Tomorrow's Shadow - Part II - Transitions

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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part II - Transitions Page 13

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ History Repeated ~

  Vargon remained seated, though his eyes never left the wolven. “Brave move, Draxis, coming onto kindred lands alone. Brave … or foolish.”

  “Alone?”  The alpha wolven snarled. “Laerf, Pozzt, here. Now!”

  Two lanky wolven sauntered in the main doors, one grey over white, the other a ruddy brown over white. Both smaller in stature than Draxis, they each wore the same type of attire, though one had no shirt. They entered to stand just behind the big wolven, one on each side.

  The grey one wiped his bloody jaw with an arm before speaking. “Yes, Alpha Master.”

  Draxis pointed to the door to the kitchens. “Laerf, check beyond that door for anything else moving. Whatever you find you can eat. Pozzt, close and bolt those doors. I don’t want any surprises.”

  Pozzt whimpered. “Why does Laerf get to eat when…”  He was cut off mid-sentence as the alpha male spun, connecting the back of his hand with the ruddy one’s jaw. The smaller one flew back, landing just inside the front doorway. He stood and groveled as he moved, hunched over, to follow out the orders given.

  Laerf came in from the kitchens. “Many warm bodies back there, Alpha Master. But none moving, think all sleeping. Shame. Would like snack.”

  Draxis motioned toward the balcony. “Move that piano against the doors, put it so it won’t move. I want that exit sealed.” He turned back to Vargon. “You were saying something about my coming alone?”

  Stefano winced as Laerf shoved the piano against the battered doors, then flipped it up on its shorter edge. The lid side now faced the room with the legs firmly against the doors.

  “Be careful with that, oaf!”  Stefano’s voice rang with authority. Laerf turned and snarled, then stopped short. He paused only a moment, then began to slowly move forward, not taking his eyes from the prince, almost as if stalking prey.

  Draxis laughed. “It keeps getting better. Vargon no longer Prince and instead a child, an upstart, has the throne?  Any more surprises, Vargon?”  He moved a little closer and sniffed at Odessa.

  “Like who this enticing flower is.”

  “Stay clear of my wife, Draxis.”

  “Wife?”  The alpha howled. “Oh, friend, I shall stay clear. For now. But once I have removed one of your legs … or both … you can watch as I plant her with my seed.”

  Vargon started to stand but Stefano spoke. “Sire. No.” Vargon shot him a look of displeasure, but the alpha male caught the reference.

  The wolven walked to the bar and leaned on it, choking on laughter that seemed foreign to his speech. “A family gathering. I could not have wished for better.” Suddenly he turned and snapped at the smaller grey intruder. “Laerf!  Get back. What are you doing?  Move away from the kindred!”

  “But, Alpha Master. I need to see…”

  “You need to see nothing. Get here to my side and prepare for battle. If you are so keen on the prince, I'll let you kill him.”

  “No, Alpha Master.” Laerf started backing away, his eyes still locked on Stefano. “I … I cannot do that.”

  “You dare disobey me?”

  Laerf whimpered. “I cannot. I … I will not.” He spun with a glint of light and leapt for the front doors, throwing the bolt clear. The left door groaned on its hinges as he almost tore it free ripping the door open. As fast as he had leapt to the doorway, he was through it faster yet.

  “Fool. I shall deal with him later.” Draxis turned back in time to catch a look pass between Stefano and Gerik. “Oh please tell me yes, this pup is offspring of the prince.” He faked a lunge at Gerik who darted to Stefano’s side. “Yes. My pack shall sing of this night for centuries to come. Pozzt. You may have that one.”

  The ruddy wolven walked forward, sniffing the air. “Smells good, Alpha Master. Fresh. Will enjoy much. Thank you, Alpha Master.” He jumped toward Gerik as Stefano leaned to one side and grabbed the fireplace poker. However, before he was able to use it, a bright red light flashed across the room, striking Pozzt. The wolven tumbled through the air and crashed into the bar.

  Draxis looked at his now-unmoving youngling before slowly turning his gaze toward the group. Beyond them, leaning against the far corner, stood Viktor, one hand clutching his side, eyes glowing with the same red light witnessed earlier.

  “I had forgotten about you, magic-user. Forgotten how Vargon never travels without you with or near to him. Yet you are different, you don’t look as healthy as last time I saw you. In fact, I would say you look rather helpless. Perhaps that little jolt was the end of your powers. Perhaps I shall rip your throat from your body.”

  “You might want to think before you make that move, flea hound.” The words were spoken slowly, and in pain, but all of Viktor’s discipline shone through them.

  Everyone’s attention turned to the bar as a wounded but living Pozzt moaned and stood slowly, using the bar as support. Blood splattered from his lower lip, one canine and three molars lay on the floor in pieces.

  Stefano paused only a moment before he moved in a blur, surging to the alpha male and swinging the poker. But instead of connecting with its intended target, the metal rod was snatched in mid swing by Draxis’ left hand. His right grabbed Stefano by the throat. “Not wise, little boy.” He threw the kindred away from him, sending him across the room, crashing into the piano. Gerik moved by instinct to his lover’s side, cradling the now unconscious prince close.

  Draxis spun, his eyes on Vargon as the once-prince limped forward. “Wounded as well. You are full of surprises tonight. Sit. Or that delectable piece is mine.” Odessa grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her side.

  The alpha wolven turned his attention back to the injured prince when a cry of wrath and hatred sounded behind him. Before he could react, Draxis felt Jence’s full weight strike his back. He stumbled forward, but maintained his footing enough to keep from falling. He reached a hand up over his shoulder to grab at the struggling kindred. His howl shook the rafters as he fought, unable to get a firm grasp but shredding the kindred's shirt and back.

  Jence shot a fleeting look at Stefano. “My Prince. I have erred. Let this atone.” He swung an arm around Draxis' body; a silver dagger flashed in his hand. The blade sang as it sliced open the air and embedded itself into Draxis’ chest. The wolven stumbled once more, then fell forward. As he hit the floor, the hilt of the killing instrument was driven deeper, ensuring his demise. Jence’s body rolled to the side to lay beside the wolven, a steady flow of blood from the reopened wound on his temple. . Then suddenly, all was quiet.

  Vargon stood and moved to Viktor’s side, helping  him to sit. Viktor shook his head. “No. Go. Tend your chylde.”

  Vargon motioned to Odessa who took his place with the manservant before he moved quickly to the crushed piano. As he knelt beside the two kindred, Stefano's eyes quivered open.

  “Gerik, the light…”

  “I know, my love. I saw it too.”

  Vargon arched a brow. “Saw what?  What light?  What are you two on about?”

  Gerik held Stefano against him. “Lord Vargon. The wolven. The grey one. When he left there was a flash of blue light. A single, rapid flash.”

  Vargon shook his head, still confused. “I did not notice. But what of it?  What significance has a flash of light?”

  Stefano spoke in a voice filled with anguish and laced with exhaustion.  

  “It means he lives, Sire. Nikolos . . lives.”


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