Blue Madness: (Blue Raspberry Series #3)

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Blue Madness: (Blue Raspberry Series #3) Page 3

by D. K Lake

  We finally decide to go and change and she grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd and we make it to the stairs.

  "Nessie!!" Stephen yells, squeezing between two jocks.


  "Where's the take-out menu?"

  "You can't be serious? There's a barbecue in the garden and you want take-out?"

  "It's not a party without pizza." Stephen tells her and flashes me a grin.

  Nessie motions for Stephen to follow her. I scan the downstairs while I stand on the stairs, but I don't see Mitchel anywhere.

  I head upstairs to change but regret opening the door to Nessie's room because I see a naked girl bouncing up and down on top of another naked body and the guy still has his jeans around his ankles.

  I recognize the rose tattoo on the guy's hand that is cupping the girl's ass.


  I don't recognize the girl, though. Not that you can really recognize someone from looking at their back, but she has turquoise hair and I don't know anyone that has that color hair.

  I quickly pull the door shut. There's no way I'm going back in there.

  My wet t-shirt is starting to feel cold against my skin and my teeth start to chatter. I find a bathroom and take off my shirt, and get dressed in my jeans and boots, but I'm still stuck with a wet t-shirt.

  The door opens unexpectedly and I turn to look at the person while I'm still in my damp bra patting my t-shirt with a towel trying to soak up the moisture.

  "Nice rack." Richard smirks.

  "I'll assume you are talking about the towel rack."

  "Nope. I was definitely referring to yours."

  Ok? Weird. I push my arms through my damp t-shirt about to lift it over my head.

  "What are you doing?" he asks.

  "Getting dressed."

  "In that? It's soaked. Did you bring any spare clothes? Don't you normally stay over when Nessie is around?"

  It's just weird that he knows that. Actually, he's been more than weird this evening.

  "I do but they're in Nessie's room and there's someone in there...busy."


  "Shut up. I'm not going back in there."

  "Don't put that thing back on. Here, take this."

  Richard takes off the green flannel shirt he has on over the top of his Batman t-shirt and holds it out to me.


  "What have you done to it?" is the first thing I ask.

  "Coated it in itching powder." he laughs.

  "No, seriously?"

  "I've done nothing to it. I just thought you'd like a dry shirt to wear, not unless you only want to wear your bra. I've got no complaints. It's quite see-through when it's wet. And is it that cold in here?"

  I quickly cover the front of myself with the damp t-shirt, temporarily forgetting I'm wearing a bra in front of Richard. I gasp as I wrap the cold fabric around my body.

  "Just take mine." he insists.

  I hesitantly reach out to take it but he moves it out of reach and I look at him confused.

  "But first you have to kiss me."

  Ew-what? The drink is starting to kick in and I'm not sure if I heard him correctly.

  "Are you ok? Did you fall and bump your head? Do you actually know who I am?" I say.

  "Come on, Kelsey. One kiss and you can have my shirt."

  "Ok, number one...Eww! Two, I will actually throw up in your mouth if you come anywhere near me. And three, I don't want to catch cooties from you."

  "Cooties, really? How old are you?"

  "I'd rather wear a towel. I can use this."

  I throw my wet t-shirt in the sink and grab a hand towel and try to tie it around my boobs and Richard laughs.

  "That isn't going to go around you."

  "Why 'cause I'm too fat?

  "No. I didn't say that."

  "Why not? It's something you would say. Are you sick?"

  "One kiss for one shirt." Richard grabs the towel and snatches it away and flings it into the shower cubicle.

  He then takes a step closer and I take a step back.

  What is happening? Richard's eyes flicker to my lips.

  Shit. He's serious!

  "Ok...where's the camera?" I laugh.

  "The what?"

  "The only reason you would ever kiss me would be for a joke. Did someone put you up to this?"


  He takes another step in my direction and I back into the laundry basket and nearly topple over it, and end up against the wall.

