Impossible Odds: A Mafia Romance (The Five Families Book 4)

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Impossible Odds: A Mafia Romance (The Five Families Book 4) Page 14

by Jill Ramsower

  “I don’t know if you’re aware,” I started, “but Thursday is Thanksgiving back home. I was wondering if I might be allowed to call my family and check in with them. I’m sure it would mean a lot to them to know I was okay.”

  Primo peered down at me with an uncharacteristic softness to his gaze. “I think that could be arranged.”

  Chapter 18


  We had a pleasant dinner together that evening, but I could feel Primo pull away from me as soon as we got back to the house. I was a welcome guest, but no longer a lover or a girlfriend. Was he worried about someone seeing us together? His boss hadn’t been thrilled I was there, but Naz wasn’t at the house all the time. Why did it matter what we did in the privacy of his home?

  When he excused himself for the night, leaving me alone in the living room, I moped all the way back to my room. I felt confused and dejected. As I got ready for bed, I analyzed his words and actions to a point of madness, then realized I was acting like a bystander in my own life. I wasn’t a helpless witness. This was my damn boat, and I was the fucking captain. If I wanted the man, why didn’t I just make the move? I was confident he wanted me too and likely wouldn’t reject me if I pushed the matter, so why not go for it?

  I slipped from my room in my silk camisole and matching shorts, eyeing the dark, unoccupied hallway. The chances I would see anyone were slim to none, but I still skulked down the hall to his room, quietly sneaking open his door and tiptoeing inside.

  I could see his still form under the covers, and it gave me pause. I hadn’t fully considered what I’d do if he was asleep. I stood stock-still, trying to determine if he was actually asleep and whether it would be imprudent to wake him. Then the covers thrust back on the side nearest me, and I could see in the dim light as Primo shifted to the middle, making room for me. Hurrying over, I slipped in next to him, curling on my side with my back to him. As I’d hoped, he wrapped his warm body around mine.

  “Go to sleep, viborita.” His drowsy rumble touched me deep in my chest, warming me from the inside out.

  My happiness and relief manifested in a victorious grin. Having him welcome me into his bed thrilled me. My heart felt like it would burst, and I became almost giddy with energy—anything but sleepy. I tried to close my eyes, but my mind was whirring with activity. One question, in particular, kept rambling through my mind until I gave in to the compulsion and risked waking him again.

  “Primo?” I whispered hesitantly.

  He only grunted softly in reply.

  “Back when we were in Vegas, you were there to take Alessia, weren’t you?”

  He sighed. “Not exactly. I was scouting, waiting for Naz to make the call. He didn’t make the decision to capture her until after you returned home.”

  “But you knew we were going to be there. I’ve been wondering about that for a while. How did you know we’d be there?”

  He squeezed my middle. “Why do you ask so many questions?”

  I waited for a handful of heartbeats for him to continue. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

  “We have ways of getting information, just as I’m sure your family has sources of information on us. Now enough talking. Go to sleep.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt about the possibility of a rat in my father’s organization. Someone close to us had leaked our travel plans, and that was scary. It hadn’t proved deadly this time, but it could be dangerous in the future. I’d have to remember to tell my father when I had the chance, but until then, best not to annoy Primo by keeping him up.

  I woke some hours later to a delicious warmth pooling in my belly and Primo’s fingers deep inside my folds. The skill of his touch was diabolical, the eroticism intoxicating.

  The moon was still high overhead, casting the room in an ethereal glow. I was on my back, Primo propped on his elbow above me with his shadowed gray gaze devouring me whole. Never in my life had someone looked at me with such ardent concentration.

  I widened my legs, allowing him greater access to my center, arching and writhing under his touch. A harmony of sensation rippled beneath my skin, humming through my veins. When Primo lowered his mouth and grazed his teeth over my nipple through my silk nightie, a tidal wave of pleasure swept me away, drowning me in a flood of ecstasy. Liquid elation ran through my veins as my body quaked and quivered its release.

