The Scent of Sage and Vengeance

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The Scent of Sage and Vengeance Page 1

by Lacuna Reid

  The Scent of Sage and Vengeance

  Lacuna Reid


  1. Mira

  2. Mira

  3. Mira

  4. Mira

  5. Mira

  6. Gino

  7. Mira

  8. Mya

  9. Mira

  10. Mira

  11. Mya

  12. Mira

  13. Mira

  14. Mira

  15. Mira

  16. Mira

  17. Helio

  18. Mira

  19. Mira

  20. Mira

  21. Mira

  22. Mya

  23. Mira

  24. Mira

  25. Mira

  26. Mira

  27. Mira

  28. Mira

  29. Mira

  30. Mira

  31. Mira

  32. Mira

  33. Theo

  34. Mira

  35. Mira

  36. Mira

  37. Mira

  38. Elias

  39. Mira

  40. Mira

  41. Mira

  Epilogue: Cliff

  Chapter One

  About the Author

  Chapter One


  I yawn and open my eyes to the brightness around me. The long sweeping white curtains of my room here at El Cielo don’t do anything to hide the morning light. In fact, they seem to just make it brighter, but I don’t mind. It’s dark enough here at night with no street lights or light pollution that they work perfectly well, and it’s nice waking up to natural light. It feels… wholesome; this whole place does.

  I lie in bed for a while, content with the sweet, drifting feeling. I love it here in this converted 1930s cement factory, turned lush and luxurious fairy-tale palace. Last night, the four men who own this place, , all gathered in a room and convinced me that they shared the dreams I’ve had since my adolescence, the dreams of Ancient Greece.

  Somehow, these dreams are memories of a past life, in which we were all together, and somehow, I can trust this despite the fact that I’ve never really believed anything like that before.

  The beautiful thing about all this is that the connection I felt with the guys – with all four of them – when we first met is somehow more real, more validated. There’s a sense of fate, and I’ve never felt more like I’ve belonged anyplace in my life than I do here, at El Cielo.

  I think of Theo, the architect, who might be older than the other guys, but is so freaking tall, dark, and handsome, with white flecking his temples in a sexy way. He’s so classy and so serious and so aloof he drives me crazy. Yet, the chemistry between us is off the charts and he absolutely gave me the best orgasms of my life on the large wooden desk in his office of all places!

  Theo is the only one of the guys that I’ve gotten that far with, but I’ve had saucy and intimate moments with all four of them; green-eyed Gino, who’s so hot, he should definitely be a male model, who runs a big ethical-tech firm and who met me in New York less than a month ago and enticed me to come here in the first place; Elias with his blue eyes and black hair, the head chef here, who has a background in chemistry, is so sensual and so sweet; and wild, long-haired, muscly, cocky-as-fuck Helio, who I hated at first, until he showed me his softer side.

  I’m scared that they’re going to make me choose between them, when I really don’t know how to do that… but I’m secretly hoping that, somehow, I can have all of them. After all, “we do things differently at El Cielo” seems to be the motto around here.

  Not only is it too hard to choose, it seems like I didn’t have to do that in that Ancient Greek life. From the snippets of the dreams I’ve had, I’ve been hot and heavy with all of them – and sometimes even more than one at the same time! I know it’s not common for guys who seem to be mostly hetero to want to all get it on with one woman, but based on the racy dreams I’ve had, where I was a priestess in the Temple of Artemis, I sure as hell wouldn’t complain if these guys wanted to pick up where we left off.

  I roll over in bed, finally ready to get up. I have the whole day free as there’s no kitchen work to do. I was brought here under the guise of them needing a sous chef, and while there is a bit of menu planning and kitchen work here for big meetings and functions, I also have a lot of free time. It made me paranoid at first, that Gino had invited me to paradise and flew me first-class, half way around the world, where I get paid double my former salary, get to live rent free in this gorgeous apartment and get to treat the place as if I owned it… but last night, I realized they had been searching for me all these years… and in a way, I must have been looking for them too, sizing up the people I met against these dream lovers from ancient times.

  I hear the sound of my phone ringing. It’s Lana and it’s a video call. I quickly throw a shirt on and answer the call.

  “Hey!” I smile and wave at my best friend’s face as she appears on the screen.

  “Hey babe!” Lana is in a bikini and wearing big movie star sunglasses. She’s lounging back in a striped chair.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “We’re in Argentina and loving it! Honestly, honey, I wish you were here. This resort is amazing!” Lana spins the phone around, showing me the enormous pool and palm trees surrounding her.

  “It looks fabulous,” I say, smiling again and waving to Lana’s boyfriend Dave as he comes into view. Despite the fact that Lana has a good job as a speech therapist and Dave’s an accountant, I’m still surprised they can afford to live in New York City and take luxury vacations given Lana’s penchant for shopping and fancy makeup.

