Once Upon A New York Minute: Part 1

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Once Upon A New York Minute: Part 1 Page 13

by Sherry Ficklin

  I shake my head, “No, that was her feeling me out. She’ll play nice—at least on the surface—for as long as she can. She knows why I’m here, but she’s confident that she can keep me out of her way. Once that changes, then we’ll see the claws come out.”

  “You got all that from her complimenting your dress?”

  I snort, “She wasn’t complimenting it. It was a snub, to see how I’d react. Slight, but a snub none the less. Calling something vintage is basically like asking if you got it at the thrift store.”

  Now he shakes his head, “It’s like women speak another language sometimes.”

  “That’s not a woman thing, it’s a bitch thing, and I’m fluent in bitch,” I point out.

  The song ends and Sarah makes her way back to us.

  “What did Aiden say?” I ask.

  Taking a glass of champagne from a waiter as he walks past, she takes a sip before answering.

  “He said we shouldn’t have brought you here,” she says with a frown.

  Heartbreak Warfare

  My heart sinks into my chest. “He said that?”

  She licks her lips. “He’s worried about you. I tried to tell him about the plan, but he hardly let me get a word out.”

  I nod, “He told me something similar. He said it was harder having me here. Maybe this is all a bad idea.” I turn back to Liam, whose brow is furrowed. “What if we do all this, and he still doesn’t choose me?” I ask.

  Sarah shakes her head, “No way he chooses Genevieve over you.”

  “Why not?” I demand. “She’s got political experience. She knows the country and the people. She’s literally been preparing for this her whole life. What if he decides I’m not good enough for him or his country?”

  “Then we show him that he’s wrong.” Liam says flatly. “Because he needs you, and so does Onah-Napor.”

  “I agree,” Sarah says. “And that’s not just me being selfish. A king alone is strong, but a queen—a strong queen with a good heart—is what holds a kingdom together. She is the soul of the nation. And in that capacity, I think you’re abundantly qualified.”

  “Well, I appreciate the vote of confidence,” I say, finishing my drink and waving off another when it’s offered.

  Liam snorts, “And if he doesn’t pick you, I’ll defect back to the states with you. Because there is no way in hell I’m bowing to Genevieve. Ever.”

  Sarah nods in agreement.

  “Excuse me,” a short, elderly Japanese man interrupts.

  “Oh, Duke Lee,” Sarah gushes, holding out her hand, which he promptly kisses. “So good to see you tonight. “Duke Lee, this is Liam’s friend from the States, Miss Haven Sully.”

  He holds out his hand and I lay mine in it so he can graze a chaste kiss across the knuckles. “It’s lovely to meet you, Duke Lee.”

  He grins, “Please, call me Yin. And I’m delighted to met you, Haven. I hear you are from New York?”

  I nod, “Guilty.”

  “Ah, I am a big fan of American baseball, particularly your Yankees.”

  I bring my chin towards my shoulder, “I happen to be a Yankees fan myself. Did you hear we just signed Ottovino?”

  He grins, “I am excited to see him play next season. Though I suspect Tanaka will continue to prove invaluable to the roster.”

  “He’s got a great arm,” I admit. “And his splitter is just dangerous.”

  We talk baseball for a bit, his eyes lighting up when I mention that I have a signed Jeter ball in my personal collection.

  “And now you have my envy,” he says with a laugh. “Tell me, do you keep abreast of the local politics here on Onah-Napor?”

  “I am familiarizing myself with them,” I say. “But I’m far from an expert.”

  He nods, “Then you are aware of this business that Lady Norwood has introduced to the council?”

  “I am,” I say.

  “And does that have anything to do with the timing of your visit?” he asks flatly.

  I grin, “I appreciate your candor, Yin, but honestly I had no idea she was going to introduce that topic when I arrived. I think, perhaps, in her explaining the laws to me she must have begun to doubt their relevance in modern society. I do not take any credit for that.”

  “That is not quite an answer,” he says thoughtfully.

