Kinda Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

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Kinda Hate You: An Enemies to Lovers College Romance Page 7

by Allie Everhart

  "Why the hell not?"

  "Because I'm driving."

  "Just stay here tonight."

  "Wouldn't matter. I still got to drive. I have to take Birdie home."

  "She can get a ride with someone else." He holds the bottle of beer out to me. "Here. Or if you want something stronger I've got vodka in the other room."

  "I said I'm not drinking." I tear off a chunk of the beef and quickly form a patty. I want to do this as quickly as possible so I can go find Birdie. I feel like shit leaving her all alone. We should've got here earlier.

  "So about your friend," Stone says. "She seeing anyone?"

  "Birdie? No. Why?"

  "I was thinking she'd be good for Riley."

  "The freshman?" I look at Stone. "Why him?"

  "I think they'd be good together."

  Jared Riley is a freshman from California. He grew up in LA and has been in a few commercials. He's average height, tan, blond hair, blue eyes and has these annoying dimples girls seem to love. When I first met him I could've sworn he was gay. I don't know why. I just got this feeling that he might be. But at the party the other night he took a girl to his room so he's obviously straight.

  "Riley's not her type," I say, irritated Stone is trying to set her up with him.

  "How do you know he's not her type?"

  "I've been friends with her forever. I know her type."

  "Which is what?"

  "I don't want to get into this. Just leave her alone. She doesn't want to go out with a frat guy."

  "Then why is she here? You just said you wanted her to meet people."

  "Other girls. Not guys."

  "Girls come here to meet guys. Everyone knows that."

  "Well, that's not why she's here." I finish making the first platter of patties. "Where do you want these?"

  "I'll take them." He picks up the platter and leaves.

  Why is he so interested in finding Birdie a date? He doesn't even know her.

  The door to the kitchen swings open and Zach walks in. He's one of the guys we call by his first name because his last name, Kyzyrnowitz, is too hard to say.

  "Hey, man." He goes past me to the fridge. "Got stuck with kitchen duty?"

  "I volunteered for it. I wanted to get it over with."

  He takes two beers from the fridge. "Alecia's out there."

  "Yeah, I saw her when I got here."

  "You two getting back together?"

  "No. It's over between us."

  "You said that like five times last year and kept getting back with her."

  "It was three times, and all three times were a mistake."

  "You know she was with Stone last week, right?"

  I stop what I'm doing and look at Zach. "Alecia was with Stone?"

  "After the party Tuesday. I thought you knew. She stayed in his room."

  "He didn't mention it." I go back to forming patties, not really caring Stone was with Alecia but wishing he'd at least told me.

  I don't always trust Stone. He's president of the house and got there by saying whatever he needed to say to get the position. Half the time I think he's lying to me but I let it go because we're not really friends. And since he's a senior, he'll be out of here soon.

  "Something wrong with the keg?" I ask Zach as he opens the bottles of beer.

  "No, but I'm trying to impress this girl and getting her a beer from the keg didn't seem that impressive."

  "It's a frat party. Keg beer is expected."

  "She said the same thing but still, I really like this girl. I'm hoping she'll go out with me."

  "Good luck," I tell him as he leaves.

  A half hour later I'm finally done with the patties. I wash up and go out to the party. The house is packed with people now and it's hard to walk around. Birdie should be easy to spot in that orange dress but I don't see her. She better not be up in one of the bedrooms. I know it's none of my business what she does or who she does it with but I worry about her. As much as she drives me crazy, I care about her and don't want anything bad happening to her. And unfortunately, bad things can happen at parties, especially as the night goes on and people get drunk.

  "Have you seen a girl in an orange dress?" I ask Davis, one of my frat brothers.

  "Blond hair? Kind of thick?"

  Thick? She's not thick.

  "Where'd she go?"

  "Outside, I think."

  "In the front or the back?"


  I take off, heading out the front door. People are scattered around the lawn, drinking and talking. It's dark so it's hard to see. I walk around the front and side of the house and still can't find Birdie. I make my way to the back and see her holding a beer. One of the bottles from the fridge.

