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Chapter 23. Breathe. Debrief. Repeat.
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Conclusion. A Bullet Dodged. For Now.
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Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.
Adidas, 181
Adrenaline, 190–191, 232
AFC (American Football Conference), 203
Afghanistan, 159
After-action reports, 234
Aftershocks, 184–185
Allen, George Herbert, Sr., 233, 234
Alltel Stadium, 26–27
American Airlines, 185
American Football Conference (AFC), 203
Amygdala, 194
Anaheim Stadium, 44
Anderson, Richard Dean, 83
Animal House (film), 79
Anxiety, 191, 194
Apple Inc., 16
AR-15 rifle, 150
Arizona Diamondbacks, 44
Arlington, Texas, 56
Arnold, Mike, 211
Arsenal, 230
Art Ross Trophy, 143
Associated Press, 50, 150
Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP), 135
Atlanta, Georgia, 163
Atlanta Braves, 43
ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals), 135
AT&T Stadium (see Cowboys Stadium)
Audibles, 158
Austria, 166
Awareness, 172–176
Baltimore Ravens, 192, 229–230
Barak, Benny, 35–36
Barbieri, Chris, 207, 214
The Barenaked Ladies, 224
Barrow, Lance, 211
Beatty, Warren, 175
Béliveau, Jean, 66, 67
Bench strength, 164–165
Bernard M. Baruch College, 35
Berra, Yogi, 70, 147
Bettman, Gary, 65, 148–149, 155
The Billion Dollar Game (St. John), 167, 171
“Blackout Bowl” (Super Bowl XLVII), 2–3, 78, 153, 188, 192, 208, 209, 225, 229, 232, 246
Blame, 212–213
Bloomberg, Michael, 58–59
Bohr, Niels, 247
Bonds, Barry, 43
Bosses, 68–69
Boston, Massachusetts, 30, 83
Boston Bruins, 30, 31
Boston Marathon, 205
Brand risk, 14–18
Branson, Richard, 171, 172
Brenly, Bob, 43
Broadway (New York City), 53
Brooklyn, New York, 189
Brooks, Ahmad, 229
Bruno Mars, 62
Budgell, Jack, 67
Budget, 7, 35, 63, 64, 119, 128, 231, 243
Buffalo Sabres, 165
California, 144
Canada, 65, 143, 224
Canton, Ohio, 230
Caraccia, Sherri, 142
Caribbean, 58
Catlin, Kevin, 120
CBS, 192, 211, 215, 246
CBS This Morning, 192
CCCP (Charlotte Center City Partners), 46
Central Maine Community College, 129
Charlotte, North Carolina, 46–47
Charlotte Center City Partners (CCCP), 46
Charlton, 230
Chicago, Illinois, 15, 185
Chicago Bears, 169
Chicago Bulls, 70
Chick-fil-A, 163
Circuit Court of Appeals, 152
City University of New York, 35, 189
Civil War, 40
Clarity, 165–166
Cleveland Indians, 43
Coca-Cola, 163
Cohen, Ivy, 184–186, 188, 221–223
Columbia University, 150
Command, 93–101
chains of, 101
web of, 98–101
Command centers, 95–98
Communication, 83–91, 96
of change, 89–90
during crises, 188
failure of, 85
and hoarded information, 87–89
and management, 158–160
mode of, 86–87
over-, 133
parties in, 85–86
preparing, 185–187
and surprises, 90–91
Communities, 135–145
changing, 139–140
creating, 138–139
incentivizing, 140–141
leading, 135–138
measured responses to, 141–145
Conn Smythe Trophy, 143
Connecticut, 189
Consumer behaviors, 35–36
Contingency factors, 63
Contingency plans (contingency planning), 53–64, 74
costs of, 62–64
and developing plans, 54–55
evaluating, 55–57
improving initial plans via, 60–62
and the predictable, 58–60
Contractors, 97, 103–104
Coughlin, Tom, 39
Coulier, Dave, 83
Cowboys Stadium, 56, 57, 74, 75
Crises, 96
communicating during, 188
internal, 189–191
levels of, 13–18
management, 4–7
and “oops”/”damn” moments, 181–183
triage of, 18–20
Crisis communications center, 96
Crisis communications strategies, 184
Crystal Palace, 230
Culture, organization, 120–122
“Cup Keeper,” 67
Daily News, 50
Dallas, Texas, 56–57
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, 56
“Damn” moments, 179–188
Daniels, Mitch, 173
Dao, David, 185
Davis, Bill, 115–116
Deadlines, 36, 39–40, 133
Decay Theory, 235
Decision making, 99, 101
Decisiveness, 169–171
Defensive design, 22–23
Delegated decisions, 19, 62, 98–101, 106, 109–111, 130, 207
Denmark, 247
Denver, Colorado, 54, 127
Denver Broncos, 49, 60, 147, 158
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 74, 209
Detroit, Michigan, 29, 37, 203
Detroit Lions, 77
Detroit Police Department (DPD), 78
Detroit Tigers, 43, 78
DHS (Department of Homeland Security), 74, 209
Direct messages (DMs), 221
Disney, Walt, 248
The Disney Institute, 136
DMs (direct messages), 221
Dodger Stadium, 149
Dolphin Stadium, 19, 169, 199
Donovan, Dan, 77–80
Double-checking, 29–33, 90, 176
Downton Abbey, 212
DPD (Detroit Police Department), 78
Drop-down menu, 180
Dunaway, Faye, 175
E. coli, 16
Early warning system, 123–125