  “So, what’s the goss?” Lana asks. “Anymore saucy encounters?”

  “Lana!” I say, then I lower my voice to a whisper, “I’m not going to talk about that kind of thing for the whole resort to hear – or even Dave, for that matter.”

  Lana lowers her voice. “So, you do have something juicy to report?”

  “Not exactly… not of that nature,” I whisper. I don’t want to tell her any more intimate details right now.

  “Ooh… come on, you’ve got to tell me. What’s the big secret? Look, I’m heading away from the pool. We’re basically alone now. Tell me everything!”

  I sigh. “It’s a lot to think about. Hell, I can barely even come to terms with it myself. Basically, they all think that we were destined to meet in this life.”

  “Wait – so it is some kind of cult?” Lana says, her voice absolutely serious.

  “No. Not a cult… more like… well they’ve had the dreams too.”

  “Get the fuck out of town… your Ancient Greek porn dreams?”

  I sigh again, wishing I’d never let Lana in on how X-rated those dreams were, the ones I’d first started having when we were both at high school. “The very same.”

  “No. Fucking. Way,” Lana says. “Wait – did they say why?”

  “They think…” I take a deep breath and then continue. “They think it was a past life – that we were all together then and that, for whatever reason, we’re all back again in this lifetime.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Tell me about it. I’m still processing… but it feels kind of…”



  “I can tell,” Lana says. “You’re positively radiant – either you’re glowing with post-orgasmic joy or you need to tell me what kind of foundation you’re using… wait… did you all…?”

  “No… nothing like that.” I blush.

  “Oooh, but you’re happy… and you’re fantasizing about it with that dirty little mind of yours, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe just a smidge,” I admit. “Honestly Lana, they�
��re all…”

  “Drop dead gorgeous… yes, I know. I’ve seen the photos.”

  “Not only that, I’ve never felt like this about anyone – not even Cliff – and you remember how gaga I was over him, at least at first.”

  “Despite your better judgement.”

  “Yes, but this connection is so deep, so compelling. It’s like it runs deeper than my skin and bone, right through…”

  “To your soul?”

  Lana has this sometimes annoying habit of taking the words right out of my mouth, or finding the right words when I can’t quite figure them out, but right now, I’m grateful for it.

  “Yes, and I feel it with all four of them – like there’s this bond between us that has always been there, even before we met.”

  “It’s definitely not fair that you have four gorgeous soul mates. I mean, nothing against Dave…”

  I laugh. “Hey, I didn’t plan any of this. I never even believed in soulmates or past lives until now.”

  “That’s true…” Lana smiles at me. “Welcome to the kooky-spiritual-beliefs club. We’re happy to have you.”

  “Uhh, thanks.”

  “But seriously, honey… I’m proud of you.”

  “You are? Why?”

  “Last time we talked, you were about to high-tail it out of there like you always do, and yet you stayed and you confronted the guys and finally found out their big secret… and look at you, you’re still there!”

  “I am… and it’s glorious,” I say, lying back on the bed.

  “But you need to remember this for next time,” says Lana, her eyes flashing daggers at me, her voice stern.


  “Next time shit hits the fan, you remember this moment and how good it feels and how you need to stop running away.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” I say. “How could I possibly leave now?”

  “Old habits die hard,” Lana says. “You may be blissed out now, but next time you freak out, remember you have a choice and you’re much stronger than you realize… and one day you might even be brave enough to confront the Devil himself,” Lana says, using one of her many pet-names for my ex, Cliff.

  “Not this again,” I sigh.

  “You know damn well that it’s inevitable. He’s not going to leave you alone until you put him in his place… and now, if you’ll excuse me, I better get back to my one boyfriend before I lose him to a gorgeous Argentinian dancer or something.”

  “You do that.” I smile and hang up the phone, hoping like hell that Lana is dead wrong and that I never ever have to see my controlling ex again.

  Chapter Two


  I get up and head to the wardrobe to get dressed. I need to remember to hang up my clothes, rather than leave them all over the floor. There are a few items on the hangers, and as I flick over them, my foot nudges against something in the bottom of the wardrobe. I glance down to see the box… the ‘present’ that I assume is from Cliff. I still can’t bear to open it, but I also don’t know how to throw it out without it seeming conspicuous. What if the cleaners go through the trash?

  Avoidance is second nature to me, so I nudge it deeper into the wardrobe with my foot and hope it goes away.

  I throw on my favorite gold wrap dress and head towards Theo’s office. I figured, since I’ve pretty much accepted the “reincarnation” thing, I might as well borrow his books on the subject and do my research.

  I knock on Theo’s office door and a cold shiver runs over me, prickling my skin. I can’t help the feeling I’m being watched, but no one is around. It’s probably nothing, but it reminds me of several other strange occurrences that all seem to revolve around this particular man.

