Beauty And The Alien Beast

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Beauty And The Alien Beast Page 18

by Zara Zenia

  She didn’t move an inch the closer I came to her. Then she stiffened. “When can I expect to see my father and return us to Earth? I deserve to know,” she said in a tone that sounded like a demand.

  “What makes you think I’m going to return you at all?”

  Her eyes grew wide. “I demand that you take us home. I want to go home. I don't want to stay up here in space! I can't live on this ship. I can't be locked in this apartment just to be your sex slave whenever you want to visit.”

  “Why would I take you home? If I returned you to Earth, you would tell everyone of our base here.”

  She stared at me with shock tilting her head back to look up at me because she was so short underneath me. She began to tremble. “I won’t. You don't know anything about me! I was on that waterfront ready to do what was necessary in order to get my father back. I’m in love with someone else, Jake. That is not something I can expect a ruthless man like you to ever understand! My father was taken from me. That is why I was up there. I was thinking of the man I love. I want to go back home to be with him. I don't expect you to know the grief that I know because you have never been in love with anyone but yourself!” she shouted.

  My body filled with anger. Her words hit me hard, like I’d been shot with a blaster gun. She knew too much about me without having known me for very long. It was true I had never known love, but love was for fools and the weak. I was neither. I didn’t like hearing it out loud from her. She made it sound like it was something to pity about me. No one pitied me. I was a leader of Humanity First, damn it!

  I didn’t deserve the pity of any pathetic woman who would give her life over love for a damn Trilyn.

  She began to cry a solemn cry, she made no noise, but tears fell down her cheeks.

  I realized that if I kept her on board this ship this is what I would be dealing with. She didn’t know that her father was safe and close by. She knew nothing. But seeing her cry over an alien and her father everyday would remind me that I was the source of her pain, of her weakness. I didn't want to deal with that on a daily basis even if bedding her was an incredible experience. “You want to return to Earth! Then that is what you shall have! You are weak. You're vulnerable. At least here, you would experience a life different from what you have known. I want to hear nothing more of it,” I shouted. I stomped away from her toward the door.

  “What does that mean? Are you taking me back? With my father? Where is he? When will we go? Answer me, Jake!”

  I turned to her boiling with rage, more because she had said she was in love with another and I knew it was with that Trilyn Prince. “Don’t call me Jake. You will address me as Sergeant Marsh!” I growled the words to her.

  She stepped back, fearful again.

  Good, let her be scared of me.

  I walked out of her living quarters closing the door behind me. I stomped into the control room to find Lieutenant Robook. “Lieutenant Robook! A word in private!”

  He nodded and followed me out into the hallway where I led him into a private conversation room, with solid walls that were completely soundproof and I knew we wouldn’t be overheard.

  He closed the door behind him as he entered.

  “We are going to launch the offense on the palace ship of Prince Manzar sooner than our scheduled attack. Let me know the soonest that we can do this!”

  “Yes, Sergeant Marsh.”

  “Good, now go and make the arrangements and keep me posted.”

  “Yes, Sergeant Marsh,” he saluted me and left the room.

  I stayed in the room and closed the door. Now with the sound shields in place there was only one thing I could do, I let out a long and loud scream of anger. What was this woman doing to me?

  Chapter 32


  I laid down in the tub allowing my muscles to relax. I grabbed a sponge and began to wash my body slowly. I needed it after all that I had been through since Jake had taken me.

  It was then when I noticed something strange about my stomach. It looked darker. Maybe it is just the light, I thought. But then as I moved out of the shadow, I realized something…it wasn’t changing. I stood up from the tub and wrapped a towel around me. I stood in front of the mirror and looked down at my stomach. I gasped. It was a light olive color, barely a tint to it. I could see how it escaped my attention before when changing clothes, but now that I was really looking at it, it was obvious.

  I rubbed my hand over it. Was it dye? Had I somehow rubbed against something that turned my skin a different shade only on my stomach? I shook my head. What the hell is wrong with me?

  I ran to the control panel. What is wrong with me? Could this be food poisoning? I’d never heard of food poisoning changing skin tones. Could it be a side effect from being in space?

  I pushed the button on the control panel to reach assistance. “It’s Andromeda. I’m requesting to see a doctor or a medic. It’s important,” I said into the intercom.

  “Your request has been noted,” someone answered in a monotone voice.

  That was it. They didn’t ask what the issue was, or if I was feeling okay, just ‘it’s been noted.’ With a sigh, I got dressed. I paced back and forth in my living room, fretting over what might be wrong. I didn't know what could be wrong with me. Nothing made sense that I thought of. I looked at my body in the mirror to see if there were any other olive colored patches, unless they were in areas that I couldn’t see like the back of my neck. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue… pink. There didn’t seem to be anything else unusual about me and I didn't feel sick. I didn’t know what this could be. Perhaps it really was being in space that did this to me.

  Finally, the bell rang.

  I went to the door and answered it.

  “Andromeda LaBelle, I’m Dr. Gina Traxis,” the woman she said as she walked in.

  I closed the door behind her but noticed the guard outside. “There is something wrong with me and I don't know what it is. I’m a little freaked out.”

