Beauty And The Alien Beast

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Beauty And The Alien Beast Page 23

by Zara Zenia

“Manzar!” Andromeda shouted.

  I looked toward the sound.

  She was on the bank to my left where we’d first gone into the water.

  “Andromeda!” I ran toward her.

  A smile spread out on her face. But then her eyes widened and her smile fell as she looked over my shoulder.

  I heard the splash of water and knew—it was him.

  He thought he was about to take my life, but he was wrong. I pulled a long knife from my boot, turned and threw it at him while I dropped and simultaneously rolled across the ground. His gunshot missed me, but my knife didn’t miss him. It landed directly in his throat.

  He gargled grabbing at his neck and fell to the ground on the bank, half in and out of the water.

  I stayed motionless making sure that he was in fact dead, this time. After a moment, I realized he wasn’t getting up again and I stood up.

  “Oh, Manzar!” Andromeda ran into my arms.

  I wrapped my arms around her, shielding her. I pulled her down with me to our knees, getting as much cover as we could while I held her. “Shh, I’m here. I’m here,” I murmured as she cried against my chest.

  I looked around and saw that almost all of the Humanity First had their arms raised in surrender as our skilled soldiers and the council guard held guns on them. It was over. The attack had ended and we had successfully conquered them.

  “When I saw you running across the battle, I thought you were the most courageous female I had ever seen, or the dumbest," I whispered to her once she’d calmed.

  We both laughed a little and then I kissed her deeply.

  Then we heard more sounds around us and I broke the kiss. I watched as the Humanity First retreated, leaving their weapons behind. "Danja!” I called, seeing him emerge from the ship. “We must get that hole covered in the fence now! Gather all our builders and have them rig something for now. Something that will disallow a speeder from coming through again!" I commanded as he came toward us.

  “Yes, my Prince.” He nodded in agreement and headed off to carry out my orders.

  I picked Andromeda up and carried her just inside the palace walls. “Go inside and wait for me where you’ll be safe and I won’t worry about you. I have work to do, but I’ll be in soon.”

  She nodded and I stepped outside. The battle truly was over and I felt relieved.

  I looked to the Humanity First soldiers who were trying to slip away into the darkness before we could round them all up and I decided to intervene. "Humanity First!” I shouted toward the hole in the fence, suddenly lights from the top of the ship flooded the area, lighting up those who were attempting to escape. “Lay down your weapons and you’ll be given treatment for your injuries, if you don’t, we’ll kill you where you stand! Give up and you’ll be taken prisoner, but you’ll be a living prisoner!" I shouted into the now brightened darkness.

  The sound of blasters dropping to the dirt and then sliding across the ground could be heard across the space. My soldiers picked them up and began to secure the warehouse.

  "Should we take the Humanity First injured inside?” Danja asked joining me in front of the ship.

  "No, there are too many of them. We must keep them separated. Secure this area off the land bridge and we’ll have some medic tables brought out to see to them all. They’re the responsibility of the guard and the Governor now. I don’t want any humans inside the palace ship except Andromeda and her father, now.”

  “Yes, my Prince. Shall we bring the other prisoners out and turn them over to the guard?”

  “Yes, and have the medic team there to help attend to the wounded for now. Make sure they are all well guarded. I want at least thirty, no, make it forty soldiers over there and I want all the Humanity First soldiers stripped and searched for any devices or hidden weapons."

  “Yes, my Prince.” He nodded at me and carried out my orders.

  The full amount of chaos that had taken place finally hit me. There were so many injured and critically in danger on both sides. I watched as my medic teams began to filter out of the ship and to the area we’d designated to quickly attend to the injured with skill.

  I turned to go inside to Andromeda, and found her in the command center. Glad to put my hands on her once more, I reached for her. I was going to tell her that I loved her and that I wanted to be with her always. “Andromeda—” I started and then… everything went black.

  I woke not knowing how long I’d been out and my body ached. I looked around to see that Andromeda was asleep in a chair at my side. "Andromeda. Andromeda…" I said louder.

