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A Thrill of Hope

Page 20

by Marie Higgins

  He leaned back against a beam, not able to take his eyes off Holly. Since he’d confessed his love, he couldn’t stop picturing them together, right here at the ranch, raising children and loving each other throughout eternity. As for becoming the doctor he’d always wanted to be... he hadn’t thought a lot about it lately. For some reason, loving Holly seemed more important.

  Luca handed her a cup of steaming hot chocolate. Chuckling, Rafe shook his head. His cousin was still trying to win her heart, but thankfully, Luca wasn’t being obnoxious about it.

  She brought the cup up to her lips, but before she could sip it, one of the kids ran up to her when his costume came apart. She looked around for a place to set her drink, and then bent and placed it on the ground. She moved away from the drink as she repaired the boy’s costume.

  Blake and Luca brought the animals into the scene, placing them in different spots around the manger. They had to tie up the animals in order to keep them in one spot. Luckily, the animals weren’t struggling. Apparently, they could feel the peace in the atmosphere, too.

  Holly ushered the children outside to get ready to start the scene, but Rafe’s attention was pulled to the sheep tied up to one of the posts. At first, the sheep appeared to be drinking something, but within seconds, the animal staggered away. The sheep swayed a few times, and even fell, but then jumped to his feet again.

  Suddenly, the sheep belched loudly, and then regurgitated. Seconds later, a brown liquid squirted between the animal’s legs. Inwardly, Rafe groaned. They had a sick animal. This wasn’t good at all.

  He rushed to the sheep just as it swayed and fell, but this time, it wouldn’t stand. His heart dropped. Something was seriously wrong!

  Rafe dropped to his knees beside the animal, careful not to kneel in the vomit or diarrhea. A strong scent filled the air, unlike he’d ever smelled before. He first pressed his hand on the animal’s chest. He detected a weak heartbeat. He cupped the sheep’s head and turned it toward him, looking deep into his eyes. Then the animal started trembling all over. What could possibly be wrong? He hadn’t seen anything like this before.

  Blake hurried over to assist. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. I wonder if he ate something bad.” He glanced around the area to see if there was any food. Holly’s cup of hot chocolate was tipped over nearby, and he recalled seeing the sheep drinking something. But would the animal act this violently to hot chocolate?

  He reached over and picked up the cup and smelled inside. It had a hint of the foul scent he’d detected a few seconds ago. As he peered closer, he saw something pink stuck inside the cup.

  “What is it?” Blake asked.

  “I don’t know.” He showed the cup to Blake.

  Confusion filled his expression. “If you ask me, it looks like a laxative.”

  “Why would a laxative be inside Holly’s drink?” Immediately, he threw a glare at Luca. His cousin stood only a few steps away watching, his face devoid of color. Rafe scowled as he held up the empty cup. “Did you do this?”

  “I, um... Well, I just gave her some hot chocolate.”

  Anger pulsed through Rafe. He jumped to his feet and marched to his cousin who retreated quickly until a wall stopped him from going any farther.

  “What did you do?” Rafe growled.

  “I didn’t... I mean, I only wanted her to love me.”

  “You put a laxative pill in her cup? Tell me, how is that supposed to make a woman love you?”

  Luca blinked rapidly and shook his head. “I didn’t. I just gave her the drink.”

  “Then who put the pill in her drink?”

  “Rafe,” Blake shouted. “It’s getting worse.”

  Rafe tore away from his cousin and darted back toward the sheep. As he knelt, he scrambled to recall the classes he’d taken in college. For the first year, he’d wanted to become a veterinarian, but then changed his mind after that.

  Suddenly, a thought popped into his head of something he’d learned. “The animal is dehydrated. We need to give him more liquids.”


  “Yes, or...” Immediately, he remembered what Lynda had been drinking while she talked with him that morning after they’d stayed the night. “Gatorade.” Rafe nodded. “Lynda left some in the fridge. Run and get some. Quickly!”