  "Come any closer and I will jump out the window."

  "Really? You'd rather risk falling out a window than kiss me?"

  "Well, yeah!"

  "I'm not that repulsive, am I?"

  No. I would never admit it but Richard is cute in his own way.

  Tall, soft brown eyes, muscular arms, toned in all the right places, firm abs....wait, how do I even know that?

  Must be all those times I've pushed him away. And he has silky brown hair that falls in his eyes and he wears it to the side and he always smells of deep musk that is surprisingly pleasant. Also, his favorite color is red, his favorite shoes are his red hi-tops, he always picks Batman over Superman, he's obsessed with mayonnaise and puts it on everything-OMG! I know more about him than I do about my own sister.

  "One kiss?" I question.

  "One kiss." He smirks and I reach out and press my hand to his chest to stop him from coming any closer.

  "Wait! I need a drink first." I wiggle my fingers at my beer and he hands it to me and watches as I down the whole thing.

  "Damn, girl. That was hot."

  "No. This bathroom is hot. Do you think it's hot in here?"

  Richard ignores my babbling and takes the empty beer bottle from me and places it back on the sink and looks back at me, caging me in with his arms on either side of my head.

  "Um...I don't think this is a good idea. Don't we hate each other?" I remind him.

  "Sometimes opposites attract." Richard grins.

  I really can't tell if he's messing with me or not.

  "Do you have something in your mouth?" I ask, my eyes darting to his lips.

  "Just my tongue." he replies with a smug look.

  "Get it over with then. If you do anything freaky or take a picture I will break your balls."

  Richard cringes. Probably remembering the last time I kicked him there and he ended up on the floor in pain.

  "I'm only doing this 'cause I'm cold and I want your shirt, alright?" I say, looking at his checkered shirt near the sink.

  "I thought you said you were hot a minute ago."

  "Look, just shut up and kiss me already."

  Richard laughs and leans in.

  I don't really think much about the kiss. It's just a kiss to me. Sure my judgment is a little off....but I want that shirt!

  He presses his minty lips against mine and it feels so weird. I've only kissed two other people, one is an amazing kisser, one is a little sloppy, and Richard kisses like he's about to board a train. He gently holds my face in his hands, and his lips are soft but demanding at the same time, and his tongue is slightly curious. It reminds me of one of those perfect kisses you see in the movies, or I'm that drunk and I'm imagining it. I feel his body press up against mine in various locations but it doesn't make me feel hot or excited, it just makes me sad because I know there is someone else I would rather be kissing.

  The door handle rattles loudly and I break the kiss.

  "Enough. I think we've exchanged enough saliva." I say.

  "But I was just getting into it." Richard leans in to kiss me again.

  "No. Once is enough to scar me for life."

  The door handle rattles again and the door shakes.

  "Seriously! Just wait a minute!!" I yell. "Give me your shirt." I demand.

  I wait for him to laugh in my face and tell me I can't have it or show me where the hidden camera is, but he doesn't do either of those things. Instead, he reaches over and picks up his shirt and holds it out
to me.

  "Wow, Richard, I'm impressed. I was expecting you to unclasp my bra while we were kissing and throw it down the toilet." Richard raises an eyebrow at me. "Don't get any ideas." I smile. "Thanks." I say, slipping my arms through the sleeves.

  "So what are you doing next week?"


  "I thought we could hang out after school and get some food...or not." Richard says, noticing my frown.

  "What?" I say, confused.

  "We could hang out together." he repeats.

  "I know what hanging out is. I don't know why you'd want to do it with me? Richard, you've been picking on me since we were little, you used to stick gum in my hair and cut my bag straps."

  "I'm sorry. You know it was because of Amber we all used to do that."

  "So whatever Amber told you to do, you just did?"

  "Well, yeah...and I wanted to get your attention."

  Someone bangs on the door again.

  "One minute!!" I scream.

