by Perry Rhodan
Most of them considered the journey to Gol rather unenlightening. Those who had a better grasp of the events realized they had learned at least two things from this undertaking:
There were more beings in the universe than the mind could picture. The imagination of Mother Nature had not run dry when she made humans, Arkonides, Fantan people, Ferrons, Topides and others as yet unimagined by man, and unmet. Nature had created beings not of flesh and blood and assigned them to an abode in space of a higher order. The universe held an endless variety of sentient forms and anyone who thought that after a sojourn in space he could no longer encounter anything new was badly mistaken.
They were on the track of an unknown being who possessed technical powers beyond comprehension. By means of a comparatively tiny apparatus he had teleported a spaceship—the crowning scientific achievement of their technology to date—together with a group of four people and a heavy transportation vehicle, all into one place.
Perhaps the unknown one would one day offer the solution when they reached him. If they reached him. Perhaps he would disclose the meaning of the game of wits in which he made Rhodan and his men trace his track through space and time.
The hatch opened and Khrest entered.
Rhodan regarded the ancient Arkonide.
Khrest began uncertainly: "I believe I've found something. But, please—don't rejoice too soon. I Can't say for sure."
Rhodan rose, walked over to the alien scientist with a smile on his face.
"Cheer up!" he said in a tone inspiring optimism. "We've tackled tough challenges together before. Let's welcome one more!"
Next time...
The Planet of The Dying Sun
Copyright © Ace Books 1971,
An Ace Book,
by arrangement with Arthur Verlag
All Rights Reserved