  Primo slid his finger from my folds and drew a wet trail up to my belly, then pulled me back against him again and pulled the sheet over us. I fleetingly wondered about him and whether he wanted a release, but the thought was quickly lost to my exhaustion and post-orgasmic stupor.

  When I woke again, the sun was well into the sky, and Primo was gone. I would have enjoyed waking in his arms, but staying the night with him had been more than enough to start my day off right. I smiled and stretched, noting a delightful soreness in parts of my body no yoga could ever reach.

  I skipped my workout and headed straight for the shower. A half hour later, I was refreshed and more than a little optimistic about my time in Mexico. Alma placed a heaping plate of food before me, and I dove in, hardly saying a word in greeting.

  “Someone’s got a healthy appetite this morning.” Primo strolled in behind me, sweat-soaked from a session in the gym.

  I just smirked. “I did a bunch of swimming yesterday—must have burned a lot of calories.”

  He hummed nonchalantly and plopped my phone next to my plate. “Who exactly were you wanting to call?”

  I gulped down the bite of food I’d been chewing and wiped my mouth. “My cousin, Alessia. She’s the person I’m closest to, and I’m sure she’s worried sick.”

  “All right, but try not to sound too happy to be here.” He stationed himself on the bar chair next to me and began to scroll on his own phone.

  I clicked on Alessia’s name in my favorite’s list, and the phone only rang once when her frantic voice picked up.

  “Giada? Is that you?”

  “Hey, Al! It’s me.”

  “Oh my God, are you okay? Have they hurt you? Where are they keeping you?”

  “Al, one question at a time. I’m okay,” I said, glancing at Primo. I wanted to reassure my family I was in no danger, but that wasn’t exactly helpful to his cause. “I haven’t been mistreated, so try not to worry.”

  “Not worry? They’ve called Dad and made demands in exchange for your return. I haven’t been able to find out what they’re asking for, but none of the guys seem too happy about it. Are you really okay? If not, say the word … peaceful, and I’ll know you’re in trouble.”

  “Al, really, I’m okay. How’s my family?”

  “Your mom is freaking out, lighting candles and not sleeping.”

  Well, that was surprising. Not necessarily that she’d light candles, but that my absence would cause her to do so.

  “I figured she’d be glad to get me out of her hair,” I scoffed.

  “G, don’t be dense. You know she loves you.”

  “God, you’re right. I’m sorry. We argued before I left, and I’d hate for her to think it was her fault. Tell her I’m sorry for being such a pain in the ass and that me leaving had nothing to do with her.”

  A sniffle sounded over the line. “You tell her yourself when you get home,” Alessia said, battling tears.

  My own eyes began to burn. “Love you, Al. Promise I’ll be home soon enough.”

  “Love you, too.” Her voice was a coarse whisper, choked and ragged.

  I hung up the phone and wiped at my eyes. When I glanced over at Primo, his posture had stiffened, and his eyes had clouded over with stormy intensity. His entire countenance had transformed from broody but playful to cold and calculating in a matter of seconds.

  “You told her you’re fine, but you know I can’t guarantee your safety.”

  I gazed at him with the trust and confidence I felt in my heart. “There are no guarantees in life at all, but I know if anyone can keep me safe, it’s you.”

  I’d intended
to reassure him, but judging by his flared nostrils and speedy retreat, my aim had missed the mark.

  Chapter 19


  Primo was in a mood for the rest of the day. I gave him space until bedtime when I again let myself into his room. He welcomed me into his bed, but this time, there were no middle of the night extracurricular activities. He was up and off to the gym before I woke, but I didn’t have time to dwell on his absence.

  The day before, while Primo was off working and brooding, I’d made plans with Alma to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner as a treat for Primo. Well, maybe not just for him, since he wasn’t used to my kind of Thanksgiving. We roasted a turkey, and I made potatoes, but we also cooked a couple of traditional Mexican celebratory dishes. There was far more food than our little household could eat, precisely as it should be on Thanksgiving.