  “I have other business that has brought me here, though I do admit, my timing is not coincidental.”

  “And you plan on staying on, then?”

  “If all goes well, then yes.”

  He smiles again, taking my hand once more, “Then I look forward to many more opportunities to discuss baseball with you.”

  “I look forward to it as well.”

  He makes his way back to his entourage, each of whom takes a turn appraising me.

  “That went well,” Sarah offers thoughtfully.

  Tommy rejoins us, slapping Liam on the back. “Don’t look now, But Aiden’s gone into the lion’s den.”

  Looking over my shoulder as discreetly as possible, I watch Aiden leading Genevieve onto the dance floor.

  My stomach flips at the sight and I look away.

  “I feel like I’m on the Bachelor,” I complain.

  “What’s that?” Liam asks.

  “American television,” Sarah answers. “It’s a show where a dozen eligible women are presented to a man so that he can try to find the one he wants to be with. All the women live together and are constantly just a little drunk. There’s lots of cat fights and making out and each week he sends one home until there are only two left, then he picks one.”

  “That sounds awful,” Liam says with a grin.

  “It’s like watching a train wreck,” I admit. “And I’m kind of surprised you’re a fan.”

  Sarah raises her eyebrows, “Guilty pleasure. I keep hoping the women will realize that he’s a jerk and form a gang instead.”

  Tommy chuckles, “So Haven’s right, it’s basically just like this.”

  “Ok, so we get through the rest of tonight. What’s the plan for tomorrow?”

  Sarah waves a hand, “Tomorrow Tommy and I go watch the council vote down my proposal. Then, we file your papers. You have everything ready?”

  I nod, “I do. What’s the process for that?”

  “It’s simple, actually,” Tommy says. “Once the papers are all signed, we file them with the royal land registry, and then they are signed by the King.”

  “No voting needed?”

  He shakes his head, “None. Once the King signs off, the Prime Minister escorts you to the council for official welcome.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” I say.

  “In the meantime, we need to figure out how to get you and Aiden alone in a room,” she says thoughtfully. “You two need to talk—seriously talk—and make sure this is what you both want.”

  “You mean make sure he still wants me,” I say flatly, my gaze sliding to him once more.

  “He just needs to know you’re willing to fight for him,” Liam offers.

  “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  The rest of the ball drags on, dancing and mingling and dancing with Liam, then Lord Darcey, then Tommy. When I’m sure that my feet can’t take any more, the music ends and Aiden holds up his hands to make an announcement.

  “I want to thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate my coronation. It is my honor and privilege to serve this great nation, and I look forward to working with each of you to assure that our future is a secure and prosperous one. But the day has left me weary and I must take my leave. Thank you again, good night.”

  The guests applaud and Aiden is escorted out the doors. After a few moments of rustling and chatting, others begin to leave as well.

  “Are you ready?” Liam asks, holding his arm out for me.

  With a deep sigh, I take it. “Yeah, I need a drink. A real drink.”

  With a sly grin he leads me out of the ballroom. “I think I have just the thing.”

  Back in our room, Liam
pours us both a glass of Scotch. It’s smoother than the last bottle, a soft blend that warms but stops short of burning as it flows down my throat.

  “Oh, see? A blend. So much better.”

  He snorts, “If you say so. How are you feeling?”

  I stare into my glass, swirling the liquid. “I don’t know. I don’t know what I expected.”

  “You know he was glad to see you, Haven. He just had to maintain decorum.”

  “I know,” I say, taking a long drink. “I just can’t help feeling like I’ve made it worse for him instead of better. It’s like when you break up with someone, and just as you’re finally starting to get over it, you run into them or they text you. It’s like reopening an old wound.”

  “That’s only true if you were getting over them—but I don’t think he was. Were you?”

  I hesitate, “No. I kept telling myself I was, but I wasn’t. But some things don’t really heal, you know? Some things you just learn to carry.”