  Rafe leaned over the animal and gently rubbed his stomach. “Hang in there. We’ll get you feeling better.” His heart clenched, and he prayed he didn’t lose an animal to his cousin’s stupid mistake.


  Holly stood outside the barn, frozen in place. Her gaze was locked to the scene with Rafe, his cousins, and the sheep. She held her breath, wondering if Rafe could save the animal’s life. Blake had just run past her toward the house, but she couldn’t keep from looking at Rafe. Concern for the animal’s health was evident.

  Luca stood against the wall, shifting from one foot to the other. Guilt spread over his expression. What had he done to the animal?

  He glanced quickly at the other side of the barn in one of the empty stalls, before returning his attention to his brother. Holly looked toward the stall, wondering what he was looking at. Through the shadows, there was a movement. It almost appeared like someone was hiding there.

  Holly moved in that direction, very curious to see who was trying their hardest not to be noticed. Just before she reached the stall, a figure wearing a long, dark rancher’s coat and a black velvet hat, dashed out of the stall, heading toward the back.

  Holly didn’t think, just reacted. She chased after the other person, getting closer by the second. She grabbed for the back of the person’s coat, but missed. Forging faster, she tried again. This time, she was able to make contact, and she held tightly to the material. Because the coat was fastened up, the motion jerked the person backwards and on to the ground. They landed on their back. Tumbling out of their hand was a package of laxatives.

  The person struggled to get free, but Holly wasn’t about to let go. Then the person cried out in frustration.

  A woman? Peering closer, Holly removed the person’s hat. Blonde hair fell loose on the hay, and a pair of woman’s eyes glared at Holly.

  “Katie?” Holly gasped.

  Footsteps rushed up behind her, but she didn’t turn to see who it was. But as soon as the person knelt beside her, and she smelled his sexy cologne, she knew who it was.

  “Katie? What are you doing here?” Rafe snapped.

  Grumbling, she pushed Holly’s hand away from the coat and sat up straight. The woman’s eyes shot invisible daggers at both Holly and Rafe.

  “I’m trying to get back at you,” she snapped her blame at Rafe.

  He shook his head. “You wanted to get back at me? For what? Breaking it off with you?”

  The woman pouted. “It’s all her fault.” She glared at Holly. “If she hadn’t come into your life, you’d still be with me.”

  Groaning, he rubbed his forehead. “But I thought we talked about this. I thought you were interested in one of the other teachers.”

  “Yeah, well... I lied, okay. I’m still upset with you for breaking my heart.”

  He jerked his head up and looked at her. “Are you the one who messed with the light fixture? And the one who ruined my wall?”

  Katie grumbled and folded her arms. “It’s the least I could do for the way you treated me.”

  “Are you kidding me? Where did this evil person come from? I can’t believe the sweet school teacher I’d gone out with for two years would have a vindictive bone in her body.” He released a ragged sigh. “I should press charges against you for what you’ve done.”

  “No.” Holly touched his arm, frowning. “It’s Christmas Eve, Rafe. This is the time to forgive and forget and start anew. This is the time of giving. Isn’t that what Christmas is all about?”

  When Rafe peered into her eyes, his face softened, and the anger quickly left his expression. Smiling, he caressed her cheek. “Yes, it is. Thanks for reminding me.”r />
  Holly returned her gaze to Katie. “What you did was very wrong, but I think you know that now, right?”

  The other woman’s eyes watered and she nodded.

  “I’m sorry I came into Rafe’s life the way I did to break you two up,” Holly said, “but everything happens for a reason. Don’t be resentful, Katie. You will find someone else who will fit your lifestyle perfectly. He’ll be the man whom you won’t have to change, because he’ll want all those things you want.”

  Tears streaked down Katie’s cheeks. “You’re so right.” She sniffed and wiped her wet cheeks. “I thought I loved Rafe, but I wanted to change him. I wanted him to live in the big city with me. I was too selfish to understand his connections with the ranch.” Her gaze shifted to Rafe. “Will you forgive me?”