  I tried to get Alma to join us at the table, but she adamantly refused. Santino, on the other hand, had no qualms with participating in our dinner. The three of us made a serious dent in the food and even did some laughing, although Primo didn’t stray far from his stoic nature. It was a lovely afternoon and a great chance to pretend life was normal—that I wasn’t technically a captive and the man I was falling for wasn’t conflicted about being with me.

  The next day, Primo skipped his normal workout and left early on a work-related outing. I took the opportunity to do some yoga on the beach at sunrise with Santino sipping coffee and grumbling behind me. I wasn’t technically a morning person, but yoga on the beach was worth rising early.

  After I was thoroughly stretched and grounded, we went back to the house to start our day. I had no idea what exactly I was going to do all day to entertain myself, but I got cleaned up and ready regardless. I was glad I did because not ten minutes after I came downstairs, Santino informed me that I had a visitor.

  “Mr. Vargas’s wife, Haley, just passed through the gates and is here to see you.”

  “Haley?” I tried to picture the older man with a woman named Haley, but it just didn’t compute.

  “I believe they met in Vegas. They’ve been married about five years,” he explained.

  The picture he painted was an unfortunately accurate representation of reality. Haley couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me, which meant Vargas was easily old enough to be her father. She was bleach blonde, had large fake breasts, a toned, lean body any woman would kill for, and a gleaming white smile that died before it reached her cornflower blue eyes.

  My heart hurt for her.

  “Hey, Giada!” she greeted me warmly. “I’m Haley. I thought I’d see if you wanted to do some Black Friday shopping with me. I don’t need to scout for deals, but there’s still something fun about the frenzy of Black Friday.”

  “Oh! That sounds like fun, actually. I didn’t realize they had Black Friday down here.”

  “Well, they call it ‘El Buen Fin,’ but it’s the same thing. It’s a good excuse for some girl time—grab your purse, and we can head out.” It was sweet of her to try to befriend me, but it felt odd. Did she know I was technically a hostage?

  I looked at Santino in question, not sure how I was supposed to answer. He knew I wasn’t exactly clamoring to get away, but he still might not have wanted me leaving the house. His narrowed eyes cut from Haley to me and back, the grim line to his lips and rigid posture giving off an uneasy vibe that I found to be infectious.

  “Does Mr. Vargas know about this shopping trip?” he asked Haley.

  “Of course!” She flashed a glamour shot grin. “He’s the one that suggested it. He understands us girls have to get out and enjoy some retail therapy sometimes.”

  Her response didn’t seem to ease Santino’s concern. In fact, he looked fiercer than I’d ever seen him when he turned his attention back to me. “I suppose if it’s under his instruction, then you should go.”

  I didn’t like any of this one bit, but it didn’t sound like I had much of a choice. “Are you coming with me?”

  “No need,” Haley piped in. “We’ll have two of my men with us to keep us safe. You’ll be in excellent hands. Promise, we’re going to have a great day.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I tried to sound excited, but I couldn’t rid my voice of worry.

  Santino’s hard gaze followed me out the front door, and then I was alone with strangers. While I’d been in Mexico with Primo, I hadn’t once felt like a real captive until getting in the car with Haley. The severity of my situation came crashing down around me, and it was terrifying. I had zero control over what happened to me, and Santino’s state of alarm told me there was a real threat of danger.

  Primo’s boss wasn’t thrilled I was there, but he needed me for leverage, right? Wouldn’t it be counterproductive for him to kill me? Of course, death wasn’t the only terrifying prospect out there…

  I slammed the door shut on my spiraling thoughts. They weren’t helping.

  Haley and I situated ourselves in the back of a stylish black Mercedes with two men in suits and sunglasses seated up front.

  “So, where are you from?” Haley asked. There was a sincerity to her voice that indicated she was genuinely interested in getting to know me. She seemed nice enough, and it would be helpful while I was in Mexico if I had at least one friend, so I tried to be open-minded where she was concerned.

  “Born and raised in New York City. What about you?”