  She woke up, a worried expression on her face, but then as she noticed me awake, she smiled. "Oh, Manzar! I’m so glad you’re awake, I’ve been so worried," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck, she laid her head on my chest. Then she began to sob.

  "It’s all right, sweetheart," I said as I pushed my hand into her hair. I could tell that she was exhausted and had been worried about me. I wanted to give her some reassurance. "I feel fine,” I assured her. “I’m going to be fine. How many hours was I out? For that matter what happened? I remember reaching for you and then nothing."

  "Hours?” she nearly shrieked. “You’ve been unconscious for two days. We were very worried that you weren’t going to make it, Manzar!”

  The fear on her face told me she’d truly been afraid of losing me.

  “You lost a lot of blood,” she continued, keeping her voice low. “I’m very angry with you! How could you not have known how injured you were! You should have been attended to before all those Humanity First terrorists!” Her breathing picked up and I knew she wasn’t finished.

  “Andromeda, I—”

  “You had a slash to the artery in your arm and were slowly losing a lot of blood for more than an hour or so throughout the battle, Manzar. You could have died! How dare you do that to me!" she sobbed out the words.

  I was shocked that I’d been unconscious for two days, as I processed her words. I wanted to assure her that it was not intentional, but then the soldier in me quickly realized that my people had been without my leadership for at least two days and I sat up. "Two days! There is much to be done,” I began, “What of the fence? What about the injured?" I continued, suddenly feeling the pressure of my responsibilities.

  "Lie down, Manzar.” She pushed on my chest, urging me back against the pillows. “It has all been taken care of. The fence has been repaired. The injured Humanity First have been mended and are in the hands of the council guard in the city. Your orders were carried out clearly and systematically, I promise.” She looked at me with determination. “You must rest."

  I laid back down feeling some relief. I stared at her and her soulful eyes. "Thank you.” I smiled and reached for her face, stroking her cheek. “Thank you for coming back to me."

  "You’re welcome.” She grinned. “To be honest, I didn’t have a choice. You see, I can’t live without you. Therefore, I had to come to you," she admitted softly.

  "I’m glad you feel that way. I love you, Andromeda. I’m in love with you. I can’t live without you either. I apologize for all that I put you through before you left. I was a foolish ass who thought I was doing the right thing by sending you away. I was stupid to think you and your father were spies. I come from a long lineage of stubborn Trilyn and it has been my destiny to continue that,” I said dryly.

  “Stubborn?” She raised her brows and grinned at me. “You’re a downright beast,” she teased.

  I nodded. “Yet, here I was almost in death and I would have missed out on enjoying my time with you now for some far off future that may or may not happen. I don’t want to live that way. I want to live in the now, with you. Do you accept my apology? Will you be with me? Will you be mine?" I stared at her intently.

  Tears slid down her cheeks, but she said nothing.

  Would she continue to deny me? She’d said that she loved me, and I believed her. But that didn’t mean that she would agree to be with me, not after what I’d put her through. Pe
rhaps she thought that she could never trust someone who had doubted her so. "Andromeda? Say something, please," I begged as I put my hand on her chin and lifted her face to mine.

  "Yes,” she whispered. “I accept your apology. I want to try this. I want to be with you in whichever way the Trilyn allows us to be. Let's not live for the future, let us live for now. Any second, the Humanity First could return and steal away our last moments. Let those moments be nothing but the joy of being together."

  I smiled at her in agreement. She leaned in and kissed me. It was deep and passionate as though we were sealing a deal with a kiss. I’d never felt happier in my life.

  Chapter 42


  I couldn’t believe it when I saw Manzar collapse. He fell into my arms practically onto the floor of the entrance of the command room. I’d thought I’d lost him.

  “Help! Come quick! Your prince is injured! Please help!” I shouted as I dropped to my knees, at his side, hysterically crying.

  “Don't go. Don't go, Manzar, I love you, I love you,” I’d begged.