  Rafe’s hesitation bothered Holly. Why wasn’t he forgiving Katie so quickly? After all, he was the one who urged Holly to talk to Lynda to make amends. Wasn’t this the same thing?

  He shrugged. “I guess there’s no reason to hold a grudge, except you could have killed Holly when that light fixture fell, and the sheep,” he pointed to the animal, “could still die.”

  Sobbing, Katie buried her face in her hands.

  “No.” Holly grasped the collar of Rafe’s coat, forcing him to look her way. “You can save the sheep. I know you can. You’re a doctor, remember?”

  Silently, her heart cried out to him, trying to give him courage... and hope. He could do this, if only he believed.

  Slowly, he nodded. “Yeah, I remember, but I’ve never practiced on animals.”

  “Remember what you’ve learned and go save the animal.” Holly rose, helping him up with her. “Now, before you’re too late.”

  He still hesitated as he moved his gaze between her and the sheep. Then, he bent and gave her a kiss on the lips before he hurried back to the animal. Holly sighed with relief. The love she had inside for him multiplied quickly. There was no way she could deny her feelings.

  When he reached the sheep, Blake had joined him with the bottle of Gatorade. As Blake held the sheep’s mouth open, Rafe gradually poured the drink into the animal. He paused every so often to gently massage the sheep’s neck, helping the animal to swallow.

  Holding her breath, Holly prayed it would work.

  After a few minutes, the animal stopped shaking. Several more minutes passed, and the sheep raised his head. Happiness lit Rafe’s face, and Holly knew it was working.

  When the sheep finally jumped to an upright position, a cheer boomed from the barn’s doorway. Everyone had gathered inside to watch. Holly laughed and clapped, joining in the applause. Rafe’s face beamed. Beside him, Blake slapped a hand on his cousin’s arm, smiling.

  Rafe swung his attention to her and held her gaze. His smile warmed her heart. It took all of her willpower not to run to him and openly express her love for him with a hug, but she refrained. He needed to bask in his accomplishment. He deserved it.

  “CONGRATULATIONS, MISS Kidman. The play was absolutely beautiful.” Old Mrs. Hancock grasped Holly’s hands tenderly, smiling wide. “My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

  Standing beside the older woman, her husband nodded. “And having it outdoors was such a brilliant idea. The Spirit of Christmas was so much stronger. Thank you.”

  “I’m thrilled you enjoyed it. Thank you for coming. Be safe driving home,” Holly told them.

  Her heart was full tonight. The children had turned out a great performance. Most of the audience had tears of joy and love in their eyes. Even now, Holly’s eyes leaked with tears, too. As she had watched the play, pride filled her bosom. Emotion caught in her throat, making it difficult to talk. They all did such a magnificent job. And although it wasn’t big-screen-movie perfect, it was to Holly.

  She waved at the others leaving the program. Earlier, her mother had given her a hug, kissed her cheek, and told her how proud she was. That, of course, had made Holly cry harder. Her mother had to go inside because the cool air was bothering her broken leg.

  Someone tapped on her shoulder, and she turned to see who it was. Luca stood in front of her, sadness and guilt etched on his face. She hadn’t had a moment to talk to him since the incident with the sheep yesterday. But back then, she wouldn’t have known what to say. It hurt that he would do Katie’s bidding to help ruin her play, which they’d discovered was Katie’s main purpose.

  “Holly, I just wanted to tell you what a great play this was.” His voice cracked and he cleared it. “And I want to apologize for helping Katie.” He shrugged. “She had convinced me that if we ruined your play, that you’d leave the ranch. The only reason I did it was because I thought if you left the ranch, you wouldn’t fall in love with Rafe, but with me, instead.”