  Zach said he was getting a bottle for a girl he liked. Shit.

  Birdie has her back to me, blocking the person in front of her, who I assume is Zach. They're standing by a tree on the other side of the parking lot. As I walk over to her, she leans toward the guy. All I can see is his jet black hair as he leans down, then his hand as it rests behind her head. Just as I'm about to reach her, I'm stopped by a drunk girl who stumbles and falls on me.

  "Sorry," she says, laughing.

  I help her back to standing and as she walks off I look up and see Birdie kissing Zach.

  What the hell? She just met the guy. Why is she kissing him already?

  I want to go over there and stop them but doing so would make me look crazy. Birdie is single. She can kiss whoever she wants. And of all the guys here, Zach's one of the few I actually trust. He's a junior, pre-med major, and does volunteer work for a local hospital. I think he's kind of boring, but maybe that's what Birdie likes. Hell, what do I know? Maybe Stone is right and I really don't know what kind of guy Birdie likes.

  "Cal?" I hear Zach say.

  I wake from my thoughts and realize I'm standing right next to them. I don't even remember walking over here. How long have I been standing here? Watching them kiss?

  "Cal, what are you doing?" Birdie asks, sounding annoyed that I interrupted.

  "I just wanted to tell you I was done in the kitchen."

  "Um, okay," she says, looking at me like I'm crazy.

  "You guys know each other?" Zach asks.

  "I'm friends with Cal's sister," Birdie says. "We've known each other since we were kids." She turns to me. "You can go now."

  "I was going to introduce you to some people."

  "You don't need to. I've already introduced myself." She smiles at Zach. "I even made a new friend."

  Zach smiles back at her. I want to strangle him.

  "Could we have a minute alone?" I say to Zach.

  "Um, okay," he says, seeming unsure.

  "Ignore him," Birdie says to Zach. "You don't have to leave."

  "I just need a minute," I tell her.

  "I'll go get another beer," Zach says. "You guys want one?"

  "No, we're good," I answer.

  Birdie shoots me a dirty look. "I'd like one."

  Zach leaves and I get in front of Birdie. "What the hell's going on? I leave you alone for less than an hour and you hook up with some guy?"

  "I didn't hook up with him. I kissed him. Big deal. Besides, you think I'm a slut anyway so I don't know why you're so surprised."

  "I don't think you're a slut," I say, lowering my voice. "I just want you to be careful."

  "And you think Kyzy—Kyrzra—how the hell do you say his last name?"

  "We don't. Nobody can pronounce it so we just call him Zach."

  She sighs. "You guys have the stupidist rules. Why not just use first names for everyone? It'd be so much easier."

  "So you really like this guy, or what?"

  "No, I just kiss whatever guy walks in front of me." She rolls her eyes. "Of course I like him!"

  "You just met him. You don't even know him."

  "I know he's hot." She smiles. "And he complimented me and got me a beer."

  "Any guy here would do that."
r />   "To a hot skinny girl, not a girl like me."

  "You're hot."

  "You think I'm hot?" she asks, laughing. "Yeah, right."

  "Birdie, a guy should do more than get you a beer. If that's your only criteria for choosing a guy, you need to add some shit to your list."

  "It's not my only criteria. But so far, Zach seems nice. Are you saying he's not?"

  "He's not a bad guy. He's smart. He studies a lot. I just don't think he's right for you."

  "And I think you're wrong. Now would you please leave before he comes back?"

  "Fine, but I'm still taking you home. Zach's been drinking. He's not driving you."

  "Maybe I'll just stay overnight."


  "No!" She sighs. "Go. I'll let you know when I'm ready to leave."

  I take off just as Zach appears, holding two cups of beer he filled from the keg. Now that he knows Birdie likes him, he doesn't need to give her the good beer anymore.

  If it were me, I'd give her the good beer. She deserves it. Birdie's a good beer type of girl, even though she'd be perfectly happy with keg beer.