  “Originally from the Midwest, but I met Nazario in Vegas.” Her smile faltered, and her gaze dropped down to her hands. Something about that statement bothered her, but it could have been anything. My instinct that it was Naz that bothered her may have just been my prejudices. Maybe she had family she missed back home, or maybe she was just embarrassed about what she’d been doing in Vegas when they met.

  “Do you go back home often to visit?”

  “No, I didn’t get along great with my family. When I left, it was for good. Are you close with your family?”

  “Yes, I guess so, although not as much as I’d like. I’m kind of the black sheep in my house.”

  “Well, that’s the great thing about moving somewhere new and starting over. You can be whoever you want to be.” Her smile was too broad. Unnatural. I wondered if she was with Nazario by choice or if circumstances forced her into it. Or maybe it had been by choice, but she’d come to regret that decision. Either way, I got the feeling she wasn’t happy.

  “What do you like most about living here in Guaymas?” I steered our conversation into what I hoped was a safe topic.

  “Probably being on the water. Whether we’re on one of Naz’s boats or just enjoying the view from the house, I’ve never felt more peaceful than I do by the water.”

  “I could definitely understand that. We went out on Primo’s boat the other day, and the views were amazing.”

  She smiled wistfully. “I could lose track of time for days on the water. And the weather’s great year-round here, so there are lots of opportunities. Maybe we’ll find a cute swimsuit or two while we’re out—you can never have too many of those around here.”

  Our escorts took us to an outdoor shopping district in town that looked almost like an old town square. In the center, a large grassy area contained a raised gazebo that looked like it might be used for public functions. Kids ran around and played, and a couple of people walked dogs on leashes. The perimeter of the square was lined with shops and restaurants, all cozied under covered awnings extending from the brick buildings. The entire area had been constructed decades before but was well kept as if a treasured piece of the town’s culture. Not exactly the mall I had envisioned, but definitely appealing in its own charming way.

  As expected, people were out in droves to take advantage of the holiday weekend discounts. The street between the park and the shops was filled with parked cars and a row of frustrated motorists attempting to drive through the busy square. We parked a couple of blocks away and walked, one guard leading the way, and the other behind us.

  Shopping with
Haley was unexpectedly enjoyable. We tackled one-quarter of the square before we decided to break for lunch at a cantina grill. Situated on the corner, it had a surprisingly large outdoor seating area with metal tables stretching out onto the sidewalk.

  “We should definitely eat outside on such a gorgeous day,” Haley noted. The weather had been beautiful, slightly cooler temps with a warm sun that made walking in and out of the shade remind me of being a kid and jumping back and forth between a hot tub and a pool. I was chilly in the shade and hot in the sun, but quick trips between the two was the perfect medium.

  “Sounds good to me. Table for four?”

  “No way, this is girl time. The guys can eat on their own.”

  “I’m not sure there are enough tables for them to sit by us.” I scanned the busy patio, only spotting one or two open tables.

  “One of them can go grab food while the other watches us, just as long as they can still see us. Nothing to worry about. Now let’s eat, I’m starved.” She led the way to the hostess station at the front, and we snagged the only two-seater table available. Our escorts leaned against a car not far away, and I soon forgot about them.

  I was surprised to discover Haley spoke perfect Spanish, helping me to communicate with our server and decide on my lunch order. “Did you know Spanish before you met Nazario, or did you pick it up after you moved here?”

  “I learned once I moved. The guards and staff all speak Spanish, so it wasn’t too hard when you hear it all the time. It’s good to know what the people around you are saying.” Her eyes flew to mine, and then she smiled as if she said something she wasn’t supposed to and was trying to smooth it over.

  It seemed obvious to me you would want to know the language of the country you were living in, so I wasn’t sure why she would be wary of me knowing that. I’d enjoyed our day so far, but the mental and emotional gymnastics I’d had to perform were going to leave me exhausted by the time I made it home. Shopping with Haley was enjoyable but far more taxing than a stop into Nordstrom back home.


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