  "They must really want to use the toilet." Richard leans back against the sink. "It's ok, I get it. You don't want to. You can go back to hating me on Monday." he says, staring at the floor.

  "It's not that. I mean, I do hate you...kinda. But I won't be here next week."

  "Why not?"

  "I'm moving on Monday." I tell him as I hang my damp t-shirt over the towel rail.

  Damn, I haven't even told Nessie. How did it turn out that Richard is the first person I tell?

  Richard's lips curve up into a big grin.

  "Ah....that was good! You nearly had me there." he laughs.

  "What? No, I'm being serious." Bang. Bang. Bang. "I am!" I insist.

  "Ok, Kelsey, I'll believe it when I don't see you on Monday at school."

  "You won't."

  "How does after school on Monday sound?" Richard asks, walking to the door.

  "You're not listening. I'm moving on Monday."

  "Uh-huh." Richard swings the door open and Mitchel is standing on the other side. And he looks angry. Mitchel's eyes immediately zone in on my chest. I haven't buttoned up Richard's shirt and my bra is on full display. Shit.

  Now he looks super pissed.


  Mitchel looks at Richard then at me, then at Richard again then back at me, putting two and two together. But his two and two is completely wrong. Sort of.

  Ok, so I had just been locked in the bathroom kissing Richard but it wasn't like that.

  "It's not what-" I start to say but I don't get to finish that sentence.

  Mitchel grabs Richard by his t-shirt and yanks him into the hallway. I follow him into the hallway where Mitchel shoves him against the wall and punches him with his right hand, the other hand with the cast has Richard's shirt bunched up under his fist.

  "Mitchel, stop!" I cry.

  I would have normally loved to see Richard getting his ass beaten. Hell, I would have stood by watching with my imaginary bowl of popcorn in my hand, but the guy had actually been decent to me, and Mitchel had misread the whole thing. I guess we are good at that, misreading things and jumping to the wrong conclusions.

  Richard's nose is already bleeding as he struggles to push Mitchel off of him.

  "You put your hands on her?!" Mitchel yells.

  "No!" Richard says, dodging the next punch and Mitchel hits the wall instead.

  He swears loudly and I hope he hasn't broken his other hand.

  This has got to stop.

  "I didn't touch her, I swear!" Richard squeals.

  Pussy. But I don't say that out loud. Richard will do anything to avoid physical contact with other people because he's not very good at it. The only person he fights with is me. And I hit harder than him.

  "Mitchel, stop!" I beg, latching onto his right arm before he can punch Richard again. "Seriously, stop it!" I manage to pull him away just enough to squeeze between them and protect Richard from any more facial damage.

  "You're defending him? You hate this guy!" Mitchel shouts at me.

  "Yes...but um..."

  What am I supposed to say? I hate him but we made-out and now I hate him a little less. Maybe not that.

  "Kelse, move out of the way!"



  I push Richard along the wall so we're standing in the middle of the hallway with the stairs behind us. Mitchel glares at us, nostrils flaring.

  "If he touched you I will kill him!" Mitchel growls.

  "It was just a kiss." I blurt.

  "Just a kiss?!" Mitchel kicks off and tries to push past me.

  I glance over at Richard and gesture to the stairs with my eyes. He cottons on and bolts for the stairs and I have to stop Mitchel as he charges after him and nearly takes me with him.


  "Let go of me." he says in a low tone.

  I can tell he's crazy-angry and will probably kill Richard if he gets his hands on him.

  "Stop!" I cry as he pushes past me and makes it to the stairs.

  I chase after him and grab his hoodie and he falls back on the stairs. He soon climbs to his feet and tries to get away from me but I get in front of him and he grabs onto me because we're in a dangerous location and if I lose my footing I'll end up at the bottom of the stairs.

  "Why'd you kiss that piece of shit?" he starts to yell but lowers his voice again.

  He looks so upset, his eyes look angry and hurt.

  "I needed his shirt."

  "What?" He stops trying to push me out of the way.