  Birdie's that one in a million girl that deserves so much better than what she lets herself have. Zach is okay but he's not good enough for her. He doesn't know how great she is, how funny she is, and there's no way he'll ever understand her Birdie logic. Only I can do that. Just like I'm the only one who can appreciate all the great things about her that Zach will probably never even notice, even if he dated her for years.

  Why do I keep doing this? Why do I keep thinking about Birdie as if she were mine? She's not, and never will be.

  Chapter Seven


  "My head hurts," I say, rubbing my forehead.

  Cal and I left the party a few minutes ago. I felt okay when I was there but now I’m not feeling so good.

  "You drank too much,” Cal says.

  "You might be right. I think I'm drunk." I grab hold of the dashboard, trying to stop the feeling that everything around me is spinning. It doesn't work.

  "I told you to stop after that third beer."

  "I wanted to try the punch."

  "That punch was mostly vodka."

  "Couldn't tell. Tasted like fruit punch to me. It was sooo good." My head falls to the side, banging against the window.

  "Birdie, be careful. You're gonna hurt yourself."

  My eyes fall shut. "I'm hungry."

  "Want me to stop and get you something to eat?"

  "Nothing's open."

  "We could stop at my apartment. We'll be going right by it in a few minutes."

  "You said you don't have food," I say, slurring my words.

  "I have food. You want to stop or not?"

  "I don't know." I lean my head back on the seat. "I don't feel good."

  "I'm gonna stop."

  "Can't. My parents." I yawn, my eyes struggling to stay open.

  "Your parents what?"

  "My parents want me home by midnight."

  "Call them and tell them you're with me."

  "They'll know I'm drunk. And then I'll get a lecture."

  "I'll call them. You think they're still awake?"

  I nod. "My mom always waits up for me."

  Cal looks through his phone, then I see my mom's number on the dashboard.

  "Wait!" I sit up. "You're calling her now? How'd you get her number?"

  "Taylor gave it to me. I have your dad's too."

  I look at him, confused.

  "What?" he says. "You have my parents' phone numbers."

  "Hello?" my mom answers.

  "Hey, Marcia, it's Cal."

  "Cal, why are you are calling so late?" she asks, sounding panicked. "Did something happen to Birdie?"

  "I'm fine, Mom," I say.

  "Birdie, why aren't you home? It's after midnight."

  "It's my fault," Cal says. "I had to help clean up the kitchen at the frat house before I could take her home. We didn't realize it was so late. Sorry about that."

  "I'm okay with it as long as she's safe, which I know she is if she's with you."

  Cal gives me a smug smile. I just shake my head.

  "We're gonna stop and get some food, if that's okay."

  "Of course. I'm going to bed but text me when you're bringing her home so I won't panic when I hear the door open."

  "Okay. Thanks, Marcia."

  "Bye, Mom," I mumble, as my head hits the side of the door.

  Cal ends the call and parks. "We're here. Need some help getting out?"

  "No." I reach for the door handle and can't find it. "Maybe."

  I hear Cal laugh. "Be there in a second."

  He gets out and I feel my door opening. "Think you can walk?"

  "Yes.” I undo my seatbelt and he helps me out of the SUV. I take a few steps and stumble, almost falling down.

  Cal catches me and pulls me up to standing, wrapping his arm around my waist to hold me up.

  "Seriously, Birdie, how much did you drink?"

  "I don't know. Guys kept refilling my cup with that punch."

  "Rule number one for parties. Never let guys give you drinks. Always get your own drink and never take your eyes off it." He opens the door to his building and we go inside to the elevator.

  "I already know that," I say, my head falling on his shoulder.

  "You just said guys were refilling your cup."

  The elevator door opens to his floor and he helps me down the hall.

  "But I watched them refill it." I turn to him as he unlocks his door. "And I knew nothing would happen."

  "You can't assume that. Bad shit happens all the time at parties. You have to be careful."

  I look up at him. "But you were there."

  "Yeah? So?"

  Tired and feeling the hall spin, I lay my head on his chest. "You wouldn't let anything happen to me, would you?"