East Rutherford, New Jersey, 49, 53, 58, 147, 154
Edelman Trust Barometer, 219
Edmonton, Alberta, 144, 149
Edmonton Oilers, 149
Egypt, 117
Electrical budget, 231
Elliott, Chris, 200
Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 180–181
Empowerment, 127–134
benefits of, 128–129
culture of, 127–128
investing in, 130
limitations on, 130–132
and trust, 132–134
Enberg, Dick, 27
Entergy, 212
EOC (Emergency Operations Center), 180–181
Epinephrine, 190
Equalizers, 23–26
ESPN, 127
Ethology, 189
Evaluation, 6–7, 73–75
Event planning, 7–8
Execution, 5–6
Expectations, 105–106
Expenses, 63
Experiences, 243
Facebook, 138, 174, 211
“Fans First” rallies, 135, 137, 139–141
Farmer’s Almanac, 50, 53, 58, 60
Favorability, 47–50
FBI, 151, 152
Fick, Robert, 43
“Fight or flight” response, 190, 239
Flacco, Joe, 229
Flexibility, 167–169
Florida, 41
Focus, 174–175
Forbes.com, 120
Ford Field, 77
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 41, 199
Fort Worth, Texas, 57
Fox, Michael J., 83
Gallup poll, 220
Game Operations Manual (NFL), 27
Gantt bar charts, 5
Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, 71
Geiger, Pete, 50
General Motors, 203
Genetic code, 189
Geological Survey, 184
Georgia World Congress Center, 163
Giants Stadium, 50
Gill, Nancy, 107, 108
Ginn, Ted, Jr., 229
Glauber, Bob, 50
Glendale, Arizona, 150
Global Positioning System (GPS), 94
Goodell, Roger, 24, 59, 201
Gowdy, Curt, 27
GPS (Global Positioning System), 94
Grande, Ariana, 19
“Great Frozen Game,” 65, 83
Green Bay Packers, 53, 55, 57
Gretzky, Wayne, 144
Grubman, Eric, 210, 213
Guam, 98
Halladay, Roy, 43
Hamlin, Kristen, 129
Hart Trophy, 143
Hasselbeck, Matt, 203
Hast, Bob, 152
Havelock, Kurt William, 150–153
Hawaii, 180, 184, 244
Hawaii Emergency Management Authority, 179, 183, 196, 244, 246
Herald Square (New York City), 53
Hiring panels, 108
Hoarded information, 87–89
Hockey Hall of Fame, 66, 67
Honolulu, Hawaii, 70
Honolulu Police Department, 180
Hope, 65–68
Hotline approach, 124
Houser, Jerry, 83
Houston Chronicle, 129
HR (human resources), 223
Hudson River, 147
The Huffington Post, 59
Human error, 180
Hunter, Torii, 43, 44
Hurricane Irma, 186
Hurricane Katrina, 153, 193
HVAC system, 232
Hyperventilation, 195
Identifiable stimuli, 194
Imagination, 4–5, 32, 40–42
IMS (Indianapolis Motor Speedway), 94, 237
Incentives, 140–141
Inconvenience, 13–14
Indiana, 172
Indiana Convention Center, 173
Indianapolis, Indiana, 29, 95, 137, 172–173
Indianapolis Colts, 136, 158, 169, 173
Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), 94, 237
Indy 500, 95, 237
Influence, 121
Information Technology (IT), 122–123, 206, 2
Innate behaviors, 243
Innovation, 40–42
Innsbruck, Austria, 165
Insight Strategies, Inc., 120
Instagram, 174
Instincts, 171–172, 243
Internal crises, 189–191
Intimidation, 25
Inverted pyramid, 115–119
Irsay, Jim, 136
IT (see Information Technology)
Ivy Cohen Corporate Communications, 184
Jack Murphy Stadium, 181
Jacksonville, Florida, 23–24, 26, 28, 38
Jagger, Mick, 35
Japan, 98
Japanese Imperial Army, 98
Jaws (film), 145
Jaws of Life, 204
Jersey Boys, 54
Jim Beam Black®, 212
John Deere, 181
Jones, Jacoby, 192, 211, 212
Jordan, Michael, 70
JP Morgan Chase, 107
“Just Say No” International, 184
Kaepernick, Colin, 229
Kessler, Luba, 220
Keteyian, Armen, 192, 193, 211
Kosta Boda bowls, 25, 26
Kraft, Robert, 27
Krumbine, Robert, 46–47
Kruse, Kevin, 120–121
Lady Byng Trophy, 143
LaFleur, Guy, 66, 67
“Law of Unintended Consequences,” 148–152
Leading, 109–111, 118–120, 135–138
LEADx, 120
Learned behaviors, 243
Learning, 243–244
“Let-down effect,” 232
Levenson, Sam, 244
Levy Restaurants, 127
Lewis, Ray, 229–230
Liabilities, 222
Limbic system, 194
Linear problem-solving, 170
Lipton, Barnett, 70–71, 234
Liverpool, 230
Logan International Airport, 31
Lombardi, Vince, 55
London, England, 230
Long Island Expressway, 37
Los Angeles, California, 120, 143, 144
Los Angeles Convention Center, 143
Los Angeles Times, 150
Lucas Oil Stadium (Indianapolis), 135, 173
Madden, John, 27
Major League Baseball, 43–44
Malaysia, 230
Management, 129, 157–166
and audibles, 158
and caring for your team, 163–164
clarity/precision in, 165–166
and communication, 158–160
and keeping it simple, 165
and self-care, 161–163
styles of, 160–161
time, 36–37
Management teams, 119
Managing the message, 217–226
with colleagues, 222–226
legal aspects of, 221–222
trust and, 219–221
Manchester, England, 19, 151
What to Do When Things Go Wrong Page 29