by A. L. O. E.
"Hold! stand! who are ye, and whither go ye?" was the stern challenge,the sound of which startled Zarah out of a pleasant dream. The motionof the litter suddenly ceased, a strong hand was on the bridle of thehorse which Lycidas was riding, a weapon was pointed at the breast ofthe Greek. There was not yet sufficient light to enable him todistinguish whether those who thus arrested the further progress of theparty were Syrians or Hebrews.
"We are quiet travellers," said the Athenian; "let us pursue ourjourney in peace. If gold be your object, I will give it."
"If we want your gold we can take it," cried the leader of the bandthat now surrounded the litter. "Are you a follower of AntiochusEpiphanes?"
"No," replied Lycidas boldly. To speak the simple truth is ever themanliest, and in this instance it also proved the safest course topursue. The grasp on the Greek's bridle was relaxed, the point of theweapon was lowered, and in a more courteous tone the leader inquired,"Are you then a friend of Judas Maccabeus?"
"May he be given the necks of his enemies!" exclaimed Joab, beforeLycidas had time to reply. "It is his kinswoman whom we are taking inthis litter to Bethsura, that we may put her in safety out of reach ofthe tyrant who has sworn to slay her because she will not burn incenseto his idol!"
"What, the lady Hadassah?" asked one of the men.
"No, it is more than six months since that Mother in Israel departed toAbraham's bosom," replied Joab, lowering his tone.
An exclamation of regret burst from more than one of those whosurrounded the litter, and he who had first spoken observed, "Thesewill be sorry tidings for Maccabeus and his brethren."
Lycidas now addressed a Hebrew who appeared to be of superior conditionto the others. "In this litter," he said, "is the grand-daughter ofthe lady Hadassah. She is fleeing from persecution, and seeks anasylum in the home of an aged relative who dwells near Bethsura."
"Ah! Rachel the widow; we know her well," was the reply.
"Then you can guide this lady to her abode."
"Guide her into the wolf's den!" exclaimed the Hebrew; and one of hiscompanions added with a laugh, "The only way to reach Rachel's dwellingfrom hence is over the corpses of defeated Syrians, as mayhap we shalldo ere to-morrow."
Alarmed at finding that he had conducted Zarah to the scene of anexpected deadly conflict, Lycidas inquired with anxiety, "Where thencan the lady and her attendant find shelter and protection?"
"For protection, she has all that our swords can give--our fate must beher fate," replied the Hebrew whom the Greek had addressed. "As forshelter, there is a goatherd's hut hard by. Some of our men havepassed the night there, though our leader slept on the ground."
There was some whispering amongst the Hebrews, and Lycidas caught thewords, uttered in a half-jesting tone, "An awkward matter for Maccabeusto have this his fair kinswoman coming on the eve of a battle on whichthe fate of Judah depends."
"I pray you show us this hut at once," said the Greek, annoyed atZarah's being exposed to such observations, and impatient to remove heras soon as possible to a place of as much retirement as could be foundin the camping-ground of an army. "The lady has travelled all night,and is weary."
"I will lead her to the hut," said one of the Hebrews; "and do you,Saul," he continued, addressing a companion, "go at once and announceto our prince the lady's arrival."
Again the litter of Zarah moved onwards, and the weary horses wereguided to a hut at no great distance. One of the Jewish soldiers ranon before to give notice, that the dwelling might be vacated of itswarlike occupants, and put into such order for the reception of a ladyas circumstances and haste would permit. The Hebrews who had passedthe frosty night under the roof of the goatherd's dwelling, quitted itat once to make room for the lady and her handmaid, leaving a portionof their simple breakfast for the newly-arrived guests.
A homely care occupied the mind of Zarah on her way to the hut.
"Anna," she said to her attendant, "we are much beholden to Joab, and Ihave no shekels wherewith to pay for the hire of the litter and horses,or to requite him for his faithful service. It is not meet that theLord Lycidas should be at charges for me. Let Joab speak to me when Iquit the litter, or do you give him this jewel from me."
The jewel was a massive silver bracelet, which had been worn by theunhappy Pollux. Zarah had selected this from the other ornaments whichhad belonged to her parents, on account of the weight of metal which itcontained. There was also something heathenish in the fashion of thebracelet itself, which made the Hebrew maiden care not to keep it as aremembrance of her father.
"Joab is not here," said Anna, glancing from between the curtains; "hehas given up the guidance of the horses to one of the Hebrew warriors."
Joab had in fact gone off with Saul, being eager to be the first tocarry to Judas Maccabeus intelligence of what had occurred in Jerusalemsince they had parted beside the martyrs' grave, and especially of themomentous events which had occurred in the family of Hadassah.
"If I cannot see Joab himself," observed Zarah, "I must ask the LordLycidas to find him and do this my errand, for the muleteer must not gounrewarded by me."
Accordingly, after the maiden, assisted by Lycidas, had descended fromher litter, and explored with Anna the goatherd's abode, she bashfullyasked her protector to execute for her this little commission, and withthe heavy silver bracelet requite her obligation to Joab. "Toyourself," added Zarah with downcast eyes, "I can proffer but heartfeltthanks."
The spirits of Lycidas had risen: with him, as with nature, the gloomof night was now succeeded by the brilliance of morning. The reboundof a mind lately weighed down with intense anxiety and the pressure ofheavy responsibility was so great that it seemed as if every care wereflung off for ever. Lycidas had accomplished his dangerous mission; hehad placed his beloved charge under the care of her relatives; and hefelt assured that her heart was his own. The clang of martialpreparation which he now heard around him was as music to the ardentspirit of the Greek. He was now going to join in a brave struggleunder a heroic commander, to deserve Zarah, and then to win her! Theheart of the gallant young Athenian beat high with hope.
"Nay, Zarah," said Lycidas gaily, in reply to the maiden's words; "Imay one day claim from you something better than thanks. As for thebracelet, rest assured that I will well requite faithful Joab; he shallbe no loser if I keep the jewel in pledge, and never part with it, saveto my bride." Lycidas clasped the bracelet on his arm, as with a proudand joyous step he quitted the goatherd's hut.
"Stay, Lycidas," expostulated Zarah, following him over the threshold;but then arresting her steps, and watching his receding form for amoment with a smile as radiant as his own. "How could he fear arival!" was the thought flitting through Zarah's mind as she gazed.She then turned to re-enter the hut, and saw before her--JudasMaccabeus!