  "Never," I hear him whisper as his arm goes around me. And then I swear he kissed my head. Or maybe I was imagining it. "Let's go inside."

  His apartment is really nice. It isn't big but it's new and modern with dark wood floors. The living room is open to the kitchen and has a gas fireplace across from his brown leather couch. There's a matching leather chair next to the couch along with a dark wood coffee table. He doesn't have much furniture but what he has is really nice.

  His place isn't at all what I expected. I thought it'd be a mess with dirty socks hanging off the couch and dirty dishes everywhere. But the apartment is actually clean. And it smells good, like his cologne. He has really good cologne. The expensive kind you buy at a department store. I normally love the smell of it but not at this moment when I'm feeling sick.

  "Can I use your bathroom?" I ask.

  "Sure. It's right down the hall."

  I stumble on my way there and accidentally go in his bedroom.

  "Need some help?" Cal says.

  I turn and see him at the door, smiling at me.

  "Not the bathroom."

  "No. It's over here." He takes my hand and leads me across the hall to the bathroom. The cologne smell is even stronger in there and I gag.

  Cal races in front of me and lifts up the toilet seat just in time.

  I get sick. Twice. With Cal holding my hair. I didn't want him to see this but he wouldn't leave, standing behind me and keeping my hair out of the mess I was making.

  Before tonight I've never been drunk enough to throw up. I really didn't think I drank much but that punch must've been strong.

  "Need some help getting up?" Cal asks. "Or do you want to stay down there?"

  I'm crumpled up on the floor, my cheek pressed against the cold tile.

  "I'll get up. But I might need some help." I reach my arm up.

  He crouches down behind me and lifts me up to standing. "Feeling any better?"

  "A little. I don't think there's anything left in my stomach." I look down at my dress, which is splattered with whatever came out of me. "My dress. It's ruined." I frown. "I loved this dress

  "We'll get it dry-cleaned. Leave it here and I'll bring it in next time I go."

  "You don't have to do that."

  "I made you go to the party. The least I can do is get your dress cleaned."

  "You didn't make me go." I lean against the counter. "And it was my fault I got drunk. Not yours." My eyes lift to his. "You really like it?"

  "The dress? Yeah, it looks good on you. Don't worry about getting it cleaned. I'll take care of it."

  "Thanks, Cal." I fall forward onto his chest, hugging him.

  "No problem." He laughs a little, probably because I'm hugging him, which I would never do if I wasn't drunk.

  "I feel gross."

  "You want to take a shower?"

  "I would, but I don't want to shower and then put on this puke-covered dress. I'll wait until I'm home."

  "I can give you a t-shirt and shorts to wear. They'll be too big but I think you'll feel better if you shower and get out of that dress."

  Looking down at it covered in puke, I start to feel sick again. "A shower might be good."

  "I'll get some clothes and be right back."

  He's being really nice about this. He could've spent the night with one of the many girls flirting with him at the party but instead he's here taking care of me. He's not even mad about it.

  "Here." He sets a stack of neatly folded clothes next to the sink, along with a towel. "There's soap in the shower, and shampoo if you want it. Need anything else?"

  "I'm good. Thanks, Cal."

  "Sure. Oh, and I texted your mom and told her you were over here."

  "Did she text back?"

  "Yeah, she said you should spend the night."

  "Spend the night? Why would I do that?"

  "Something about Max waking up if you get home this late."

  I nod. "Yeah, if he wakes up after midnight, he never goes back to sleep. Drives my parents crazy. That's why they have the midnight curfew for me."

  "So what do you think? You want to stay?"

  "Maybe. Let me clean up first and see how I feel."

  Cal leaves and I get in the shower. The warm water feels good but the smell of the soap makes me feel queasy again. And then the room starts spinning. I quickly turn off the shower and as I'm getting out I slip in the tub, landing on my butt, my legs straight up in the air.

  "Birdie!" Cal yells, banging on the door. "Birdie, what happened? Are you okay?"

  "Yes!" I try to stand up but can't. I'm dizzy and afraid I'll fall again if I move.


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