  “Okay, why don’t you tell me why you think there is something wrong with you?” she asked looking concerned.

  “There is something going on with my skin, a tint. I don't know if it’s dye from clothing rubbing against me or what, but I was in the bath so it should have come off when I was in there.” I grabbed her hand and led her into the bathroom where the light was much brighter. I stood in front of her and pulled up my shirt rubbing my hand over my belly. “See?”

  Gina gasped, her eyes going wide.

  “What? What is it? Am I sick?”

  She suddenly looked at me as though I was a monster standing in front of her. She didn't say anything, but I knew by the look on her face that she knew I had been with a Trilyn. It all hit me at once. I’m pregnant. This was a sign of a human and Trilyn pregnancy. I felt a little faint at the prospect.

  “You’re pregnant, Andromeda,” Gina finally said, her voice soft, almost a whisper.

  My eyes were open wide with fright. I was in the middle of an enemy ship at the moment. I couldn’t be pregnant with a human-Trilyn hybrid child here! I shook my head from side-to-side… no. I put my hand out onto the wall and held myself up. This couldn't be happening.

  “An olive skinned belly is a sign of a pregnancy with a human-Trilyn alien child. Andromeda... How is this possible? What the hell did you…” She couldn’t seem to finish her sentence as she stared at my stomach.

  “It’s a long story,” I said softly.

  “Well, you better start talking! Do you know how dangerous this is?” she asked me, a sound of panic in her tone. “I only know about this because I’ve attended a few human-Trilyn pregnancies, and those women are in jail here because of it! You know that relations between humans and Trilyn are forbidden to Humanity First members.”

  “I didn't get pregnant on purpose, Doctor! And I’m not a member of this group. I’ve been abducted against my will by Jake Marsh,” I said, feeling as if I was lying as soon as I said it. I had been abducted against my will by J
ake, but sleeping with Manzar was something that I had welcomed at the time and I knew that it was possible I could get pregnant, so saying it wasn’t on purpose was a stretch, if not an outright lie.

  Gina moved from the bathroom into the living room and walked back and forth in a panic. She was freaking out, I could see it on her face. “This can't be happening. I wish you wouldn't have called me to attend you, Andromeda.” She stared at me with accusations. “I could lose my license just by knowing about this. I could be put in jail along with you! Why didn't you think of that before you asked for me? I’m going to have to report this.”

  I realized now that I’d made a mistake by calling for a doctor. I could see just how panicked she was in that she might not be able to hold this secret. But she had to. “I’m sorry, Gina. I truly didn’t know what was wrong. I didn't know a discolored stomach was the sign of a pregnancy! How could I possibly know that? Everything is so secret when it comes to the Trilyn, even to me and I have spent my life studying them.” I frowned. How had I not known this? I shook my head. “I wouldn’t wish trouble on you, of course. I would never wish that for you. If I had known that's what it meant, I wouldn't have brought you into this mess. And it’s not your mess to deal with, it’s mine. But please, you must promise me to keep this secret?” I begged her.

  She halted and stared at me. Something was there in her eyes…something in the way she looked at me that said I couldn't trust her. But I had to have faith that she wouldn’t give me away.

  Gina sighed. “I promise. I will keep it a secret. But don’t call me to attend you anymore, Andromeda. Promise me that.”

  “I promise. Thank you for coming. I won’t keep you any longer.”

  Silent, Gina grabbed her bag and then left me.

  I could only hope that this doctor would keep my secret.

  Chapter 33


  After I’d sent Andromeda back out into the city, I was faced with regret. I wished that I hadn’t done it, hadn’t let her go. I should have kept her here with me, even if she was guilty. But after we’d been together again, I’d been in a mood. Hurt and sorry that I’d treated her in such a way. I had to let her go. I couldn’t see her and not have her at my side. I’d thought letting her go would rid her from my mind.

  I needed my sharp edge and my ruthless behavior in order to continue to be the Prince that I was. But I knew I regretted sending her away because I wanted to touch her again. She had an impact on me like no other human female before. At night, I was desperate to sleep, wishing that she were in my bed with me.

  Me! Wanting to share a bed with anyone! This had never happened to me before her. Yet, when in a deep sleep, I would roll over and stretch out my arm hoping to touch her, but then I would wake and realize I would never see her again. It had me in a strange and peculiar place. I let her go and now—she was all that I could think about.

  Going about my daily responsibilities, as the Prince was second on my mind, she was first. I scouted for her all day and night. She was always first.

  “Prince Manzar, we have a communication call coming in, it’s from the Earth Council. The message reads that it is from Governor Edwards himself,” Lieutenant Danja interrupted my thoughts about Andromeda.

  “Did it say anything else? Did it say the reason for the communication?” I asked knowing that this was a very strange instance. We had already set a date for the next Earth Council meeting that would get absolutely nothing done which would be in another three weeks’ time. So it was strange to hear from the governor again.

  “No, there was no information other than that.”

  I nodded. “I will receive it. Set it up in my private communication room. No one else in attendance except for you and me.”

  “Right away, sir,” he replied and turned down the hall.

