose her, it was a very delicate balance after all.


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