  “Move back, Andromeda. Let us take care of him.” Lieutenant Danja was at my side, with his hand on my shoulder.

  “You must save him!” I cried hysterically as Lieutenant Danja inspected Manzar for injury.

  “Look here, he has a gash in his artery. Get that stretcher over here now!” Danja shouted commands.

  They lifted him on the stretcher and headed toward the medical wing with him. I struggled running behind them to catch up. Immediately, he was taken into surgery, to be given a transfusion.

  “You must stay out here, Andromeda.” Lieutenant Danja held me back from entering the surgery room. “It is for the best,” he insisted, directing me at the waiting room.

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. I’d reached him, I’d made it back to my prince, only to have him taken away from me again. It was that bastard Jake. He’d pulled a knife on him, and probably cut him in the struggle without Manzar noticing because of the adrenaline of fighting. I should’ve noticed immediately, before he collapsed. But in the battle and in the darkness, I hadn’t seen the blood through the muck from the swamp that covered him.

  I walked back and forth in front of the operation room waiting. The battle between the Trilyn with the guard, against Humanity First had been squashed. But now it might not matter if I were to lose my prince. He was the father of my child and I needed him now more than ever.

  I waited, and waited.

  Finally, Lieutenant Danja came out of the room.

  “How is he? Is he alive? Please tell me,” I begged.

  “He’s alive. He’s stable, but he did lose a lot of blood. We had to perform several transfusions. He needs rest, Andromeda,” Danja informed me.

  I nodded in agreement. I was relieved. He was all right for now. My prince was going to be all right.

  “Andromeda,” a familiar voice spoke.

  I turned to see Pakdor walking toward me. I ran into his arms. “Pakdor! It’s Manzar. He’s injured. I can’t lose him I can’t!” I cried in his arms.

  “I know. I know how much you love him. Come with me, we have to make sure that you are not injured as well. It is very important,” he said gently.

  “I feel fine. I don’t want to leave him, Pakdor. What if he wakes and I’m not there?” I pleaded, begging my case.

  “You’ll be called as soon as he wakes, I promise. Come, we must get you in to the medic and have you checked out. Andromeda, you know why it’s important that we have you seen.” He had a very serious look on his face.

  I did know, but I didn’t know how he knew. He had to be speaking of the baby. I nodded my head in agreement and allowed him to lead me down the hall into another room.

  He sat me down on a table, and a medic came in.

  “Does Manzar know?” I asked.

  “He does. Any information I find out, I must tell my Prince. That is my responsibility,” Pakdor said earnestly.

  “And what does he think?” I asked, biting my lip in worry.

  “That is a question for my Prince.” He smiled and gave me a wink, so I wasn’t too worried. “I just need to make sure that you and the child are safe.” He looked over at the medic.

  The medic begin to examine me, and it was not much different from what a human doctor would do, checking my vitals, and the interior of my body to make sure that I wasn’t experiencing any internal bleeding. I’d been in the middle of a battle after all.

  “You are very brave to come in the middle of a battle as you did. But you must think about your child next time. It isn’t good to put yourself in such danger, or to put the child in such danger,” Pakdor lectured me.

  “I know, Pakdor. I just had to warn Manzar about the attack. I love him so much. I shouldn’t have left.” I shook my head.

  “I understand. You are very brave. You will make a fine Princess of the Trilyn.” Pakdor smiled.

  My heart filled with pleasure at his words. I hadn’t thought of being a princess in a long time. I still didn’t truly know if Manzar would want to be with me after he considered me to be a spy. Maybe he would find it necessary to take my child, and to leave Earth without me. These were Trilyn after all, not humans and I didn’t know how they would react to such a thing. The Trilyn kept a great deal of information about their species secret.

  “Andromeda, you’re in good health, no sign of internal injury or concussion. The child is also in good health,” the medic said and then turned to Pakdor. “They are both doing well.”