  I followed him to the communication room. We closed the door and I stood directly in front of the screen, ready to accept the call.

  Lieutenant Danja went through the motions of connecting it and pulling it up on the screen.

  “This is Prince Manzar. Governor Edwards, it is good to hear from you as always. To what do I owe this communication?”

  “Prince Manzar, a pleasure as always. I’m communicating with you to ask if it is possible to have a meeting with you as soon as possible, here at the council building. Something has come to our attention and we wish to discuss it in person as the matter is very delicate.”

  “And what might this matter be exactly?” I asked wondering what the Earth Council could possibly want that was so urgent. This was most unprecedented. It had me wondering if this was a trap. The Earth Council wouldn't be so bold.

  “As I said, it is a delicate matter. I don't feel that it is secure to discuss over such a long-range transmission. As you know, our communications have been hacked before, anyone could be listening. That is why we prefer to speak face-to-face. I know it’s a lot to ask and you have your responsibilities. You don't have to answer me now, but if you will see if your schedule will allow it, we would like to see you within the week. Please respond in forty-eight hours to let us know. That is all for now.”

  I nodded a goodbye. Then the screen went black. I looked over at Lieutenant Danja. “In my chambers now.”

  He turned off the panels in the room and followed me to my living quarters.

  “That was unusual, Lieutenant Danja, what do you think it is?” I asked my most trusted lieutenant.

  “It’s possible that it’s about Humanity First, and Andromeda. The tensions have risen.”

  “Yes, it’s possible. We must prepare for it. The data that the pilot was carrying is very important. We didn’t know that it was going to be such a treasure of information.” I walked back and forth in my room thinking.

  “Yes. Do you think they are preparing for war?”

  “We have been at war, this cold war is still a war between us,” I answered. “It’s the step before actual war. Of course, they’re preparing for battle and violence just in case, but I assumed that it would be in response to the Humanity First becoming violent. Not the other way around.”

  “And what do you plan to do with that information, Prince Manzar?”

  “When we return home, I will share it with my brothers of course. But until then, we keep it to ourselves. For now, I must prepare for this meeting. If I don't go, it will look suspicious and they will suspect that the issue with the human pilot is because of me. If I go and listen to what they have to say and deny it, it is possible that they don’t have any proof. Therefore, just showing up will show them I’m not guilty,” I thought out loud.

  “Whatever you decide, Prince Manzar, I’m with you,” my trusted lieutenant said.

  I walked quietly back and forth in the room. I had to make a decision, and I wanted it to be sooner rather than later. The quicker I answered, the less it would look like I hesitated. I had to give the regular time to make the governor think that I had to look at my schedule and create a window for me to enter the city, which was standard. But I couldn't wait too long. It was settled. I had to go to this meeting. Delaying it would only make me look bad.

  “I will go to the meeting at the end of this week. Check my schedule and move some things around if needed. Wait until tomorrow morning to send the response to the governor that I will be attending this meeting, giving him the time and date of my arrival. We can't make it look like I’m too eager, or too accommodating.”

  “Yes, Prince Manzar. Right away,” he said.

  “Wait, something else.” I stopped him from leaving my room. “If they do know for a fact that it was us who took that Humanity First pilot and tortured him, then there might be a need for a quick escape. Not just from the meeting, but from the solar system entirely. We must start making the preparations. I want to know at least three plans to get me out of the council building as quickly as possible if I were to be arrested. Then of course, escape from Earth, getting back to Trilynia as soon as possible. The palace ship should be ready to jum
p to hyperspeed as soon as we board it with a destination in mind. I want all of this simply set up as a backup scenario, but set up nevertheless.”

  “Yes, Prince Manzar. I will see it done.” He nodded then walked out.

  But there was something else I didn’t tell him, I was ashamed to admit it. I wanted to add in that there should be a plan to take Andromeda from Earth. If it were be a getaway plan then I would never be able to come back to Earth again. I wanted to take her with me. But I didn't want my lieutenant to know this, he would try to talk me out of it. He would say there would be no time to get her, me, and my crew out of the council building if things were to go wrong. He would be right. I wouldn’t risk my crew to get her, but I knew this was what I wanted. The thought of never being able to come back to Earth to see her ever again if I were caught, just seemed like too much to bear. I would have to come up with the plan on my own.

  Chapter 34


  Every day was a day of anxiety. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone found out that I was pregnant with an alien child, the child of a Trilyn leader. I was driving myself crazy, not knowing what to do. I didn't have anyone to confide in.

  The only one who knew was the doctor who’d diagnosed me as pregnant, and she wasn’t someone I could trust, let alone that I could confide in. She was angry with me for bringing her into the mess and she wanted to stay out of it. But every day, I worried that she might suddenly turn me in, simply because she couldn't handle the pressure of keeping such a dangerous secret.

  I didn't know if at any moment, there would be a knock on my door from someone coming to take me to jail. It was a trying time. But when I was alone, I would put my hand on my belly and feel the life within there. It gave me hope. I had become bonded with the child inside of me, ready to love it unconditionally. But I was bringing it into a world that would hate my baby, who would exile them and myself. I had to come up with a plan, but I didn't know what.


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