  “Come in,” Theo says. His voice is always so deep and rich and inviting.

  “Hi,” I say as I walk in.

  “Mira.” Theo replies, his deep brown eyes locking on mine. I want to run to him, throw my arms around him, dive into him, but something holds me back.

  “How can I help you?” he asks.

  “I’m just wondering if I can borrow that book on reincarnation,” I say. “The one you suggested I take the other day.”

  “Oh yes, of course.”

  We both walk in the direction of the bookshelf, closer to each other with every step, walking in a kind of V that ultimately must meet. I spot the book and Theo reaches out for it at the same time. Our hands touch. He pulls back, but I take his hand in mine.

  “Is everything alright?” I ask. We were so close, so intimate, especially after the mind-blowing sex, but he seems to have this tendency of aloofness and it’s driving me crazy.

  “Mira,” Theo says, looking into my eyes. “I want nothing more than to be with you, to pull you close, to claim every moment with you that I can…”

  “But?” There is definitely a but here.

  “I’m doing my best to respect you, to give you time and space to process.”

  “I get that,” I say. “But you could also respect me by being present.”

  …and by giving me what I want, all over your big wooden desk again and again…

  “It’s hard for me…” Theo says.

  “What is?”

  “To resist you.” He lifts my hand to his mouth, kissing it, and then letting it fall again. My stomach flipflops.

  I don’t know how to respond to that. Blood rushes to my head. I take a deep breath and turn back towards the bookshelf. “This one?” I say, picking up the book Theo had offered to lend me a few days ago. It’s called Old Souls.

  “That’s a good place to start,” Theo says.

  “Okay,” I say, but the conversation doesn’t feel over. I pause.

  “Is there something else?” Theo asks.

  We could start with what’s in your pants… but I’m far too restrained to say something like that. I just look into Theo’s eyes and lean closer, I can feel him softening, moving towards me. Then his lips lock on mine in a passionate kiss. His hands are in my hair and his tongue is in my mouth, and I’m losing myself in the moment.

  We are jolted apart by a loud bang. The door must have suddenly slammed closed…


  He’s not making eye contact again. He looks in my general direction and then looks away.

  “I get the feeling there’s something you’re not telling me.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks, and I take that to mean there are multiple things and he’s not sure which one I’m referring to.

  “Why is it…” I say, “that almost every time we kiss, there’s a cold breeze or a slamming door or something?”

  “I apologize about the draft in here Mira. I will have it seen to.”

  Theo walks over to his desk as though our conversation is over.

  “Really?” I say, “You’re not going to tell me something else… like that alongside reincarnation, ghosts are also real and that we are being haunted.”

  Theo scoffs. “No, I most certainly am not going to tell you that. Poltergeists are a figment of the imagination. What you hold in your hand there, Mira, is documented evidence of reincarnation. I hope you find it as convincing as I do.” He looks at me and smiles, but it is the smile of someone being polite and really wanting to get back to other things. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “No, thanks,” I say, feeling shut-out again. “I guess I’ll see you around.”

  As I turn to leave, a rush of anger fills me and I slam the door on my way out. Why does Theo have to be so infuriatingly distant?

  I take the book back to my room, throw it on my bed, and collapse again. There are tears streaming down my face and I don’t know why.

  Why am I crying?

  Is it just Theo being so cold, shutting me out again when our connection is so strong, that it hurts?

  Fuck him.

  I’m not in the mood for reading and I almost resent the book now, even though it’s not its fault its owner is being such a dick.

Stop treating me like a stranger when I’m your freaking soulmate…

  Chapter Three


  I decide to stop wallowing in self-pity over Theo’s emotional distance. I wash my face, put on some lippy, and go for a walk. I take a cloth bag with me, hoping to forage some more delicious fresh produce from the kitchen garden.

  I walk through the forest for a bit first, secretly hoping to come across Helio… perhaps pick up where we left off in that lake – before I bailed on him for saying he missed me. At the time, I was sure he was getting me confused with someone else. It made me paranoid that this was some kind of set-up… like these guys lured women here and seduced them as a matter of course, or something, and I was just the latest victim, but now I understand what he meant. Helio was Teris, the delectable master blacksmith in my memories of Ancient Greece. He missed me.

  There’s no sign of Helio in the forest, or at the lake that he led me to last time. I can’t hear any clanking sounds that signal him working somewhere, so I continue on my walk, back through the forest, to the far side of the El Cielo buildings.

  The kitchen garden is looking even more lush than last time. I harvest three deep purple heirloom tomatoes. Black beauty, I recognize the variety as one we’d occasionally get in New York City. Then I find a plump eggplant to go with them, along with a couple of baby zucchinis and bright red peppers. I hum to myself as I harvest, enjoying the sunshine on my skin as I pluck fragrant basil and thyme.


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