  “I do know, actually,” he says gently. “Would it help at all if I go down to the kitchen and find us some comfort food? Pie maybe? Cake? I don’t know. What do you eat when you’re sad?”

  “Ice cream,” I say without hesitation. “Cookie dough ice cream.”

  “I’m on it,” he says, nudging me with his shoulder. “You keep drinking till I get back. You’re more fun with a little buzz.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, “I’m always fun, thank you very much.”

  He shrugs, and heads out the door. Dragging a chair over to the window, I open it, letting the evening breeze blow through the curtains. I hear the door creek open, but I don’t look back.

  “That was quick,” I say. “I’m not even on my second glass.”

  “Good, then I can still catch up,” a voice says, and I spin in my seat.

  “Aiden,” I breathe his name in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

  He stands by the door, closing it behind him before holding his arms out to me.

  He opens his mouth to say something but I’m already moving. The glass slips from my fingers, crashing to the floor as I throw myself into his arms and press my lips to his.

  He doesn’t hesitate, his arms wrapping around me, one hand cradling the back of my neck, the other my waist.

  “Haven,” he murmurs against my lips and I kiss him again.

  My arms around his neck, my fingers curling into his hair, I whisper his name in response. “Aiden.”

  He finally leans back, gasping for air but keeping my body pressed against his. “Haven I’m so sorry. I couldn’t…” he fumbles for more words, but I shake my head.

  “I know. I understand.”

  He takes my face in his hands, “You’re here. You’re really here.”

  “Aiden, there’s so much I need to tell you,” I say in a rush.

  “Sarah explained. She said you came for me, to be with me.”

  I nod. “Aiden, I don’t know how it happened or why, but this, what I feel for you, it’s real. It’s the realest thing I’ve ever felt and I’m not going to give it up without a fight. I can’t.”

  He grazes his thumb across my bottom lip, staring at me reverently. “You are so amazing. You came all this way, went through all this just to be with me.”

  “When Liam told me about the laws—about who you were going to have to marry—it just felt so wrong. I had to try to do something.”

  Putting a little more space between us, Aiden sighs. “Haven, you have to know how I feel about you. If I had a choice…but I don’t. The laws aren’t going to change, no matter how much I want them to.”

  “I know. That’s why Sarah is selling me enough land to be eligible to join the council. Well, gifting it to me actually.”

  He rocks back, “She’s what?”

  Now it’s my turn to sigh, “You really didn’t let her talk, did you? It doesn’t matter if her proposal passes. She’s given me what I need to join the Council. I’m about to have a house ad land and a title.”

  His eyes widen, “You’re making yourself eligible.”

  “I am,” I say. “But I don’t want you to choose me—or anyone else—just because it’s your only choice. You deserve better than that, Aiden. You deserve to marry someone you love and who loves you in return. You deserve a better life than your parents had.”

  He grins widely, “Then it’s very fortunate for me that the woman I love is standing in my arms right now.”

  Crushing his mouth to mine, he kisses me again. God, how I missed the taste of him, salty and sweet on my tongue. I let myself languish in him, the feel of his body against mine, the touch if his hands, the smell of his skin. I roll around in it like a cat in sunshine, letting it warm me.

  “I can’t believe it,” he says finally.

  “I know that I don’t have any experience running a country, but I’m learning. And I swear to you that I will be right by your side, always,” I promise.

  “Always,” he agrees. Shaking his head, he closes his eyes and presses his forehead to mine. “But it’s dangerous. Making yourself eligible makes you a target. And being an outsider makes you a risk to the other houses. They’ll control you if they can, and they will break you if they can’t. Haven you have to be so careful. I’ll assign you a bodyguard and we can move you to a safehouse—”

  I shake my head, “I don’t need a bodyguard. I have Liam, and I can take care of myself besides.”

  “You don’t understand, Genevieve…”

  Sighing, I pull back, “I know about Genevieve. I know what she’s done and I know what she’s capable of. I need you to trust me, Aiden. Trust Liam to keep me safe and trust Sarah to teach me what I need to know, but mostly trust me. Trust that I’m not going to let anything take you away from me ever again.”