  "My shirt was wet from the pool, and my spare is in Nessie's room and I couldn't get to it so Richard said I could have this one if I kissed him. I know it's stupid but I really needed a shirt...badly."

  Mitchel stares into my eyes and can tell I'm telling him the truth.

  "You kissed him." he deadpans.

  "I did...and you kissed Phoebe and dated her, remember?"

  "So you did this to get back at me?"

  "No. I kissed Richard because I needed his shirt." I say and remember I'm still unbuttoned and start to button myself up.

  "I would have given you my shirt."

  "I didn't even know you were here."

  "Huh. Is that why you were kissing him, 'cause I wasn't around?"

  "Ohmigosh...stop already! You know I don't like him like that. Would you prefer I walked around the party in my bra?"

  Mitchel thinks about this and frowns. He sits down on the step in front of me and I sit next to him and take his injured hand in mine, his knuckles are bleeding from the impact of the wall.

  "Why couldn't you get into Nessie's room?" he asks.

  "JT is in there banging some green-haired girl."


  "I don't know. Does Leesha have short turquoise hair and a dragon tattoo on her arm?"

  "Yeah. Cousin." Mitchel says, pulling his hand back and taking out his cigarettes.

  "He's banging his cousin?!"

  "No." Mitchel laughs. "He's banging Boston's cousin. I have to say that was quick, he only met her last night."

  "Oh." is all I say.

  Mitchel lights a cigarette and leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

  "I'm sorry...but it was just a kiss. It didn't mean anything. And really you have no right to be so mad at me, not after the whole Phoebe thing." I say, leaning closer and resting my chin on his shoulder and running my hand along his arm.

  "You said I was forgiven?"

  "You are. Don't make me regret it."

  "What does that mean?" He turns to look at me.

  "It means, you can't go around beating everyone up."

  "Whatever. We're even now. No more kissing random guys." the tells me.

  "Even? For us to be even I would have to rub myself up and down someone in a public place, more mouth to mouth action, date whoever, and do whatever else you did with her. How about I ask Stephen if he's free next week?"

  "How 'bout no! And that was all it was, I never went any further with her. Don't bring this shit up agai
n." he says, looking through the banister railing at the party down below.

  "Well, don't start it off by saying we're even. You hurt me, remember?"

  "You don't think it doesn't hurt me to see you kissing someone else?"

  "Fine." I say, feeling exhausted. "I think you broke Richard's nose, that was a lot of blood."

  "He deserved it. He kissed you."

  "I can't even remember it now. The moment has been erased from my brain, ok?"

  "Ok. But just so we're clear, you can't go around kissing other guys."

  "And why is that?"

  Mitchel turns to look at me with a murderous look.

  "Because it's illegal." he says and I roll my eyes.

  "You haven't given me a reason not to. We're not even together. Officially."

  "Well then let's make it official!" He stands up with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and I want to take it from him and chuck it out a window but there aren't any nearby.

  He reaches down and picks up my hand and pulls me back up the stairs and into the hallway, away from the loud music.

  "Do you wanna be my girl?" he asks, removing the cigarette, blowing smoke away from us, and dropping it into a cup on the window ledge.

  "Your girl?" I say.

  "My girl. Mine. Same thing."


  "Yeah, mine. And I'll be yours." He doesn't exactly say if we are boyfriend and girlfriend though.

  He boxes me in against the wall and I run my hands up his chest. I bite my lip in anticipation of the kiss we're most likely about to have and watch his eyes as they linger on my mouth.

  I have to tell him.

  Not yet.

  He smiles as he leans closer to my face and nuzzles his nose against mine. I close my eyes and a second later I feel his lips on mine. I hold onto his waist and he pushes his hands into my hair and holds the side of my face as he kisses me.

  At the back of my mind, I am wondering how many more kisses we will have together, how many more moments together?

  Come Monday this will all be a memory and we'll probably never see each other again.


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