  She touched his gloved hand. “Luca, I’m sorry if I led you to believe I’d have feelings for you. I think of you as a friend, and that’s all.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’d just hoped...” He shrugged. “But please forgive me for my involvement. What happened yesterday, and then the feeling I had today while watching the play, made me realize I didn’t have the Christmas Spirt. Now I do.” His smile shook. “From now on, I’m going to try my hardest to help others, and have a giving and kind heart. Just like you do.”

  She smiled. “Thank you, Luca.”

  “Merry Christmas.”

  “And Merry Christmas to you.”

  As she watched him walk toward the barn to clean up with his cousins, she saw someone in the dispersing crowd come toward her. Of course, it would be hard not to notice the red velvet pants and coat, the black boots and belt, and his full, white beard. In his hands, he held his red hat. For a second, she wondered what he did with his money bucket and bell. Then again, he was probably finished with his job working in front of the store, trying to collect donations for the needy children.

  “Hello, Santa.” She grinned. “Shouldn’t you be at the North Pole about now, getting ready for your trip around the world?”

  He chuckled, making his round belly jiggle. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I still have plenty of time. Besides, I couldn’t miss seeing the play.”

  “And?” She cocked her head. “What did you think?”

  He smile and nodded. “I think, Miss Holly Kidman, that you have finally found the Christmas Spirit.” He winked. “Great job.”

  Without another word, he turned and walked away.

  She laughed softly and shook her head. Funny, that he had predicted it when she first talked to him in front of the store. Seeing him again seemed to make everything right.

  Bundling the collar of her coat closer to her neck, she looked at the barn. The large star stood on the roof, lighting the area. It was breathtaking against the backdrop of the night’s dark sky sprinkled with stars. Thankfully, the storm had decided not to come yet, which made everything that much better.

  Music played in the distance as a postlude to everything that had happened. Because they couldn’t move the piano out here for the songs the kids sang, she had brought her speakers and iPod, instead.

  Peace settled around her as she listened to the song as it ended. She couldn’t remember having a better Christmas Eve. Even when her father was alive, nothing held more meaning than the one tonight.

  Another song started playing, and recognition struck immediately. She sighed. Out of all the Christmas songs, this one was her favorite. Slowly, tears filled her eyes as she started singing along. The words had more meaning than ever before, and love blossomed inside her chest, much stronger, and more determined than she’d ever felt.

  O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,

  It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth.

  Long lay the world, in sin and error pining

  ‘Til He appeared, and the soul felt its worth.

  A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,

  For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

  Fall on your knees. O hear the angel voices!

  O night divine, O night,
O night divine.

  Behind Holly, warm arms wrapped around her as Rafe snuggled against her. He joined in singing, which made her heart soar higher. He had a beautiful voice. She relaxed into his arms as she continued to stare into the night’s sky.

  Once the song ended, he kissed her cheek. “That was beautiful,” he whispered.

  She turned in his arms and looked up at him. “You are beautiful.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be standing here, singing, and feeling the Spirit of Christmas grow inside me.”

  “That wasn’t because of me.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. His soft lips caressed hers tenderly, sweetly, and oh, so lovingly. She clutched his coat, meeting his kisses with passionate ones of her own. Loving this man came easily, and being with him made her very happy.

  He broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against hers, and sighed. “Oh, Holly. I love you so much.”

  “Rafe, I love you, too.”

  He pulled back slightly to peer into her eyes. “Are you sure?”


  “Have you thought about what I’d asked you to do last week?”

  “Yes. And my answer is that I can’t imagine a day without you. I want to be with you.”

  Laughing, he lifted her up and swung them around once. “Holly, you don’t know how happy that makes me.”

  She kissed his lips, briefly. “I have it all planned out. We’ll find a place to live in California, and we’ll find you somewhere to work where you can be a doctor. Finding a job won’t be hard at all for you. And I’ll work with producers to—”

  “California?” His voice dropped as the happiness on his face disappeared. “You want us to live in California? Not here?”

  “Well, living here will be all right, I guess, but there will be more opportunities for you in California—”

  He released her and stepped back. The warmth from his body left her too quickly and she shivered.


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