  “I trust you,” he says after a moment. “Haven, I still can’t believe I’m holding you again. I was so sure I’d lost you. And now you’re here and all I feel is terrified.”

  “Terrified of what?” I ask, holding his face in my hands. “What are you so afraid of?”

  Pulling my hands away, he takes a step back.

  “If it were…if my situation were different, I’d propose to you right now. But marrying me isn’t that simple. You won’t just be my wife, you’ll be queen. I know how romantic it must sound, but being a ruler means you’ll have to give up so much—sacrifice so much. I can’t let you do that without understanding. It’s not just a job you can quit if you get burnt out, it’s the rest of your life.”

  “You don’t think I can do it,” I say, the thought of his disapproval sending a chill through me.

  “Yes you can, of course you can. But why on earth would you want to? Why would you choose that life for yourself?”

  “Because,” I raise my voice, “because all my life I’ve felt like I was meant for something bigger, Aiden. I’ve been searching for as long as I can remember for a real home and a real purpose. I believe that I can do good here, I believe that I can find happiness in serving this country and these people—oh yeah, and in case it wasn’t clear I’m also completely, insanely in love with you.”

  Without another word Aiden steps forward and pulls me against him, kissing me fervently. His fingertips caress the back of my neck as he nips at my bottom lip.

  “When I left New York, I had this dream, this mad hope that I would come back to you, that I’d tell you everything and bring you here to rule beside me. When my mother told me about the extent of her illness, the dream died away—I forced myself to surrender to the idea of never seeing you again, of marrying someone else. I knew I could never be happy, but I hoped that the memory of you would be enough to last me a lifetime. Now that you’re here, I realize it couldn’t possibly be enough, because I will never stop wanting you, never stop needing you.”

  “Aiden,” I offer in a breath before kissing him again.

  When he pulls away again, he groans. “Ugh, I wish I could stay. I want to wake up tomorrow with you in my arms.”

�That sounds like heaven,” I admit.

  “Will you meet me? Tomorrow? We can go do something just the two of us. The council will be in session all day, and I can have my meetings rescheduled. Please? Say yes.”

  “Of course yes.”

  “Excellent. Tomorrow morning, I’ll meet you in the garage at first light.”

  I glance at my watch, “So, in like five hours?”

  He grins, “I’d take you away right now if I could.”

  “You know, Liam told me you almost abdicated. It’s why he didn’t want you to know I was here until after the coronation. I think he was afraid you’d run away with me.”

  “I might have,” he teases.

  I shake my head, “No way, chocolate milk. This,” I motion to him, “is who you are. Who you were born to be. And I’m so proud of you. You’re going to be an amazing king.”

  Aiden rolls one loose strand of my hair around his finger, “How did I ever think I could do this without you?”

  “You could,” I say. “You can. But it’ll be so much more fun with me.”

  “That is of no doubt.”

  Walking him to the door, I kiss him again, “You should go, or I’ll never get to sleep.”

  He raises an eyebrow, “Would that be so terrible?”

  I bite at my bottom lip, “No, but there’s no need to rush. We have time.”

  He smiles again, kissing me once more before walking out the door, nearly barreling into Liam as he leaves.

  Clasping his friend on the shoulder, he leans over. “Take care of her, Liam.”

  Liam smirks, “Of course.”

  With that simple exchange, I let Liam into the room before closing the door behind him.

  He holds up the ice cream, “As requested.”

  “Great,” I take the pint from his hands and he produces two spoons from his pocket.

  “You only get a spoon if you tell me what just happened,” he stipulates, holding one out to me.


  Date with The King

  When I wake up the next morning, the smell of fresh roses hits me, overwhelming my senses. Climbing out of bed I see Liam pouring himself a cup of coffee, every possible surface in the room covered in vases of fresh red roses.


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