  I dropped my shoulders in relief. I was so happy. I’d be able to provide a child to Manzar. Whenever he finally woke up. Oh god, he had to wake up. “Good. I must get back to Manzar,” I said.

  “No, not yet you’re not. We must get you hydrated and fed.” Pakdor put his hands on his hips. “Remember it’s not just you that you’re providing nutrition for.”

  He was right. I nodded my head. “Yes, okay.”

  I realized I was very hungry. I followed him out of the medical room and down the hall to the mess hall. He sat me down at a table and then went about collecting things. He set down four bottles of water, and two of electrolytes, as well as a platter of fruits and vegetables. Even though I was hungry, it was hard to eat. I was so worried about Manzar, but Pakdor was right. I knew I had to eat for the sake of the baby. It was important no matter what emotional stress I was going through.

  When I’d finished, I looked at him and raised a brow. “Happy?”

  Pakdor looked over everything and said, “It will do for now. Now, come with me.”

  “Where are we going now? Are you taking me back to Manzar?” I asked hopefully.

  “No, now you need to rest. You have been through much, you need to rest.”

  I sighed. I wasn’t going to win an argument with him over this.

  Then after I’d slept for six hours underneath the watchful eye of Pakdor, I was finally able to visit Manzar in his hospital room. He was still unconscious and hadn’t awoke. I took my place at his side, taking all of my meals in the room, as well as sleeping in a cot at the side of his bed. Sometimes, I dozed off in the cushy chair I pulled up next to his bed, moving the cot out of the way.

  On the second day, I heard him call out to me. I woke up very happy. He looked happy to see me. After we spoke and both of us apologized for our share of the issues between us, it was time for me to tell him that I carried his child. I knew he knew already, but I was nervous about what he would say about it.

  “Manzar, there’s something I must speak with you about. I know you already know, but we must talk about it together. I’m having a baby.” I looked up at him. “We’re having a baby.

  “I’m well aware,” he said, his voice giving nothing away.

  “And?” I asked in exasperation. “What do you think of us having a baby?” I bit my lip and watched his face.

  “I couldn’t be happier, Andromeda.” A smile touched his lips. “You carry my child and I’m beyond thrilled about it. This
is everything,” he commented, squeezing my hand.

  “Oh, Manzar.” I threw myself into his arms again, “I’m so happy to hear you say that. I was so worried about how you’d feel about a child. I only want to be with you and to have this child with you. I want us to be a family.”

  “And that’s what I want as well, sweetheart. I’ll ask you something I demanded of you before, but this time there is no strings attached to it,” he said, his brilliant orange eyes sparkling with enjoyment.

  “And what is that?” I asked, my breath catching in my throat.

  “Andromeda, will you be my Princess and eventually, my Queen? Will you marry me and make me the happiest Trilyn in the galaxy?” He grinned, holding my fingers in his large hand.

  “Yes, Manzar, I will,” I answered, my heart exploding with joy. “I’ll marry you and be your Princess.”

  “Then I’m the happiest that I could ever be.” He pulled me close. “It’s all going to work out. If you’re willing to love the beast that is me, then I’ll love you with all of my heart in return, and our child. You will want for nothing ever again, and you’ll always be protected.” He ran the back of his large hand down my cheek tenderly.

  Once again, I moved closer, putting my head on his chest, and held onto him. Hearing his deep breathing, and feeling his strong massive body underneath me, I felt safe, even in these conditions. This was where I truly belonged and nothing would take me away, ever again.

  “It’s all right. I’m here. I won’t let you go. Not ever,” he said stroking my hair.

  There was a gentle knock on the door and I sat up. I looked at Manzar and he nodded. “Come in,” I called.

  Lieutenant Danja opened the door. “Miss Andromeda, he is here.”

  I was excited. I had sent Lieutenant Danja on a very important errand earlier, before Manzar had woken. Now he’d returned.

  Squeezing his fingers, I said, “I’ll be right back.”

  Manzar nodded and looked curiously at me, but allowed me to move from his side.

  I walked into the hallway.


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